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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Stassi said it herself in her TH. I thought it was funny and I tend to agree. I listen to her podcast so I get a double dose of the gushing.
  2. Then she must turn it on and off when she want because the Debra I saw and heard didn't have that awful voice.
  3. I never used a squirt bottle or anything. He just never jumped on anything except the bed. He was an amazing cat who thought he was a dog.
  4. Why does Whitney think she has to "watch" Buddy? That's an enabler talking. Buddy should have a sponsor that works the program and anybody fresh in to sobriety knows that. Also, if Buddy is so madly in love why isn't he moving to be with his girlfriend? Oh, yeah, he needs the money he makes from the show. I guess the part time pizza delivery job isn't paying the bills. I'm sure the guy in the grocery store was so willing to give Whit his phone #. That would never happen in real life. On a positive note, Greensboro looks like a nice place to live. I really like Whitney's house, it's decorated nicely, and is pretty clean from what we can see even thought her cats crawl all over the kitchen counters. A pet peeve of mine. I had a great cat and he was not allowed on the counters. I cant' vouch for what he did when I wasn't home, lol. I continue to enjoy Todd, his perfect teeth and his shade.
  5. I thought it was annoying the way Sander was moping and complaining about Griffen having a girlfriend. He's just pissed off because he doesn't have one, too. It will happen soon enough, then he will totally understand and they can double date! I also thought the parents and Jazz should have told him exactly that instead of coddling him and making Griffen feel like he's doing something wrong. Good for Griffen for standing up for himself and not listening to this family's BS.
  6. I remember the season when Scheana was so quick to drop her bestie Ariana when the Witches of WeHo decided to let her join their coven. Now she's out and Ariana is in. Payback's a bitch, Scheana. James will never stop drinking/drugging on his own. He needs to go away to full on rehab. He isn't anywhere near accepting that yet. Stassi, yes, you are sounding like Scheana when you talk about the love of your life Beau. Chill out with that, you are 30 yrs old now. I actually feel a little sorry for Beau because he seems like the type of guy that will do what ever Stassi wants, when ever she wants and he will put up with her shit. That can be exhausting for anyone. Sandoval is jealous AF of Jax getting married. Sandoval wants to marry Ariana and probably wants to plan the entire wedding, too. Saying in a TH that your best friend for life is a reformed sociopath is pretty rough and uncalled for.
  7. I saw the real Debra on a talk show the other night and her voice was normal. I don't know where Connie Britton dug up this breathy cutesy voice but it makes me not like her as an actor.
  8. 100% agree @MINDTHINKR! The show will never be the same now, too much has happened over the last year. She can't come back from this last mess. I have one other suggestion for Wendy, after the show is cancelled she needs to write a book. All about the truth and what BK has put her through. It would be a fascinating read and could be her redemption arc not to mention the $$ she would make from the book sales. Then she can go on the talk show circuit to promote the book and garner all the sympathy she needs. Divorce that abuser and write a book about your sham of a marriage, and why you stayed for as long as you did, Wendy. We are waiting for it and may even rally behind you if you do it.
  9. This show needs to be cancelled. It's not going to get any better. People are going to get tired of waiting for her to return from her constantly taking time off and her rating will go down.
  10. Steven makes no apologies for anything and still comes off as very controlling. . That's a bad sign. He can still take the baby away from Olga once she's here. I hope she is very, very careful.
  11. I had a problem with this episode because the replay's showed John and his crazy antic/ thoughts but how do we know what he was really thinking, who he was contacting, when, what he actually said to the police when he burned the car, etc..... Granted, we know he was batshit nuts but this is supposed to be a true story. That whole re-enactment of what lead up to his showing up late to Debra's charity event is pure speculation. A waste of an episode.
  12. As they are all screaming at the top of their lungs: Toya: Andy can we have cocktails? Andy: What? Why? You all aren't turned up enough already?
  13. I see no real chemistry with those two. It's all acting and I get a creepy vibe from Mike. His constant sexual innuendo's are annoying AF. Is Nene afraid of Kandi now? Since when is she reluctant to give Kandi her opinion? Something weird is going on with Nene and her big mouth this season. It's like she just doesn't have it in her to fight anymore. I guess Gregg's illness has really taken a toll on her.
  14. Scott should have used a tiny portion of that $90,000 he has given to Lizzie to get his disgusting teeth fixed. I can't even imagine kissing that mouth! Jeez, what is it with these people and their teeth? And what does someone in prison need all that money for? Snacks? Drugs? She doesn't have to worry about rent, food, utilities or car payments so wtf.
  15. A bridge involves 3 teeth. The one that is missing and the two on each side that the bridge has to be anchored/fitted to. I chose that option because I can't handle the thought of having a screw drilled in to my jaw for the implant. Plus you have to wait 3 mos for the jaw to heal, then you get the implant. So there is a waiting period. Either way, a rip off.
  16. I just paid $5,000 for a bridge. It's not cheaper. Dentistry is a complete rip off.
  17. My husband is from TX and they most definitely say y'all.
  18. She is definitely thinner. I can see it in her face and overall. Good for her. However, the obnoxious personality is still alive and thriving.
  19. I think she regrets it now because everyone is telling her how hurt poor lil' ole Tre is. I'm disappointed in Jackie for buckling. Maybe the sit down of apology with Tre will turn in to another fight. Who knows. She was clearly hired to stir the pot. I like the way she stirs much more than the way Delores stirs. I can't even imagine when this is a teen.
  20. Oh, noooooo! Wonder how Heather feels about that. Also, what about Tal? Can't Whitney or Buddy afford to live alone? Whit makes plenty of money from the show and for cryin'out loud Buddy is old enough he should be living in his own place. Oh, I forgot, he spent it all on booze and blow. His two favorite words. Wouldn't surprise me if he's boozin and blowin again now that he's back to his old triggers. He knows better from the program he is supposed to be working hard at that he can't go back to the same life. Greensboro and Whitney.
  21. I loooove Todd. Talking about Witneys big idea of taking the dance class on the road. He said she has no idea how much work that entails because all she does is lay on the sofa and pet her cats all day! LOL, tell it, Todd!He gives her no slack what so ever while Tal is the complete opposite. Oh, sure, Whit. You want to have a baby? I will live here with you for the rest of my life and help take care of the baby! Whaaaat? I'm beginning to wonder about the sanity of Tal now.
  22. This is very sad. Then what becomes of all the children in orphanages that have been abandoned and need a loving home?
  23. She does it in front of the entire family, though, including the grandparents. We get it, Jazz. You want a pretty little vagina. We heard all about that last season. Enough.
  24. These two are going to hate each other from Day 1. Can't wait.
  25. Good grief, Heather. Buddy delivers pizza part time and is uncomfortable every place he lives. Move on, woman. I really hope she secretly has a great new boyfriend and is only pining away for Buddy on the show to get a paycheck. Otherwise, girl needs help.
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