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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. If I'm following the timeline correctly, the afternoon before the robbery took place, she posted an Instagram of her and her bodyguard, with the caption "this guy is always in my shot."  I assume he's her personal bodyguard, and always nearby.

    So, as I still remain skeptical, I find the timing interesting: she posts a picture of her bodyguard.  Several hours later, she is robbed at gunpoint.  Assuming whoever robbed her knew where she was, how to find her, and whether or not she'd be alone, who would bound and gag a celebrity, knowing that they have a personal bodyguard?  Unless whoever did it knew that the bodyguard was going to be elsewhere...but why would the bodyguard leave Kim alone in a hotel room along with several million dollars in jewelry?

    Man, I'm glad Kim is not hurt, but something's really off about the story.

    • Love 14
  2. 16 minutes ago, FanOfTheFans said:

    It is because this family lies so much. They can't be surprised people question when they finally do tell the truth, if that is the case. i don't think it is that people lack compassion.  It's just that age old tale of crying wolf coming home to roost.  

    Exactly.  It's not a lack of compassion, it's the fact that we only have to wait another season for the aftermath of this robbery to be filmed for KUWTK - complete with the requisite scene of Kim and Kourtney forking salad into their gaping mouths, Kim discussing how scared she was, and Kourtney responding, "yeah."  Maybe Jonathan Chebon will also be in the scene telling Kim she's got a J-Lo vibe going on, oblivious to the discussion at hand.

    They are the Kardashians, so we as the public tend to know what's going on in their lives via TMZ, etc.  The fact that Kris makes every single event fodder for the tv show is what makes me skeptical and not as sympathetic.  But I am glad no one was hurt.

    • Love 16
  3. Whether or not it was real, Kim and Kris will milk the ever-loving crap out of it.

    This family sure seems to get jewelry stolen a lot, and always under strange circumstances.  Didn't Khloe and Lamar get "robbed" twice right out of their own home safe?  Interesting.

    And the sad thing is, many of us automatically think "scam for ratings" when something happens to one of them.  That's how PMK has set it up.

    • Love 14
  4. Kris?  Shut up and go away.

    Her stupid comment to Chyna about the globes: "You're obsessed with globes!" just makes me want to break things.  And then her snarky chuckling when she came across another globe.  SO WHAT?!  People like different things, and quit misusing the word "obsessed."  I have lots of books in my house.  That doesn't mean I'm obsessed with books.  I also have several lamps and throw pillows.  Doesn't make me obsessed with those things.  She is completely insufferable.  Good luck, Chyna, with Kris for a mother-in-law and Rob as his mommy's baby boy...assuming BC and Rob get as far as marriage, which I highly doubt.  

    And Rob and BC's relationship timeline is so bizarre.  They talk about the fact that they tried for a baby several times a week when they first met, yet they also claim to barely know each other.  I'm not clear on the whole trying for a baby thing with two people that don't know each other.  While I certainly do not want this baby to grow up without a father, that's the scenario that Chyna is up against.  And I think that's exactly what she wants.  Hook up with an agoraphobic, mentally ill man-child whose family has lots of money, knowing that's it's extremely likely that the baby-daddy will not be in the picture.  Throw him out da house due to his inability to care for himself, and use Mama Kris's money for whatever you want.  It's really all pretty disgusting.  I hate them all.

    • Love 5
  5. 9 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Chyna posted Rob's number now, but he was there when she did it.


    I'm confused...how is posting your boyfriend's number supposed to keep him from texting women?

    These people.  I picture all of them running around in circles with their phones, posting each other's private numbers, trying to call each other but they can't because the numbers have been changed, so they post the new numbers, etc.  With Momma Kris cackling in the center of it all, feet up on her desk, a bottle of vodka at her side, slowly counting her money.

    • Love 4
  6. 8 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

    I love the Michelle/Hannah team-up and I hope it continues a long and glorious Survivor duo.


    3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    I just really like the idea of Ken and David working together to take down the older guy group. 

    I'n not sure which duo I am more geeked about.  If these two couples somehow joined forces and went to Final Four?  This season might finally topple Cook Islands as my favorite season EVER.

    • Love 5
  7. 15 hours ago, HumblePi said:

    It was such a big deal that Kim later said that she couldn’t watch the debate because she was distracted by “family drama.”

    Now, there’s a clearer picture about what really happened. Us Weekly reports that Kourtney, Khloé, and Kim had planned a baby shower for Rob and Chyna. But he didn’t know that they were also planning on bringing TV cameras with them. “He learned they were filming it for Keeping Up With the Kardashians and said, ‘Fuck that,’” a source told the magazine. “So Chyna didn’t go either. He messed everything up.”    


    Regarding the above bolded line...hahahahahahahah (snort) hahahahaha.  Please.  The only thing Kim would've watched that night is her phone, while she took duckfaced selfies of herself watching the debate and posting it all over social media so we can all see how informed Kim is.  Give me a break.

    As for Rob flipping over the shower being filmed...I can sympathize with him to the extent that he probably feels like every damn thing this family does has to be filmed, tweeted, Snapchatted, Instagrammed, etc., and he's completely over it.  I have a hard time thinking that this came as a surprise to him, though.  He knows how his mom and sisters do things by now.  It also doesn't quite ring true that because Rob didn't go, Chyna also decided not to go.  I think if anything, Chyna would've been more eager to go because A: she gets out of the house and away from Rob for a few hours, and B: she gets more tv time.  I'm still not really buying her as a sympathetic girlfriend to her increasingly mentally ill boyfriend.  In turns she seems to actually care, but then she throws him out da house after one of their many fights - the root of which is Rob's illnesses.  Which she knew about before she got pregnant.

    Rob's mom, sisters, and now girlfriend really seem to be taking their chances poking at the hornet's nest here.  I've finally come to terms with the fact that they don't really care about him, only what he can do for ratings, money and relevance.

    • Love 2
  8. 17 hours ago, Veronique Bette said:

    Nah,Taylor should just ignore him completely as if he is beneath her notice. That would bug him even more. I don’t believe this has anything to do with Kris; Kanye just seems totally obsessed with Taylor, like some deranged, delusional stalker.

    Deranged, delusional and potentially dangerous.  I hope Taylor's got bodyguards 24/7.  Kanye doesn't seem right in the head.  This thing with Taylor is bizarre.

    • Love 9
  9. 12 hours ago, LanceM said:

    Michelle is the one you need to look out for and I can see her hiding behind them for awhile.

    This.  It's early in the season, but Michelle is a crafty one.

    11 hours ago, Knuckles said:

    Foggy and that doofus she is romancing are not attractive to watch

    Foggy and the Doofus is the name of my new band.  They are both stupid.  It's kind of a huge rule that couples get broken up because they are essentially one person with two votes.  And making out in view of their tribemates is a loud and clear statement to everyone that they really don't fear being voted out.  It reminds me of Ozzy and Amanda's gross showmance, which made Ozzy's subsequent booting so glorious.

    Oh, HANNAHHHHH.  She was the one to approach Mari and point out the Figgy and the Pretty People were running the ship.  So on some vague advice from Michelle during TC, she switched her vote to align with the same people she knows for certain have to go home?  ARGHH.  Have fun being on the bottom of that alliance.  And if I'm sitting at TC watching Hannah have a nervous breakdown in the voting booth - to the point that Probst had to check on her to see what the hell she was doing over there - I'm putting a big target on her back, because it shows how indecisive she is.

    And Adam?  Take it down about 5,672 notches, please.  His blatant, wide-eyed beaming at Probst during tribal screamed, "Look at me!!  Ask me stuff!!  I LURRRRVE YOU JEFF!!"  Sheesh.

    • Love 9
  10. Josh looks overweight, pasty, balding, smug and exhausted in that photo.  So...normal for him.

    With Josh back home and underfoot, Anna has to figure out how to still be attractive and available to him, while also chasing after four kids, cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc.  I get the feeling that Josh doesn't do a whole lot of work around the house.  Plus, if he disappears for more than a few minutes, or takes off and doesn't tell her where he's going, she's got to always be wondering what he's doing.  And this is who she's stuck with for life.  That would make any woman stressed.

    • Love 8
  11. Jinge said that her mom was coming because it might be her only chance to meet Jeremy's family, which I found odd....unless she meant meet them before the wedding.  Or quite possibly, Michelle just grabs at any and all chances to get out of the house and leave the messy child rearing to Jana, as well as not having to be joyfully available for a few precious hours.

    • Love 15
  12. Interesting...I think back to the Jessa/Jill interview about Josh.  I remember Jessa sitting stone-faced as Jill sobbed beside her.  I don't think Jessa's expression ever changed, and I certainly don't recall her even once leaning over to give her sister a hug, or pat her knee, or give her any type of comfort whatsoever, even though what happened to one happened to the other.  Could it be that Jessa internalized the whole thing, and she is simply biding her time until she decides the time is right to blow this entire scandal out of the water on her own terms?  I sense something dark about Jessa, too...like she knows a lot, and that her parents are somewhat afraid of her.

    • Love 13
  13. 14 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

    My mom made sure I knew how to cook, clean, sew, save money, garden, and repair things before I left home. When I got married was up to me, but my mom made sure her 2 girls and 2 boys could look after themselves. My mom didn't get to go to college, but she made sure we knew how important measurements and weights and fractions were to preparing meals.

    This is all basic information that a parent teaches a child.  It's common sense to give your child some life skills.  To not do so is neglectful.  That's why I simply cannot fathom how JB and Michelle can justify raising this large brood and sending them out into the world so unskilled.  They do understand that they won't be around forever, yes?  It's not funny to see Joy struggle to answer simple questions.  It's also not funny that Jinge has no freaking clue how to cook anything.  What might be worse is Josie possibly having delays in growth and not being treated.

    Funny, it seems that the boys are able to learn independently, but the girls either cannot do the same, or have been taught that they don't actually need to use their brains, they just need to be able to pop out lots of babies.  

    • Love 9
  14. How is it possible that Jinger doesn't even know how to cook spaghetti?!  In a family that size, the fact that she can't cook anything is beyond belief.  Was her job just to look pretty and learn the art of drawing on perfectly overdone eyeliner?  And she's willing to miss a plane to see Baaaaaaaabe because she can't get that last damn banana curl just right?  But maybe they can just drive?  Or catch another flight??  She wasn't serious, right?

    Joy - what is wrong with this girl?  She really doesn't seem to know anything.  And I mean, ANYTHING.  Every time she's asked a question, she struggles.  When the interviewer asked her what color Jana would be, I thought for sure she'd answer, "Um...octopus?  Is that a color?"  How is this girl going to make it through life with an empty brain?  It's sad, and it proves beyond a doubt that many of the Duggar kids just slipped right through the cracks of Me'chelle's bang-up home schoolin'. 

    Who was the brother that answered the Jana-color question with, "she'd be the perfect color?"  I found that sweet.  Although the question itself was completely stupid.  I was so hoping John David would get asked that question, just so I could hear his answer and watch him try not to roll his eyes.

    Jessa, in talking about who would play football positions in her family: "Josie would be the water boy."  LOLOLOLOLZ.

    And that's only the first fifteen minutes, I needed to take a break after that and clear the stupid from my brain.

    • Love 16
  15. 15 hours ago, iwasish said:

    This could be the crux of the problem. Inappropriate boundaries.   

    I think it's been the crux of Rob's problems from way back.  I've always had a feeling that something happened between Rob and Khloe, the Queen of Inappropriate Boundaries.  I also think he was used by his sisters for entertainment purposes when his dad wasn't home and Kris was too busy squiring her latest boy toy around town.

    • Love 7
  16. 2 hours ago, Artsda said:

    TMZ is saying they were having separate showers, but Rob didn't get the memo.

    Also he never showed up, that makes a fun shower when the intended parent isn't there. 


    So the Kardashians hosted a baby shower for Rob and Chyna and neither of them were in attendance?!

    And if this is even remotely true, I almost feel a modicum of sympathy for Rob's sisters.  The right thing to do is to throw a baby shower for your brother's girlfriend.  If Rob and BC break up every other day, are they supposed to cancel the shower?  Only to schedule it again when the couple isn't fighting?  Only to cancel it when they fight again?  Screw that.  I am picking a date, having the damn shower, and if neither of them show up, I am eating the food, eating the cake, and loading the gifts into a van and dropping them off in someone's yard.  Ridiculous.

    At the same time, for Chyna's friends to throw a shower and not invite the K's is not that strange.  To not invite ROB?  Is strange.

    Rob is a DILF?  And this is coming from his SISTERS?  Um...I don't know how to process that.  Nor do I want to.

    • Love 9
  17. 2 hours ago, Marigold said:

    I have always suspected that Jana is not into Gothard but is yet a Christian woman. Just not so extreme.  I also think Jana stays only because of the children.   Jana loves those kids like crazy and fears what will happen if she leaves.  If anyone knows the truth about Michelle, it is Jana.  She stays because she loves those kids. 

    I think this may also be true of JD, having to be the de facto oldest brother and protector of his sisters...and afraid of what might happen if he left, knowing that Josh is free and roaming around, knowing JB will cover up anything that happens, and that Michelle is too checked out to care.

    • Love 11
  18. I just managed to sit through this episode last night.  Random thoughts:

    Jinge had on a leopard-print skirt?  Is this allowed?  I mean, RAWWWWR, amirite, Baaaaaaaabe??

    Oh, JD...I can't decide if his dry comments during his talking heads are actually the result of his low-key, snarky sense of humor (the only type of rap I like are the kind I eat.  Wraps.  Get it?)...or if he is just so emotionally checked out of his family and the cameras that he can barely muster enough enthusiasm to answer a question.  He always seems like he is one eye-roll away from bailing on this clown circus.

    Do you think the community clothes closet...smells?  I feel like all those well-worn clothes and nasty shoes mushed up together in that closet would be kind of gross.  Poor Flame.  Eww.

    It can't be said enough...Jinge to Jeremy, when he surprised her..."Baaaaaaaaaaabe!!"  I LOL'd.  It's like she literally cannot think of anything else to say to him.

    Driving bumper cars in a skirt and flip-flops is just stupid.  And discussing at length who won, and why, and how, and when, and how many laps it took, blah blah blah...YAWN.  These kidults have nothing else to offer.  They can't talk about films, or books, or music, or real life, so the only thing they have to discuss is the minutiae of things like who won the bumper car race.  There's just nothing else there.  Those talking heads went on far too long.

    Flame rapping to Spurge, and Spurge staring at him in wonder, was the best part of the entire episode.  #freeSpurgie

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