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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. I think this is current (crossing fingers): Actress Diana Douglas Webster, First Wife of Kirk, Mother of Michael (& Joel), Dies at 92 http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2015/07/04/diana-douglas-dies-at-92/29709191/
  2. The grocery swap is also used on Guy's Grocery Games.
  3. And at least QVC home shopping network also does a big "Christmas in July" thing on at least July 1st each year, if not other times during the month.
  4. Will's definitely (been) working with a Speech Therapist. They showed Bill & Jen taking him to 1 of his sessions (with a Therapist they called "Miss Anna", whom Will seems to like), in an episode that just repeated during the daytime in the last few days/the last week, while they took Zoey to get some blood drawn; after which they showed Will showing them what he learned & (I think) Jen helping him with some stuff he was given to practice after that lesson for his next lesson.
  5. OK... I have another Pet Peeve. But only others here on Twitter, or other social media, might relate. Especially if they follow a number of currently-popular celebs, as I do. It drives me crazy when I get a Tweet, or other social media post (or even an Email from the celebrity's "people"), from a celebrity's social media account advising their followers (who are presumably fans) to watch their interview on Entertainment Tonight, Extra, The Insider, Access Hollywood, etc. that night at a specific time, or on a specific local station or even a specific network! It drives me so nuts because I, at least, have taken the trouble (probably because, among other things, I got my college degree in Radio-TV-Film, aka Mass Communications) to understand that the shows mentioned in these Tweets/social media posts are syndicated. Meaning that they don't air on the same network, or at the same time, all across the country like a network TV show does. So watching them is a "Check local listings for your correct time & channel" thing; not a "CBS, Friday nights at 9PM Eastern/8PM Central" thing (if you're watching something like Hawaii Five-0, for example). So a celeb's Tweet/social media post should really say something like, "Watch me on (show) on (day/date). Check local listings for time/channel". If I, a mere "average" TV viewer, can know this why can't the people who usually post this stuff for the celebrity involved (or the celebrity themselves, when they post their own stuff... & some do) know this--or be advised of it by someone with the show involved--too? I say/ask this only because giving inaccurate information about the time, or anything else, when an interview airs basically screws the celebrity's fans out of watching it & perhaps missing "big" news in the fandom, like the announcement of a new CD or home video release--or even an initial performance of a/some new song(s)/an initial airing of a new video clip--or the announcement of a new tour (unless the viewer/fan is smart enough to think/know the information given isn't right for their local market & they doublecheck their local TV schedules in time to see the interview). And missing stuff like that, honestly, tends to piss at least some of the celebrity's fans off. Yeah, those into the Internet can, soon thereafter, find this info on the celeb's website &/or social media pages, etc., but most fans also like to watch their celebs in as many interviews as possible... & get any "big" announcement as soon as it's announced. So that's why, on behalf of my fellow fans, Tweets/social media posts like that by celeb accounts are a Pet Peeve of mine.
  6. Your post is a little unclear as to what you're saying about Chynna Phillips. Carnie & her sister, Wendy, are/were bandmates of Chynna's in Wilson Phillips. I say are/were because the band broke up/took a really long hiatus after recording only their second CD--most/all 3 of the ladies married & had children during the hiatus (Chynna has 3 or 4 kids, boys & girls; Wendy has at least 4--all boys--the last I heard; Carnie has 2 girls), they did solo & other group-type recording projects, & Carnie had a short-lived daytime talk show, but they've gotten back together periodically in the last 10 years or so. In the last decade or so, they've toured/done some other live performances & released a Christmas CD, a Greatest Hits CD, & 2 CD's of mostly, if not entirely, "covers"--California, a collection of "California"-related songs (not like California, Here I Come; more like "beach" songs, songs by artists connected, somehow, to California, etc.), & Dedicated, a CD of songs made famous/previously recorded by their parents' groups, The Beach Boys & The Mamas & The Papas.
  7. You Know You Watch Too Much West Wing When: Conservative pundit SE Cupp's reaction to SCOTUS' Decision Affirming Marriage Equality in All 50 States (& Apparently the Plaintiffs in the Lawsuit), "They are Patriots", reminds you of the smackdown Ainsley Hayes gave her Republican friends (ex-friends?) when they mocked the Bartlet Administration after her first day on the job in their White House because Ainsley's defense of the Bartlet Administration to her fellow GOPers/Conservatives ended with the same phrase, "... they are Patriots" http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/se-cupp-gay-marriage-scotus-conservative-cry
  8. Comedian-Actor Jack Carter Dead at Age 93. http://www.ew.com/article/2015/06/29/comedian-jack-carter-dies-93?hootPostID=5b9bb0e80b21fb31ec1cd4be461a8683
  9. For some reason, it won't work for me. Oh well, they probably don't have my name. It's 1 of those "ethnic" names where you can mostly find the premade personalized stuff with my name in certain areas of the country (areas with big Latina/Hispanic populations) or Las Vegas (probably because they have a fairly big Filipino population & I'm half-Filipina... Though my name isn't specific to the Philippines; it's also Latina/Hispanic).
  10. I knew there were other brands besides Aunt Jemima. I think my Mom mostly got that; maybe sometimes 1 of the others. I think usually the Bisquick. I remember the Pour A Quiche too. I think my Mom also got that every once in a while.
  11. I'm pretty sure Aunt Jemima made it, at least the kind in the small milk carton; but I think there was also more than 1 brand, & more than 1 brand may have also come in the small milk carton-type containers. I'm pretty sure whichever brands made it like that made it in at least buttermilk & blueberry flavors. Don't they make it like that--ready-made batter in the milk cartons--anymore? I thought for sure they still did.
  12. I don't know about the Sam Adams commercial (haven't seen it yet), but I know she does, or at least did, commercials for (Oil of) Olay cosmetics which involve(d) voice overs.
  13. The "named" Coke bottles have been around since earlier in the year, I think.
  14. I've never been there, but I would assume that--given the stairs at the front entrance--there's some sort of alternate entrance for mobility-impaired patrons (I think there would have to be, under the Americans with Disabilities Act President Bush Sr. signed into law in 1990; as someone with a mobility-impairment, I would hope there is). Assuming an alternate entrance does exist, I'm fairly positive Jen & Will probably used it.
  15. When they were pushing buttons & stuff, I heard Judy (Nainai/Jen's Mom) actually ask if the kids/Will could hurt anything doing that. Their Tourguide said NO, they couldn't.
  16. Actor Tony Musante Dies at 77. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/actor-tony-musante-dies-toma-660669
  17. James was presented with an Order of the British Empire (OBE) honor by The Princess Royal (Princess Anne), today, at Buckingham Palace. It's maybe sort of similar to our President presenting an American with the Presidential Medal of Freedom (I think--any Brits here, please feel free to correct me). Queen Elizabeth II used to present these types of honors personally, but right now she's on a State Visit to Germany &, in recent years, she's passed off the presentation of these types of honors to her children--at least her daughter & Prince Charles--or Prince William, The Duke of Cambridge. https://twitter.com/britishmonarchy/status/614075176867758080
  18. I know. What I couldn't believe was when the actress who played that batty patient of Cliff's in a later season, Mrs. Minniefield (who wrote all his instructions down, then did the exact opposite--or some other way she got into her head--of everything he said), said she was victimized too. I get actors aren't necessarily like their characters, but she made me crazy & he's got no taste if he did attack her (my opinion). And that's where I'll leave it.
  19. topanga: I assume you might've seen the episode of The Cosby Show where his character, Cliff Huxtable, is home alone babysitting his twin baby grandchildren after Clair's been called into the office to write/finish a legal brief for a sick colleague & the rest of the family is at a local Michael Jackson concert (only certain members of the family could go because Grandpa Huxtable wasn't given enough tickets by his friend, who was supposedly in Michael's band... & Grandpa Huxtable knowing someone in Michael Jackson's band always seemed like a big stretch to me, given Grandpa's age & the ages of most pop star band members, at least in reality). Whether you have or not, that has a great scene of Cosby apparently having to work around the boy baby playing his grandson (the Huxtables had boy/girl twin grandchildren) a) Spitting up on himself in the baby carrier seat & b) Losing focus for a fairly extended period & looking up at either the overhead lights on the set or, possibly, some sort of flying bug doing its thing around the overhead lights on the set. If it's not a "classic" scene involving baby/child actors losing focus, it's at least close. And Cosby's ad libs to cover for/handle the situation were fabulous, if a bit crotchety at times. Princess Sparkle: I agree. I also thought the temperature discrepancy was probably something as simple as reading the Celsius temperature rather than the Fahrenheit. I can't remember what they said the wind speed was at the time, & I don't know how to calculate wind chill temperatures anyway, so I couldn't tell you if the wind chill figure was based on the given wind speed, but I'm also assuming that's what happened there. When they put down the really cold temperature, they automatically computed a wind chill factor to go along with it--as they tend to do during some parts of the fall & pretty much all of the winter.
  20. I have a similar 1 for you, but in the opposite direction & not quite as life-threatening, temperature-wise. The other night, the local NOAA Weather Radio station--audio from which is carried on 2 different channels on our cable provider, to accompany video of 2 different local weather radars (from our CBS & ABC affiliates), which makes it a "TV thing"--for some reason, for at least an hour with *no* explanation, gave our local temperature as 27 degrees, with a wind chill of 13 degrees. The only thing is, temperatures in the area were actually in at least the low 80's at the time (though it was rather late at night), & we were under a Tornado Watch at the time (though nothing actually happened with that, thankfully). When it came time to update the local conditions at the top of the next hour, the temperature was given as being 81 degrees, which was more in line with the rest of the area at the time, but still no explanation was made for the drastic temperature change given in the previous hour.
  21. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/rumer-willis-drops-dancing-stars-805046?utm_source=twitter The headline of this linked article (& similar articles posted to other Twitters/sites) is misleading, in my opinion. It implies Rumer has had to *completely* drop out of the tour (she's developed stress fractures in her right foot). But according to social media posts she wrote which were quoted in at least the linked article, she's only had to stop dancing during the touring show (at least for the time being; there's apparently hope she can dance again before the tour ends); she's apparently still singing for dances performed by other couples during the touring show.
  22. Another Pet Peeve of mine: When people say "between" when they *really* should be saying "among" instead. (I know everyone does it, but...) When I was in school, I distinctly still remember my English teachers (at least the ones in the grades when you were still learning the language, how to write it, how to spell it, how to punctuate it, etc.; not so much the ones when you still had to take English, but the teachers assumed you had enough of a functionality in it & about all you did in class was write essay papers) saying you use "between" when you're talking about situations involving *only* two people (It's just between you & me); you use "among" when you're talking about situations involving *three or more* people (Let's keep this among you, me, Steve, & Danny).
  23. Then if that's the case, I hope/assume they bought things for Zoey too. I just thought I wouldn't want Zoey to be upset or feel left out because her older brother (who also wasn't well, but apparently felt better than Zoey) got to go out with their Mommy & got a bunch of cool stuff that she didn't because she wasn't well enough to go with them.
  24. It's definitely "beans". The beans now have pulled chicken in them.
  25. If that was a gift bag from the Library, I hope they somehow got another for Zoey, or the 1 bag had doubles of everything, since she wasn't well enough to go with Jen & Will. It would be nice if they did anyway (shrugs).
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