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dvr devotee

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  1. Since there's no thread yet, I figured I'd start one. ABC's description of the show: I watched the first episode tonight. I can't tell yet if I was truly into the show, or if I solely enjoyed it because Quarantine: Day 179365; lost my mind. Is Jamie a particularly immature 21-year-old or am I just now a grumpy old lady? I really enjoyed Rubi's singing voice. And the fact that she saved Ryan. Also, after he said "Ladies, one final piece of advice..." I knew Chris Harrison was going to say "...listen to your heart." And I hate it...but also appreciate that they didn't just settle for having the show title stand on its own as cheese, but fully committed to having Chris (...I hope?) say it every week. Also loved that Matt couldn't think of Chris' last name. "Chris...Hanson?" Oh no, Matt, you'd be walking into a very different house if Chris Hanson was the host. And poor eliminated leather jacket dude didn't get a word in all episode. Farewell, leather jacket dude. We hardly absolutely didn't knew ye.
  2. This made me think, unless I've missed it, we haven't had any scenes in that huge glass catwalk in awhile. (This photo, from S13E6, shamelessly yoinked from Reddit and u/skeithxyz.)
  3. I hate this ending for Alex. I NEVER felt like Izzie was the love of his life. And, in my experience, there are different kinds of love you have in relationships with different people at different ages. If a couple stays together from a younger age, then the love grows through those different stages. If they don't stay together, each person will mature individually and the love they experience in the next relationship would be just as real and deep as before, but it's different. You're more mature, and the way you love is also more mature. That's why I really liked him with Jo. I thought they had fought hard for their relationship, and had finally gotten to a really solid, mature place. They were happy. Then you have Izzie, who just walked away from Alex when things got hard. She didn't even care about Alex enough to try. I'm fine with it if Link is Jo's person and supports her through this. But it needs to stay platonic.I really like Amelia with Link, and if they screw that up I'm going to be so pissed. They could hook Jo up with someone from Station 19. I tuned in for Grey's early and saw about the last 15 minutes of S19, and Carina was on--apparently she's seeing/sleeping with the female captain there, and brought her lasagna. They also have a gay firefighter on there, so when Schmitt breaks up with Nico, he already has another option without them bringing in another new cast member. I don't mind these relationship crossovers with S19, since it provides a larger pool to make pairings from without bloating the cast even more. But ultimately they just need to start wrapping up the show. They're really running out of stories to tell, or they just don't care enough to write compelling stories for each episode. Can you imagine them trying to go for 20 seasons, another four years of these mediocre stories? On another note, I never watched a single episode of ER, but from all the comments here it seems like it's worth watching?
  4. In the Grey's promos they were airing during The Bachelor tonight, the accompanying song was "Say Something," by A Great Big World. The single line from the song that they used is "I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you." If that doesn't scream that Alex's fate is seriously that he's anonymously lying dead in a ditch somewhere, I don't know what does. So my bet is that police, after having finally identified him, come to the hospital to make the notification to Jo, and then everyone is in a different room of the hospital remembering their various experiences with Alex over the years. Alex's death somehow convinces Richard to not throw in the towel on being a doctor yet (or maybe not throw in the towel on his marriage?). Miranda's distress over losing another of the "babies" she "raised" helps Ben more easily agree to adopting the kid whose name I can't recall right now. Schmitt seeing Jo's devastation over losing the love of her life convinces him that life is too short to waste with someone who isn't giving you what you need in a relationship. Owen will (naturally) turn to Teddy in the sadness of the moment, probably saying something to the effect that he's so glad they made it through the war together and fought to end up together, which will make Teddy feel so incredibly guilty that she immediately confesses to Owen about whatever ended up happening with Koracik, which then also leads to the question of Amelia's baby's parentage coming out. Jo's devastation also makes Link realize that he loves Amelia so much that he doesn't care if he's the father of her baby, he just wants her. Only thing I don't have a guess about is if Amelia will take him back--I think Alex's death will bring up emotions about Derek's death, which could drive her back to Link's arms or could make her circle the wagons more tightly around her family (meaning sisters+nieces+nephew+baby).
  5. I generally don't have strong feelings about the characters or storylines on this show. I NEVER get really angry about the show, and any minor annoyance I do have quickly fades after the hour is over. But the episode last night pissed me off basically every five minutes, and I'm still pissed. If Carina is in the US specifically for bipolar-brother-detection-and-monitoring-duties, then why the hell was Meredith the one, by herself, having any conversation with Andrew about his behavior and its implications? She was all lurky-lurky in the beginning of the episode, but disappeared and basically abdicated all responsibility to intervene on her brother to Meredith. Hated the diagnostician saying a single word to Meredith about her personal relationship with Andrew. If the dude has literally not slept in days, Meredith isn't stepping in because she's worried his exhaustion means he won't be able to get it up for her in a couple hours; she's stepping in because it's an abuse of power to run the man completely ragged and not let him SLEEP for several days, which is insanely unhealthy for him. Not to mention the potential liability for the hospital, having a doctor who hasn't taken any break in, like, 72 hours having primary responsibility of care for an incredibly ill, possibly dying, patient. Plus, diagnostician was only there to work on that ONE CASE, so she could have literally traded shifts with Andrew to monitor the patient, so they both could get adequate sleep while not compromising the patient's care. At this point, Andrew was really just running tests and reporting back the results to her. What she was doing to him was inexcusable. McWidow was right that Andrew should be written up for how he basically screamed at Meredith in front of a large audience of staff. It won't happen, but it really, really should. With the bear attack storyline, I'm pretty sure this wasn't the reaction the writers were going for, but I was literally happy to see the wife was so devastated when her husband died. Good, you deserve to be in agonizing emotional pain, as you are a garbage person who couldn't muster up enough humanity and courage to go see your husband ONCE after the man STEPPED IN FRONT OF A BEAR FOR YOU. He died alone, and she'll rightfully carry that guilt for the rest of her life. I just genuinely could not understand her actions and motivations the entire show. Like, okay, fine, you're in love with someone else. But at some point you did love your husband and must still have some level of care for him, if before the bear attack you were having such a hard time telling him you were leaving. I did not understand how that teeny bit of care for him didn't spark a need to see him and make sure he was alright. So many things on this show stretch the bounds of plausibility, but in this particular case I just couldn't get my brain to make the leap. Awful. I am SO MAD about how this ending is looking for Alex. He deserves better. WE deserve better. At this point I'm hoping Alex had an accident in Iowa and he's in a coma in intensive care and his family is just so incredibly wracked with guilt that they are unable to let anyone in Seattle know what's up. I can't think of any other storyline that would work here and not leave the character as irredeemable. Alex has done a lot of shitty things over the years, and they change his character with every storyline, but he just would NOT ghost his beloved wife, and, even if somehow he would do that, he WOULD NOT, never in a million years, ghost Meredith. Hate Nico for his hypocrisy. And since Schmitt's uncle died and he spent time with the uncle's partner, and then met the long-married, loving dancing couple, I've been thinking Schmitt has been evaluating how deep things genuinely are with Nico. I think he loves him in the way you always love your first serious boy/girlfriend, but I think he's also realizing that there's not much "there" there with Nico, that it really doesn't go beyond the physical and the giddy 'love' feelings of a first serious relationship. Before the season ends, I predict a breakup, with Nico heading off to whatever out-of-state program he was talking about leaving for earlier in the season. Even with how annoying Schmitt has been over the past seasons, he still deserves better. Man, this freakin' show.
  6. Victoria P went, also! She was first to go, earlier in the episode.
  7. I think Lil Wayne agreed to be on the show as long as he went out first on the post-Super Bowl show, since his album just dropped two days ago. He wouldn't get as much mileage out of TMS for his new album if he was on for another six weeks. I flipped the channel before Turtle performed, as they went to commercial and it was the ASPCA commercial, which I can't watch, and I didn't flip back soon enough to catch the performance. But it sounds like I will need to check it out on Hulu! I don't understand why this group is coming back on Wednesday instead of the other group. I didn't watch last season, save for half of the premiere and the whole finale--is it two shows a week, alternating between groups? Will there be two shows with group B next week?
  8. Sorry, didn't realize I shouldn't be posting in here while the show's on!
  9. Oh, that explains why he couldn't make a single basket, jumping around with that full bladder! I thought I heard "Kobe!" and cringed, but then I realized it probably wouldn't have been possible to get all the necessary people in the room together to get the tape edited and back out for airing in time, considering it's been in the can for months now. So I give them a pass for leaving it in. And even if closed caption had it as "Go P!" it's not like CC hasn't gotten it wrong a time or two...thousand. I know it's been a few years since it aired, but tonight Betty White is somewhere crying, sad that a solid five years of her life on TV have been forgotten.
  10. She said Chase "didn't want" her to go on the show. I was so disappointed that Peter didn't ask the follow-up questions most adults would think to ask, such as "When did you date him?" and "How serious was it?" And when she said that she "wasn't interested in his lifestyle," the natural follow-up would be "then why would you get involved with a touring musician to start with?" All of these questions might get you one step closer to actually figuring out for yourself if someone is there For The Right ReasonsTM. I did greatly enjoy when Victoria went to confront Alayha with red wine teeth. Now that's how every self-absorbed, shallow woman wants to see herself on TV! Totally serves her right. All the girls going "I'm so exhaaaaausted from this!" Yes. I too am exhausted by you all just recycling the same drama forever and ever. Peter when he gives the rose to Alayha, speaking to all the women: I'm following my heart, so after this, it's the end of this drama, alright? Peter the next night, when they all have something to say about it all: Please, don't let all these ladies leave on me! I sincerely wish some of them would have quit bitching and just left. Oh and when one girl was telling the story to Victoria F in the hotel room and said "he gave his rose to her," and another girl cut in with "no, he gave our rose to her!" I was just like, omg, you are all insane. I mean, I knew that already, but that one got an extra eyeroll. I hope next week the drama isn't solely focused around Alayha. I mean, it looks like they turn on Sydney next, which is fine with me. Another week of the same Alayha bullshit and I don't think I'll be able to even hate-watch this season anymore.
  11. I also took it to mean that Navi and Mark had continued to date. I thought the "shoot" thing was just making fun of him, because the man said that a lot. Like, A LOT, a lot. ...shoot. I just watched both episodes straight through on Hulu and have absolutely zero recollection of the first dude on the first date of the first episode. Oh, yep, now I remember. You nailed it, on both comments. I actually was worried she might judge him pretty harshly on his dancing, given her career. And the fact that he put some of the German dancing into his "freestyle" part was a serious facepalm moment for me. Like, even if you are REALLY GOOD at it, that kind of dancing inserted into an otherwise modern dance routine is going to look 100x goofier than it does on its own. Also, I too was annoyed that they didn't ask the other girl about the head shake, but figured her answer would probably give the ending away. But then she's all hoping he shows up and feeling sorry she was so uptight during the dance? I'd call producer shenanigans, except she was such a Sweet, Small-Town GirlTM. The first couple from the second episode had a second date, but then things "fizzled out." But at least now we have proof that someone who is designated for the fast dance date can still have a shot! When the girl who danced second on the second episode finished the dance with Steve and said "I know bad boys, and I'll never trust a bad boy," I was positive she wouldn't pick him. So then when she did, I was like, okay, guess that sexual chemistry was really intense, and maybe he can show her he's not so much a bad boy, even though he looks the part. She didn't seem very interested him being a parent ("Oh, I love kids!" says every person who does not really love kids, ever, when put on the spot and presented with someone who has kids), and then when he went into how he felt like this whole situation was like Cinderella, where she left her shoe and he didn't know if he'd ever see her again, I thought, "well that certainly killed any ladyboner she had for him," but THEN she put her foot up on his knee, I was like, alright, that's flirtation, this could work! But then *sad trombone* it didn't. Boo to you, Ashlee. I am pretty sure the last episode with the British presenter was the episode they used to first pitch the show to the networks, and they only showed it to burn it off, since they don't plan to renew it. I mean, I don't KNOW it's not being renewed, I actually hope they do renew it, but I'm comfortable saying the Magic 8 Ball would say "Outlook not so good."
  12. I have never been one for Hallmark channel-type Christmas movies, but a couple days ago I stumbled onto Christmas Cruise on IonPlus, and somehow I spent my weekend watching more HC-type Christmas movies than I ever have in my entire life. Just finished watching Christmas Matchmakers (NOT to be confused with Matchmaker Christmas, so IMDB tells me) on IonPlus, and...like, I think the movie ended before they actually showed the end? They showed some quick credits but that totally did not seem to be the note I swore they would end on. And if it was the actual intended ending, it's hot garbage, because you just don't end ANY cheesy romantic movie completely open-ended like that. Did anyone else see it? It was like the blue balls of movie endings. I'm so annoyed I actually turned off the TV for the night to just go to bed, and I'm pretty sure people aren't supposed to feel like this at the end of a cheesy Christmas movie. Bah humbug.
  13. I watched the episode on Hulu last night. I LOVED Leona Lewis' first album in 2007 but she'd kinda fallen off the face of the earth for me since then. The song she picked was my least favorite of the three, and in the final version I think Leona is the "featured" artist while the other guys were the main. I do love the piccolo part, but I remember hearing a similar riff (with piccolo) in another EDM song several years back, so nothing really groundbreaking there. I very much wanted "Perfect Skin" to win, though the only song still playing in my head today is "When You Fall in Love." Did anyone else hear a Michael Buble quality in Rafferty's voice when he first performed? Not that this is a competition between the producers, but so far, the songs chosen by producer are: Ester: will.i.am*, Jonas Brothers Ryan: Kellsea Ballerini, Meghan Trainor, Aloe Blacc*, Leona Lewis Shane: John Legend, Macklemore, Old Dominion will.i.am also recorded the other two producers' songs, with Ester's released as the single. Aloe also recorded the song Shane produced. So we're basically at 2-4-3. We have two episodes left, with Charlie Puth and then OneRepublic. I wonder if they'll bring in another producer for the OneRepublic episode, to sit in Ryan's producer seat. I hope this show is renewed for next year.
  14. I was cooking myself during the show last night (attempting macarons for the first time), so I was listening but not entirely watching. But I actually yelled out "bullshit!" when Subha was saved over Micah. No, let's not save the 19-year-old who has shown steady progression and an ability to learn; we should keep the 54-year-old who spices his food very well but never listens to or applies the critiques and lessons the judges provide him. I was also salty last night that Gordon didn't offer to pay for culinary school and instead offers up a "meeting" to help "guide" Micah in his career. But in thinking about it today, I think Gordon does genuinely believe Micah has a great career ahead of him, but maybe he thinks Micah might do just as well (or better) going and learning "on the job" than he would in school. But Gordon isn't going to make that decision unilaterally for Micah. If Micah doesn't want to go to school but wants to get experience on the line, Gordon will help get him into the right place to learn under the right chef. And if he wants to go to culinary school, Gordon will help with that.
  15. Last night, I thought it could be James Eckhouse. I can't see it being Joe E. Tata, since the character of Nat was so beloved, and they're not going to pin it on a man who is in his 80s. I also was thinking it could be Carol Potter, but ultimately I just can't see them blaming any of the cast from the original, including Thiessen (because she'd be irredeemable if this series is renewed and she decides she wants to join) or Marcil (WAY too much tension between her and Brian in real life, and while he's trying to repair the relationship with his son with her, I don't think painting her as an arsonist stalker on the show Brian Executive Produces is a great idea). But then I had another thought: it's going to be Tori's husband. It's clear he's feeling abandoned, is jealous of Tori spending time with Brian, does not think highly of Hollywood actors, AND I could see him feeling slighted that Tori didn't get him a part on the reboot--he turns down small roles so OBVIOUSLY he is an actor deserving of a role on a big show like the reboot. I'm sure Tori had extra 90210 dolls floating around the house, so he'd have access to them, and as the EP's husband, he probably can get on the studio lot pretty easily. And it would also be a bit of an in-joke, since he was the "danger" part in "Mother May I Sleep with Danger?" who Tori's character didn't realize was scary until she tried to do things in her life that didn't include him. I just think the stalker has to be someone we've already seen, but who wasn't in the original show, so they are basically expendable on this show. Also, I think Brian's son's mom will be Lindsay Price. If he's 19, it would have to be someone on the cast who left in 2000, in order for Brian to be unaware he exists. Price was on the show from 1998 to 2000.
  16. I mean, I'm pretty sure Terry's not deciding which judge he calls on for comments first; that would be the producer in his earpiece giving him direction. I've been obsessed with Les Miserables since I first saw it on Broadway in 1992, when I was ten years old. The Original London Cast Recording was the music I did my homework to for several years following. I remember being really impressed by Susan Boyle's rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream" ten years ago. This performance was just...baffling. In small part because the backing track was (shock!) overpowering, but largely because her voice was really thin throughout. When she was done I was waiting for Randy Jackson to make a cameo to tell her "Yo, it was just a bit pitchy to me, dawg." Definitely a bad night for Susan.
  17. So the girlfriend came down to get Demi, and now she's staying so Demi can pursue their relationship in Mexico? WTF? Why?! And are they shipping in another woman for Derek or is Derek going to choose to leave?
  18. I don't think Clay's voice is unacceptably high, though I don't like his voice. But more than that, his head looks too small for his body.
  19. Nicole instigated all of that with last week's "I want a guy to be more aggressive if he really wants me." I realize all of the participants on the entire Bachelor franchise are not exactly the paradigm of maturity, but that kind of shit should stay back in high school. And that little smirk on her face when the other girls were asking her if she was fine was SO maddening. I just wish Clay had realized how manipulative she is, that she was partly to blame for that whole thing, and she's just never going to be that into him.
  20. I feel like, when a technique is demonstrated and then expectations for what makes a good final product are explained, that should be part of the judging. Sure, Subha finished plating everything, but he paid so little attention to the sausage at the front half that he was rushed making them, and then they exploded while cooking because he had too much air in them. So basically he was NOT successful in making sausage--and even though the judges commented on it while it was happening, they didn't say anything about it while they were tasting and judging the plate. I feel that winners in previous seasons have shown a progression throughout, they demonstrate that they're learning and growing as they get deeper into the competition. Subha's food may taste good but it seems like he doesn't pay attention to the details that all the other contestants beat themselves up over. He doesn't really listen, but he's a good enough cook to stumble away from elimination. In that, I don't think he's much better than that tool from Brooklyn (or maybe NYC) that they got rid of earlier in the season, who refused to learn anything and thought he entered Masterchef already at the knowledge and execution level of a crowned Masterchef. Subha just isn't an outward egotistical jerk like the other douchecanoe was.
  21. So did I hallucinate the keyboard on stage during the Like A Virgin/celebrity voice coach segment? And continue the hallucination with Anthony saying the coach was going to train Doris to sing like Reese Witherspoon during the commercial break? And kept on hallucinating when I then saw Doris getting up and walking toward the coach? I assumed he would train with her for longer than a few minutes, it would be impossible to do it right then and there onstage, but when they came back from the break, it...wasn't mentioned at all and the keyboard was gone, so then I figured they'd just do it at the end. But then the show ended and...nothing. If it was all meant as a joke then okay, but then why was the keyboard ever out on the stage? Or did the celebrity voice coach meet his match in Mama Doris?
  22. I agree that this episode sucked me in better than the premiere, and the pacing just seemed better. But that first episode was necessary to set up the rest of the (very short) series. It brought the cast members together 25+ years on for a plausible reason (fan conference; while it's believable that there are individual relationships within the group, it would not be plausible that they're often getting together socially as a group of seven, especially when Shannen is off on another continent) and set up a reason for them to get together again (court), giving Tori enough time to come up with the reboot idea and to pitch the rest of them. I think if they had this as the pilot, it would feel very confusing. That first episode set up the major storylines for the entire rest of the run. As it is, I have no idea how they're going to fit all these stories into six episodes and do enough with each storyline to leave the viewers with closure by the end of the run. To me it seems very likely that they are setting up potential future storylines, hoping to be picked up for another season. The first episode was fun, but when it was over I wasn't like "omg I NEED more than six episodes of this!" After last night's episode, I very much want more. I totally missed the reference to SWF Tara. I get the feeling these episodes need a second watch to catch all the in-jokes. I loved Ian signing a Sharknado poster at court! I was a little bothered by the set of 90210 dolls--when the Fox executive originally mentioned it, I was thinking of the Mattel 90210 Barbie dolls (I had a Luke doll). Those definitely were not anything close to Barbies. Were there some other 90210 dolls (with Peach Pit play set!) back in the 90s that I was unaware of? BAG really grew on me during the original run, and I've watched a lot of what he's done since. I was really disappointed when "Wedding Band" was cancelled in 2013, I thought the show had real potential, and I loved BAG in it. I'm happy to have him back on my screen.
  23. Or, you know, since she didn't take the freaking medication to heal it, the virus just went temporarily dormant and it will come back with a vengeance later. I do not understand a woman who has some kind of mystery rash on/near her private parts and doesn't take the doctor-prescribed medication to permanently heal it. I get a random, single, solitary itch and I'm convincing myself I've somehow gotten an STD and OMG it's going to fuck with my fertility! And I was WAY worse about that when I was in my 20s, where I'd be at the doctor at the first sign of an itch. Question: do the HGs actually get to physically see a doctor, or is it more of a teledoc situation? Does the DR couch convert to an exam bed (with stirrups)? So many questions. Also, I thought the upstairs DR was where they put the CC/HN room, which was reinforced by the clip of Jackson storming out of the room after Kat sprayed air freshener after his nocturnal (smelly) emissions--you could see a hallway similar to the downstairs DR hallway, which was also the hallway I remember when the HGs in BB20 went to find out if they'd been the most/least trending HG, as well as the hallway Kaitlyn walked through on her way to the puzzle that would be her downfall. Is there another, third room on the floor, besides the HOH and CC/HN room? Where were the 6S (or the 8 or whatever) called to for the discussion on how shitty they were coming off to viewers? I am so confused about the layout of this house. Someone in this thread mentioned how Love Island (and specifically the narrator) was more entertaining than BB, and I happened to catch Love Island last night. It was the first episode I saw and it was definitely more entertaining, so much so that I might catch up on what I missed already.
  24. Or, since he's no longer helpful/a threat to their game, the women turn on him and make his jury stay miserable. They could eat all the eggs and bananas, follow him with air freshener wherever he goes, call out his misogyny, and and actually call him out for his weird (poor?) hygiene. I wish toilet cucumber had happened in jury house, just to hear what all the people who'd seen it happen would say. Given how things are already going, even if he stays in the house till the end, I think it's safe to say he's leaving the house at least 20 pounds heavier, with a much softer body, than when he came in. In Sunday's episode where they showed the history of Jackson being a jerk to Kat, it was really shocking to see how hard his body was, even on day 11, compared to now. He hasn't just lost his abs, his chest and shoulders have also lost a lot of definition. I think Christie sees herself as the caretaker, mom-type in the house, who cares for everyone, but in reality she's more like mommy dearest, with a wire hanger at the ready to beat anyone who doesn't bend to her will. I grew up not too far from where she's from, and that kind of mean girl is unfortunately really prevalent in the area. Made high school *really* fun, let me tell you. On the topic of Christie, I have a theory about her and Tommy. Despite Julie saying on day one that there would be people with connections on the cast, it really seems no one else on the show had any connection before the show--I believe by now we would have been told through the DR interviews of any other connections (and Kat and Holly's "connection" is not in the least bit comparable to C+T). I think that C+T each were cast in the show without production knowing they had any connection. If, for example, Tommy's aunt is his mother's sister, Christie telling production her ex is "Linda Smith" wouldn't raise any red flags that there would be any relation to Tommy. While I'd guess production looks into potential castmembers' friends and immediate family, the aunt just wasn't few enough degrees of separation for them to really look into her and her connections. T+C's connection only became clear once they got into the house and were already filming. I doubt BB picks "alternate cast members," like alternate jurors ready to immediately step in after filming has started, and since the show is filmed live or within the same week, it's not like they had time to get someone else. If those first DRs only happened after the Camp Director vote (and subsequent slimings), I could see Grodner and team believing they were now too far into the show to start over filming from scratch. So they just kept the cast as is and pretended it was a deliberate part of the game.
  25. Somehow smushed roach guts all over the puzzle seems like it would make things a lot more difficult and vomit-inducing. To quote Rockstar, that's "dis-CUST-ing!!!"
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