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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Exactly! Who in the hell does she think she is? Then she goes in to the bathroom and starts yelling and cussing like the bitch she really is when she thinks the camera's are off. Haha, what does your perfect husband think of that, Kenya? True colors. Eventually, they always come through.
  2. Meri is so checked out. She really didn't give a rat's ass about not being there for Maddy and Caleb's big birthday baby announcement or not being included in Garrisons homecoming even though she was home and nobody knew she was. She was just like, Oh well, it would have been nice but no big deal. This is not the crying Meri who never feels included and would have been so hurt. I kind of like this Meri ! Go make your life, girl!
  3. OMG, Christine running around between the tables and screaming in the kitchen was more than I could handle. What is wrong with that woman? She's trying really hard to show us the carefree, fun loving, happy mom and sister wife this season instead of the depressed, neglected sister wife of season's past. Not buying it. Did anybody else hear her emphatically say she will not move back to Utah when they were having the Utah couch discussion. She actually said it twice and the last time she was dead serious. Interesting. I don't understand why Christine chose that song to dance to at the shower. The song is about a woman that got dumped and will survive regardless of being left alone. WTF? Oh, and Kody, there is no such word as "irregardless". It's "regardless", you asshat.
  4. Yet, they agree to be filmed for a TV show! Morons.
  5. It's like she was trying to look as bad as she possibly could to see what his reaction would be. Wasn't she also wearing ugly grey sweats? And for god sakes, she could have made an effort to look nice when meeting up with the family the next day. Nope, she didn't bother. She's a weird one.
  6. Wow, Sunny looked pretty today and was actually likeable. That wig look great on her and there was no yelling, weird faces and comments. None of the recipes excited me but I liked how they all got along.
  7. Me, too! Are they not part of the show any longer? What about the kids and Christy's ex? Just as I found this show (very late) and binge watched every season until I got caught up and loved every episode, the new season is awful. It's not funny and I'm tired of the Bonnie and Adam relationship. It was an ensemble show and now it's nothing but Christy and Bonnie with a bit of boring Adam thrown in. Bring back the AA meetings, the family, the group of friends, the restaurant with the hilarious chef because this new format sucks.
  8. Yup, I totally agree. Ole' Bobby Cannavale is looking a little long in the tooth.
  9. I cringed all the way through it! Will's high pitched screeching and fast talking was too much for me and I usually love Will. Not liking what the writer's are doing to him.
  10. I hope we have seen the last of the Terra specials. I'm so over her. Hey, Lifetime, she's not one bit more interesting than any of the other little people on the LA show, or any little people show for that matter, period. She even had a block of repeats about her two pregnancies. Repeats! All about Terra! Who or What ever gave Lifetime the genius idea that anybody wanted to see that shit all over again? I couldn't get through 5 minutes of that garbage. I only watched the reno shows because I'm an HGTV kind of gal and thought it might be interesting to see how everything turned out, not to see Terra in tears and cry with that high pitched wail she does every time she felt misunderstood. Ugh...Good Riddance!
  11. I like these two and am glad they are making a fulfilling life for themselves outside of Duggar World. Jinger is beautiful and her hair looks healthy and shiny, it must be those pre natal vitamins. I hear they work wonders! Jer, on the other hand, could use some style tips. Where ever he went to get his hair cut should give him a refund.
  12. So the infamous birthday cake was mostly plastic! Only the little piece on top was edible. Siggy going on and on about how much she paid for that cake. You got ripped off, Sog!
  13. I'm getting the feeling Randall has Bipolar issues. Maybe some medication is in order.
  14. My favorite scene of this episode was Jack and Kevin in the suit store. Jack fussing with Kevins suit, Kevin realizing he really did have a good dad and the adoring way Jack was looking at Kevin. Not to mention Jack looked so incredibly handsome standing next to his son and beaming like the loving dad he was. It was all about the looks back and forth, nothing much else needed to be said. Excellent acting!
  15. Ha, I thought Beverly D'Angelo for a moment.
  16. yea, I corrected my post to include Erica. As far as extensions, well, practically all of LA wears them. I was talking about full on wigs. Now, the Atlanta ladies are nothing but wigs!
  17. I don't think any of the other ladies wear wigs, do they? I'm not counting Erica, who is a cartoon character in her own right. Dorit is wearing them because she likes to have a different look every time she's in front of the camera so she can get the attention of everybody commenting on her many different hair styles.
  18. Not understanding why Kyle didn't chew Dorit out about her abominable behavior at her dinner party. Instead she goes and has lunch with her and gets closer with her. Kyle was a bit of a shit stirrer this eppy. Going back and forth between Teddy and Dorit with who said what. That's all that was featured! Oh, and Dorit lying her ass off.
  19. So I wonder how Stassi finally coaxed manbun in to showing his face on the show. He refused for so long. She must have offered to pay him herself!
  20. Yea, I think that's how she meant it. It's one of those things where you say something, then immediately think "shit,that didn't sound right...." But it's too late.
  21. I did not enjoy Donny Deutch at all. He was very inarticulate about what ever he was trying to say about the Me Too movement. How about this, men: Keep your fucking hands to yourselves at all times and think about making a pass at a woman and the repercussions you might suffer before you are about to open your mouth's. That's a nice start, don't you all think? Also, he said he has known Matt Lauer for 20 years and had nothing but good experiences with him. That's great to know, Donny. Nothing said about what he thought about what Lauer actually did. As usual,Wendy sits there in silence. If she was any kind of a professional interview, she should have asked ole Donny how he felt about the fact that Lauer had a secret buzzer under his desk to lock his office door so women could not get out. She 100% sucks. Thanks for standing up for women, Wendy.
  22. Jesus, Wendy. Bobby Zarin has the 3 kids and a stepdaughter (Jills daughter). Jill has 3 stepkids (Bobby's kids)and her one biological daughter. They do not have 3 kids together plus Jill's daughter. How come I know this shit and she doesn't? Ugh. Every. Single. Day. she screws something up in Hot Topics.
  23. Brittney: But she loves him. GTFOH with that. He won't change. Ever. Listen to Stassi on this one.
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