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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I don't blame Whitney for mentioning Buddy not paying her rent for months. I would be furious and would have kicked him out. You don't pay, you don't stay. Friends don't do that shit to friends. That's totally on Buddy. If he follows the twelve steps, he will make amends for that. I know he said he will pay her in the letter but we will see. Or maybe we won't, but Whitney will.
  2. Erika's TH's this episode were everything! I could be friends with laid back Teddi. Love her beach house. All the women were dressed rediculously for a beach house get together. Except Teddi.
  3. I sure hope Buddy learns through his time in rehab that once he gets out he has to start a new life for the sake of his sobriety. No junkies for friends or even aquaintances, or even people that use recreationally, this includes alcohol. In his case, a new job, too. He should not move back in with Whitney. He probably doesn't need to start back up with Heather, either. She's sweet but sounds like an enabler who had blinders on during the relationship. Good Luck, Buddy.
  4. I think it's the vibe she is giving off of not caring about what Jon wants or needs that is bothering people. And the vibe is that she's out for herself. At this point he's really trying to make her happy. She needs to get out of her own head and give a damn about her "husbands" happiness, too. Jep sleeping on the floor. Grow up, you manchild. Not picturing this guy as a teacher at all. And clean up after yourself! Jackie was not ready to sign up for this show. In retrospect she probably realizes it was a bad idea and she is still greiving. You have to feel a little bit sorry for Ryan. He didn't ask for this. I don't think it was fair of the coaches to not tell him before the wedding what was going on with Jackie's life. That's a huge amount of baggage and a big deal and not to tell him was cruel. Also, what kind of behind the scenes vetting does this stupid show do? You think they may want to ask in the interviews if the applicants are allergic or have a fear of dogs or cats or if they prefer to be matched with someone without pets? Having to find other accommodations for the cat was also cruel in my opinion.
  5. Hahahaha Right! Wendy was pissed because Ashlee wasn't yelling and screaming like most of her minions do. She sure was annoyed. Guess Wendy "cares" more than she says she does!
  6. Please, no. I do not want to see Ashley give birth. Just no. Why don't they just make Ashley the star of the friggin' show? I'm surprised Shitney is willing to share her spotlight so much. What numbnuts TV executive thought this storyline was a good idea?
  7. I don't think Justin Timberlake is "Emily and Henry's" middle American cup of tea, either. She is so off base with her beliefs.
  8. Yes, the kind of watch that converts 60 minutes late in to 30 minutes late. What brand is that? I must go buy one asap!
  9. This is my biggest pet peeve with her! Who in the hell does she think she is? It's her job to care or at least fake it and act like she does for the sake of the viewers. What has happened to this woman? I used to love hot topics. Wendy was very funny and relatable, now she is just sour and miserable, jealous and hateful. She's not even nice during the Ask Wendy segment. It's embarrassing how rude she is to her "co-hosts". I'm sure she would care if we stopped watching her show and her numbers end up in the shitter because of her attitude! Her husband has really done a number on her and it's only going to get worse after her son leaves home to go to college. She's going to be alone in her house because you just know Big Kev is going to be over at the side chicks house around the corner every chance he gets.
  10. They have really shoved Kristin in to the background this season. Who did she piss off? At least LVP has allowed her back in to her establishments. I thought that, too. Not sure why Jax/Jason is with Brit. He doesn't seem to have any love for her at all and I don't see any chemistry between them.
  11. Why bastardize poor Disco fries by putting shredded chicken on top? That makes them Non-Disco fries! Stop trying to reinvent the wheel, people.
  12. Why was Hunter at the photo shoot? I wonder if he is living at Glen and Bab's now. He used to live up north somewhere, I think NY. I thought he was married with kids.
  13. Didn't stop Carl from boning her, though. You would think the humiliating cake in the face would have turned him off 100%. I think he gets off on pushing her buttons. He's just as disturbed as she is, he just doesn't talk as fast or yell as loud!
  14. The camera adds 10 lbs, too, so she probably isn't fat at all. Plus she's tall and big boned. I wouldn't doubt if she is a size 6. The other girls I'm sure are a size 0 or 2 except Brittney.
  15. LVP should fire Kevin Lee. There are a gazillion party planners in LA. Like Stassi.
  16. Good Lawd! Carl and Lauren are such assholes! I actually think they belong together, Carl just needs to stop fighting it and go with it. He's a hairy, ugly douchebag and she's a loud mouth, insecure Amazon. Sounds like Kyle is on the fringe of financial problems. And Danielle lost her job. But hey, let's party in the Hamptons! Still like Stephen. Lindsey's new white teeth are blinding me.
  17. Well, you should have seen the way Elena treated Jasmine when Jasmine first came to the show. It was deplorable. I have disliked Elena ever since.
  18. Yes! I loved the one liners they used to throw out at each other and the sniping back and forth and that is what is missing now. Now Bonnie just seems to be a bitch and not in a funny, self deprecating way like she used to be. Why so much Adam I will never understand, he bores me to death. It's almost as if the show has different writers now. We know Anna Faris and Alison Janney can pull off the comedy beautifully so I blame the writers for the lackluster chemistry. Omg, French Stewart as the chef with his dry humor was perfection on this show, bring him back! I thought we had an episode this season with the girls where she was back from the spa and skinny. Not a word was said about it, either. I think it was the first episode, I will have to go back and watch, I could be wrong.
  19. Wouldn't Whitney have known that, though? After all, she is the "Star" of the show, and it's her house he was living in. I don't think TLC had anything at all to do with it.
  20. It's a really good job, not so noticeable that everybody is talking about it but obvious if you really look. It looks natural, thinner, tip is shorter. Kudo's to her surgeon.
  21. Anddddddd...... besides that awful comment she was so rude to the guest when he was talking about the Superbowl. I wish he would have told her that just because she doesn't care about the superbowl there are millions of people that do. But nooooo, he just kissed her ass like everybody does, even though she made him feel uncomfortable and awkward. I know it's her show, but doesn't she have any bosses to report to at the network? People to tell her to get her shit together?
  22. While the audience was doing their usual out of control clapping while Wendy was skipping to her seat, I saw Suzanne for a brief moment encouraging the clapfest. I guess she just doesn't want to be part of Wendy's Hot Topics monologue any longer but she definitely is still there. Smart move, Suzanne. How long did Wendy waste cleaning her teeth again today? She is so gross.
  23. I have to tell ya my strict Italian dad was the same. Totally different standards. He was perfectly ok with my brother whoring around but thought women should be virgins when they married. When I decided to move in with my boyfriend, he refused to come visit me until I was married. I could go to him but he drew the line at coming in to my house. He was something else, dear old dad.
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