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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. That confuses me because I distinctly remember Paige saying in the first couple of episodes that she did not come from money, her family was hard working middle class and she never had the "finer" things in life while growing up. Now she says they pay for her apt which by the way is no less than $3,000 per month for a one bedroom in NYC (I'm being conservative with that figure) If her parents pay for that then they have plenty of disposable income. So which is it, Paigey?
  2. This story is unbelievable. We don't know if it's true but I wouldn't put it past Kelvin to try to poison her. How utterly disgusting!
  3. I agree, and 2 mil is probably stretching it. Can't even imagine anybody thinks Nene is worth that. These BRAVO execs are nuts.
  4. Oh, Kyle. How many start ups are you gonna start up? Yet he has all this money to buy rings and put down on an apt? Something's not right, there. He's a decent guy when he's sober and when he drinks he is a different person. When booze changes your personality it's a sure sign you can't handle your alcohol.
  5. Well, I guess there's a reason why her parents are divorced. Two totally different people. I like her dad. He has Jax's number.
  6. I'm so sick of that green dress. A lot going on the episode yet still so boring. These 30 something chucklefucks are losing their appeal. Not a Lala fan so I enjoyed James blowing her off.
  7. @SPACEFLY this wasn't my quote, It was @athousandclowns post. However, I couldn't agree more. lol
  8. I think Cynthia is lying and I don't even care. That's how much I dislike Nene. Marlo needs to stfu. Eva said last night she has had relationships with women. Which makes her bisexual or fluid or what ever she wants to call it. End of story. She's married to a man now. So what's Marlo's point? Marlo makes it sound like Eva did something wrong, ugly, unacceptable and she wants to call her out on it. I'm surprised Andy Cohen wasn't offended at her "accusing" Eva of being with women. She needs a peach shoved in her mouth. Permanently.
  9. They were rilly, rilly, rilly trying extra hard to appear to all be getting along. In Flagstaff. No big arguments or disagreements. All is well in Brownland. Miles apart from each other. They probably go weeks without seeing each other which is why they are all so chill. Tony and Mykelti have 100% let themselves go. They are wayyyyy to young to be this obese and getting bigger and bigger as time goes by. They were super quiet, too. Mykelti looks miserable.
  10. Meri: did you rilly think I was leaving the family? Everyone else: Welllllllll......... Of course they thought that. You told them that on camera when you were in the throws of your catfishing obsession and you completely distanced yourself from the family because you thought you were on to bigger and better things with the love of your life. (Paraphrashing) ""Don't be surprised if I just up and leave one day". Drop the shocked look of confusion from your face, Meri. She will never, ever own a freaking thing she does or says that hurts everyone else.
  11. Marlo, honey. Backing Nene is not the way to go. You need to jump on over to the other couch asap or you will never get that coveted peach that continues to be out of your reach.
  12. Does the host want to be a sister wife?
  13. So that's Wendy's house. She's right out there in the open. I expected it to be barricaded behind huge gates and fences. You know, to keep her safe from the killer and the paparazzi. Maybe the community itself is gated but I would have thought she would want her actual house protected.
  14. Like I said in my post, cautious is one thing, she was downright ungrateful and accusatory. There is a much nicer and appreciative way Bonnie could have gone about pointing out to Adam to cool it a bit with the spending than the way she handled it. It was over the top and nasty. Then again, it's Bonnie.
  15. Cautious is one thing, Bonnie was being a nasty bitch and it was not the least bit entertaining. Adam buys groceries and Bonnie has an attitude. Really? It's groceries. Thank him and shut up. He buys you a car because your's is falling apart and you have a tantrum, storm out of the house and try to return it? This was the worst episode ever.
  16. I can't believe I'm saying this but Mika was actually likeable. I'm disappointed in Jasmine since she's my favorite. Not surprised at Elena's stank attitude. Always been a bitch, always will be a bitch.
  17. Yeah, I guess we can't blame her sloppy, messy, lazy reporting and know it all attitude on her being high and distracted anymore since she's proclaiming to be sober and lucid. Since I don't watch the show anymore, tell me, does she still forget what she is saying and stare in the camera like she was doing before? That used to bother me more than anything.
  18. Dorinda doesn't like Barbara because Barbara was 100% ride or die on LuAnn's side with the fight fiasco and Dorinda really resented that. Barbara wouldn't let up about it, in fact went to Dorinda's apartment and told her that her olive branch at lunch wasn't enough, she needed to do more for LuAnn. Then Dorinda threw her out of her apartment! So no love lost between those two. See you at Home Depot! Best line of the night!
  19. Anybody else think it was weird that Bethenny said a couple of times that she was in Boston alone in a hotel and went to see "A Star is Born" alone (weeping over Dennis)? Her new boyfriend lives in Boston and she specifically said before she left to go to Boston that she was going there to be with him. What is she doing? Something is fishy about this relationship, too.
  20. Hahaha, B. So she wasn't looking her best when she see's the handsome guy she totally ghosted to go back to Dennis. I loved it because that guy was ignoring her. I am fascinated how she finds all these men. Dating in NYC is a bitch, just ask the other ladies. Yet, here's B with men falling for her left and right.
  21. Right, then she said she was hot and heavy (with that gorgeous guy) and Dennis was insanely jealous and had to have her to himself so she dumped this other guy for Dennis. Then they broke up. Again. Then they got back together. Then broke up again. Then he died. Because of her. She shows a picture of the night they got engaged. And cries. She never wears the ring or tells anyone she is engaged until after Dennis is dead. I'm not undertanding anything she is saying about her time with Dennis. Nothing. Bethenny is crazy.
  22. Yeah, that's why I was thinking they rented a 2 bed so they could use one as an office space. Those NYC apts are so damn small to begin with....
  23. I don't know if she's learned anything. In that tape peice she's going on about all the phone calls she was getting but was too busy reading her book and eating her dinner. I would have been thrilled if people were rallying around me showing how much they care. She's a strange one.
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