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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Her outfit for the clam bake was perfect. I like Tinsley's new look. She looks fantastic with shorter, straighter hair, she has done away with the childish little party girl fluffy dresses and skirts and tops with all the ruffles. So far she is also the voice of reason with this crowd this season. I think that she also toned down the drinking. Seems they all have.
  2. So Bethenny doesn't wear the engagement ring or talk about the engagement until after Dennis is gone? If she wanted to keep that private because they were going through rough times why bring it out at all?
  3. I can't wait to see Bethenny take her down later in the season. It's going to be goooood!
  4. It looks like he got hair plugs a while ago and now that fuzzy mess is starting to grow in. Reminds me of Joe Bidens fuzz.
  5. I think what really set him off was that she wasn't answering his calls or texts, not knowing at the time her phone was dead. If she answered to tell him she was in traffic would he have still been so pissed? I don't think he would have but he jumped to conclusions because she had already made it perfectly clear that she really wanted to have drinks with her co-workers instead.
  6. Wow. Wendy looks so incredibly sad in these photo's. This is depressing me. I don't know how she's mustering up the strength to go to work before the camera and lie and smile like everything is ok while she must be dying inside. Kevin brought side piece to Florida when he was visiting Wendy in rehab? He and side peice are laying on loungers soaking up the sun and laughing? If Wendy didn't know that then, she sure as hell knows it now. There are no words for the POS this man is.
  7. Ari is my favorite of all the Jennings. She loves her family, but her low key I don't really give a F@#K attitude is awesome.
  8. Beth is not a saint because she heard Randall's phone msg and still showed up at dinner, albeit late. She clearly said she was stuck in traffic and her phone was dead. She asked to charge it once she made it to dinner. She probably listened to her msgs after her phone was charged and she was still at the dinner. You can see how her demeanor changed later in the night. Beth told Randall she would go to the dinner, then changed her mind after being invited to drinks. Why is that ok? They are both behaving like self involved shits, neither one is more right than the other.
  9. She's a perfectionist when it comes to what she wants, when she wants it and how she wants it. Grandma knows better.
  10. LVP has her very own show that features her restaurants, she doesn't need this show for that.
  11. I think she has always had a thing for Buddy. I also think he is not interested in her romantically. He views her as a very good friend that he can lean on when his life is a mess and knows she will always be there for him. Maybe now that he's single and horny he wouldn't mind a little friends with benefits action, nothing more. Oh, and I'm sure Heather is "subliminally" trying to tell Whit that she thinks Whit and Buddy should get together. Keep telling yourself that, Whit.
  12. So she's still lying. She won't stay sober for long if she continues to be in denial. Wendy has a long road ahead of her. What happens when she gets out of the sober house and returns home and Kevin is still cheating and abusing? Many lonely nights home alone is what is ahead of her. Until she realizes her sham of a marriage is ruining her life and she hits rock bottom things will only get worse. The story continues....
  13. Ok, so half truths are coming out only because she was spotted going in to the sober house. Why is a mega rich woman staying in a sober house after being in rehab for like 60 days? Kevin should be able to stay with her at home and make sure there is no booze or drugs around her. Is that so hard? They work in the same place, it shouldn't be a stretch to be with her 24/7. That is if he cared. Which he doesn't. I don't think he is even living with her anymore. He doesn't want to deal with her. I have an icky feeling he put her there telling her it was the best for her. I don't appreciate Wendy lying her ass off for months and for months before that about being happy with Kevin and all was so perfect in Hunterville. When you have a show that you are seen on every day it's different from a celeb that shoots a couple of movies a year and then can disappear and goes to rehab and nobody ever finds out about it.
  14. Oh, ok. I just figured she had more than CNA training which it sounds like she does.
  15. I think a CNA (certified nursing assistant) requires 6-8 mos. An LPN requires 2 yrs AA degree. RN 4yrs Bachelors degree.
  16. I still can't even figure out what Lala has against Raquel. Raquel may not be smart and she may be blind when it comes to James but that isn't anybody's business. The girl is not mean or vicious to anybody so Lala needs to lay off! I hope when she's looking back at these episodes that are airing now she is supremely embarrassed of her behavior.
  17. I know a lot of people don't like Billie but she did nothing to provoke Lala in to screaming at her like that. Same for Raquel. Lala was two inches from Raquels face screaming and pointing her nasty finger at her. Who the hell does this bish think she is? She needs to be relegated to Scheana levels of camera time, which is practically none. Nothing enjoyable about watching that.
  18. I saw the neice sitting at a table clapping at one of the stupid speeches.
  19. It's weird where people's weight settles. You can have skinny legs and still be overweight. I gain weight from head to toe, including my feet. My sis in law only gains in her stomach, nowhere else, therefore giving her that "pregnant" look. I work with a woman who is tall like Nene, has skinny legs and ankles but big from hips to shoulders. It's all genetics, I guess.
  20. What makes Meri think she's edgy? Is LulaNo for the edgy crowd? Maybe edgy Mariah told her she is. These people really do love themselves. I like the way Edgy Meri keeps all of them frustrated. Will she live in downtown Flag? Will she move with the rest of us? Why hasn't she found a rental yet? How long will she stay in Vegas? Is she quietly planning to leave us? I swear I think she gets a kick out of seeing them freak out over her holding her plans close to the vest. I'm enjoying the hell out of it! Especially Janelle telling Meri " We want you with us, don't stay in Vegas for too long, we all need to be together". Yeah, sure, Janelle. Meri's biggest supporter.
  21. I don't know why yet but I'm having difficulty warming up to these people. These parties are so stupid.
  22. She married him a second time so she knew what she was getting back in to. I never liked Gregg, shady as hell and never liked Nene the narcissist. They are both mean, nasty, grifting assholes. One is no better than the other.
  23. Off the wedding discussion for a minute: I'm still dying to know why Aspyn was living with Robyn when Robyn already had 5 kids and a neice and an occasional Kody living in the house. It had to have been crowded and uncomfortable. It makes no sense. Also, did Christine say she bought the house in Flagstaff? So, Christine has a mortgage on the Vegas house, a mortgage on this Flagstaff house and also contributed to the land they bought in Flagstaff and will have a mortgage when they build on that land! How is she getting loans approved for all this? Something just doesn't smell right with these people.
  24. Yes, but then she was flirting with Anthony. Weird woman.
  25. I know, right? I fell a sleep twice. Good thing I record all my shows.
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