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Everything posted by DearEvette

  1. If the show were smart, they wouldn't change anything too much right off the bat. Barry and Iris are already in love and living together. There is just enough of their romance to satisfy for character development, but not so much to overwhelm the show. It is still a superhero show, not a romance. Marrying them off just makes it official. If anything were to change it should be their dynamic with Joe. If they were smart, the show would make it clear in subtle ways that their first thoughts when it comes to family is each other first. Whereas in the past, they seemed to revolve around Joe and then each other.
  2. Are they setting up Riggs & Megan to be a thing? And possibly Henderson leaving the show? Granted I never thought Meredith and Riggs had any real chemistry, but their conversation made it sound like they were giving the death knell to their relationship but didn't feel too torn up about it. Or is Megan staying? I know the actress is also on Timeless, but then that got cancelled and then uncancelled. IIRC. I am actually liking Amelia. And Owen. Apart. He has a great rapport with his sister and their scenes feel like they could be siblings. Goes to show how bad romantic chemistry can affect characters. Really don't care about Jo and Alex one way or the other. But glad for their fans that they are getting some traction. I know the show is going for a lighter tone, but I thought Catherine at least would show a little grief over Conrad. I thought she held him in some affection? He was her therapist she went to in Season 12 after the patient beat her up.
  3. I could understand why people might have some lingering question because this is a soap after all and people come back from the dead. But frankly the idea of Ellis sleeping with some other black guy (never seen or even hinted at) at the exact same time she was having an affair with Richard is something that simply hasn't been supported on screen or in story canon. Over the years the show has made pains to establish the true love, serious relationship between Richard and Ellis. She was the only woman and he was the only black guy surgeon on staff in the early 80s. That is what drew them together, their outsider status and working so closely together. But they were so in love they were ready to run away together and leave their spouses. It was heavily implied in the episode with the carousel that she left anyway to go to Boston even without Richard because she was already pregnant with his kid and couldn't stay in Seattle. Obviously, the show could retcon it. They are famous for retconning stuff for drama. But if they do, imo, given all that they have established with the flashback episodes and Ellis' journal, it would feel like and obvious retcon for drama.
  4. For once I did feel bad for Kevin because everyone bailed. Although, I hate to say, I probably would have had the same reaction as Beth when she realized they'd be sitting there for hours. Sitting there watching them do re-takes and scene delays etc. Not like seemless live theater and can be tedious especially if it a show you don't like in the first place. Watching a show like The Manny even on tv with the ability to mute or FF would be a personal hell for me. But I did like her smallish scene with Kevin. It was a nice moment of character revelation or both of them. Makes me wonder if Kevin started to lose some of his asshole tendencies toward Randall after Jack's death or if Randall coming to him for help made Kevin feel needed? I am not a Toby disliker he's okay with me. But I have to say I liked him even more with his "team Kate forevah" speech to Rebecca followed by "let's commence the awkward ride home." He clearly wanted Rebecca to like him as something more than the guy who had a heart attack and fell through a table upon their first meeting. And finally I am not on board with the adoption storyline. I wish they had come up with something else for Beth & Randall. It feels ill conceived and rushed and uncharacteristic. Randall has his neurosis and last year was obviously a crisis of identity for him, but I can't for the life of me imagine Beth, at this point in her life, and given all the upheavels in their family the past year and going back to work, being on board with wanting another kid.
  5. You know, I hadn't thought about this until now, but Wes really does ruin everything. LOL. I actually liked Laurel when it looked like she was going to become a female version of Frank. In the early seasons she was cold and ruthless and you saw that she had the potential to be the same sort of under-the-table operator that Frank was. I could easily see why he liked her then. But then they hooked her up with Wes and I don't think she's stopped crying since. And my irritation with the character reached an all time high at the end of last season. I do sincerely hope this season isn't gobbled up by her woes. I could stand some of the mystery surrounding her and her family if it doesn't come at the expense of the other 3. If I get to really see Michaela and Asher going into Beast Mode doing Connor also doing his part to get back to his old self, then I can put up with the Laurel stuff. I think I did read somewhere that we'll finally learn more about Connor's background so if that happens that would be very welcome.
  6. Yeah, I have to agree. I love Alfred Enoch and was really sad at Wes' death, but I hated how centered stuff was on him. And I actively despised him in season one because of his laser focus on useless Rebecca. I thought this is what the show was going to be about, TBH. And I hope it gets there. I like the personal stuff with the characters but all the dark drama becomes exhausting. At least in the beginning they were actually doing real cases. I'd even welcome something like the Hapstall case again (minus all the personal insertion that went on with them) where you weren't sure what was true and lots of stuff coming out of the woodwork and Ana using Frank to "create" situations that help their client.
  7. Much better than the pilot. Felt like more like a "medical" (yes that is in quotes because, ya know, tee-vee medicine) drama and less like a show that is trying to SAY something. So yeah it was nice seeing Shaun go about his day. I do like how he is shown to take things very literally and at face value. It was a nice little message (not too anvilicious) about non-verbal communication and subtext and how that both those things are important in communication - in hiding real meaning (sarcasm) also to add to it (sympathy). And it is fun to see such blunt 'at face value' language interpretation flummoxing people. Since I didn't like the relationship in the pilot between Claire and whatshisface, I am hope that their clash and her rapport with Shaun sends the death knell to that "romance." Dr. Melendez remains the worst. What a mustache twirler. He is practicing blatant discrimination but is so blind to it. I could get behind a good portrayal of a lack of self awareness but this just isn't it. It would be one thing is Shaun had royally screwed up and that is where the mistrust comes from, but they couldn't even give us that and instead just makes him as asshole out of the gate with no real motivation. Boring villains are boring. I have a little more hope for Harper Hill's character. I am not sure if he is as against Shaun as he was in the pilot. If he is still against Shaun, then HH is playing the character with some nuance and that is good. If he is not against Shaun, then HH is still playing the character with some nuance and that is good. I love that Carly chose to be charmed by Shaun's pronouncement to throw a rock at her window instead of getting pissy about it. Something about the interaction between the two, plus Freddy's acting choice there made that scene work well. Also it just doesn't seem right somehow to have Jasika Nicole portray pissy!
  8. Oh, God. Me too. The only thing I ever liked that was related was the movie Clueless. And modern day Stacey Dash has even retroactively ruined that for me. Not as colorful as Twain, but that quote kinda reminds me of the twitter fight Twilight fans had with Stephen King because he said Stephanie Meyer couldn't writer worth a damn. Ha. I don't disagree. I could barely make it through Twilight. Needless to say my contributions to the discussion of my book club for that book was waaay snarky. But Ditto Dickens. Agree. You really do have to wade through some terribly amateurish stuff. But I have found some really good ones across genre. In SFF I really enjoyed Michael Sullivan's Riyria Revelations series (it was self pubbed originally but was bought by Hachette and repackaged). Also liked Lindsay Buroker's Emperor's Edge series which she originally self pubbed.
  9. I figure the gross comment about Rebecca/Randall from Kevin was just another reminder what a collossal, gaping asshole young Kevin was to Randall. But even worse, it explicitly made a point about Kevin denying Randall his place in the family. The fact that he could make such a gross comment about his brother and his mother basically says that he doesn't consider Randal a family member at all.
  10. As unrealistic as we often complain that the show is,for once, I think the opening makes a lot of sense. Every single person in Analise' circle spent the last couple years murdering, being accessories to murder and/or covering up the murder of multiple people: Sam, Rebecca, DA Smugface, Wes shot Annalise, Asher's father died, Frank killed Bonnie's father, Frank killed Wes' grandfather, Michaela's lover killed himself, and they all had to deal with Wes' death. Added to that, Ana's reputation is in the toilet as is their grades. If the show had plunged them right smack into another murder/cover-up I would really need to question these people's mental stability even more than I already am or decide whether or not they are actual serial killers. So I think it is smart of the show to step back and let them breathe a bit from all that. We know this isn't going to last, but for the opening it works. If this is the route they need to take for Ana to stop being this sad, lonely, alcoholic that she is and become in reality the fierce warrior Michaela believes her to be then I am all for it.
  11. I am high fiving you while doing the black lady church fan wave, cuz this is truth.
  12. One can only hope. I don't understand why the show would even entertain that. What is so wrong with allowing them to build and grow this great sibling relationship? I admit I am not the biggest Japril fan in the world, but I could be on board with a story line that has them acknowledging that maybe the love was there when they first got together but not the commitment or maturity necessary to make a marriage work long term. And now, the two are wiser, older and understand each other a little better maybe they get a real second chance. Something like that could win me over to them. But I could never get on board with Jackson & Maggie. I like them both separately, but not together. Not that way.
  13. Yup. I could totally understand Michaela's anger at Analise. She hero worshiped Analise. Seeing her hero fall and not even fight to get back up feel like such a betrayal. Of all of them I thought Bonnie, Michaela and Asher's reactions felt the most understandable. Asher wasn't involved with them for the whole Sam thing so he was spared an entire year of crazy guilt trauma. But he could have chosen to blame Ana for all the stuff with his dad. But he doesn't. At least he is self aware to realize that he bears some blame there. For him I like that his reaction is a sad version of Michaela's angry reaction. Hers is anger at betrayal. His is sadness about rejection. I am not gonna lie, I would have at least eaten dinner. At least Michaela took the booze, ha!
  14. Precisely the reason why everyone on tv has a bathroom with a stand alone shower stall. Have to accommodate the dramatic, crying wall slide. The poor folks who only have a shower as part of their bathtub can never know the dramatic release of the crying wall slide.
  15. Laurel's dad insisting on a picture together felt ... odd. I feel that he is using her as an alibi for something. And Jimmy Smits being the one to come to her at the end just sends up all sorts of red flags. I was shocked that she told him she had an abortion. I actually had to rationalize it to myself during the scene. Well, I said to self, she is a law student, single mother, it isn't the right time, etc. etc. And I figured this is a Shonda show... woman's body, choice etc. etc.... But than i was so happy she was keeping the baby. Whew. I Love Asher and Michaela!! Of course he feels threatened by mattress store hottie. Guy kinda looked a little bit like the Haspstall guy. And this is Asher we're talking about. He's a little inappropriate. But it is nice to see them coupled up. I loved that blue dress on Michaela at the restaurant. Connor stays bitter! LOL. Hate the haircut. On Frank the severe buzz cut made him look younger and hotter. On Connor it makes him lose all his boyish charm and makes him look older and humorless. He just looks like a ... banker or something. The guy Annalise met on the plane and then in the hotel was Viola's IRL husband. Knowing that, I felt a little weird watching them try to get it on at the hotel. Looking forward to the season. The preview makes it look like they are all, not just Annalise, going to be clawing their ways back to the top. I hope we get lots of showy "win" moments for them all.
  16. That was ... promising. I like the lighter tone. Also it felt like they were finally treating the characters like people with history and not just plot points to or a bag of tics. So many salient references to people and their relationships with each other, past and present and not just forgetting it because it doesn't work for the plot on the page. I am very exasperated by the introduction of DeLuca's sister, but I loved the arguing in Italian and Arizona's facial expression. I will say I was surprised by Amelia's diagnosis and in retrospect it makes sense. It is the most I have been interested in Amelia since she started the show. I would say Nathan's tone-deaf proposal and everything surrounding Jo and the glasses intern were the two biggest needle scratches. But everybody else just felt like they brought their A-game.
  17. Watching the season premiere of How To Get Away With Murder and realize Nick Gonzalez jas pretty much been cast as a jerk in every show I've seen him in. He was Abby's jerky ex fiance on Sleepy Hollow He was Cisco's jerky brother on The Flash He was Wes' jerky murderer on How To Get Away With Murder
  18. Actually if you squint/blur your eyes a little it works. Of course Pimento would send that to Rosa. Oh show, never change.
  19. I don't know about apartment rental values, but murder, violent death or homicide in a home buyer real estate really affects property value and the asking price of a house. You can buy a house for a steal if someone died there through murder. It is considered a stigmatized property. In some states/municipalities I think it is actual law that a seller must disclose what happened in the property if is is considered stigmatized as part of the real estate transaction.
  20. Finally got a chance to watch. Sorry I don't know nay characters' names just yet so I'll use the actor names... What I Liked: - Freddy, Antonia, Tamlyn Tomita (I have a major girl-crush on her and have followed her since The Joy Luck Club) - The idea of the show What I didn't like: - The extremes of Hill Harper and Richard Schiff's positions. I know that RS was supposed to be more sympathetic and HH is supposed to be seen as unfeeling, but I thought both of them were eye-rolling in their extremes. Rather than defending your hire by starting with "I knew him since he was 14" how about talking about his qualifications. Obviously he made it through medical school. Was it a good school? Were his grades good? Couldn't he bring up some ADA regulations? Why not admonish them about their blatant discrimination rather than just some mealy mouthed "well there was a time we wouldn't hire women or blacks." - Everyone is already in some romantic/personal relationship with everyone else. Cool your jets show. - How ridiculous is Nick Gonzalez' entire character? He's met the the new guy has actually see his knowledge in positive action and yet "Oh you shouldn't be here.. You'll only ever do suction blah, blah, blah." Needless dramatic posturing.
  21. I had no worries at all last season with the prison story looming. I knew this show had it in it to take the premise and just be silly with it. And it delivered like crazy. I mean, Tim Meadows as a child eating cannibal? And you like him? Lou Diamond Phillips' contraband of choice is exotic flavored Ramen? They even made Jake's unprovoked multiple beat-downs by the guard funny. Basically they some horrible prison tropes and made them all very B99. I loved it. I'll bet the story wraps up in Part 2, so we won't be in jail long.
  22. I need to rewatch before the new season. But I did read the semi-spoilery article. I have to say it brought up some good points about some questions and assumptions about the characters. After the last episode, I think I was still in so much shock about Wes' brutal death that I didn't really think about what everything meant going forward. But it does beg the question, now that they have no more conspiracy of silence/ mutual destruction to keep up re: Sam's death and since Ana is no longer teaching, what is the glue that holds them all together now? I am really intrigued by all the possible directions the show could go.
  23. I thought she was the back up singer who tried out for the head singer gig but didn't get it? I think it was illustrative of his point though. Someone like Amber who has actually been out there singing professionally in a competitive market like LA probably has thick skin and has taken worse rejections. So his pointing that out probably rolled right off her back.
  24. Agree 100%. The first two seasons are excellent because the original five cast have ridiculous chemistry. And I loved how her character of Alisha grew and matured over the course of the show. She was also in a British mini-series called Homefront that centers on the wives and families of deployed soldiers.
  25. Three things I loved about the premiere: 1. Jack's confession about being a drunk. And not just the admission, but the fact that he was drunk when he was telling Rebecca about it and Milo wasn't an over-the-top tv drunk. Rather his speech was very careful and deliberate. He did that slow blinking thing. Like a real drunk who is quietly drunk and is used to hiding it and functioning with it. Nice little scene. 2. Beth's meltdown and 'fake smoking' in the parking lot. She was so very salty in that adoption agency office. And I am not gonna lie, I was here for it. Ha! 3. Kate's audition. It was brutal but truthful. I love that she didn't come there and kill it. And I loved the band director guy's "Amber" and then Amber really killing it. And letting her know that she just wasn't good enough to sing for them. It was a nice illustration that yes Kate being overweight no doubt gets discriminated against, but not everything is about her weight.
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