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Everything posted by InsertWordHere

  1. My head hurts, but I don't think every "role" would have to already exist in these new worlds, just like our already existing characters sometimes played multiple roles in different stories. Could Anastasia, whose husband Will used to date Henry's stepgrandmother, be Henry's stepsister in law (assuming Not!Ashley is Henry's wife)? I can't with this family tree, I swear.
  2. Henry could be that prince. So the Enchanted Forest "flashbacks" (or possible flashforwards?) of Lucy during the season six finale's flashforward, are we to assume they were in the realm where Cinderella 2: Enchanted Boobalo comes from? Anyone remember how they were captioned? I remember they used the cheap trick of saying something like "during a dark time" but I can't remember if they actually said they were in the EF or not.
  3. This different versions of the same tales thing actually makes sense to me in an "all of this has happened before, all of this will happen again" way. Perhaps they will finally explain why versions of Cinderella and Snow White have been known to our world for hundreds of years when the "real" versions apparently existed concurrently with the early 1980s. Then again, they're creatively bankrupt, so probably not.
  4. It's How I Met Your Mother combined with the rom com Definitely, Maybe only actual memory alteration may most definitely will be involved. Oh joy.
  5. I came here as soon as I heard! Yes, @tennisgurl, the wishing star worked this time!
  6. The beans line bothers me so much, but to be fair, the line after is "and the unhappy ending let that be the Queen's." But what can we replace "beans" with? Teens? Spleens? Greens? Or just use queens there and use beans in the next line instead?
  7. I wish CS had like ten fewer kisses and just one more domestic scene.
  8. This is the worst type of scolding we can give it! If only we could say this to Netflix, it would see the error of its ways, and then pronounce its love for us after worrying for a few days that we are going to marry Hulu Plus. Erm, I might have taken this a little too far.
  9. @Camera One, when it ended on a cliffhanger I actually thought to myself that it must be coming back or they wouldn't have left things hanging like that. I should know better. It is a good show and I do highly recommend it. Maybe stop watching it 15 minutes before the end of the season 2 finale though. Sigh.
  10. I think this is true. They also seemed to consider Milah more of a Rumple side-player than a key figure in either Killian's or Bae's stories, hence why all of her scenes after The Crocodile were with him except for one scene with Killian in the tavern. She spent most of her time in the Underworld with Rumple and had no scenes with Hook. When she did get to interact with someone who wasn't Rumple, it was initially played for laughs so the writers could comment on the wacky family tree. It's also why she didn't get to meet Henry while Henry Senior got a touching scene with him.
  11. Sense8 has been cancelled. Netflix has definitely lost points with me due to both this decision and the OUaT deal. @tennisgurl, this is probably the most upset I have ever been about a show's early cancellation. And they left it on a cliffhanger too!
  12. LOST and Battlestar Galactica both did The Last Supper, but it was used as promo material, not the last scene of the series as we know it. Also, it made a lot more sense in the context of those shows.
  13. Her role in The Walking Dead really helped me get over Tamara. I still find it funny that all three actors from the Neal/Tamara/Greg "triangle" (if we can even call it that) have appeared on TWD at various points. And now Neal's tv son is a Walking Dead alum.
  14. I like that you've tried to understand it from another perspective. I try to do the same with episodes focused on characters I don't love. For me, and keep in mind I'm a bit of an odd duck, I was bound to love the 3B finale simply because I love time travel. As long as they didn't mess up the basic workings of it, I was going to enjoy it. It was a fresh concept that they had never tried before (hat traveling hands not withstanding) and it was just a fun idea IMO. 4B's finale, while also being a new concept, didn't work as well for me because the motivations to put the characters in the book seemed a bit off. Zelena's motivations were crystal clear to me. I still wish they had worked in closed loop time travel and not messed with Snowing's first meeting, but these writers aren't clever enough for that and I knew it even then, so I enjoyed it for what it was. It also worked nicely in closing Emma's arc that half season by having her discover "there's no place like home." I myself was not happy with a lot of 3B, especially the dropped ball on what the characters did in the missing year (Nothing. They did nothing until the plot called for it. Except Neal), so for me, the finale managed to single-handedly recover that arc. As for the romance, I agree that they kind of messed up the romance on two fronts. First, they made Snowing's first meeting less epic. That's bad. Someone should ask A&E if the new "epic love story" is going to be EPIC! like "Snow Falls" or lower case epic like "Snow Drifts". As for CS, they spent that whole arc keeping close-lipped (heh, lip curse) on Emma's feelings for Hook, so much so that when she did decide to kiss him, it left some viewers feeling she had changed her mind out of the blue, or just because she learned he traded the ship. This happened, IMO, because of their need to leave viewers guessing "will they or won't they" until the last minute. I would have preferred it if there had been more build up during the adventure itself (although the dance and past!Hook shenanigans were great), and not just left Hook's speech and Emma's seeming change of heart crammed in at the end.
  15. Your questions are--- well, you know. I was confused about how Zelena could use it, but I guess her use of light magic in later flashbacks explained that part?
  16. Isn't that why she couldn't wield the wand in the Season 5 premiere?
  17. Rumple- 3A, and I agree that he should have stayed dead. But he did do a lot of standing around talking to hallucinations in that arc, so maybe Season 1 Rumple edges him out. Emma- It's really hard for me to choose. I thought she was great throughout the show's run up until Season 6. I agree Season 1 "walls" Emma is overrated. I guess 4A Emma if I had to choose. She remains my forever fave despite Season 6. Regina I actually enjoyed the most in 5B, excluding the finale. 2A I had the most interest in the character but 2B made me lose interest and makes her 2A arc look shallow in retrospect. I still wish she had been tricking Cora. Snow- Gonna have to go with Seasons 1 and 2A Snow as well. They really did a number on that character in later seasons. Charming- I think Season 2 was his best and he was probably the only character who improved that season from season 1. Maybe Belle as well, but she was barely in Season 1 and for part of it she wasn't really aware. So yeah, Season 2 Charms is my jam. From keeping the town together to protecting Henry to helping Regina cope with the Daniel Zombie in the first half, to his support of Snow after the Cora incident in the second half. His only misstep was his insistence on going back to the EF without really considering Emma's feelings, but he seems to have entirely forgotten that desire after 3B. He loses points in Season 3A for his secret keeping and in 3B for not really seeming all that desperate to get back to Emma. Flashback Charming in Season 1 is probably the most endearing Charming but the shine wore off in the present day scenes. Belle- 2A is the best for Belle IMO. She wasn't in enough of Season 1 and her later seasons mostly revolved around Rumple lying to her. Hook- 3A, no question. What a wonderful arc for Hook. Zelena- Season 5? I don't really have a strong opinion on Zelena one way or the other. Henry- Season 1.
  18. They were scriptwriters for Lost. It was the creation of Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.
  19. My season rankings are the same as @KingOfHearts. Arcs would be 3A-> 1A-> 1B-> 2A-> 4A-> 3B-> 5A-> 2B-> 5B-> 4B---------->6B/A I cannot choose which part of Season 6 is worse. Previously, 4B almost made me check out of this show, not out of anger, but just plain disinterest, so it means a lot that Season 6 in its entirety was somehow worse for me. 4A is before 3B mostly on the strength of its antagonist, even thought the finale of that arc was not great. I still have a soft spot for 2A. Neverland and Pan still rule all.
  20. I am still salty as hell that we never got this. According to the finale, Henry is now 14 (what? how?), so they had plenty of time, even if one of the birthdays fell within the missing year. No time for that! We've got to show Dark Curse #57 instead, this time with even fewer consequences!
  21. Exactly. I used to enjoy debating the merits of all the main three villains and their differing paths to redemption, but when someone can turn "good" on a dime, why does it really matter? I came to this realization sometime around the atrocious eggnapping plot. There's no there there with this show.
  22. I love that post as well. If only we didn't have to explain our reasons for liking every character in order to pass some sort of purity test so we wouldn't get accused of only cutting them slack because we find them attractive. We could, and I'm just spitballing here, instead assume that everyone has valid reasons for finding a character compelling, ranging from the shallow and mundane to the Leslie Knope color-coded 20 point presentation level. If we did that, we could start discussing the characters' merits on their own, without making personal judgements on posters here. Boy, that would be something. All opinions on every character are welcome here, I enjoy reading them, and I would hope that doesn't need to be explicitly stated before every opposing argument is made. Actually, I went back and checked and the most upvoted posts on this thread seem to be criticisms at the show and its creators, not people disagreeing with you over Regina's happy ending or her similarity to Hook. To be fair, traffic has probably significantly died down since Sunday. For the record, I find all the happy endings unfulfilling and trite, and wouldn't disagree with anyone who doesn't like their favorite character's ending, nor would I automatically agree with them just because we happen to like the same character. This conversation has derailed the thread enough, so I will not bow out of it.
  23. I gotta admit, I was kind of hoping the anger across the fandoms at A&E and ABC would make us all forget our differences and come together in our bitterness. Okay, I didn't really think that would happen, but it would be nice! I have tried my hardest to never imply that Regina's popularity is in any way due to her looks and frequent displays of certain assets which I have seen members of her fandom mention on occasion. More power to them, I say! I just get disheartened when I see people accuse Hook fans of the same thing and it seems to be generally accepted.
  24. So what would be the solution to that? Every time I defend Hook, I have to start with a disclaimer saying, "Hook's as hot as almost every other person on this show save Charming, but I'm not defending him because of that?" Look, I get what you're saying, and I agree it's probably really hard to post here when you don't agree with the majority, but judging posters preference of a character based on how good-looking he is while the character they are comparing him to is also incredibly good-looking is not going to help.
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