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Everything posted by angelamh66

  1. I am with all of you who cringe at Danielle's behavior. As a lot of you have said, it is cringey because it feels inauthentic. She is doing all these things that are not really her and it shows because it doesn't look like she is comfortable in her own skin. And for the hookup, why not put something over the camera? Even f-boy extraordinaire Jesse Solomon had the decency to do that. As for Carl and Lindsay, yes, Carl is completely setting this all up. His weakness as a human (sobriety notwithstanding - I know it takes strength to do that) never ceases to amaze me. He is the king of passive aggressive. That said, Lindsay is so awful that it was a very easy thing to do to make her look bad. And her assertions that she was blindsided by the breakup are just utterly unbelievable. But his actions in doing it on camera are pretty gross too. Maybe she wasn't surprised so much at the breakup but was surprised he hauled in a camera crew to do it.
  2. Am I the only one starting to wonder where Luke was on January 6? He's just giving me vibes. Living in an isolated way... just got electricity... hair trigger temper, etc... Of course he could just be a harmless off the grid/one with the earth type of guy - but that hair trigger temper. Hmmm.
  3. I used to love Cara back in the day, then not so much once she got with Paulie and started acted very entitled etc... I was thinking I was ready to have her back though and without him. Last night was a little reminder of what I don't like about her, but I think I might still end up rooting for her because I think she will end up in an underdog role this season and be targeted all the time. Also, while the entitlement bothers me, I am hard pressed to think of a frequently successful person on this show who does not behave that way.
  4. I watched this last night. I am old and fat and not on Instagram so I had never heard of this brand. Just wow! Definitely Epstein/Les Wexner vibes here. The damage done to young girls' psyches by this stuff is heartbreaking, but I was more heartbroken by the footage from Ghana with all that clothing just piled up on the beach and floating in the ocean. How can anyone look at that and not want to do something about it??
  5. I was not going to watch this show, but then I did. Am I the only one seeing a hair trigger temper on Luke. I guess I just don't like that "standing up for my woman by threatening violence" vibe. Kristen remains nuts but she is being unfairly accused in the Janet/Michelle mess. Janet should have just said that Michelle supporting Don't Say Gay laws concerned her so she mentioned it to Zach. I completely believed she never said racist, but probably did speculate whether Michelle is a closet Republican based on her support of those types of laws. I almost can't look at Brittany in her interview dress. It just looks painful and awful. Also I truly believe she would look thinner without those boulders taking up her entire upper torso. I cannot believe I am watching this.
  6. I don't think it matters anymore if anyone cheats. Now that there is no fault divorce nobody has to prove that someone cheated and it only affects financial settlements if one party misused marital funds in the pursuit of their infidelity (i.e. gifts or trips). So to me Kyle just cares about how she looks to the public and doesn't want to be seen as the cheater. This whole episode was a dud. I knew the Kyle/Mo/Morgan stuff would be in episode 3, but I was looking forward to her being checked on her bs by Garcelle and Sutton. Without anyone to challenge her on anything, the Kyle hour was just more of her same evasive and hypocritical garbage. Ugh.
  7. I posted on the Bachelor Party site that I think what they did to Kelsey here is psychological torture. Why did they have to mess with her like that? Leslie, at the producers behest of course, really just unloaded all her damage onto Kelsey. Not cool.
  8. I am still waiting for someone to tell Kyle what a gigantic hypocrite she is. I about choked when she said she "wasn't ready" to talk about her marriage. Well, she didn't seem to care that Denise wasn't willing or ready to talk about her marriage in relation to the Brandy stuff. Shut.Up.Kyle. Also, while we are talking about hypocrites - Dorit - she "doesn't know" if Sutton has a drinking problem. Well, I guess Lisa Rinna just didn't know if people were doing cocaine in Dorit's house. Funny how Dorit didn't enjoy that speculation but is just fine speculating about Sutton's alcohol use. And finally, in the Ericka is going to be Ericka category - she said she met with the victims in hopes they would see her in a different light. I can't help but wonder if Ericka might benefit from seeing the victims in another light - like as in injured people whose settlement money she used to buy obnoxious outfits and crappy hair extensions. Hmmm.
  9. The Michele thing is truly a puzzler for me. Everyone treats her as their number one, but she can't possibly have anyone's back the way they have hers. She already turned on Colleen. When she turns on Berna, Berna will have an epic meltdown. I am not even sure who her true number one is among the girls. Also, I know this is super shallow, but I can't stand to look at Moriah. I don't think she is ugly or anything, but her overall look and style is just really off-putting to me. Maybe its a generational thing. I do feel for her a bit though because I think James is totally using her for protection.
  10. I have been hating on Jay and Michele for most of the season and Jay is really giving me more reasons every week. His conversation with Nurys was the height of self-importance. I think he actually said he won't play his game for anyone else, yet he expects everyone else to play his game. Shut. Up. Jay. I sincerely hope one of the other alliance members wins next week and orchestrate it to where Jay ends up in the bottom 3. Or better yet... he finishes dead last in the daily. Dude needs a comeuppance.
  11. I wonder if all those people will still be upset over Asaf going home once they see his smug ass interviews talking about how he’s playing everyone. I’m happy to see him go.
  12. I think Kyland knew Colleen would never agree to Asaf and he needed that vote. I too wish to see Asaf’s smug face gone… but Jay first please. I can only hope CT pulls chaos and takes Jay out.
  13. Guess they’re saving all the good shit for part 3. Ugh. I did like Whitney’s dress. Lisa is nothing if not consistent.
  14. I guess I have a thing for underdogs or I just can't stand when people get too self-important. When Cara was an underdog that got picked on, I really rooted for her and was thrilled when she won a couple. But then she teamed up with Camilla and later Paulie and started running things and became absolutely insufferable. Now I am experiencing the same thing with Jay and Michelle. I was rooting for them to upend the power structure in their first couple of seasons, but now that they are running things, I cannot stand either one of them. They were both at peak obnoxiousness last night topped off with Michelle referring to herself as the Queen Bee. I don't want to have to hate Olivia so she needs to back up on this Horacio smack talk. The only people I can really root for are Horacio, Ed, Kyland, and Zara. Maybe Colleen but I don't think she stands a chance.
  15. Count me among those who think it was Xochti who was going home and they wanted to keep Val for the finale. But then I think they had a show planned around 4 couples dancing and now it’s 5…. Makes me think it was the plan all along since this show has to be timed to the tee because it’s live.
  16. To me there were only two compelling scenes in this episode. One was the roller skating scene because frankly Tom looked like he was having a blast and he is just not that good of an actor. So his bs about their failing relationship is just that... b.s. The other scene was at the craft place. Oooh boy... that really highlighted Rachel's capacity for bald face lying to a friend. Yikes! Oh, and I threw up in my mouth a little at the scene in Ariana's house in which Rachel shows up with flowers and she and Tom joke about how long its been since they have seen each other. Gross! Vomit! They are terrible people with no shame.
  17. I think they are hoping for their own wedding special. Three episodes or so of the planning, the pre-parties, and the wedding.
  18. Danielle is handling this poorly but I do get what she’s feeling. The three of them hung out all the time so the coupling of her two closest friends just throws her into a completely different and lesser role in their lives. She’s allowed to have feelings about that. It doesn’t make her a middle schooler. That would suck at any age. That said, she should just be honest about how she’s feeling instead of making it about some weakness in Carl and Lindsey’s relationship. She’s sad. She can be happy for Lindsay but still sad for herself. If she just said that, I think everyone would understand.
  19. I too would have liked to see Amber hold out and have Kacey leave, but I think she did it for her partner. Because if she would have waited he would have had to go home too and she didn't want that. Added bonus is that she gets to hang it over Kacey's head at some point in the future. Tori, who I generally like, is so frustrating this season. I think she was able to win with Devin because she trusts him and he balances her out. She fell short many time in the past (before partnering with Devin) I think because she does put other people's games ahead of her own. Loyalty is good, but you have to protect your own game. Learn from the champs of the past and don't make that many promises. You can have one number one, not five.
  20. Superficial moment... Micah looked really different in the face to me. Fillers? Did she lose some weight? Something was definitely different. I am no fan of Micah but the nurturing comment did bug me a bit. Maybe she isn't nurturing to Paul because he is a grown man who can take care of himself. That doesn't mean she wouldn't be very caring with an actual child. That said, Paul did the right thing in saying no because Micah is actually just kinda awful and her friends are too.
  21. I cannot believe Katie bitched about everyone’s lack of self-awareness then minutes later insisted she has great energy and everyone loves her. Pot meet kettle…
  22. I think Charity will be fine, but I definitely would have preferred Ariel. She is unlike any other contestant. I love how direct she is. She is way too cool for the likes of the general recruits on this show though. So she is probably better off. I actually like Brooklyn. I don't think she is putting on an act. It seems genuine to her. And I think what she said to Christina and Kat was fine. She didn't "attack anyone's character" she simply commented on their behavior. And accurately in my opinion. Kat pulled one of my least favorite tactics - she did something that was likely to provoke a reaction, then when she got one she made herself the victim. So annoying.
  23. I have really been noticing this too over the last couple of episodes. He goes from saying all the right things to condescending asshole in the blink of an eye.
  24. Aneesa looked fantastic. Tori looked like she had been dipped in spray tan. And I still don't know why I need to care about Nurys and David. He was on the show for a minute. I don't yet care about them and may never. Jordan... never apologize to Fessy for anything. Ever. Michelle is overwrought and I can see why she annoys people but I cannot help but root for her to actually do what she says she needs to - which is make decisions and own it. Stop worrying about everyone's feelings because none of them are worried about hers. I still think she can be a powerhouse in the Challenge if she comes back and gets emotionally stronger.
  25. I think Zach was an asshole to Greer, and I don’t even like her. I continue to wonder what happened in the FS with Rachel last season and when I see his barely contained condescension toward Greer tonight I wonder… did he pull some shit like that with Rachel? I’ve mostly liked him but I’m starting to see some rigidity and condescension that makes me pause.
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