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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I think she had lip fillers, she had thin lips before, not so much now. She sure does look like a young 41.
  2. She was really rude to Brooke Burke Charvet yesterday. She wouldn't let up about Brook getting fired from Dancing with the Stars. Brook wanted to change the subject but Nooooooo, Wendy kept on about it. Brook was very gracious and finally got a subtle little dig in about how badly Wendy did when she was on the show. That was when Wendy finally let it go. What a bitch.
  3. There is no way I will ever be convinced that Khloe is pregnant. When was this photo shoot done?
  4. What secrets does Dolores have? I'm dying to know....
  5. LVP has been friends with PK and Dorit for years (Lisa even mentioned it on an episode). I think that's how Dorit was cast for the show. I just don't understand how LVP doesn't see what a phony poser Dorit is. How can you stand hanging out with someone like that? Makes me question her judgement.
  6. Not to mention he's a flat out liar, going on and on about not having sex yet. He needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut and stop talking. If they want to keep it to themselves then just say "No, we haven't yet". Jackie was looking at him like he was out of his mind with his elaborate explanation.
  7. 100% agree. I don't understand why Jeanette can't see this. I don't know anything about transitioning but do you think Greg and Jeanette put Jazz on blockers and hormones too soon and now they are facing the consequences of that? I would feel some guilt as a parent. Couldn't they have waited to start that? 11 yrs old seems so very young. The other kids are so well adjusted and intelligent. It shocks me because they grew up in a house where everything was always all about Jazz and Jeanette had no time for them. I give poor, defeated Greg all the credit for the kids growing in to nice adults. Thank god the boys had him to do thing with and spend time with. Not sure how Ari fit in to the family dynamic. I mean, really, they just had a nice day rafting and having a picnic, then Jazz turns the conversation all back to herself once again and the picnic is ruined. She has serious issues with being the center of attention.
  8. He had his moment. When he was on LA Law he was considered a sexy hot guy. That was a looooooong time ago. Like 40 years ago.
  9. I agree. All reality shows are heavily edited but this one takes it to a whole new level.
  10. Did she put the kittens mouth in her mouth so she could suck it's breath? With Heather watching? I swear to god she did.
  11. Ahh, ok. Thanks for that clarification.
  12. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Then she laid the snotty QTip on the table. Disgusting! Wendy talking about Tiki Barber having an affair when his wife was pregnant, then the wife divorcing him. Made me cringe. Wendy was pregnant when asshole cheated on her and she found out. Obviously, we all know she stayed with him. She is really a spineless doormat when it comes to Big Kev.
  13. I distinctly remember The Titanic in movie theaters in 1998 because that is the year I bought my house. If the kids are 40 now, that means they were 20 when Jack died. We know they were still in high school. C'mon writers, get your research together.
  14. I sooooo do not care about the pregnant Ashley story line. Diaper on the cat. There are no words. Todd was acting all kinds of strange when he was making up with Shitney. All in all, a very boring eppy. Thank god it was only an hour this time.
  15. What a fantastic episode. I laughed, I cried, and I felt that foreboding sick to your stomach feeling when you know what's coming.
  16. She has such beautiful hair. Inherited from Christine. Definitely not Kody.
  17. Scheana's emaciated body and super huge alien head are freaking me out. Girl is unraveling before our eyes. Why does Kristin keep saying that Brittney is the best thing that has ever happened to the "group"? Ok, Kristin, if you, the eternal voice of reason says it, it must be true. Brittney drinks too much just like the rest of them and is hanging on to Jax for dear life because she wants the TV fame right now. Maybe next season she will feel more confident in her future and she, Stassi and Scheana can get an apt. together since they will all be single! That way she will be able to stay on the show which is all she really wants anyway. Schwartz continues to do nothing but drink, he passes out and doesn't come home but it's all ok with Katie now because he passed out at Sandoval's? Lala is beautiful. Too bad my skin crawls every time she opens her nasty mouth. I guess seeing yourself on TV can put your look on blast. Good for her for recognizing she needed to bring herself in to the 21st century.
  18. I'm surprised Stephen is back. He doesn't fit in. Why isn't he at Fire Island having a blast? I also think he may have a crush on Karl and this is where some of the tension is coming from. Who knows, maybe he and Karl hooked up one drunken night and Stephen read more in to it and Karl wants to forget that ever happened. What ever it is, something's not right.
  19. I'm disappointed in favorite son in law Caleb. I had high hopes for him, thought he would be good for Maddie, showing her what the world could really be like outside of the confines of her crazy mothers and Kody. Turns out, he's nothing but a slug. A 30 yr old man, no job and still going to school, his wife is pregnant and you can't afford to pay the rent on your own and take care of your child? This is not a 22 yr old kid we're talking about here. What has he been doing since graduation high school 12 years ago?
  20. Me, too. A giant bag of chips from Costco doesn't compare to Mexican chocolate, I think it has a touch of cinnamon in it, along with other delicious things. Very different from "white people" chocolate.
  21. I sensed the same thing. Maybe Kody is one of those dudes that loses interest after the relationship(s) aren't new and exciting anymore. Also, Robyn does not have the hot body she once had, she hasn't lost the baby weight, and is aging in the face. Plus she's got a gazillion kids now that take up her time so I bet there's not a whole lot of good sex going down in the bedroom, either. Oh, yes, the reality of the everyday mundane life has settled in. The fantasies and infatuation are gone. Have you noticed how the wives seem to like her now? It's because she's not the young, hot newbie anymore, nothing to be jealous of any longer. Still has good hair but what a butterface!
  22. And ruin those long fake Talons she's sporting? Never!
  23. Tony had the same look on his face. They both just sat there cold as ice. Tony is more of an attention whore than Mykelti. He lives for it. Now he's got competition with the beloved first son in law Caleb back in town. How long before Mykelti gets pregnant and they move back home, too? The countdown begins.....
  24. I stand corrected. Your are right. Sort of. From good ole' Miriam Webster: Is irregardless a word? Irregardless was popularized in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its increasingly widespread spoken use called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that "there is no such word." There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.
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