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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. She feels she has to keep up with her street thug looking husband, I don't like the way he dresses at all, either. I don't care if it's designer from head to toe. She doesn't want to look like some old lady next to him. How you doin, Kelvin?
  2. She has said she has "street wigs". Guess she thinks the messy style makes her look younger and hip. Any photo's of her outside of the studio she always looks a mess. Only reason she look s put together on the show is because she has a make up artist, a wig stylist and a clothing stylist.
  3. I'm thinking production wanted her to do that so she can cause some trouble at the clam bake next episode.
  4. They really need to stop with the Jack as an actor, Karen getting involved schtick. I fast forward every time....it's so boring. I love to see Jack with Will, Grace with Will, Karen with Will. Hmmm....is there a common denominator here? I used to enjoy Blythe Danner as Will's mom. She's not so likeable now.
  5. Add to her classic manic behavior her crazy high on love lets get married right away stint with her soulmateTom, then falling in to the depths of despair with alcohol after the marriage imploded, I also do believe she is bipolar. Extreme highs, lowest of the lows. She also married the Count a week after meeting him, while living with another boyfriend. Lu has most likely been suffering from this disorder for many, many years. I hope she gets the help she needs but I don't think she's hit rock bottom yet.
  6. I would have stayed home alone with precious Marley, too.
  7. Nothing is ever going to take Luann down a notch. Not arrests, rehab, fighting with her children, a marriage that imploded just the way everyone "told her so". Nothing. The woman is insufferable and I can't believe Bethenny was ever supporting her, Bethenny has always hated Lu.
  8. I still think the Ahmir/Jazz romance was all storyline, no truth to it all. She was crazy about him, now all of a sudden she is looking at both men and women. Gee, hope you understand, Ahmir. She wants to keep her options open. And he's ok with that. Easy peasy way to end a relationship.
  9. So did the guest guy behind the bar, and from the looks on Andy's face, he is pro LVP. The questions from viewers for Kyle all seemed to be pro LVP, too. Kyle was getting quite frustrated.
  10. Well said! Simone is a bitter, miserable person. Is she ever nice to anybody except Dr. Jackie? And I agree with other posters that have said her views on having babies/freezing eggs is antiquated. Go back to the ATL, Simone!
  11. I don't see why pompous, full of himself AJ thinks he has the most successful relationship. He's a jerk and Stephanie keeps her mouth shut to keep the peace and puts up with his moods and outbursts. That's not success, AJ. She didn't want to deal with his behavior so she goes to bed with a headache to get away from him. She knew he was drinking and becoming obnoxious so she removes herself from the situation, becoming isolated from the rest of the group instead of pulling him aside and telling him he is embarrassing her and to STFU! In a way, she doesn't have much more of a backbone than Kate. I can only imagine what the trip driving up to the accommodations was like for her listening to him bitching and moaning. Nobody should have to put up with that.
  12. Drunken AJ asking Luke if he was a top or a bottom. Whoa.......I could not believe what I was hearing.
  13. Kevin was a jerk to Madison, Randall, the Dr. , and the nurses. Rebecca and Jack did not teach their kids how to be respectful to other people. I can't stand the way all three of them feel so entitled that they have no problem talking to other people like garbage. If Toby didn't want to leave Kate's side for a minute, he could have sent a group text from time to time letting the family know what was going on.
  14. Referring to any woman as a "beast" is harsh. It has nothing to do with skin color.
  15. I think Sobbyn has made it pretty clear she's done having kids. Hell, she needs her neice to live with her to help her with the one's she has! I wonder how she's going to manage in Flagstaff without the help. She's also made it pretty clear she's done with Kody's BS. She will continue staying with him because she knows she can manipulate him in to doing what ever she wants.
  16. How did Jack and Jackie raise someone like Jeanette? They dropped the ball somewhere.
  17. Well, we knew Buddy was going to end up living back in Whitney's house. She's trying to hide her glee at the breakup with his gf, agreeing with Tal that Buddy is too early in to his sobriety for that, yet can hardly control herself from trying to jump his bones. They are both gross and I'm sick of their friends including Heather saying they should start dating. No, they should NOT!
  18. So is Jordan hot according to millenial standards these days? Because Yuk! He can get any girl he wants to? Conceited a-hole. Wait for it.....Everett returns next week! Lindsey really needs to move on. Don't let those fresh new boobs go to waste, honey.
  19. And then told them he was not "muddling anything that night". It was too much work, so no mojito's if Jax was your bartender! What a complete asshat he is.
  20. https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2019/03/wendy-williams-starts-substance-abuse-hotline/ Well, this pretty much explains where Wendy has been during her absence. In rehab! At least that's my take on it
  21. What would this season be without this big move to Flagstaff? They have nothing else going on except another boring wedding. Kody's timing is pretty good, I'll give him that. He saved the show from being cancelled so uprooting everybody and upsetting his children for the sake of staying on the show is worth it to him.
  22. Jeff Alldredge is the creepiest of all creepers. What's that old man looking for such a young girl? Oh, yeah, he needs a brood mare to produce a dozen more kids. I can't stand Dimitri's wife (forget her name). What a pompous, arrogant blowhard. She has a built in baby sitter with Vanessa. Problem is Vanessa is going to be sleeping with her husband. Oops. Mr. Magee can see his wife is not on board with the plural marriage business, it's hurting her deeply. If he cares for her, he will drop the idea.
  23. Who cares what Tony, Mikelti or Maddie think of Flagstaff? They are not going to be living there. Did they really have to come along on the caravan? I suppose showing their faces gives them a few dollars from TLC so there's that. Awwwwww.....Poor, poor Kody. He's getting older and he's tired. It takes a lot out of a person to go back and forth between 4 wives and a gazillion kids. He wants them all in one house now. Not going to happen, Kodster. In case he hasn't noticed these women can't stand each other. Now he's bitching about having to drive between each rental house. I hope he wears himself out.
  24. When Shamari walked through Eva's door I was expecting her to be carrying a bag with a new pair of shoes for Eva. That would have been the classy thing to do so of course it didn't happen.
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