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  1. I really enjoyed Carmody and Tristan getting to know each other, the bed room shenanigans were hilariously petty, I could understand both of sides and see how the two of them would clash. It was probably extra hard for Tris as it seems like Carmody and Siegfried are such pees in a pod and have so much in common, it had to feel like he was being replaced, while Carmody likes his rules and order so much, having this new person in the house obviously threw him out of wack. They seem to be doing better now at least. James must be really struggling if he yelled at a dog, I don't think we have ever heard him raise his voice like that. I am glad that they are talking more about his flight crew, it seems like he is suffering from a whole lot of survivors guilt that is not not really ready to talk about yet. That fireplace looks so charming and cozy, perfect place for a night cap as you catch up after "the kids" have gone off to bed. Tristan's mustache is growing on me a little bit, or more likely I am just getting used to it, but he can shave it off any day now.
  2. That was certainly dull as dirt, its hard to get a lot of mystery milage out of a he said/she said case where you know right away what happened. Was anyone even remotely surprised that the boss was the one behind everything? Was that even supposed to be a surprise? Or that the female COO was covering for him because he did the same thing to her once and that she would come around for the big testimony at the end to lock the bad guy up after an Olivia speech? I could have written this episode on Chat GPT and it probably would have been better. I like that we got to see at least a bit of detective work from the rest of the squad and the courtroom stuff was pretty good, but this was an Olivia episode starring Olivia and her constant whispers. Its a weird New York that this show takes place in where an NYPD captain can stop to go to the apartment of one victim to go and give her a pep talk when she's upset, I guess there really are no other cases in all of her prescient that could use some attention. No wonder the opening was Olivia getting on the rest of the squad to do paperwork, God knows Olivia never does any admin work (the stuff that I think captains are supposed to do) on her own, not when instead she can give endless supportive speeches to endless crying victims as she is the only person who can possibly fix their broken hearts. Bleh. The supporting cast was alright, not bad but not really good enough to rise above the material. Not an awful episode, just extremely bland and dragged down by way too much of Olivia the Savior.
  3. I knew that something was up with the club guy being all nice and helpful, of course he was trying to use the kids as free PR to look like they were helping charity cases. I love that everyone worked hard to pull all of their subplots together to stand up for the kids and get them to actually give the kids something they can use. Although, even with the sketchy motives, at least the kids had fun and RJ found his passion. Good on Jacob for trying so hard to find something for RJ to enjoy, and its impressive that he didn't just celebrate his win and talked about how he wishes he could do more for all students. Jacob gets a lot of slack for his performative progressiveness, even if it is something he very much means, but when it comes to his students its clearly not something he is doing just to feel like he's doing the right thing. Janine and her Arnold Palmers were hilarious, especially going on about how there HAS to be some kind of secret third ingredient. Awww Gregory finally realizes that food might not be all bad, I am not surprised that his issues with food comes from his strict upbringing. Love Ava and Melissa bonding over heists. I would think that the big issue they could get the club on is the legality of using kids in promotions without permission from parents or guardians or even really letting the kids know what was going on.
  4. Just to be clear, if someone on one of these pages says they're from the CIA and are recruiting you to be a secret agent, they're probably not really. Maybe... That was a really fun episode, I loved the case and how people in television fandoms were weaved into the plot. I guess I'm not too surprised that there are still so many Alias fans around, I used to love that show, even when things got weird at the end! I loved Angie and Ormewood so enthusiastically explaining the shows plot, then everyone else watching the episode that the dog groomer was obsessed with. Poor real Francie. Faith and Ormewood bonding over the extreme awkwardness happening between Will and Angie was great, I love that they went out to get tacos after work. I love how their relationship has grown, lets continue to keep goblin Ormewood instead of jerk serial cheater Ormewood from last season. Ormewood's being a big CIA fanboy and his crush on the CIA lady were hilarious, so much cringe. "There are a lot of wanna be CIA out there." "My thing is totally different." I love that the last fake spy even looked a bit like Jennifer Gardner, the only thing missing would be her pulling a wig off after being arrested. I was surprised that no one reminded Angie that her bad choice ended up getting Crystal killed, especially Will, although I guess its so bad that neither Angie or Will wanted to get into it? Those men who were killed might be easier for Angie to write off, being creeps (although that's not great from a cop) but she did all of this for Crystal and this is how it ended up. I hope that Angie and Will can find a way to be friends again, and that she finally really comes to understand how badly she screwed up, but I really hope they avoid another romance, way too much baggage.
  5. I thought that this was a really good case, I like how it all played out, but I feel bad for how it all worked out, its hard to see this as a win. I hope that this does at least give the family closure after years of suspicion and that it makes Cody feel lighter, hopefully they go easy on him, its just a sad story. It was a cool case though, I liked them solving a cold case and Morgan walking through the house as she narrates what she thinks happened. The ending with the badge was cute. I missed seeing the kids, but we got a lot of them in the last episode and I am glad that Soto got some time to shine beyond being the boss and helping Morgan with her case. I can imagine that she felt like she had to avoid making waves when she was young, its probably one of the reasons she has always been in Morgan's corner, she can understand being underestimated.
  6. If you told me that this was all Owen's last moments before he was kicked in the head by that horse from earlier this season, it would make more sense than anything we just saw. Is the show going scorched earth (literally) because they're so pissed at being cancelled? Are the writers mixing their antidepressants with Mali? Am I? How is this all happening in one episode before the show ends and why would they want to end it? I would like to imagine that this is all in Owen's mind, but I have a bad feeling that its not, even if it would make more sense. The episode felt almost dream like, everything was happening so fast. Asteroid! Nuclear waste! Mateo's being departed! Tommy's on deaths door! Owen's going to New York! TK and Carlos don't get TK's brother...which is probably for the best considering Carlos didn't actually want to adopt a kid out of nowhere, for no reason, this is just insane. Its like the Debbie Downer sketch but played for drama, every bad thing you can imagine is happening with no time to actually deal with any of it. Honestly, #teamasteroid. Put this show out of its misery.
  7. Here we are again! Grant seems like a pretty good lead so far, he's doing a pretty good job at listening to the women, he's very handsome, and has a lot of charm, but we'll see how he does when things start getting more intense. His sister is also gorgeous, that family has some nice genes! I also respect that he was candid about his families issues, I always respect when someone on this show is real about not coming from a perfect family. The crazy cat lady with the power point presentation is...not breaking any stereotypes. I love cats too and frequently work my fur kids into conversations, but that is coming in pretty hot. So far it seems to be a pretty good group of girls, they mostly seem nice, pretty, and even funny, but, as always, we'll see how things go when the shit starts hitting the fan and the first night buzz has gone down. The social media girl seems like she could be an early villain, and I liked the llama girl, I thought that she was cute. The best girl so far is obviously Linda, she's clearly a superstar.
  8. I hadn't thought about people who were severed having trouble finding jobs outside of severed employment, but I guess even beyond disgust at the very idea it does make some sense. Plenty of employers would want someone who can fully be "here" at their office, plus if they don't remember anything they do at work, they can hardly have a lot of learned skills from those jobs. I'm not surprised at all that the supposed five month time jump was bullshit, or that everything about the gang being famous innie reformers was made up, no way is Lumen going to let them get away with that or let any fault of theirs get out into the world. The mention of this secret project that needs Mark makes me wonder more about the theory that the little girl in the office is someone Gemma and Marks daughter, or at least a simulation of her, and is an early prototype of Lumen creating their own people to work in their severed floors. This episode really hit us with how bleak things are for the outies in their regular lives, I guess it makes sense that they would go back to Lumen if it seemed like the better option. Even Helena seems to live a cold sterile life with nothing outside of Lumen and trying to get her uncaring father's approval. I think that's why she was so fascinated with her innie kissing Mark and another reason why going back seemed like a good idea, innies can be people and do things that outies cant do. I hope that outie Bert isn't up to anything suspicious beyond following the guy who showed up at his house freaking out. Its hard to tell, Christopher Walken just kind of...looks like that. Last week I was sure that Helly really was Helly, but now I'm not so sure. I also love that Helena had to also mention that the lotion that she took meds for was absolutely not from Lumen. Who also make their own doors, which is somehow the most sinister things yet.
  9. That was probably the best episode we have had in awhile, with an actual mystery, strong performances by the guest cast, most of the squad got to do something, and the Olivia worship wasn't too bad. She still had to have the last word, of course, giving Anthony faith in at least some people in power, but any episodes without at least three speeches is a winner for me. I am glad that the first two episode this season are not the same old cases that we have had a million times. This episode did take a few turns I didn't expect, I suspected that the social worker might be sketchy but not to the point of trafficking the kids in his caseload, I like when an episode isn't predictable with an obvious villain. I have to say, while every crime on this show is horrible, this one was viscerally horrible in a way that this show rarely is anymore, there is just something about a social worker pimping out kids he's supposed to look out for, who have probably gone through horrible things already to end up in the system, that really makes you feel gross. Poor Anthony, hopefully he gets a TON of therapy after all of this, as well as the other kids this asshole hurt. While it wasn't as bad here as it is in other episodes, its frustrating when Carisi tries to get more information from victims or just asks basic questions about a case and Olivia gets all annoyed with him. He isn't trying to be a dick to victims, blame them, or act like they're making things up, he's trying to build a case so that he can convict the perps! To do that, he needs information about what happened! You would think that a police captain would understand that, its not about not believing victims, its about trying to get abusers put away and not letting them get away because of some legal nonsense!
  10. Awww I'm so glad that Tris is back! I don't think he's changed all that much, he's bulked up and has that worm living on top of his lips now, but he's still the same guy we know and love, just more worldly. I do think that he's downplaying the rougher stuff that happened, just focusing on the hijinks and not on what was actually happening in the war, and that its all going to come to the surface eventually. Poor doggie just wanted to be a mom. At least it led to Helen and James's mom bonding, it was nice to see the Harriet's again and that there wasn't much in-law drama. Siegfried and Tristan's reunion was really moving, although Siegfried's whole "I wont say a thing against the boy if he comes back in one piece" thing lasted about fifteen minutes or so. I guess the old farmer's idea was that he could get Siegfried to give him his money back and then he would use the powder to treat his goat? He clearly underestimated Siegfried's own goat like stubbornness!
  11. James's face when he realized he left the baby behind was pretty great, you could almost see his jaw hitting the ground. That was a cute little baby's day out story, not surprised that James is struggling a bit with being a dad after missing the start of dad time. Poor puppy, its always rough when they cant save an animal no matter how hard they try. Bosworth might be annoying, but he's also very lonely, maybe they can find him another dog. And, as it turns out, making the cows is actually not a bad idea! Although maybe chalk in the future? Ouch, Carmody was causing physical pain with that awkward chat with Doris. I was really picking up a possibly more than friends vibe between her and Jenny, but I guess its more of "my cool new city friend" vibe. Jenny really has grown up, I feel like the last time we saw her she was still a little girl. Maybe the war department allows the main characters so much gas so that we can all enjoy the gorgeous scenery as they drive by?
  12. When we cut to a normal street with cars and rain, I swear for a second that I thought my Apple app had cut to the next show, it felt so uncanny after so much time in the Silo. These last two episodes have been amazing, it finally feels like we are getting some momentum. Will we be going back and fourth from the past to the present next season? This season has been rather uneven, especially after how constantly intense the first was, but now I am fully engaged again. I am so glad that Juliette finally told that bratty Audrey to shut the fuck up, I know that's she's an almost totally isolated teen but does being a total dick to one of the four people you know really helping anything? Poor Solo, what a messy horrible situation, it seems like his father really was trying to save the Silo but at that point everyone was so obsessed with getting IT to "tell them the truth" that they wouldn't listen to him even when he did try to. Maybe whatever this plan was, to keep the silo's totally isolated from each other even if it means mass murder to keep this whole charade going made sense to someone sometime, but after so much time has passed this feels inevitable. The lesson seems to be that, not only is transparency good for moral reasons, but if you keep lying to people they will inevitably figure out that something is up and wont believe anything you say, even if its the truth or what they are doing really is dangerous. That's the problem when you start a rebellion, sometimes it takes on a life of its own. I felt really bad when Juliette was yelling about how everyone she knows is in danger, including her dad, who we know is already dead.
  13. I knew that they had to do an episode based on that horrific case in France so the resolution was no surprise to me, but I do like that we got an actual mystery for the detectives to solve and that it wasn't a more run of the mil case where we know right away who the bad guy is. The guest cast was good, full of actors I have seen bouncing around television a lot, and overall it was a pretty solid episode. Nothing amazing, I was hoping for maybe just one scene where the creep husband tries to explain his reasoning for doing this to tie everything together, but not a bad episode to come back with. I am good with them giving Carissi some time to live in his feelings about what happened, although I think they could have done a better job before having him have a minor freak out in court, I think that needed more build up, and of course he cant feel better without a pep talk from Olivia. Another perfectly decent episode sadly dragged down by the shows need to make Olivia the center of everything and be the perfect victim whisperer. Did we really need yet another ending where Olivia had to be the one to hold the victims hand and tell her how everything will be ok? Does she have to spend every second giving speeches about how she "took back her power" when we could have used that time doing anything else? I laughed when Olivia repeated her stock phrase of "I believe Catherine" in that self important way she does, and Carissi was like "I knew that your going to use that I Believe the Victim catch phrase, so have some Rollins" before he revealed her like they planned the timing to the second. Olivia really is quite predictable.
  14. Angie must have been thrilled that she just so happened to find something sketchy happening so that she could use it to get back on the force, she was almost glowing when she found that finger! I get that Angie thought what she was doing was the right thing with Crystal, but everyone cheering her as a hero when she got her job back like nothing happened is just going to reinforce the idea to her that she didn't actually do anything wrong, even though her actions ended up getting Crystal killed. She and Will really need to have a talk, she really does not see his side of things at all but if they talked I like to think that they could work it out. I am guessing that the handyman will come back again, either as another rapist bad guy for Angie to obsess over and probably have to kill, or she'll realize that he never committed the crime he was convicted for and she has to find the real killer. It would be interesting if she finds out that he was framed by some overzealous cop who was convinced that he was guilty and sent an innocent man away and let a killer escape, and she really does have to grapple with what she did. The COTW was alright, since none of the characters cared about the case I really didn't either. I was convinced that the sister who lives in Europe was the killer, it felt like her crying and yelling about her family felt really forced, like she was putting on an act for the cops, but I guess it was just a weird performance. A lot of really funny lines this week, the whole cast plays off of each other so well. "Brown is part of a color palette!" Poor Betty got used to going to work with her dad every day, no wonder she's stressed.
  15. First of all, I am so happy to hear about the season two renewal! This show is a lot of fun and I am glad that we will get more of it, plus if we have more seasons we might actually get to figure out the main mystery! I have been burned way too many times on shows that were cancelled before they could reveal their driving questions. That was a pretty good episode, it was nice to get some more focus on Elliot, even if he had to deal with mean kid nonsense. Poor little guy, that kid really was going out of his way to be mean, inviting every boy in the class besides him. Morgan could maybe have handled it better, but I cant blame her for being that upset at what a little jerk that kid was. I am also glad that Ava put her phone down to play with her brother, he really needed that. As much as Morgan isn't thrilled about Ava having a boyfriend, he seems like a nice kid, I thought it was sweet that he tried to give Elliot some ideas for toys based on what he liked when he was that age. That couple who employed Tara are going to have an even longer zoom talk with their marriage counselor after this. I guess nannies are just as catty as elementary school students, that is some next level mean girl stuff they were pulling, even beyond the eventual murder. Morgan making the jump from "the person in the comments didn't capitalize their days of the week" to "I know who the killer is" seems like a leap, but I think its more that Morgan puts together lots of information that is floating around in her head and she needs specific things to connect them. She put together that the nannies were not fans of Tara, she knew that one of the nannies is a native Russian speaker, so it all clicked with that one detail after having all of that floating around. It was such a pleasure to see Ken Marino here again, I have seen him in tons of things but he will always be Vinnie the sleazy PI from Veronica Mars to me, so seeing him as a PI again was great, I hope we see him again. So many recognizable TV actors here, it was hard to guess who the killer would be based on how well I know the actors. Is it Jane from Happy Endings? Her husband who I recognize from some comedy that Mr. Tennisgirl watches? The lady from Orange is the New Black doing an accent?
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