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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. What happened to Mario's side peice? You know, the one Ramona caught him with at her Hampton's house? Weren't they living together in Palm Beach at one point? I never saw any sexual chemistry between Ramona and Mario. He had been cheating on her for years. Move on, Tins. Times a tickin'.
  2. Ahhhh, I knew there had to be more to the story that wasn't being discussed on camera. Would it be so hard for Kathryn to just send a quick group text to the girls saying she was out of town and would touch base with them with details of the trip as soon as she was back home? Grow the eff' up, girl! Whitney loves his dog. Can't hate on him for that. Shep is a useless POS. Cameron, do your baby a favor and get a nanny.
  3. And I am commenting on the small snippets of their everyday lives. Just as every body does.
  4. Kids need to be taught at a very early age to respect their parents (and people in general). Harry and Lisa really missed the boat on that. Giving your dad the finger behind his back while your mother watches and does nothing? Holy shit I couldn't believe my eyes. Talking to him like he's a dog when he was just trying to have a family dinner and getting his anorexic daughter to eat? He started out very patiently and nice and then was fed up by the end of the dinner. I don't blame him at all for his attitude. It's super sweet to see how Jagger has progressed. I remember when everybody was so concerned because he refused to talk and was a bit delayed in his maturity. Look at him now! What a doll. The daughter is a little doll, too. Respectful and polite. That's how you do it, Rinna/Hamlin.
  5. I don't think the issue with Amelia is eating beef. It's eating anything. Lisa and Harry are in denial about what's going on with their daughter. I hope that kid is in therapy.
  6. That is a great idea! After almost 3 yrs. together Chris still has no intention of making the next steps with Amy. Not getting a house together or moving in together. Nothing. Amy is pretty much on her own with what she is going to do with her life. This is the window of opportunity for them to discuss that. I think Amy is afraid of the answers. Matt and Caryn will get married and Chris and Amy will still be "dating" which is going to deeply hurt Amy. She wants so much more but doesn't have the confidence to tell Chris for fear of losing him. I feel sorry for her.
  7. I think she was joking. It wasn't Denises place to invite anybody. The trip was being organized by Kyle. I'm sure she would not be ok with Brandi going.
  8. He did not buy her parents a house. Her parents sold their house in Arizona to Matt. I believe it's the house Matt and Caryn live in when they are staying in AZ. Caryn is quite the manipulator. How the hell did she ever get Matt to do that? You would think he would have wanted to build a new house to his liking. She reminds me of one of those women (or men) that are so sugary sweet and agreeable until they get a ring on their finger then turn in to a monster afterwards. And their wives are going along with it, too! It's sickening.
  9. How can any of these women stand Dorit? As soon as she sits down at the table she's talking about herself, her day, her kid, her accomplishment. And they all act so interested. Maybe they see a side of her we aren't privy to on TV. Harry, keep camping in Canada because your family sucks. I doubt he's camping alone and it appears Rinna could care less. Kyle, please lose the high ponytails and super black hair. She looks awful this season. She needs to go back to the shorter shoulder length wavy style with the soft auburn highlights of last season. Erica walking down Rodeo Drive (or where ever she and Kyle were) in her shiny black track suit and fake straight bleach blond hair down to her waist. She has the worst style of all of them. I think Denise is stoned 24/7. She's too glassy eyed and out there not to be.
  10. She looked exactly like Dorit! I could hardly tell them apart.
  11. Lamar Odom is nuts. He was on some talk show the other day, I just saw a snippet of it, shilling his book and he said Dennis Hoff, owner of the Bunny Ranch tried to kill him! No Lamar, you OD'd surrounded by whores at the Bunny Ranch all on your own. Typical addict not taking responsibility for his own actions. Did Wendy invite him on her show? I don't watch her anymore so I wouldn't know.
  12. Yes, but Russ was offered a good job in Seattle. If you can deal with the rain, it's a great city. Pao shut that down right away. Why? Because the only place she wants to live is Miami or maybe back in Colombia. She's a selfish, controlling woman. There is no compromise with her. I can't imagine her with a baby, having to care for and think of someone other than herself. Russ really should have left her in Miami where she was happiest. He would have been a lot better off, too. Now they have a baby which only complicates things.
  13. I find it interesting, though, that they are trying to portray it as Jeff wanting out of the marriage. They said it more than once this episode. He is the one that wanted the split. He is happy, he is fine, they are best friends, they talk every day. Yeah, whatever you want us to think. Oh, and, one silly haircut does not qualify as a "makeover". I did not need to see Reagan's headless boyfriends naked ass in the shower. So we get to meet the ass before the face. I hoping the season gets better. More Roux, please.
  14. They were so annoying on the After Show with all their laughing and giggling even Shaun was losing her patience with them, even though when they first came out Shaun said they were her favorite couple. These two are drinking their own cool aide. And since when is Annie ok with being homeless and couch surfing all over the country? The TLC checks must be good. Shaun also pissed me off when she told Libby's sister that everyone felt sorry for Andrei because the family is so mean to him. Um, no Shaun. NOBODY feels sorry for lazy, asshole, short fused, know it all Andrei. Shaun is the worst!
  15. Yeah, that tattoo is to cover the tummy tuck scar. She has said she hates that tattoo but had to do something to cover the scar. I think that surgery has been perfected over the years and the scars are not as bad now but Wendy had it done after Kevin was born 18yrs ago. What a mess she is.
  16. Yup, I have said that all along. I never thought she loved Dennis. She was way to hesitant to look for another house with him, have him fully move in and even give the man a closet in her house. In the end I guess she did the right thing because she knew the relationship wasn't going to make it.
  17. I was thinking the same thing. Jeremiah also likes to wear his pants cuffs rolled up to mid calf sometimes when he's being casual. Not my favorite look but he is definitely in to looking stylish. Nate is a little more laid back but you can tell both of their clothes, jackets and shoes look expensive.
  18. This is precisely why I can not understand how Wendy still has a show. I'm getting the feeling Wendy is a nasty, awful peice of work with or without Kelvin. She's just a bitch all on her own.
  19. Skin disease? Since when has she had a skin disease? I think she wears them because her legs are all bruised and nasty looking without them. Like a lot of us ladies who are of "a certain age" and legs don't look as smooth and firm as they once did. But the fishnets....Oy. I remember I had them in every color back in middle school!
  20. I did say BRAVO paid them well. $375K annually is a very lucrative income, especially for a 27 yr old. But.....this is Kathryn we're talking about. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed. It sounds like she's having a great time pissing all her money away on flash. She's young, she'll learn. At least let's hope so. I'm not real impressed with the new, sober, mom of the year Kathryn but that's another topic for another time.
  21. And single and pretty and livin' in the city! Her words.
  22. Yet, she keeps complaining! Cam doesn't fit in with the group anymore so this has to be her story line. She's married, she has a husband who doesn't want to be on the show and she has a baby. All the rest of the cast is still single and free except Kathryn who only has her kids part time. So I guess we will continue to hear how hard being a mother is for her, even though she has a perfect, well behaved baby and goes to work when she wants and has a mother who will come to her house to babysit.
  23. If I were LuAnn I would have kicked Sonja out of the room when she came to visit her rehearsal. I agree with Lu, it wasn't just booze with Sonja. She wasn't slurring her words, she was jumpy and would not shut up. She disrupted every thing and every one there. The most disturbing behavior from a 55 yr old woman I have ever seen. I don't know if I agree that Sonja wants to be married or find a committed relationship. She has always played the diva sex kitten role that has no problem with one night stands. If she's looking for something serious she needs to change up her schtick.
  24. Yes, but we keep hearing about it over and over again.
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