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  1. I didn't find him very much like the Hood, I thought he was more similar to what Oliver would have been without the trial by fire that was the island (unless he also went to the island?), a guy who king of his own world but in this reality also inexplicably skilled with a bow. It was probably the voice SA used for him, which I thought sounded like his pretend-to-be Ollie voice if that makes any sense. I do think it could have been done better. Neither of the evil gangbangers worked for me.
  2. It looked like there was a fire escape chart on the door, so I took it to be a hotel room, but I guess some residences might also have those on the door? Or someone like Stein might anyway.
  3. I know you're joking, but unless there's been actual claims made against him and not just against his writing and ideas, I'd hate to use the current environment to just oust people whose showrunning we dislike. That seems like it would turn bad very quickly. Again, unless you've heard something about Guggenheim that I haven't, I admittedly haven't been visiting the DCTV forums very often lately.
  4. Reading a discussion on another forum about a couple stealing the thunder of another couple getting married by interrupting their vows and asking if they could also get married has brought back memories of the criticism of Emma and Hook's reunion after Robin's funeral. Both couples on the other show had also just attended a funeral. While I don't love how it was done, I would still take the shared post-funeral wedding of two couples over the immediate separation after the graveside reunion or the rush job given to Hook and Emma's wedding at the end of the musical and another immediate separation accompanied by memory loss. Ah, the grass is always greener on the other side. If anyone's interested, the couples were
  5. Thank you. I keep seeing this mentioned and I thought I was having memory problems because I clearly heard Felicity ask. Now, she didn't wait for an answer, or rather, the editor chose to focus more on Oliver and Diggle's answers over Iris and Barry's, and that sucks, but there was also time for Barry and Iris to object. No one would have blamed them for asking the other couple to wait, so I don't see any pressure on Barry and Iris to not protest if they disliked the idea.
  6. I don't think she understood the point of Breaking Bad, at all. I am offended on Bryan Cranston's behalf.
  7. I do not misunderstand the trope. I just strongly disagree that Barry is an example of the Black Best Friend trope. Full stop. I could see why the interracial couple getting upstaged by a white couple could be problematic, especially with the very unfortunate choice of camera angle, but that is dampened a little by one couple getting most of the wedding fixings at both their planned and unplanned ceremonies while the other couple did not. I also think it would have served nothing to have Iris and Barry talking about their interrupted wedding with Oliver and Felicity. What would that have established, exactly? It seems obvious that no couple would want their wedding to be interrupted by Nazis and they would be upset about it. I think the inclusion of these feelings in part two, which is the only place it would have fit, would have made Iris and Barry come across poorly. They were teetering on having Oliver and Felicity come off badly for me in episode two as well, but at least it was because they were trying to discuss and solve the issue, not commiserate over a past event that cannot be changed except for time travel (no Barry, no!). Also, I give Oliver a little leeway here because it's actually a weird sort of growth for him that he wanted to discuss it and wasn't 100% about the mission. It says something good about Barry and Iris that they focused on solving the problem instead of the missed wedding. Iris was integral to freeing Supergirl and contacting the Legends and I would 1,000 times prefer that to her being some sort of disappointed bridezilla trope. Then again, I find the wedding-obsessed bride and chill groom in both media and real life to be much more problematic than a shared wedding. Thankfully, we got to have both Barry in previous episodes and Oliver really let their wedding love shine. Now that's good stuff. Beautifully put, and I want to marry this post in a small yet meaningful ceremony and I won't even care if my friends also want to jump in and marry their favorite posts at the same time. I am so happy that Legends seems to have gained some new fans. It is by far my favorite of the four shows and one of my favorite shows in general and it just really, really entertains me every week.
  8. To paraphrase Oliver in one of my favorite scenes of the entire crossover: Don't call him that!* Now that was a fun exchange. It involved Oliver uptightness, Snart snark, a callback to the long road Sarah and Oliver have traveled, and a little bit of Captain Canary. It was really great. More please. *Or do, it's cool, and I'm not uptight Oliver.
  9. Good point. Which is why I haven't defended Felicity, although I generally like her despite the occasional rudeness. I also feel that the characters of Oliver and Felicity deserve better than to have their wedding shoehorned onto another couple's but them's the breaks. Not sure what there is to really argue about, this could have been handled better for both couples. That said, I'm also not a big lavish wedding person, so I am kind of glad they got to be eachother's witnesses and that Diggle got to see his shipper dreams get fulfilled. I was more pointing out how Diggle has suffered in a way for knowing Barry, and the situational irony involved.
  10. I wasn't implying that he hadn't. I just thought it was a neat little tidbit that I hadn't realized until you mentioned Barry's unfortunate mistake(s). Speaking of the black best friend trope that was discussed earlier, it would seem to not only apply to Iris (and Barry!?) but also to Diggle who was quietly minding his own business (and icing his injured arm which Barry did not even ask about) before being carted along to another city without being asked beforehand. Rude.
  11. I just realized that Diggle officiated the ceremony of the man who caused his baby to be erased from existence and replaced with another. Heh. I don't suppose that's covered in the wedding etiquette handbook. I suppose he's a better choice than the man who officiated Digg's wedding to Lyla, who was probably off in 1776 by then or whenever because time travel.
  12. I thought this episode would make me emotional, but I ended up not feeling anything. I did like the UPS guy, who despite being threatened by Toby, showed an amazing level of empathy when he realized why Toby had been searching so hard for the package. You can see it click in his eyes when Toby tells him it was a baby bath. We now have the shipping warehouse guy and grocery store manager to go along with Garuda the lighting guy and the postal worker from last season. Apparently the entire family has these moments, not just Randall. I can’t wait until another random worker just going about their day is the person who realizes Kevin has an addiction and gets him to seek help. The hotel housekeeper last week was so close.
  13. Me either lol. The last season and a half has been a blur. I only ask because Jacinda asked him why he wasn’t catering or something.
  14. Was he shown in the episode where Henry and Jacinda were caterers?
  15. I had a bit of a laugh at the temporary bartender (Roni really doesn’t have any other bartenders? She has to borrow one from another business?) at the end of this episode. Why was he obsessively cleaning a liquor pour spout with what looked like a bar pick? I wonder if he’s just supposed to be a quirky character, or this is supposed to show that Regina left the bar in good hands or if it was just something the actor decided to do with a prop. Either way, I laughed when I saw it.
  16. I admittedly have not been paying much attention to this show. Are we supposed to think Tremaine is the original Rapunzel and she’s the one who imprisoned Gothel? Did the original look like the version Hook saw in the tower? Or is that just supposed to be a de-aged Gothel The only reason I think Rumple might be sincere with regards to Wish Hook is because he has a soft spot for Alice. Also, I agree with Rumple that freeing Gothel is a bad idea. So it might just be that.
  17. Oh man, Hyde and the long-haired Regina had so much potential. Another lost opportunity. Villain power couples can be so much fun, just look at Spike and Dru from Buffy.
  18. Hey, I finally got to watch live this season. Not that I’ve really been missing much. I don’t dislike Cinderella that much, but I’m totally onboard with A&E doing one of their much-loved twists and having Lucy be the daughter of Henry and Drizella instead, whether by adoption or a different biological father or birthmother or what have you. It would be much more interesting than what they’ve got going on right now. If I didn’t know their true relationship, I’d think Roni was romantically interested in Henry, based on the body language Parrilla uses in scenes with him.
  19. Well, he does meet her when she's on her way to kill someone for revenge.
  20. What a run! My only regret is that I couldn't make it to #22 in person. I did get to see numbers 2 (though I didn't know they'd just keep winning at the time), 18, 19, and 21 at the Jake though, so I think I'll survive. The atmosphere this whole week was electric and I can only imagine the thrill of being there on Thursday night. Part of me was hoping it would end soon though. I was worried dealing with streak pressure before the post season would start to wear out the team when they should soon start resting some players.
  21. After pages and pages of people barely meeting up with other named characters in the last two books, I am so down for this superhero teamup Fellowship of the Wight thing we've got going on.
  22. I feel like they would/should have done that last year with the long haired and more seductive Regina running around but they were weird and saved all that for Rumple so who knows. Maybe they were actually restraining themselves when Emma was in the picture. About Henry's potential love interest, I don't mind the age difference. It's nothing close to some of the older male to younger female age differences on this show. I think it's just more jarring because Henry was wearing his striped scarf and behaving like a 12 year old three episodes ago.
  23. Are we sure they're not going to say time moves differently in the alt world? It would be sort of the opposite of what I thought they were going to do with Neverland, which was to have the Nevengers think they were only gone two weeks while two years have passed in Storybrooke. This time Henry would have time to grow up (and let's face it, the kid has canonically always been a fast grower) without having to miss too much of Regina's life.
  24. In Season 12, we'll find out what happens when August and Lily have a fling. Can the puppet survive dragonfire? How will offscreen!Emma react?
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