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  1. I wonder if she misspoke and meant to say kilojoules. Most of the world uses that instead of calories. 1500 kilojoules would be about 400 calories.
  2. I think she is into Asian skincare trend where the point is make the skin beautiful and translucent and show it off without makeup. It's total opposite of American trend where you cover your skin and make it matte. So I think she wants to show off her hard work. I do Korean skincare myself for last 5 years so I'm familiar with the trend. It can be pretty time consuming if you build your routine to have up to 10 steps. And I bet she uses the most expensive products too just because she can. (I get my skincare straight from Korea or Japan and you can find great quality stuff from smaller brands for cheaper than buy either American or European stuff which is extremely overpriced in my opinion. Of course you can buy extremely expensive brands in Asia too.)
  3. I guess it's not in the past (I never watched this before so wouldn't know). Just paid attention to Heidi and she had at least 5 different outfits through the show.
  4. Thank you! I still haven't watched it but I got the app and will catch up! I think it didn't tape because they finally decided to separate the show from regular MAFS and now you need to set up separate season pass for MAFS Australia.
  5. Leah's segments every week are just public service announcements. Covid this week, health insurance last week, checking for breast lumps... It's just so forced. If it wasn't every single week it would feel more natural and more like real life. Also it' like she is just reading them and not saying something in her own words. I guess miracle happened and she doesn't have any story this year as her life is too normal now. And btw another PSA since we are at it: women after 40 get your mammograms! I had no lump that you could feel but my last year mammogram discovered issues. More mammograms, biopsy, cancer diagnosis 6 months before my 50th birthday... Then lumpectomy and radiation. The worst part was going to hospital in the heights of Covid every day. And then the horrible pain I experienced after radiation was over. Nobody ever said anything but that radiation makes you tired and you might have skin problems. No pain was ever mentioned by any doctor or the brochures they gave me. I still experience pain in my breast daily 5 months after my treatment ended just not so intense like the first 6 weeks. Supposedly people don't talk abou it because they are scared that their cancer is back and doctors don't take it seriously when we mention it. This needs to change!
  6. I had the exact same problem. I'm upset. Seems like I missed interesting episode. It happened once before for second honeymoon episode. The rest was taped fine. Just don't get it. 😭😤☹️
  7. I think the fact that her father didn't have to pay any money for child support makes the difference. If it wasn't just shaking hands kinda deal between them but it was done through their lawyers and it was legally binding. That later affected the second will's validity.
  8. I live in northern Virginia and got married to my husband 5 years ago. We decided just to elope after 17 years together so I thought we would go to court to get married. But Virginia doesn't do court weddings. You just pick from list of officiants and contact them and tell them when and where to show up. So we ended up with the perfect wedding - just two of us and our dog on the dock of our condominium wearing birkenstock and corduroy pants in middle of January. Then we went to Silver diner for brunch and then home watched the movie we went to see on our first date - L. A. Confidential. All for under 150 USD (including marriage license, officiant fee and food). Officiant took few pics of us with our phone. Then we emailed our families and friends the pics and that we got married. No stress and waste of money. Wouldn't have it any other way.
  9. Binginia - who is taking care of her dog and cats while she spends her every Thursday, Friday and Saturday binging and sleeping on friends couches? I remember her friend mentioned that her dog is just like her and has abandonment issues. No wonder why. It gets abandoned every Thursday. And the fact that she is always late for work means that she also gets drunk on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday but does it in privacy of her own house instead bars or clubs. I'm surprised they didn't get rid of her yet. She should seek therapy if she can't imagine going without alcohol for more than few hours. It's obvious she is self medicating. She only lives to party and drink. What kind of life is that??? And why would you want a husband? Just to have someone to hold your hair while puking in the toilet? Or maybe she decided she finally needs pet sitter? Then marrying pilot wasn't the best decision. Although it definitely helps with the budget for alcohol. I think she already decided she doesn't want children because she is not willing to stop drinking. I give them a year unless she starts changing...
  10. I just consider it PSA to people not be so gullible. Unfortunately now all the famewhores that want to get their 15 minutes are scrolling prison pen pall websites to find someone to give their money to just to get on TV.
  11. I think that's the reason he is still trying with Natalie. Money from the show will help pay off the farm.
  12. It must be the Mormon's 10 commandments LOL
  13. This episode was very useful! I finally figured out why people wear those ugly fake nasty gigantic nails. To fix your glued on eyelashes!!! Never would have thought of that...
  14. First of all - just don't understand why is it so suspicious to them that Anjeanette mom would contact Karen's brother? Why if she just wanted to say hi to their new extended family members? Obviously it's producer's set up. They probably made that catfish fake account with Anjeanette's mother's name (first without Luna) and are trying to stir shit and the family performs just like the clowns they are. Now they added the name Luna just to fuck with them a little more and make the "conspiracy" even bigger and get them to the new boiling point. Then when they arrive after that 2 day trip they will be bored fucked out of their mind with their conspiracy theories reaching far and wide. Then they will immediately cause conflict with the welcoming Filipino village and Anjeanette's family showing their "ugly American" and snobbery and toxicity for our entertainment. Now back to rest of the shitfest. I'm only to the first commercial break. I can't decide whose family is worse. Mama Pedro and sister Pedro and that awful new still married by or the Americans. At least I kind of like Pedro. He is the only semi normal person and not a caricature of the worst possible character traits. Except these people are not characters just dumb idiots with overblown egos. @real4real It must be the money. I still wouldn't do it. It's disgusting. That tells me everything I need to know about her. Sorry forgot to add the quote first.
  15. All I could notice is Shannon looking beautiful and comparing her to this awful, drunk, bloated mess we just saw. They must got tired of her drunk, sloppy, miserable, snotty and "cultured" ass and decided to portrait her in the same light they have been seing her for years... Probably they even decided it was worth it even though Shannon would decide this to be her last season. Unless she really really wants to promote her products on the show. But in that case I don't see people wanting to buy a lemon tincture from drunk. Poor kids...
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