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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Never try to reason with people when they are shitfaced. Never. It's a total waste of time because they're not going to remember half of it the next day as evidenced by Teddi next week saying at breakfast "Ohhhh nooo, did I really say that...... Yes, you annoying bitch, you did.
  2. I'm not here for the constant miscarriage reminders and death of loved one stories. And Michael, save your tears. This is supposed to be entertainment TV.
  3. Quoting my own post! Anyway, I went back to watch that scene and Shep did not say that to Kathryn. They did have words but he didn't call her white trash.
  4. Ugh, Josh is back. There is enough going on with this show we don't need his baby daddy I still love you Liza you are my soul mate story.
  5. I never heard of a mid season finale. They didn't even have Jasmine's vow renewal yet. It was all just left hanging. Instead they continuously show reruns of the Atlanta show which I don't watch. Did they not have enough material to do an entire season without stopping midway? It's just weird.
  6. Jamie and Redhead: Problem #1 is going to be her looks. I'm not saying she's unattractive but I don't think she's going to be his type at all. I see Mr. Picky with a barbie type. Problem #2 will be when she opens her big, loud, look at me I'm so funny mouth. It will be all shirote after that.
  7. That's a good description of Danni! @Kemper Madison is also a hairdresser, she's not a stay at home mom.
  8. I don't even think she's in love. She's trying to prove she's hot enough to get herself a young one and at the same time making it know all over the place how much money she's spending on him and his new wardrobe. All for the benefit of making Kelvin jealous. How you doin', Kelvin?
  9. Wendy is 5'11. She has said in heels she's around 6'4 which made her feel very self consious. Back in the day when she wore heels, that is.
  10. Especially considering he was hardly on the show last season. Shep definitely said it on the show while he was on Craig's couch. Kathryn was leaving and was being nasty to everyone at that point. I'm pretty sure his comment was directed at Kathryn because he looked over at her walking out the door as he said it.
  11. She repeated that on WWHL last night and Andy Cohen said "Well, I ride the subway". I can not understand why these women coddle her so much as if she is this delicate, sensitive flower. She's a snob and in constant need of attention.
  12. In my head, Whitney approached Pat like this: Mom, please, please come to this lame ass pillow party we (the producers) are making Craig have because the viewers seem to like you and we need all the help we can get to try and save this sinking ship because these people have become boring AF. You don't have to stay long, I promise. Michael can wait outside in the car for you. Pat being there was ridiculous. So was Madison visiting Pat. Madison is Pat's hairdresser, not her buddy. They need to keep Pat in her lane of hosting once a year dinner parties at her fantabulous house.
  13. Well, here is the DM article on Wendy in all her glory with her new thug boyfriend. I have no words. Leave it to Wendy to finally get the balls to get out of one bad situation and step right in to something worse. Her family needs to step in again and slap some sense in to her before this guy spends all her money. Can she possible be hanging with people like this and staying sober? I think not. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-7133767/Wendy-Williams-54-steps-new-beau-convicted-felon-Marc-Tomblin-27.html
  14. The stew making the cake and Capt'n Sandy slicing the ham? Oy. The kicker is that the guests loved the food. Go figure.
  15. Why do these women think it necessary for Kyle to sit her daughters down and explain her eating disorder from 30 yrs ago when the daughters clearly have no eating disorders? Let them be for chrissakes. It would be a delicious day if all these women decided to turn and pile up on Kyle. I'm getting a weird vibe from her now that LVP is gone. She wants desperately to be queen bee. I'm not here for it. Teddi does not fit in with this group. She needs to be gone next season and they should bring in someone closer in age to the rest of these harpies.
  16. Exactly. That was a producer set up if I ever saw one. That's why Nicole wasn't very upset over it.
  17. Holy hell, Wendy is really working overtime on her image. Pics of her with her new buddies, Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner, and wait for it.....Blac China! The new Wendy, partying her face off with people she never cared about. I'm waiting for a new soul mate/love of her life to surface any day now. Simmer down, woman, you're going to burn yourself out. What is she trying to prove? Make Kelvin jealous with her new, fantabulous life?
  18. Sad, indeed. What is going on with her? When she was on the show the first season she was a lil' flaky but alway looked so beautiful and put together. Watching her last night plopping on that cheap, ratty dollar store wig on her head was disturbing. Now she is a broke, unraveled mess.
  19. He (Reece) would be perfect on that loser show! Damn, Barry and Tamika are one sexy, gorgeous looking couple. It's no wonder their little girl is beautiful. She is going to be a stunner! p.s. I can't stand Tamika.
  20. I was kind of floored when she said to one of the girls that it was her weekend to have the kids, but her parents were watching them so she can go on this "treehouse trip". How disappointing. She was just coming back from a trip to NY and Miami, too. I just don't get her at all. I know she has contract obligations, still couldn't they schedule the trip for the week after when she didn't have the kids? If you are involved in a custody battle is that a smart thing to do? I'm sure Thomas will present that to the court. Does she really want full custody of those children? She's not acting like it.
  21. Yes, but at least he's not going around joking and acting disgusted about it the way Kathryn is. It's hurtful, childish and immature. If it actually ever really happened in the first place!
  22. I agree, I think she is really pissed off that she can't drink. Which is why she needs to attend as many meetings as she can or her new sobriety won't work. She also needs to have some friends that don't drink but we also know that isn't going to happen.
  23. I hope it's fake because if it's not what does that say about Kathryn for sleeping with him!
  24. The way Austin and Craig were laying around in Austins apartment, spread out all over the furniture, looking slovenly and whining about what ever in the fuck. Neither one of them could even muster up the strength to sit up, they must have been hung over. These guys are pathetic. This is going to be a long boring season. For what it's worth, the Treehouse trip looked boring AF too. Let's see, go to a winery where one of the group is an alcoholic and the others make faces at the bad tasting wine. Then go to dinner and pick on Kathryn because she's a thoughtless self centered tool and watch Kathryn make her own annoying faces at the food. The fact that the weather sucked and it was raining made it more boring. They all need to Step. It. Up. They are being paid alot of money to do this show.
  25. How do we know that? Just curious. I don't think Tins heard it at the time. Wasn't she walking behind Bethenny with a few of the ladies in between when she said that? I felt gut punched when Bethenny said that and I don't even have any skin in this game. It was absolutely the lowest blow to add "she doesn't" knowing Tinsley is desperately struggling with the mistakes she has made in her life and the consequences of those mistakes. B is jealous of Tinsley. I don't exactly know why, either. She has said several times that Tinsley is beautiful and I think B is jealous of that. Tinsley is also refined and has manners, compared to B who tries really hard but is basically "raised by wolves" (her own words). Then Tins gets a gift from the artist which really burned B. Deep down in her gazillion dollar heart B is very insecure. She's a hateful shrew.
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