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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. That was an all time low for Teddi. Can't stand her. Go mother your kids you're always feeling so guilty about not being there enough for. And tell your husband to take his damn hat off at the dinner table.
  2. I think Beau is passive agressive with Stassi. The fact that he was drunkenly crying in Mexico that he felt like a battered man and that he has done everything Stassi wanted including coming on the show, and being friends with her friends leads me to believe that he is definitely pushing the narrative that he is the poor put upon boyfriend. He never apologizes (on camera anyway) for anything he does, like wanting to stay out till 3 a.m. or pushing Stassi to get on stage and dance when she clearly didn't want to. It's always Stassi being unreasonable. So, yeah, deep down I think Beau enjoys being the "good guy".
  3. Wow, that's interesting. Any idea what loser Jax did to get discharged after 37 days?
  4. She should have borrowed some of that magic tape Stassi used to squeeze her boobs together. Who knew all she had to do was quit mixing Adderall with booze and the dark passenger would go away for good. I wonder what else these people mix with their booze.
  5. Jordan is 30 yrs. old and can't get it up yet he's grilling his date about being soul mates.That was painful. This guy has issues.
  6. Beau and Stassi spent Thanksgiving with Jax and Brit. Stassi just returned from a Paris vacation with Brit, Katie and Lala and we all know Jax, Sandoval and Schwartz have been besties for years before the show even started so I think some of them are genuine friends outside of the show.
  7. Well, I am surprised. I find this hard to believe. Wendy could not possibly be that stupid to take him back, could she? I also find it hard to believe that Kelvin would kick side peice to the curb with his new baby girl. He's been with her for 10 yrs, he's not going to let her go now.
  8. Larissa getting lip injections and Coltee sitting there with his big ole' moobs saying she looks sexy. I can't with these people.
  9. So Jasmine is upset with Elena because of her stank attitude and crappy comments on her vow renewal yet she invites her to go vow renewal dress shopping. That was producer driven fakeness right there. Jasmine would have been fine going alone with her mom and I'm sure sourpuss Elena would rather have stay home. I don't think Todd ever really loved Christy. If I remember correctly didn't he have major hots for Brianna before he married Christy? Or was that Terra's husband? Or was it Terra's husband having the hots for Elena? I get confused but I know there was a lot of jealousy and fights before they all got married.
  10. If Pedro can find a job and stick with it then why can't Andrei? Oh, that's right, Andrei is a lazy POS.
  11. Wow, this show has reached an all time low. Is there no budget for this mess? Throwing a party for an Uncle Lumpy that nobody knows or cares about? If that made it in to the episode I can't imagine what ended up on the cutting room floor. I don't blame half the cast for not showing up to that one. I can't quit Gizelle. Oh, she can be vile but damn her scenes with Karen are hilarious. They both play off each other beautifully. Robin needs to wear that talking head wavy bob wig full time. It was nice and she looked pretty. Candice's husband can't afford to pay for a nice honeymoon. What in the hell does she see in this dude? Did he contribute anything towards the wedding? Candice hanging all over him and begging him not to go to work was sickening, even if she was joking around with him. They are just gross.
  12. Then asks her daddy not to tell Andrei about the money! Great relationship you have there, Libby, keeping secrets from your husband. Who goes to a job interview in shorts and a t-shirt and an attitude? Andrei was a handyman and a bouncer in a nightclub in Moldova or Ireland or where ever he was living. I guess he thought he was going to strike it rich here with the spoiled American princess because he sure didn't have much going for him before he met her. I can't even imagine them caring for a baby.
  13. I didn't say she purchased. I have read that she signed a lease on a penthouse. It doesn't matter, the board of directors are going to be just as strict with their criteria if not more so with a renter. Even if it is Wendy Williams, messy celebrity extraordinaire!
  14. Your opinions are not unpopular on this forum @chenoa333! Wendy was trying too hard to make us believe all was well in Hunterville when in fact it was a lie, now she is going wayyyyy over to the other side to portray that she is happy, carefree and running around NYC. Is there no middle ground with this woman? And I find it hard to believe any condo/co-op board in NYC would allow a cane corso in the building. Those dogs are huge, not meant for apt. living and those boards are ruthless. So......where is the dog??
  15. She could not keep her hands off of herself! She was so twitchy it was distracting. Constantly messing with her extensions, pulling at her dress which kept falling open because the slit was too high. I'm not here for the Kathryn and Patricia bestie tour. I'm sure they are cordial now, no more bad mouthing and Patricia doesn't ban her from her house and will invite her to certain functions but please enough with the new found love. Andy Cohen was laying it on thick.
  16. I thought the story was that when LuAnn was going off the rails, she called Dennis asking for 6 million to buy the expensive house which is when Dennis, Barbara and Bethenny realized that Lu was out of control and needed rehab. I'm wondering if Lu is renting this upstate house.
  17. Cam looked bored at the dinner party. Go home to your child. You have different priorities now. It doesn't look good anymore to show up at the party with your Dr. friend but not your Dr. husband. Craig spends 3 months in the Bahama's so I guess nothing has changed as far as career aspirations are concerned. So Austen is a cheating whore. Who knew. Who cares. I'm dying to see what the Kathryn/Danni fallout is all about. Speaking of Kathryn, she just can't get it right with her fashion and hair. She's only 26 yet managed to make herself look like old grand dame Patricia. Kathryn was weird with Whitney. Are you mad at me? Please talk to me....... yeah, they slept together again. Why, Kathryn, whyyyyyy?
  18. Does she think she's the new Carrie Bradshaw? this ain't Sex and the City, boo. You gotta love Wendy's huge delusional ego. Makes you wonder how Kelvin could keep such control over her and how she let him do it. I thought it would take her years of therapy to get over all that he did to her. Silly me. That is inevitable. Hold on to your money, Wendy!
  19. Amber gets on my nerves but I do like how she and Trent want the kids to understand that they have to work for what they want. Something many parents don't teach their kids anymore.
  20. It's really about how Jax would handle Brit not losing pregnancy pounds. Not a diss at Britney or anybody else that has extra pounds to lose (myself included). He's a vain asshole and in the past when she did gain some weight he made a big deal about how she wasn't attractive anymore and he felt differently about her. He really got obnoxious about it in their Kentucky spinoff. The jerk even complained to her dad about it which gave her dad another reason not to like him. Of course, all of this was before his dad died. Now he's a changed man. For a while.
  21. One big ol' commercial for Erika Jayne. Somebody at BRAVO really loves her. All the ass kissing back stage. It went on and on and on.........Kyle had enough so she jumps and dry humps her husband to get some attention. WTH is going on with her?
  22. That is an accident waiting to happen. Can you imagine when the dog is full size and Jackson or Zach is trying to get down the stairs and that big dog (when full grown will be huge and full of energy) comes barreling down behind them? I can not believe Tori wanted that house. Sometimes I think she is in denial that she is married to a dwarf and her son is also a dwarf. She sure has become alot more mouthy and opinionated this season. The real Caryn is starting to show and I'm not liking it.
  23. That whole Kyle situation was so fake. Oh, and Amanda, it's great that you are close with mom and dad but there are some thing you just don't tell your parents. They didn't need to know about Kyle's cheating. Her dad was really pissed. Now they are supposed to keep their mouths shut and silently watch their daughter move in and marry this asshole? Keep your mouth shut, girl.
  24. I think Jax will be faithful for a couple of years. They will be busy with the new house and making babies immediately. After all the excitement dies down and Brit hasn't lost the remaining 20-30 pregnancy pounds and Jax forgets how Brit was by his side when his dad died so he owes her his undying gratitude is when Jax will start to stray. Brit will stay with him, too, because as she said at her engagement speech " I will never give up on this maaaannnn"!
  25. Not true. Alexi got a job and is working, pretty much has been since he was legally able to, so has Loren. They bought a condo together. I'm not even crazy about Loren because of the way she behaved at the reunion but have to admit these two have their stuff together and are actually planning on when to start having a family. I have mad respect for Alexi. I think Princess Libby and the Hulk are perfectly content living off daddy and the TLC money. That will get them by for now. What ever job Libby had was only part time working for daddy, she has been spoiled all her life.
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