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Everything posted by angelamh66

  1. The show this week was much better than last week. However, in the discussion with the scientists, Bill kept saying that some of the vaccines contain the Coronavirus when the scientists had made it abundantly clear multiple times that none of the vaccines contain actual Coronavirus.
  2. Sorry to see Jay go. I’ve never like Theresa in past seasons but it’s hard not to root for her because I really dislike Kam on a power trip. I just love Devin. For tv purposes only because he would be exhausting to be around in person. Josh and Fessy are so damn dumb that it’s fun to watch Devin wind them up.
  3. When there are competing wills, the court has to decide which one is valid and go by that. The court can’t just split the baby, so to speak.
  4. He was actually good, I thought. The panel was just completely infuriating to me so the glow wore off. Haha.
  5. That panel was painful to watch. It legitimately gave me a headache. The Hello Douchebags segment was the only thing worth watching.
  6. KC makes me want to throw bricks. And Bill being so conciliatory towards her is vomit worthy. This is Ms. Alternative Facts here. She is complicit in this whole mess. I do actually get where Bill was going with the Ashli Babbitt stuff. I think it’s incredibly sad that she was willing to die over bullshit. Just imagine if someone you cared about went down the Q rabbit hole and died because of their fervent belief in that nonsense. Is their death a direct consequence of their actions. Sure. But it can still be sad.
  7. Craig can fuck right off with that men are rational bullshit. That is one old and tired trope. Being general here... yes, women may generally be more comfortable expressing emotion, but that does not equate to irrationality. I generally think men are more prone to irrationality in decision making because they are so ego driven. My two cents based on YEARS of observation as a practicing attorney.
  8. By biggest take away from this episode is that Braunwyn’s instagram feed looks insufferable. The staged pictures of her and her friend/wife.... so overly posed and manufactured. Ugh. Exhausting. I just find Emily and Gina so much more relatable than the rest of the cast. They are snarky and funny and not trying so damn hard to be interesting.
  9. I think Jacoby and Simmons know why there aren’t bar scenes and understand that, but were just lamenting the fact. The bar scenes were always good for plotting and hookup drama along with the bus rides home from the bar.
  10. Kam rubbed me the wrong way too with her my way speech. But then I stopped myself... the guys on this show always assume they are calling the shots and the women seem to go along with that too easily. So good for Kam for grabbing control.
  11. I could barely focus on the content of the show because I was intent on trying to figure out their mask wearing protocols. There truly seemed to be no rhyme or reason to when they wore them. And frankly I just see red when someone wears one under their nose or as a chin diaper. Wtf??? Also, I kept puzzling on the timeline of Shannon’s diagnosis. So she had time for 4 tests between knowing her daughters were positive and her finally getting a positive test. Building in time for results, even being generous, you have testing day plus 2 days on the low end for results. So like a total of 12 days roughly. At that point why is anyone assuming she got it from her daughters? She had been separated from them for about 12 days by then, right? Maybe, just maybe, Shannon got it from her umpteenth trip to the doctor for testing. She was just not going to stop until she got that positive test. I totally understand 2 tests. I work in a community health center and we need 2 negatives and no symptoms before we can come back to work. But 4 tests is excessive. So, Elizabeth was in a cult... that actually does track. And I agree with the other poster who said you could see the wheels turning in Brawnie’s head as to how she can top that.
  12. I cannot stand Josh. I maintain my long held opinion that he behaves like he thinks a popular Challenge person behaves... using certain jargon, trying to joke with “Teej”, being in the midst of drama. There is just nothing organic about him. It’s all so performative.
  13. Regarding LoLo, yes she is an incredible athlete but her personality is so odious that I think any of the guys would steer clear of partnering with her fo fear that they would be targeted once she starts pissing people off. Which I firmly believe is an inevitability.
  14. Danni seems on the verge of some kind of breakdown. She’s so skittish. Very uncomfortable to watch.
  15. My brief Craig renaissance is over now that he has been revealed as a Covid denier. I just can’t with that shit. As for Kathryn’s lack of family money, I guess it’s difficult to maintain that family wealth once you have to start paying people to work for you as opposed to owning them.
  16. I would have rather had Johnny than Nelly in the final, but I like Nelly well enough so it’s all good. I’m just glad they didn’t pick Skai over Justina. Skai seems like a sweet girl, but I just didn’t enjoy her dances.
  17. I was glad Bill went after Trump’s lawyer like he did. He was more engaged and ready for her than he usually is when he has a right winger guest. BUT I hated New Rules. There were a few decent points in there but overall it was his crabby old man bit for the umpteenth time this season. I agree that Twitter isn’t the world and some of this super woke stuff is completely stupid and off putting. However, saying that the likes of Woody Allen and Louis CK shouldn’t be held to account for their actions....nah... not going there with you Bill.
  18. I’m really liking this season so far. I think it is more raw and real and I find that interesting. Gina is especially raw and I actually think she has done a great job of explaining her struggle with the DV situation.
  19. Franken did come off strangely but I think it’s because he and Bill were not connecting. I understood the Franken attempts at jokes to be the following... The microwave thing was definitely in reference to freeing up parents to phone bank for Biden. The shoplifting thing was a veiled reference to the rumors that Lindsey Graham is gay and South Carolinian republicans don’t like that. Franken just thought he was being clever saying shoplifting instead of homosexuality and Bill was not picking up on it so it really fell flat.
  20. Regarding Tyra, I mostly fast forward her but the times I have caught her interviewing the contestants it’s been awful. It seems that she asks them a question that was literally answered in the preceding clip package. Ugh. I miss Tom.
  21. Nelly is really growing on me. Would not have predicted that in the beginning of the season. I’m surprised none of the judges mentioned it was Monica’s second time in the bottom two. I recall comments being made in the past about not saving a couple twice.
  22. Same. The Vow definitely skirted over his heinous behavior. After just 2 episodes of this, none of the featured people in The Vow are remotely sympathetic. Except perhaps Bonnie.
  23. I have no idea what Shannon's new business is but I sincerely hope someone is giving her decent advice. Shannon is not someone I would consider as having her finger on the pulse of the consuming public.
  24. Thanks to whoever brought this show up in the thread for The Vow. I already vastly prefer it because it’s more linear and direct. How did people not run for the hills when Keith is talking about raping babies and child molestation. Yikes. Also Catherine’s mother was dead on... rubbish is exactly right. I hate the “men think and women feel” horseshit. It’s so pervasive in our society and also objectively false. Ugh.
  25. The Uno cards gift is why I like Kelly sometimes. Her willingness to go after Tamra was another. Unfortunately this season I suspect that will not be enough to override the odiousness that is sure to come once the pandemic hits.
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