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Everything posted by angelamh66

  1. I don’t know how she takes life advice from someone who would wear that hat.
  2. I would LOVE to see Kam and Leroy on Amazing Race. They would be, well.... amazing. 😀
  3. Single funniest thing in this season was Cory holding up his hand saying just put the Fessy interview right up here and pretty much nailing everything he knew Fessy would say. Well played Cory, well played.
  4. I really noticed that in this episode. I’m seriously concerned about her health.
  5. I so wish it would have been anything but a hall brawl. I think Kyle could have taken Fessy out on most other things. Fessy was harmless last season but now.... his level of arrogance is intolerable. I think Corey is basically a good dude so I feel bad for him that Kam went along with that hairbrained plan for even a minute. Also I fear if push comes to shove in a final she is going to prioritize Leroy over her own partnership. I get it, but it just sucks for Corey.
  6. I didn’t think I could be any more over Brandi than I already was. And yet here we are.
  7. Fessy just gets worse with each passing episode. I need for him to gas out in the final again. That would be entertaining.
  8. I really try to be respectful of people’s religious beliefs but when Brandi says goofy stuff like the devil could come through the hair extension shaman’s out of body experience I cannot roll my eyes any harder.
  9. Two lines in this episode that stick with me... Becky in her talking head about the finer things that everyone should have the “right to earn”. Bitch, what? As if she earned anything. Julie talking about taking her kids to Selma. “She wasn’t unsafe, she was just uncomfortable. You don’t have to be happy and comfortable all the time.” Yes!!! Those two moments crystallized the vast difference between those two women.
  10. I think CT picked Big T because if she had been rogue she would have had no opportunity for a skull. As others have pointed out, whomever he picked was going to land him in the crater next week so he chose to help out Big T to make up for how he treated her.
  11. Very sorry to see Darrell go. I was hoping Cory would be the house vote then Aneesa and Kyle could have sent in Nany and Fessy as revenge for the partner switch. Then I was hoping it would be a double elimination and Big T would take out Nany’s entitled ass in addition to Cory taking out Fessy. I think Cory would have won that elimination against anyone currently left in the house.
  12. Brandi finally lost me forever with that sanctimonious religion garbage. She was teetering before but it’s over now. Ugh. ETA: I’m really mad at Brandi making me side with De’Andra and the pseudo shaman. Because yeah... I’d be choking back laughter myself. But the dude wasn’t opening the gates of hell for cripes sake.
  13. I am not a strong swimmer so jumping in a lake of unknown depth at night is not something I would consider fun. I would have a panic attack. And I would hope that real friends would understand that. I feel for Tiffany because she is such a people pleaser that she didn’t feel like she could say no.
  14. The edit on this episode was gross. We spent two fricking hours on Rachael’s feelings. Other than Matt’s conversation with his father this whole episode was from Rachael’s perspective. Barf.
  15. I believe it was human boat shoe. It’s my favorite Tucker insult thus far although they are all quite good.
  16. Well it sounds like I don’t need to watch this one. Damn I used to really enjoy this show.
  17. I also thought he should have picked Fessy. It was the kind of challenge where Devin actually had a shot against just about anyone. Why not go for the male head of the BB alliance.
  18. Megyn remains a complete asshole. IF what she says is true about the curriculum at the schools any points she could have made were lost in her smugness. Watching two rich white people talk about how racism isn’t as bad now as in the past just doesn’t sit well with me. People do need to be able to discuss these things, but Megyn and Bill sailed right by the point. Bill also sailed right by the point in his Chris Harrison rant. The problem with Harrison wasn’t that he wouldn’t throw the old south party girl under the bus. It’s the way Harrison spoke to the interviewer, a black woman, and his refusal to acknowledge for a second the importance of the effect of such things as old south parties on people of color. He was completely consumed with the white girl’s feelings while completely disregarding the impact of these kinds of parties. The interview is quite something when watched in its entirety. But predictably Bill sees a rich white guy suffer some consequences so he immediately takes his side.
  19. Yes... after reading all the comments I realize why I was confused. Once the first elimination was female, then there appeared to be an order to things you could count on as far as alternating male and female eliminations. Then all of the unexpected departures threw a wrench into things and it’s all a bit more uncertain since they aren’t straight up alternating. Thanks all for setting me straight.
  20. I’m very confused. I feel like in the first few craters they told the people whether it was male or female day. Then they appear to have stopped doing that. But tonight, all the commentary once they were at the crater seemed to indicate the cast knew it was a girls day. I understand Gabby’s decision IF they were unsure whether it was guys or girls day, but there was no discussion at the crater about that reasoning. Just about her being intimidated by hall brawl. Something seems amiss.
  21. Steve Schmidt is largely a blowhard but he makes some excellent points. My favorite was when Bill was trying to take him down the path that the liberal medi doesn’t allow debate or dissent and Steve shut it down by saying he has no interest in debating tax rates with fascists. There is an existential threat to democracy and that takes precedence over policy debate. Also yeah... Bill needs to STFU about the solar shit. It is the most unrelatable thing in the world.
  22. Does Dani have a child I am unaware of? Also I can’t help but notice you left the only male cast member with children off your list of people who need to quit the show and focus on parenting. Was that an oversight or do you only judge women’s parenting skills ?
  23. Another panel discussion that gave me a headache. The only saving grace was Alter pointing out that women have had to think about consequences for their sexual behavior forever and so what if men finally have to. Also her pointing out that old people thought the radio was going to ruin the kids too made me chuckle. Bill has really taken a turn into get off my lawn territory. I know he has Libertarian tendencies but if this is just going to become the Libertarian hour I’ll probably be done. Libertarianism - because Americans aren’t already selfish enough. I am all for personal freedom but none of our rights exist in a vacuum.
  24. What a disappointing end to an otherwise very compelling episode. Shut. Up. Josh. Forever. Ugh. I’m concerned for Darrell and CT. I want them both in the final and I just can’t see it happening. People will clearly go after Devin and Josh for the skulls. But to be able to do that you have to get power.
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