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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I agree but the funny thing is they said they told Capt'n Sandy they wanted "5 Star" and didn't feel they got it. Big piles of food is not "5 Star".
  2. I do NOT want to see the spawn of all of these bitches. Almost every segment.......Stop it, BRAVO. Just stop. Shannon needs to calm down. We get it, hon. You're over your divorce, lost weight and have had a shit ton of facial work done. They way she was dancing in the restaurant with the new baby machine lady was so childish. Kelly's new love happens to love the camera. Flowers and gifts the first minute he's on the show. A little too famewhorey and too eager to show the world how wonderful he is.
  3. That's exactly right! Why did we need two hours of that? They couldn't do it in one hour? They kept repeating the same things over and over in their talking heads. Having said that, I couldn't help but notice Jen was not herself at all. Poor thing must have been in so much pain. Before the surgery she was serious, quiet and looked so stressed. She didn't have that usual annoying laughter going on. She is a real trooper, though. I have such admiration for that woman. It looks like both Bill and Jen have settled in to being parents now and are much more comfortable with the kids. It's amazing to see how much Will has changed. He is much more tolerable and composed than he was last season. It's good to know he is doing well in school and enjoys cub scouts. Zoey, on the other hand, is a little firecracker! Girl loves to talk! She also loves taking the attention away from Will and he doesn't seem to mind taking a back seat to her. He's a sweet big brother. One other thing I noticed was that the house was not as pristine perfect as the Houston house. Not a bad thing, just different. It looks more lived in and laid back. Surely they have a housekeeper but it looks like Jen has eased up on her control of everything having to be perfect all the time.
  4. How is it possible that I'm liking Aladin more than Laura? Tiffany is getting on my last nerve. I like the relationship between Ronald and Daniel. That little boy is something special. I don't blame Pole for wanting a DNA test. Karine is shady and lazy. I will never forget the first episode of the first season with these two where Pole was showing the video of Karine doing an ass shaking booty twerking dance with her shorts sticking up her ass. Oh, yeahhhhh. Karine has been around. That video probably went out to a lot of guys.
  5. Maybe he's using the same filters Rebecca is using.
  6. They made a good "team"? How? He kept her secluded from all her friends and family. She was practically a prisoner in her own home, being used and abused. She said herself Kelvin handled all the business to the point that she didn't have a clue what was going on. She was so miserable she was drinking and drugging just to get through the day. Plus he terrorized her staff. Didn't Wendy herself say that she was his "Show Pony"? Maybe Miss Party Girl is getting burnt out on the shallow scene with the shallow so called fake friends. Kelvin is going to slowly weasel his way back in to her life full time, this business manager BS is just the beginning. All of Wendy's big talking about being a new free woman is a lie. She probably hates being alone. I'm so pissed off right now because I agree, we have been played! WTF WENDY??????
  7. Because Mr. Tunisia is not interested in 40 extra lbs and 20 yrs. She's probably hoping he will fall in love with the "filtered" her, then it won't matter when he see's the real her because he will be so in love. Guess again, sweetie.
  8. She could do without wearing that half ponytail on top of her head. I don't think anyone past the age of 22 can pull off that hairstyle.
  9. I wouldn't say Caesar makes so much money as a nail tech. I would guess that he sends his scammer almost all of his money judging by the way he lives. Rides bike, no car. Has to ask boss for loans. Clips grocery store coupons. Always talking about how broke he is. Works 7 days a week. Lives in a sad apartment with sad furniture. So why people are assuming he makes so much money is beyond me. Just take a look at his depressing life.
  10. So everybody in Nova's life is pissed off at her except for Calvin. Whatever, Calvin. I don't get the smoldering hotness of this actor, either. Maybe because I have never seen him in any other role.
  11. Same with the original SC (Charleston). It goes on and on and it absolutely sucks this season. They're recent trip to Colorodo was an epic boring failure. I hope they all watch this and shutter at how SCNO rules!
  12. The dance off was fun. I didn't know Tamika was a cheerleader for the Saints. Of course she was.
  13. Especially since Chris called 911. A big NO NO. What the hell is she thinking? Oh, yeah. A new storyline.
  14. Marcellino running around the playground with Giovanni was cute. Gio looks like a happy little boy. Maybe it's best they get full custody. Sara and mumblemouth make beautiful babies. Lizard/Scott and Clint/Skankwhore are the worst actors on the planet. Get ready for the next episode, everybody. Michael has a secret. I hope it's more exciting than Megan's I kissed a boy's big secret.
  15. Who's fussing about it? The children are clearly adored. My post was more wondering how it all scientifically happens that you can have twins with 2 different fathers. Nothing more.
  16. Typical ass kissing celebrity fakeness. I guess Kelvin would not let Wendy be friends with Andy for what ever reason. Now they can be buds. Same with Wendy and Charlamagne. Wendy does anything now just to piss off Kelvin. Don't know what Andy's motives are, though.
  17. Fredrik always said he wanted a daughter and had the name picked out long before. I hope he treats and loves the boy equally. He said last night the girl is his bio baby and the boy is Derek's. This whole surrogacy thing facinates me and it sounds to me like they are not really twins, just conceived and born at the same time with one surrogate carrying them both? I'm assuming they both have the same mother? The surrogate is not the mother, right? Omg I'm so confused.
  18. I stopped recording and watching Wendy a year ago. It's much more fun coming here for the recaps and reading the gossip sites!
  19. Really!!!! I also have to question Danni for still being friends with a player douchebag that gave her an STD. What the hell is wrong with that girl? Where is her self esteem?
  20. Grow up, Liza! If you want Josh, then go for it. Wasn't it so convenient for Charles book to be about a young man having an affair with an older woman? Pleeeeeez, this show is ridiculous.
  21. I'm not here for Nova and Calvin. She'll just screw it up, anyway. Vi should have called Hollywood. He's not going to be too happy about that.
  22. I don't see anything weird about Deonna not being on unfiltered. Don't they always have 3 at a time, not 4? Maybe she will be on next week.
  23. I don't see Madison as trying to control Austen. She just wants him to stop fucking other women. That's what you do when you're in a committed relationship. What is so controlling about that? Shep is disgusting and so bitter. He needs therapy to help him find out why he is so miserable and why he hates women. I really do see him following TRav's footsteps in another 10 yrs. I think Cam is growing up! She is finding that she has less in common with these morons and wants to bond more with her baby. Her priorities are shifting for the better.
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