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dvr devotee

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Everything posted by dvr devotee

  1. Came here to note Enzo with the key. Jeez 2020 really is the worst year. Yo he's gonna bathe in blood yo and take out Christmas, that's what I'm saying. I will really be praying for a Christmas miracle in the Veto comp. Then I hope she votes out Cody. 🙏
  2. I think they're not doing it because that would require production staff going actually in the house, possibly getting sweaty, and being in there for a significant amount of time, and that is too much of a risk to the BB bubble. I think this is also why there's no Hide & Go Veto this year.
  3. Well that's going to be...different.
  4. I think this is an excellent theory. Flip and Kevin are two of the most memorable ninjas and they've competed for so long that it's inconceivable they'd get the WWWA treatment, but for editing issues. Yeah but last year the Power Tower winner in semis got the do-over pass in case of falling in stage 1 or 2 of finals. But maybe they didn't do that this year because with only two nights of semis, there would only be two people who could win do-over passes, and that lessens the excitement of the pass for the audience while also giving an unfair advantage to only two people. Though I wonder if they did have it, and Drew won one of the passes. We'll have to watch closely to see if anyone has the patch on their clothes during finals. On one hand, this season is way too short. I understand why, but they probably could have made another two episodes with all of the footage they likely shot. On the other hand, a normal season just seems to go on forrrrreeeeeevvvveeeerrrrr. So maybe they can find a happy medium if the world ever goes back to being somewhat normal again. But, then again, NBC has to fill spots in their schedule, so probably not.
  5. This makes me so sad! And then I'm sad that I'm sad about a reality TV couple...
  6. All I could think about when they went into the package and Alan teased her about how little she knew about the 80s was that Alan, too, had not yet been born in the 80s. I couldn't figure out why Carrie Ann's outfit looked so familiar and yet I couldn't place it. But then it hit me: she was dressed like my Jem doll. And I loved her for it. I got a very Whitney Houston feeling when Tyra came out in the beginning. I can't remember if Whitney ever wore a gold lamé dress, but she definitely had that hair. Cheryl's holographic lamé dress was like another part of the dance. Sometimes the flash of the fabric distracted me from the dance. There was just so much lamé in general. I can't remember which guy(s?) had on lamé pants but thinking about how they must feel against sweaty hairy legs grosses me out. Though I guess they wouldn't be any better against unhairy sweaty legs, either. I feel like Justina has been underscored for two weeks in a row now. There's no way her salsa last week didn't deserve at least one 9, and I felt the same about her jazz. I loved all the Flashdance choreography, and I love how she goes after every step with aplomb. Nelly was so into it this week and I loved it. He's looked so ill at ease all along, but he just had such swag about him in this dance. I hope it sticks around. Jeannie is my absolute favorite, but I've always loved her in everything she's been in, so it's not so much I love her dancing as much as I just love her. To me she totally embodies joie de vivre. And I love her partnership with Brandon, despite being really unsure of him at the start. I really hope they stick around for a long time. I didn't watch Kaitlyn on the Bachelorette, but I really like her and enjoy seeing her dance. Even if he has dance experience, I still love Nev. So what if he was a dance minor in college? Do you (or did you) find any physical activity as easy to do at 36 as you did at 22? Cause I'm just two years older than he is, and I most certainly don't. I love AJ. I really always thought his name was pronounced "muh-clane" not "muh-clean" but that was my own stupidity. I loved this dance. I thought Johnny would be way better coming in, but I think I appreciate him more because he wasn't. This isn't coming easily to him, but I still think he's terrific. That said, I thought he was underscored last week and maybe one point overscored this week. But then again, I thought the dance was way better than the one earning Skai 28 last week, so maybe 29 was right. I like he and Britt together. But who were he and Britt dressed as? His overalls originally put me in mind of the My Buddy doll, but that's about all I could come up with. Chrishell is fine, I think, but I hate Gleb so maybe she's coming off better by comparison. Vernon's fine, though I think that wig really screwed up his concentration this week. To me he looked afraid to move his neck. But maybe he was just hating his life because it made him so hot. Monica's fine, if severely overscored this week. I feel like she should be a better dancer with the whole cheerleading thing, but I guess not. Did that cover everyone still remaining? I think so... Honestly, I'm impressed with how good everyone is this year. I don't know that we've had as many evenly-matched stars who are also pretty decent dancers in a very long time, if ever. I like that there's not an obvious breakout star. Another week or two and I'm going to start being really disappointed no matter who leaves each week.
  7. Am I confusing shows, or did the old version have the contestants falling through the floor when they were dismissed? Though I realize they can't reuse that since that's used in Ellen's Game of Games now.
  8. I'm thinking that they have cameras set up facing those podium things, so she sees a live feed of them. No litigants trying to hand her a huge sheaf of papers anymore! JJ probably wishes they came up with that setup 20 years ago. I also think they're using earpieces to eliminate any echo issues in the courtroom when they're recording the show. This way, they record the sound directly from the microphones in front of the litigants, and probably have no other mics in the room. All in all, it is a pretty creative setup, if not a bit inelegant with the weird screen JJ appears from.
  9. Who was the guy in the lower right corner of the "supporters monitors" when Jessie Graff ran? They introduced her dad with family in one, and mom with family in another, but made no mention of who the guy was. He looked like one of the ninjas, sorta like Sean Bryan but I don't think it was him. The guy looked like he could have been in the building, as he was standing in front of a red cement block wall. And upon googling, it turns out Jessie has a husband, though she's kept his identity a secret for some time now (apparently Dreschel was asked if they were a 'thing' back in 2018, and he said "no, she's married," and apparently this past April Jessie mentioned her husband during an Instagram live or something similar.) Maybe that's who it was? I'm really glad Adam Rayl made it through. I also was glad that RJ won the power tower so his team got through, but was sorta bothered that he didn't shake Sean Bryan's hand after he won. I don’t think it was necessarily a deliberate snub, but in a sport where everyone is super-supportive of everyone else, not seeing that sportsmanlike behavior really stood out to me.
  10. I wish they'd explain why they went with a celebration for 58. Obviously it's meant to be random as hell and a joke on celebrating 100/200/etc. episodes, but why 58? Why not 53 or 59 (prime numbers) or 62 (Alec's age, also the year the original show premiered) or some other number with a meaning? My Hulu recording was being a PITA last night, and kept hanging up with about ten minutes left in the show. I'll have to try again today to watch the end.
  11. I really enjoyed the Jeff Daniels interview. Even for how serious the tone of the conversation was, the interview just seemed like a conversation between two friends. I also really enjoyed hearing and seeing how much Jeff enjoys Jim Carrey. I love that they're actually friends. My family was OBSESSED with Dumb and Dumber when I was a kid, so that's where I first learned to appreciate Jeff, but he is such a versatile actor, and it always surprises me when I see him in something serious and he's SO GOOD. I don't have Showtime but I'm going to figure out a way to see this new series he's done. It seems really important.
  12. Right before their performance came on, it said on the screen "some portions previously recorded." What I think happened is that that performance was recorded weeks ago in India. BAD Salsa had been performing in India, and I doubt it was much more expensive in India to record one extra performance, just in case BAD Salsa made it to the finale. So they record all their performances ahead of time, then are flown over here, and then they're made to quarantine for 14 days ahead of the finale so they can go stand on the stage live. I doubt they actually only flew over a few days ago. There aren't covid travel restrictions on Indian nationals, whereas the Italian Bello sisters were restricted from entering the US, otherwise I'm sure they would have done the same with them.
  13. Yes, the heavy accent in the clue package is what got me thinking Cyndi. The accent was way toned down when she was speaking after she performed, BUT Cyndi was in this incredibly cheesy movie in 1988 called "Vibes," and in it she really played up the accent, so I know she can play it up if she wants. She really has an incredibly versatile voice.
  14. Since there's no individual episode thread yet, here's one for the whole season, as I have a feeling there's not going to be pages and pages of discussion for each episode. Episode one was tonight, with guest "helpers" Nick Lachey, Kelly Osbourne, Adrienne Houghton, Arsenio Hall, and Cheryl Hines. From the start, I was not fooled by the Golfer, the Rock Climber, or the Mathlete. When the contestant's first pick in the first round was a good singer but the contestant continued on in the game, I was really confused on how the game actually worked. I thought there would be five bad singers and only one good singer, so one bad guess would end the contestant's game. Then I was confused again after round five, as I figured at most there would be two good singers so obviously the one left singing with Nick would be a bad singer. I just hope that they switch up the number of good singers in each episode's group, to keep things interesting for the home audience. Overall I enjoyed it, and will watch the season!
  15. Wasn't Group A tonight six singers, what with the pair of snowy owls being one performance of two people? Since this show first premiered, I have never had the patience to watch it unless I'm watching on Hulu without commercials and can FF. I watched the broadcast tonight, though; I'm pondering if that says something about my quarantine desperation for programming or something. My guesses for this season's Group A performers, based largely on my gut feeling and a tiny bit on any clues given.
  16. I have only watched episodes here and there this season, but every time I've seen Bad Salsa I have been completely flabbergasted. What are the chances they win? Also that...tux that Terry is wearing is so awful that I'm just as flabbergasted.
  17. Daniel Gil puts me off, as he comes off as disingenuous to me. I don't exactly know why, but I've always felt that way about him. And I will admit that maybe I'm being too harsh because of my dislike for him, but the fact that he could have had a time that would get him to the power tower and give his two teammates a chance to get back into the game and instead went for the megawall made me go "yep, not such a generous and kind person after all." Since winning the power tower doesn't send the winner right to the finals like it did last year, there was no benefit for him to skip the megawall, teammates be damned.
  18. For as much as they edited out Drew, it seems nobody went over the Teletype captions too closely, as there was one part early in the show where the caption said "[someone's name I don't remember] and Drew Dreschel." I watched it a week ago so I don't remember the exact context, but Matt was the one talking.
  19. The same contingent of fans who kept Spicer on are those who kept Bristol Palin on: conservatives. I don't think Baskin holds the same appeal for that particular voting bloc. Spicer also had a "so bad it's good" appeal to a lot of people, and Baskin wasn't even *that* terrible of a dancer. Every time there's been a cast member who goes on in the show for longer than they should have, there's an obvious giant voting block. Hannah Brown benefitted from being a very recent part of Bachelor Nation, and somewhat controversial at that. Bobby Bones had the ENORMOUS country music fan bloc, along with the American Idol fan bloc. Tiger King came out six months ago, was about 420 total minutes of footage, and not everyone has Netflix. She was one person in an 'ensemble' cast, so the majority of that footage didn't even show her, though I admit she had more 'presence' thanks to Joe Exotic's obsession with her. Sure, there's intrigue about did she/didn't she kill her husband, but I don't think that is enough of a pull to keep her around for too long. The entire show was full of weird people, and at the end, I didn't even find her the most compelling; there were at least five people more compelling than her (like the dude who's definitely running a cult). Even though I myself am a True Crime lover, I don't see this group as a big enough voting bloc to be able to keep her, even if we wanted to. But I could have a totally incorrect read on it, and she could make it deep in the competition. It is 2020, the strangest and trippiest year we've ever had, so absolutely anything could happen.
  20. I am watching the episode on Hulu now and I hate Tyra. Talking over the judges, acting like she's another judge and giving her opinion--NOBODY CARES, TYRA. The only nice thing I can say is that she's vastly improved her live TV hosting skills since AGT. God I miss Tom so much. Edit: OMG right around the show's 54 minute mark they come back from commercial and she says "Hey, you" all seductively, the way I'd say it to a guy I'm flirting with. You have got to be effing kidding me.
  21. First Houseguests of the season nominated for eviction: Keesha and Kevin.
  22. So many people across the country are staying home, but at this point feel pretty grumpy about it. I think Stephen expressing his own grumbles just further connects him with his audience, and makes clear that it's okay to choose to stay home but still be annoyed about it. This isn't a 60-minute, tightly-scripted procedural drama, it's a talk show, and looking at all the late night shows, there's always an element of "man, can you even believe this shit?" in how the host discusses the events of the day. This is no different--it is absolutely absurd that it's going on five months now and a large percentage of people are still having to work from home, and a lot of us feel that absurdity quite acutely.
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