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Everything posted by InsertWordHere

  1. I would love an AU episode that showed us what the characters' lives would be like if there had been no curse, but I feel like this would be very hard for them to execute correctly. For one, they'd have to put nearly every cast member except for Jennifer Morrison in aged makeup and it would probably look silly. Also, without the Curse, Henry would most likely be erased from existence. Lastly, and this is the big one, the Charmings would most likely have lived a relatively happy life without the Curse and the showrunners wouldn't want to us to realize this because it would once again make Regina look horrible.
  2. I remember the infamous Tara/Willow banner and the banner made in response to it, I think it said "Stop Whining" or something like that. I was a Spike fan at the time so I stayed far away from the TWoP Buffy forums. InsertWordHere wasn't my first screenname on TWoP. I wasn't banned like some of you troublemakers :) but I had to sign up again because I kept having issues logging in to the old one. Honestly, except for some comments on the Lost and Desperate Housewives boards, I mostly lurked until OUaT came along. My favorite tradition when I started watching a show was to go to TWoP and read the episode threads for that show. I did it with BSG when I watched it in full after it had ended its tv run. I did it with Doctor Who, which was in its fourth series when I watched episode 1.1. Actually, TWoP's Rec Room Motivators are what made me want to watch Doctor Who, so I'll always be grateful to TWoP for that alone. I recently rewatched Farscape in its entirety and then I went and checked out the old Farscape thread. Man, I'm going to miss those forums.
  3. I've always believed that a person can have more than one true love, especially if we're bringing familial love into it. Let's suppose Emma gets put under a sleeping curse and Snow wakes her up with true love's kiss. Does that mean Snow would no longer be Charming's true love or that Emma doesn't love her son as much or more than she loves her friend/mother? I don't think so.
  4. Arandil, I've been keeping up with that Hook POV story and I really enjoy it. The author does a good job of making Hook sympathetic without resorting to sugar-coating his actions. My only worry is that the author's pace will soon outpace the show. Currently, the fanfic is not very far away from the start of the missing year, and we might not know the full story of Hook's year until the season finale. I also love how the author has shown how intrigued Hook is by Emma without realizing that there are deeper feelings there, because I think it fits with canon and his great big lightbulb moment during/after the kiss.
  5. Ah, thanks daxx! I think I got my spoiler circuits crossed or something.
  6. Wasn't there an interview a few months ago that suggested a Cruella DeVil appearance and some people thought the Witch might pull double villain duty and be Cruella as well?
  7. I am also here :) A dark curse threatened to tear us apart, but luckily we found a portal to a new land.
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