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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Another disrupting outburst in a restaurant. Come on, show. That's absurd. I'm happy Josh loves his baby but he doesn't belong on the show any longer. Or his baby mama. The entire storyline doesn't belong. Although, I have feeling baby mama is going to up and leave him with the baby and Liza will swoop in to take over, then Josh and Liza will live happily ever after. When is Diana going to find out about Liza's lie? Or did I miss that?
  2. Is Ashley still living in Charleston? Why? So she could appear on one stupid, staged, producer driven, fake scene? I thought she went back to Cali long ago.
  3. Wow. Pao and Mother Pao. Hateful, horrible people. We thought Debbie had a nasty trash mouth? No, Larissa has the worst trash mouth, eva. She sure knows all the American cuss words. I was screaming at the tv to Mother Nicole: Ask her where the $6,000 went! Askkk herrrrrr! But she never did. It's not hard to understand why Nicole is the way she is, she never answers to anything, never had to. She has a constant smirk on her face, too. I want to slap it off her face. Father Andreii is the sweetest, nicest man. I loved watching him hold the baby with such joy. That's how it's done Pao. Bitch.
  4. I get it, too. I don't understand why it's not ok to be in love with someone and not want to hurt them by going on mini vacay's when your ex is going to be there. I sure as hell would not be ok with it if my partner did it to me and I would not think of doing it to him. It's called respect. Having said that, Naomi is filming a show which involves traveling with her ex in tow so if she wants to continue to be a participent she needs to make a decision. Either she does what production wants her to do or she leaves. It wouldn't surprise me if she left or became a "friend of" like Danni because that's how much she cares for Metul.
  5. I don't believe it, either. My sister in law taught for 30 yrs, has a masters degree and she never earned more than $62,000 per year, and that was only after many, many yrs of teaching.
  6. I'm feeling sorry for Greg. He had no problem admitting the break up of his past relationship was partly his fault. He said he was too jealous and controlling and decided to go to therapy to get himself together. Not many people would admit that right off the bat like that. He's a good guy! Too good for Deonna. She is definitely going to be the boss in that relationship. Already telling him what to wear. You have to wear the teal bathing suit today to match mine, then we'll be cute! Shut up, girl. Eliz the Diva is high maintenance. I have been seasick before and it's pretty miserable but damn she will always find some way to keep the focus on herself. She's exhausting. Something about Iris reminds me of an old lady. She's beautiful but not cool, she's kinda dorky. Keith is cool. Isn't Matt in his 30's? How much longer is his basketball career going to last? Maybe he shouldn't have brought the job situation up at a romatic getting to know you honeymoon dinner.
  7. Kofi's doing a really fine job this season. First time I've liked him since the show began. His explanation to Blue was perfect. Davis, go away. Vi is always so damn dramatic.
  8. Sounds to me like Wendy is too concerned with making nice and being buddies with the celebs so there isn't going to be much talk about Hot Topics. Which means it's going to be all about Wendy. The ego on this woman is unbelievable. I saw the snippet of her getting up and standing behind the purple chair. She seemed like a wild woman and NOT sober. She really needs to fade away in to the sunset with some respect. Oh, and the Dr. she is crazy about is really a cop with a phD and he said he has a girlfriend. Wendy crazy as hell.......
  9. So are we supposed to believe Rinna saw LVP in some random parking garage digging in to her purse looking for money with her wet nails? Rinna thought it was so funny she should have offered her money? The ladies at the table didn't even think that was very funny. Rinna, honey, LVP can buy and sell you multiple times which is one of the many reasons Rinna is so jealous of her!
  10. What a bunch of staged, phony bullshit. All of this garbage about feeling so comfortable with each other and becoming so close. Kyle has worked very hard to be the new queen this season. She hosted two gatherings this episode alone! Mo's party, which was to celebrate his 400+ employees (of which it looked like only about 25 people showed up to the party), and that ridiculous lunch. Not to mention showcasing her genius daughter for working at daddy's agency, then subjecting us to Kim coming over to her house to chat about nothing. For what? Who gives a rat's ass about seeing Kim? Too much Kyle and family. Too much!! What was with Camille fighting with Rinna then hugging her goodbye and thanking her and Rinna telling her she is there for her. Do these women even know what they are saying? Speaking of Rinna, she needs to never go with the blond wigs again. It makes her look 10 yrs older. Denise looked silly wearing that Agency hat. BRAVO needs to stop with advertising Mo's company for him. What do Mo and Kyle have over BRAVO to warrant all this air time?
  11. More and more each episode. I can not imagine this guy having a kid. The honeymoon will be over very quickly with Regan and Reece once the baby arrives.
  12. As much as I dislike Reagan, I would not want to live with Jeff for one hot minute. He is unhinged. Was it ever confirmed that he had a brain injury from his football career? And...as much as I dislike Tamika, I think Kelsey was out of line at her party. She's the one that made a scene and made an ass of herself. I don't think Tamika was being all that loud and extra but once Kelsey started in on her she let loose with her cutting "this isn't your house" comments.
  13. Katie does have a wig. A very very bad ratty cheap looking wig. We saw her in front of the mirror in New Orleans putting it on. She wears it a lot. It's hideous.
  14. He must need to replenish his traveling around the world doing nothing money. I predict he will leave again after this season.
  15. My sick mind really wants to know how that is done.
  16. Did Lizard actually slap Scott? What the hell are we watching? Then she's driving down the road saying how beautiful Cali is while straightening her wig in the mirror? I swear this woman is totally in on the joke and enjoying every minute of it while making a few extra bucks to boot!
  17. So that was Megan's secret? She talked to Michael's friend? That was it? Watching her bring slimeball his lunch and eating it in the freezing cold car and then crawling in the back seat was beyond pathetic. Then she's acting all full of herself because she's not permitted in the house but will pull up in the driveway for spite. Ohhhhhh, Megan, you got some balls, girl. Jeezus.
  18. Craig. It's over buddy. She doesn't love you anymore. Get yourself some serious help. Your life is a complete mess. Thank god this guy has a big Southern Charm paycheck because he would be couch surfing all over Charleston if he didn't. I feel like we missed a huge piece of what went down with Austen. Craig kept yelling that Austen said he had to leave the bar because Chelsea told him to be home by 11 and Austen's ex girlfriend (Chelsea) was running his life. Huh? I don't understand wtf was going on there. The convo between Shep and Cam in the car was interesting. He admitted he's a snob, and feels entitled. He thinks he's better than most people. Wow. Straight outta the horse's mouth. Thanks for the insight, Shep. As if we haven't figured that out already.
  19. Whippet Iris! Perfect description. I'm dying! So the Virgin has done everything other than "sexual intercourse". I guess Keith breathed a sigh of relief thinking that now he doesn't have to teach her everything. She has had plenty of time to sharpen her BJ skills. Big Red and Jamie have strange, doughy bodies. They are not fat but they are flabby. Big Red is not 27. No way. Fess up, sweetie. I don't like Deonna because she is cold. I agree that she talks down to Greg. She has an entitled attitude. I did like that adorable dress she was wearing when they were playing shuffleboard. Amber cracks me up with all the kissing talk. I love his lips, I want to kiss his lips, I could kiss him all the time, he's a good kisser....on and on and on. We get it, Amber. You love Matt's big soft lips.
  20. Candyass screaming and wielding that butter knife around. She really is unhinged. I don't want to see her again. The producers of Potomac made a big mistake hiring her. Ashley is almost as bad except she's prettier. It's very clear Ashley has an "arrangement" with Michael, she needs to admit it. We all heard it with our own ears, he likes to suck dick on occasion. Who knows, maybe Ashley likes the company of ladies once in a while. Unfortunately, Michael said what he said while the mic was on so own up to it and move on. White Chris was being nice because he was allowed to shill his cookbook food on camera. He likes living in that free condo, I bet he wishes Candyass would shut her piehole about it. I agree about Gizelle's bad legs. She has cankles.
  21. She said she had to give them up when she went to prison. I wouldn't call that willingly. I guess there were no family member that wanted to take on the responsibilities of her two children. So what does she do? Have two more, of course. I have no sympathy for people that keep procreating when they have no business doing so.
  22. No kidding! I watch way too much of that shit. This is a recipe for disaster. I can not believe Clint's dad thought it a good idea to convince his mom to have Tracie over to their house. Meet her at a restaurant somewhere! WTF is wrong with these people? I would also be installing a state of the art security system in my home since dumb Clint took Tracie over there while he went inside so even if the parents didn't invite her over she knows where they live. Is it normal for someone fresh out of jail to tell every store employee, restaurant server, bartender, etc etc that you see that you just got out of jail, have no friends, and are so depressed? Brittney had 2 kids taken away from her and now has 2 more. All different baby daddies? She's only 28. Slow your roll, woman. Get your tubes tied. Andrea's kids are amazing. I hope the two older ones haul ass back to Utah as soon as they are out of school. The little one is stuck with Andrea, so sad.
  23. Wendy needs to grow the eff up and go in to the courtroom with her son who got in to this mess because he was defending her to his dad. Show Kelvin that he means nothing to her instead of hiding from him. Jeez, what a panzyass.
  24. Because Scott sent her bedazzled sneakers when Bambi died and she is always wearing new beautiful designer clothes. So she obviously must have an "arrangement" as Dorinda says. I always thought Dorinda's hateful vitriol was because of her alcohol issues but this bitch is nasty when she is stone cold sober. No amount of Cool Sculpting is going to fill that empty soul. She lost me this episode. Oh, and Dorinda, stop bleaching your hair, it's fried and has looked like shit all season. She used to have a really cute haircut now she wears it like an old lady. Was Bethenny's smores and whores party supposed to have a Christmas theme? I'm confused.
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