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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 3 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

    It's funny how Robyn gets more than a week at a time vacations, Meri gets Mexico, yet Janelle gets an overnight in a tent and Christine gets two therapists in Texas.  Actions speak louder than words!!

    Oh, poor Christine...plus she got a sweaty caveman rearranging her rock tower.  I still wish she'd taken one of those rocks and beaned him square on the noggin.

    • Love 13
  2. 5 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

    I think they went on the honeymoon after the "spiritual" wedding, not the legal one.  If I'm wrong, somebody please correct me.  As for your other statement quoted here....yep.

    If I'm not mistaken, they honeymooned after both weddings...the first was talked about on the show, and the second was supposed to have been kept quiet, but they were spotted in Hawaii together?  Or are all the lies starting to mess with my head?

    • Love 2
  3. 1 hour ago, ljenkins782 said:

    As for Jay's idol, we know that every single person there knows about it, but does Jay know that everyone knows?  

    I don't think Jay has a clue yet that everyone knows, and that his buddy Will is the one who spilled to Zeke, who spilled to everyone else.

    I'm actually surprised that Sunday hasn't told Jay that they all know about the idol.

    • Love 1
  4. Furthermore, not only did Kody and Robyn go on a lovely Hawaiian honeymoon for a marriage that supposedly didn't mean anything, Kody also supposedly married Robyn for the sake of Robyn's kids -- so he could adopt them and make decisions for them instead of their awful, mean biological father.  And in the very next episode, we saw Da'unAuroraBrianna leaving quite happily for a long stay with that same father, and neither Kody nor Robyn seemed one bit bothered by this.  Everyone acted as if this extended trip was no big dill, most notably Robyn.

    So the entire divorce-Meri-marry-Robyn thing was super suspect from the beginning.  It had to have been Robyn's idea, and she presented it to Kody as "you need to protect my kids!"  She even gave him that terrifying portrait that erased their bio dad and plopped in Kody's big mug.  Kody bought it because he wanted to buy it, then he most likely guilted Meri into doing it.

    Seriously, all three of these adults are so completely messed up and duplicitous, it's mind-blowing.

    • Love 17
  5. On 11/25/2016 at 11:03 AM, ms.o said:

    Photo from thanksgiving. Kendall absolutely got her lips done. Over lined lips my ass

    I literally didn't recognize Kylie for a few seconds.  She looks absolutely nothing like she used to.  Her skin tone is darker than her Armenian half-sisters.

    Kendall's larger lips change her whole face, and not in a good way.

    • Love 1
  6. Jay continues to make small but important moves to deflect attention from himself and his idol.  It's so interesting to me that everyone knows he has the remaining idol, but he's kind of sitting on the sidelines, watching, while the Jets and Sharks rumble and try to off each other.  And I thought he handled choosing people to come along on the loved one's reward perfectly.  He honored his promises first, and then took Adam: a guy he admits to having had issues with, but chose as a way to honor him for not using the advantage.  Well played.

    • Love 2
  7. 12 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    Dan Foley comes to mind.  

    Oh, Ladychatts...comparing Ken to Dan Foley breaks my Survivor fangirl heart.  I understand the comparison, though, except that Foley proclaimed his love for his wife was the stuff books are written about, and yet he had nothing but disdain for the women on his tribe.  Ken loves everyone with the soul of a poet and the heart of a troubador.  Or...something like that (swoon).


    11 hours ago, Lingo said:

    Ken? Ken??? Ken, don't do it you moron!!!! Ken? Ken! Ken! Ken Ken Ken! KEEEEEENNNNNNN!!!!!!!  ARGHGHGHHGHGH KEN!!!!

    These were my thoughts exactly, and in that same order.


    Will's voice in his confessional when he told us he was going to PLAY! AND! MAKE! BIG! MOVES! - geez, it was like he was summoning Neptune from the Underworld or something.  I got a good LOL from that.

    Just so I'm clear - post-merge, idols are no longer re-hidden, right?  Then why did Zeke's group think that David would use his idol on Ken?  David already did that last TC.  They must've thought David had another idol, but how could he?  Unless like Bret said, 'David always has an idol."

    And Probst?  I despise when he tells the losers of the loved one's challenge that they can't get one more hug.  They flew in all this way and they can't even get another freaking hug before leaving?  Didn't Penner ignore Probst and hug his wife anyway?  Big meanie, Probst.

    If Jay can keep deflecting attention away from himself and his idol, and takes Sunday with him to the finals, I think he wins the game...unless David is in the #3 spot.  This is now my Dream Final 3.  

    • Love 8
  8. It's highly likely that Mariah has seen the pictures that Meri posted to "Sam." (I've seen them and I wish I could un-see them).  Mariah's humiliation must run pretty deep, knowing that her mom's personal and intimate pictures are out there, that Mariah warned her that she was being catfished and Meri didn't listen, that it hurt Kody (who Mariah loves), that Meri did some of this stuff with Mariah in the house, that Meri asked Kody to stop coming over, and that it alienates her even more from her half brothers and sisters whose mom DIDN'T go looking for online love.

    But I also think that for Meri to give Mariah a true and complete apology, Meri has to admit that she was unhappy in her marriage to Kody, that polygamy is a lonely and sad way to live, and that the lifestyle they've made money on and profess to love so much is nothing more than an emotional house of cards.

    • Love 10
  9. 1 hour ago, Fosca said:

    The problem I have is the picture is so murky that I can't really see the clothing.  She's wearing some kind of jacket-shirt over another shirt over, um, leggings? All in some swampish color or black?  Not appealing.

    "Swamp" is the new "teal." :)

    • Love 6
  10. 2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    I'm not sure if they have a lot of overstock.  One of the primary complaints when the site finally went "live" was the length of time it took for things to be shipped.  I almost think Robyn would look at the orders, and once the sucker's customer's credit card was charged, she'd call her supplier and say, "Can you make us up another one of those "BE _________ necklaces?"  So then they'd have to wait for their lowest-bidder supplier to get around to making it, and then they'd have to wait for Mariah to be in the mood to put things in a box and ship them.  


    • Love 2
  11. 20 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    This is supposed to make you want to purchase.....


    To me, this looks exactly like what she's been wearing for the couch interviews for the past 5 years.  I'd never know it was Lularoe if she hadn't said so.


    11 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

    I think Meri cannot admit to wanting a monogamous marriage because they consider jealousy and "possessiveness" to be moral failings. For women, that is. Her inability to roll happily with plural marriage is basically a sin to them. What a mess. 

    Janelle is the only wife who seems fine with the situation. 

    I used to think that too...however, she does have a pretty extreme weight problem.  She simply eats her feelings and appears checked out much of the time.  Those could be her coping mechanisms...although I think there's something kind of twisted within Janelle's psyche anyway, seeing as how she married her ex sister-in-law's husband.  There's no amount of reasoning that can get me over that icky, icky fact.

    • Love 8
  12. 15 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Thinking more about this I actually really do think Zeke is thinking along the lines of the viewers who think David is using all his tears as manipulation/is faking being bad at comps because I remember that time during David's hilariously bad performance in that one challenge where Zeke said, "Is he throwing this?"

    I thought it was Adam who suggested that David was throwing a challenge.

    I'm in the camp that David is sincere and not trying to get attention or a good edit by crying.  As far as the edit goes, can the players even remotely guess what their edit is going to be in the first place?  They're filmed and interviewed for hours, they have no way of knowing what 12-second sound bite is going to air.

    When David said that his irrational fear of death morphed into a fear of life, he kinda got to me.  He seems like a smart, well-educated guy who decided to toss his comfort zone out the window and play this game.  I have to respect that, because I think it's real.


    1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Models and actors made for one of the greatest seasons, Cook Islands, I don't really think that's what matters, personally.  Casting non-models and non-actors has sometimes led to dreadful seasons (for me) in the past.  Sometimes there's a good cast and sometimes there's a bad.  This one was interesting to me.... I still don't think it's "great" though.  I'd say middle of the pack for me.

    +++++1.  I am forever comparing each season to Cook Islands.  This season actually reminds me a lot of CI, in that I cannot wait for Wednesday nights at 8pm EST.

    In fact, I just recently (reluctantly) threw away my old, dusty VCR tape that contained most of CI.:)  

    • Love 5
  13. 19 hours ago, MrSmith said:

    First of all, this doesn't tell you anything about MSWC, really. Second, "is a store" ... really? You need to tell us this is an online shopping site? Third, "that will feature" was clearly written at a time before they went live; it should have long ago been updated to be in the present tense. I know it seems nit-picky, but visitors really do pick up on little things like that and it influences how long they're willing to stay on your site. If they see a bunch of stuff they really don't like, they'll decide that the future tense is correct and leave.

    If I see a spelling/punctuation error on a site, I immediately don't trust that site.

    And honestly, why are they even bothering to try and sell Christmas ornaments from 2013 with the tag "HOT" in the upper corner?  Are they really trying to say that these suckers are flying out the door at warp speed and we'd best get ourselves to ordering?  LOLOLZ.  Come on.

    If I recall, none of the other wives except Robyn thought this business would fly.  I'd love to know how much overstock they have.

    • Love 5
  14. 13 hours ago, LucyEth said:

    So Meri is tired of doing life by herself.  So polygamy isn't all that great is it as all the wives seem to be unhappy.  I think Kody does not know how to manage the 4 of them fairly.  Robin gets all the attention most of the time.  The others have several kids keeping them busy.  Admit it Meri you want a monogamous relationship.  Sam turned out to be fake and now you are stuck with Kody and the rest.  If she is that unhappy maybe she should end it and find someone else.  Mariah will get over it.  Mariah is not in the marriage, so she should forgive her mother and move on with her own life.  

    It's so frustrating watching Meri suffer.  I want to sympathize with her and at the same time, smack some sense into her!

    Yes, she chose the lifestyle willingly.  I think she chose it because she wanted Kody, and she was young and naive and assumed that no matter how many wives Kody eventually took, Meri would be the Special Snowflake because she would always be the one who was legally married to Kody.  We know how she lorded that over Janelle for years and years.  And then...Kody divorced her.  This was supposedly also Meri's choice, but I'd wager that Kody dropped anvil-sized hints to Meri about how afraid he was that he couldn't adopt Robyn's kids, blah blah blah, guilt guilt guilt...until Meri finally caved and gave Kody exactly what he wanted - a divorce.  Maybe she thought that by doing so, she'd rise a few notches on the Wifey Totem Pole, and Kody would give her all the good lovin' again because she sacrificed for the sake of Robyn's kids.  However, that didn't happen.  And Meri knows it.  She got snowed by a man she still loves, and by Robyn, who (if I'm not mistaken) Meri introduced to Kody and suggested that she'd make a great 4th wifey (which I think was Meri's way at getting back at Janelle and Christine, who she also resents for having all the babies and Kody's attention).  Meri messed up big time.  She never wanted this lifestyle, she only wanted it because she wanted Kody.  And now, she's either got to come clean and tell Kody that she never wanted this lifestyle, or suck it up and be miserable.  If she tells Kody the absolute truth, Kody and the other wives aren't going to be overly forgiving and understanding, and Meri becomes the pariah of the family from now on.  If she leaves, she risks losing her daughter.  She's in a lose-lose situation and she knows it.

    • Love 15
  15. 37 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    But I tend to think that Logan would never ask that - because he's the type to be considerate and selfless. I bet part of why they AREN'T too keen on Tony is because he had the audacity to ask for a wedding so close on the heels of another. 

    I don't think Logan would ask for anything either...I only meant that when he announces his engagement, everyone's going to go nuts like they did for Maddie, whereas Mykelti got stunned looks and crickets.  Of course, this is mostly because she's been dating the guy for 5 months.  To Mykelti,  however, it could very easily be seen as favoritism for Janelle's kids over her...which is also true.

    • Love 4
  16. 9 hours ago, carolinagirl81 said:

    I'm guessing it's possibly suicide watch if he's so paranoid and delusional that he's at risk of harming himself or others. 

    This is very sad news, if true.  Are the Kardashians even capable of taking care of him post-release?  Will Kim think this is just another situation that Kanye can get over if he simply tries hard enough?  We know Kim has little to no sympathy for people that struggle with mental illness.  What a mess.

    • Love 8
  17. 16 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I don't know. I see what everyone is saying when they agree that Mykelti should wait for Maddie to be done before getting engaged and married, but I can't help but wonder if people really would feel the same way if they liked Tony

    I thought the same thing...especially if Logan and his girlfriend decide to get married a short while after Mykelti and all of a sudden, all five adults are whooping it up like they did when Maddie announced her engagement.

    10 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

    Watching the body language and side eye from FT during a talking head, I swear he is manipulating Mykelti and egging on her feeling of being less than Maddie.   His comment  "I think it would have been cool for Mykelti to see her dad want to make it happen for her when she wanted it to happen, instead of when he wanted it to happen and making it happen on his time."  DUDE!!  If you are man enough to ask for her hand in marriage, you should be man enough to "make it happen" for her!!!

    So much this.  But Tony is delusional if he somehow thinks he's going to be able to weasel some money out of his bride's family.  If he's pushing Mykelti to push Kody, there's just no point.  There's nothing to gain, unless he thinks he and Mykelti will be cashing big TLC checks for the next 10 years.

    • Love 2
  18. I keep going back to Jay's confessional about how he was going to win the game and take care of his mom and sister.  I see that clip played in my head, and then a cut to the live show where Jay has just been crowned Survivor 33's winner.  I think David also has a strong winner's edit going.  Sadly, I think if Ken makes it to the F3, he probably doesn't win, just based on how quietly he's played the game.  Of course, it all depends on the jury and who they feel outwitted, outlasted and outplayed the best.

    There's something to be said for choosing an alliance and sticking to it like glue (Ken/David).  There's also something to be said for watching your alliance crumble into pieces and then doing whatever you have to do to stay in the game (Jay).  Right now Jay is giving me a strong Ozzy/Cook Islands vibe, but Ozzy came in second to the man who chose his alliance mate and stuck with her throughout the entire game.  In other words, I have no clue.  But I'd sure love a Jay/Ken/David F3.  I'd be thrilled with any of them winning the game.

    • Love 2
  19. 4 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

    She sure does talk the game. Remember how she wasn't gonna quite school just because she met a boy.. but than she did. Remember how kids were a long way aways -like years - and not half a year after her wedding she is knocked up. Not to be pessimistic but nope I don't see continued education in Maddie's future! More TLC checks definitely. We'll get bump watch and delivery with questions asked to the poor beleaguered hospital staff if they ever had a family with 4 grandma's before whilst the Browns reminisce on how they always had to sneak into the hospital via laundry hamper or candy stripper cart to visit birthing sister wives.  

    That gosh-darn story gets better and better with each and every telling!  Pretty soon, Kody's going to be regaling the youngsters with the story of the time he had to rappel the entire family down the roof of the hospital to get in through the window to see the latest Brown baby.

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