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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Barnes & Noble's site carries actual ADULT (as in subject matter) coloring books, if that's your (or someone you know's) speed. I found them the other night while browsing their adult coloring books selection, but I don't remember how. I think I'll stick with the mandalas, geometric shapes & abstract designs, with the occasional animals & buildings thrown in for good measure, like I used to color when I was a kid. Brattinella: Thanks for the reminder about Doodle Art!
  2. Jimmy Evert, Father of Tennis Legend Chris Evert, Dies at 91. http://www.people.com/article/jimmy-evert-dead
  3. F-Troop Star, Melody Patterson (Also a Former Wife of Original Hawaii Five-O Star, James MacArthur), Dies at Age 66. http://variety.com/2015/tv/obituaries-people-news/f-troop-actress-melody-patterson-dies-at-66-1201576106/
  4. Jen posted Will & Zoey's "First Day of School" pic to her Instagram & Twitter a little while ago. https://instagram.com/p/6qjRg4K-ek/
  5. I did too. I'm almost certain that you can take cruises from both St. Petersburg, FL & St. Petersburg, Russia. I'm a little surprised that none of the teams, especially not the 1 which got St. Petersburg, asked Tim for clarification as to which they meant. I guess they just assumed the city that was meant, or the producers didn't give a crap which city they used for inspiration.
  6. It's funny, but the day, or the day after, the Colorama commercial was brought up here I got an Email from a crafts store I've bought craft kits from advertising coloring books for adults (which is not to mean adult-rated coloring books). When I was a kid, I traveled around the (mainland) US on behalf of a children's health charity (not MDA/"Jerry's Kids"). I used to get similar (abstract designs-type) coloring books at a local bookstore & bring them along with me to alleviate boredom in the different cities between events/to have something to do on the longer plane flights between cities. I used to color mine with marker pens, the biggest fine point set I could find. I also did those big posters in the cardboard tubes (I wish I could remember what the product was actually called). Now that I'm stuck in bed due to health issues, I'm actually thinking about picking up the "habit" of coloring books like that again.
  7. The actress who played Theo's college professor actually did play a cop on another ep of the show--it was the ep where Theo's friend Denny found a watch & gave it to his girlfriend, theatre student Jade; only the watch turned out to be stolen, which got him in trouble with Jade & the cops... 1 of whom was played by the same actress who played Theo's professor.
  8. Anatomy of an Emmy Snub: The Americans (From Variety, ponders the show's lack of major--lead acting, series, etc.--Emmy nominations) http://variety.com/2015/tv/opinion/emmy-snubs-the-americans-rectify-1201573739/
  9. Since she appears on the show to announce the winner, I'm posting this here. Food Network President Brooke Johnson to Step Down http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/food-network-brooke-johnson-1201573441/
  10. And here's a link to the obit for actress Yvonne Craig, whose death was referenced above. http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/yvonne-craig-dead-batgirl-batman-dies-1201573165/
  11. It was on Pop again last night, & I watched it again (nothing else interesting on). The Praetorians (cyberterrorists) even knew stuff about her *before* she had the virus/program disc (& so before they should've had reason to be watching her, as near as I can figure). The guy working with/for the Praetorians who's supposed to gain her confidence, get the disc back, then kill her because of what she knows (only he apparently falls for her & can never follow through with actually killing her, just making threats against her & threatening/killing her friends/family) quotes something she said, about the kind of guy she's supposedly looking for, in an online chat room it seems like before they should know she has/was sent the disc, the 1st time he tries to kill her & can't. As for what you replied, at 1 point she said the Praetorians' program had a "back door". I don't remember, admittedly, a lot of terminology that deals with malicious computer stuff, but I thought that meant they could go in a system, mess with it, then once they stop messing with it & leave it's like nothing was done to it (so no need for IT guys to fix things). I dunno (shrugs).
  12. I remember them doing a tailgating/tailgating competition special, once or twice (this was back a few years ago), hosted by Guy I'm pretty sure. He actually did what looks to have been a 5-episode special involving tailgating by NFL fans. http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/food-network-specials/all-specials/tailgate-warriors-with-guy-fieri.html It looks like Al Roker's also done a couple of tailgating specials, as well, but I didn't remember those. http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/food-network-specials/all-specials/tricked-out-tailgating.html http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/food-network-specials/all-specials/al-rokers-tailgating-party.html But I haven't seen anything remotely related to tailgating on the network since those aired.
  13. The Pop (ex-TV Guide) channel is running the 1995 Sandra Bullock movie The Net (where she plays a computer systems analyst whose life gets royally screwed with by cyberterrorists--the Praetorians--when a colleague of hers passes along a floppy disc, for her analysis, on which the terrorists have loaded a program with which the terrorists can control/manipulate pretty much any computer network in the US if not the world) off & on this week, including last night. It's another movie I like to try to catch when it's on TV, despite a couple of things about it (though not as many as with High Crimes) that crossed my mind while I watched it for the zillionth time last night. I get that the cyberterrorists--I think, anyway--probably had some sort of "tracker" built into the program, or on the floppy disc, & that's how they knew the 1st guy sent it to Bullock's character & how they knew all about her once she got the disc & they knew about all her friends/family who she was trying to get help from, so they could eliminate them & just make her look like a crazy person. But there was a point where the disc (the only copy of the disc, at least until later in the movie) was ruined by being out in the sun for a protracted period, & the Praetorians were still able to track her movements after that, even when she wasn't on any of the computers on which she'd worked with the disc--which I also figure had the tracker from the disc implanted in them like a virus would be. So that's now bothering me. It's also bothering me how she managed to get all her stuff from her house, which the Praetorians cleaned out & put up for sale once they started messing with her, back from wherever they had it stored when she didn't know where that was to go get it. I guess she called around to all the storage places until she found it (then she would've had to explain why she looked nothing like the woman using her name who [helped] put the stuff in storage when she went to retrieve it/they delivered it back to her house). At the end of the movie, she had her house back (easy enough, she had the keys among other things) & everything in it we saw before she was messed with (maybe trickier to fix).
  14. If you're serious, I'm not sure where that came from. I'm watching the Midnight Eastern/9PM Pacific airing; they just went to the commercial before announcing the winner & I've heard no reference to that (unless it comes up when he's talking after he wins). Also I checked Wikipedia--Eddie has a page which says his name is "Eddie Paul Jackson, Jr."; MC Hammer's page gives his real name as "Stanley Burrell". So, I can't see how they're related if that was meant seriously.
  15. It's OK by me, & I don't think anybody else minds either. Honestly. Like I said, I don't think this particular commercial can get enough praise.
  16. From TVLine.com: Stars & Producers Pick the Shows They'd Like to Revive http://tvline.com/2015/08/15/tv-show-revival-reboot-actors-producers-wish-list/
  17. I think I saw something in the last few days saying yes, Scott Weingar (that's how you spell it) would be in Fuller House. They're already filming; I think he may have already been on set. Daisy: It's Quantico. Named for Quantico, Virginia, which is near Washington, DC, & is the location of the FBI Academy (I think that's what they call it), & the show is about either a group of FBI trainees or newly-minted FBI agents, 1 or more of whom is actually part of a terrorist cell & involved in what's being described as a terrorist attack on US soil that's worse than 9/11 & takes place in the show. Also, it's never been specifically said, I don't think, but Criminal Minds is also based in Quantico--that's also the home of the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit depicted in that show. Finally, I just read a thing saying Fox will air a preview (presumably an early airing of the Pilot) of Rob Lowe & Fred Savage's new show, The Grinder, tonight at 11:30PM Eastern.
  18. I know (especially as 1 with a history of numerous hospitalizations since birth, due to birth defects & related issues). I also mentioned the same commercial upthread--as far as I'm concerned, this commercial can't get enough mention. I love the relationship that seems to have been fostered between the nurse & his young patient.
  19. You've got me. I was (am?) a huge Dallas fan--watched the entire original series, the subsequent TV movies, & all 3 seasons of the continuation series that ran on TNT. Like I said in my previous post, everything else in the main titles of the TNT continuation was as close as they could get it to the original CBS main titles (the DALLAS logo & the main title theme, & I think there were also shots of famous Dallas sights, like either the actual Cowboys football field--which was used in the original show--or at least the new stadium the Cowboys use [which has another name besides Cowboys Stadium now, as I remember; I just don't remember the new name]), interspersed with the lead actors' main title credits. But the first 2 seasons of the TNT show used credits with a single picture/screen grab of the actors from an episode, with a font for their names that didn't even match the 1 in the original series, not the original. They had all those original eps to copy the main titles from; how did they manage to copy everything about them *but* the actors' credits in time for the start of S1? I don't buy it could take until S3 for someone to recreate the triple photo panel opening from the original. They could've used all 3 pics of each actor, at least for S1's credits if not every season's, from the Pilot/the same episode; it's not like they needed 3 different eps to get the pics. Sigh...
  20. According to the showrunners, the current show's title ending in the number zero, instead of a capital letter O as in the original, has to do with Internet searches (as in keeping the 2 shows as separate as possible in them, so people find the information they want about the right show). But that doesn't help when some people who write about it never saw the press release CBS actually issued before the S1 premiere explaining the new show's "Five-0" stood for the number 50 (Hawaii being the 50th state, which explains the name of the task force/state police unit), unlike the original's "Five-O" (where the capital letter "O" really makes no sense since it doesn't "tie into" Hawaii at all), or they just didn't read it, forgot it was even released, or they don't give a shit about being accurate & just put a capital O in the new show's title out of laziness or habit, resulting in some Internet search entries (& some DVD listings at, for example, Amazon.com & Barnes & Noble), for the new show getting mixed up with Internet (& DVD) listings for the original. Here's a link to a TV blog post from the Los Angeles Times, from back before the beginning of S1, which explains the "zero vs. capital O in the title" thing very well. Y'all really should read it if you're interested in this "zero vs. capital O" thing. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/showtracker/2010/07/cbs-explains-why-it-likes-numbers-more-than-letters.html As for the recent Dallas continuation, its last season (S3) did use main titles which copied the "3-photo panels of each main cast member" style from the original show. But that was the only season that did; it would've been better if they'd had them from the get-go, in my opinion, since everything else about the main titles & the theme music were almost perfect copies of those used in the original show.
  21. For those interested in the "Why is Scott Caan in fewer eps than (at least) Alex O'Loughlin all of a sudden (& how many eps is he gonna miss in S6)?" situation, here's an article link, from 1 of the fan Twitter feeds for the show earlier today, which explains how that situation will go down this season. http://communityvoices.post-gazette.com/arts-entertainment-living/tuned-in/item/39426-tv-q-a-hawaii-five-0-pennsylvania-ems-tests-and-weather-on-local-news It's from a "TV-Related Q&A" column in the/a Pittsburgh newspaper. It's the opening item, & the person asking the question seems to be as unhappy as many of the rest of us when Scott isn't in an episode. Or at least they're as perplexed as some of us as to why Scott's able to be written out of so many episodes (which probably aren't really that many in reality; it just seems like a lot more if you like the Danny Williams character), when at least the rest of "the Core 4" (original cast/original make up of the Five-0 team) are able to be on set filming in Hawaii each week even if, like Chin & Kono many weeks, certain actors may only have 1 or 2 lines or scenes in an ep. Anyway, the writer of the column was able to talk to Scott during CBS (& her "sister" networks)' party, the end of last week, during the Annual Summer Meeting of the TCA (Television Critics Association) in Los Angeles (there are pics on the internet of Scott attending this party). For those who don't wanna read the linked article, here's what Scott personally told the writer: Bolding above is mine, to show SC apparently has the showrunners'/CBS' OK with this schedule--just as Tom Selleck appears to have their blessing to only be on Blue Bloods' set in NYC every 2 weeks to film (which has been previously mentioned in this forum), though I get that may be weird they're OK with both altered schedules since most people consider Tom a "TV legend" (for whom a negotiated work schedule is perhaps appropriate, to secure his involvement in a project) while Scott hasn't reached that status yet & people are thinking, "Who is he--besides James Caan's son--to be able to get written completely out of certain eps when his 3 co-leads never are written out?" I think, in the case of both Scott here & Tom Selleck on Blue Bloods, CBS & the respective showrunners realized what (the chemistry between Alex & Scott & McGarrett & Danny)/who (Tom Selleck) helped make the shows involved hits & they're willing to bend over backwards--at least as long as those shows are profitable for CBS--to do whatever they have to that'll keep those entities involved in the shows for as long as possible... such as allow them the "luxury" of an altered shooting schedule since their shows are filmed on location & not in LA. Anyway... I think I heard, sometime around the S6 renewal announcement, that S6 will be 25 eps just like S5. If Alex is in all 25 of S6--even with fewer scenes in some episodes than most others, to give him something of a break--Scott will be in 20 eps this season (which I can deal with). That's 80% of the eps, if true, which honestly isn't a bad ratio. And, his absence some weeks is apparently due to exactly what I thought it was--at least last season--family time (especially after his daughter's birth at the very start of last season; perhaps also given the facts that his mother passed from Cancer at the beginning of S3 & his dad, James, with whom he's extremely close, lives in LA, is now in his early 70's & not getting any younger), presumably also with time for his charity work (& other things we're not aware of) mixed in.
  22. The show about the girl with the tattoos (which apparently are clues to cases or something involving an FBI agent) is called Blindspot. It supposedly has a lot of "buzz"/hit potential.
  23. New York Giants Coach Tom Coughlin Sends 2 Girls with Cancer to a One Direction Concert. http://www.people.com/article/giants-head-coach-tom-coughlin-jay-fund-one-direction-concert?xid=socialflow_twitter_peoplemag OK, so the girls aren't necessarily Giants fans, but the premise here is close enough, in my opinion. It's still about a celebrity doing something nice for someone.
  24. I haven't seen that in a few weeks (I just get the TNT & WE reruns, which I don't think are quite back to that ep yet, though at least 1 of those networks is showing Abbie eps right now), but I thought Abbie said the kid didn't die because the knife didn't go deep enough, not that he couldn't talk because of it. I'm probably wrong though.
  25. I associate I Say a Little Prayer with Dionne Warwick too. Much more than Aretha Franklin, anyway. I know you probably mean you'd like to play the game on TV, but if you have a smartphone & haven't heard yet, I've heard announcements--I think attached to their episode promos, as opposed to on the actual show--that they now have a show-related app, which sounds, to me, like you can use it to play along with the show. I'm not sure if it's free (probably doubtful) or if it's currently available from both iTunes App Store & Google Play or just 1 of those stores.
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