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Everything posted by orza

  1. Maybe the previous actress wasn't available for the time frame they needed her or she was difficult to work with or her parents were a PITA on set or said no to the show or other reasons that they didn't want her back.
  2. Why shouldn't Nick find solace his child? That would be pretty heartless to reject his child because the mother is Adalind. He doesn't need to have a romantic relationship with Adalind and I don't think that is being implied.
  3. Joe would be much worse off it he had tried to pursue the matter. The Cardiff owner was being very generous with Joe by not pressing criminal charges for torching the truck and bringing a civil suit to recover damages for the lost inventory and truck. That no doubt exceeded whatever amount Joe would have gotten from Cardiff. Joe would have been looking at jail time, bankruptcy and the prospect of never again working in the industry and perhaps any industry for that matter.
  4. But she teases it when she takes the pictures during episode filming. That is an asshole move to post that she has pictures that she won't post for another month or two. Or she heard or saw something that she can't reveal until the episode airs. Either put up or shut up but don't be an asshole about it.
  5. That katmtan person is ridiculous. She is just another one of these self-styled internet "personalities" who has built a following based on nothing. She posts a lot of messages saying "I heard/saw some juicy spoilers but I can't tell you what." or "I took some cool BTS pictures but I'm not posting them."
  6. I don't see a reason for Socha to be pissed. He was getting a steady paycheck, got SAG credit for a full season of episodes, made some industry contacts and got exposure to industry people who didn't know him before. That puts him in a much position now than he was 2 years ago when he goes looking for his next job. He could have done a lot worse. There are also not enough acting jobs in Britain for all the people looking for work. Socha might have spent most of the year just sitting around doing nothing between auditions if he had gone back to Britain but without getting paid for his time. There are worse things in life than to be paid a lot of money to be on standby for a year.
  7. The Arthurian legend is a very big deal for many people so they want actors with authentic British accents for the roles. Makes sense to me. I don't see a problem there. Rumple doesn't have a Scottish accent. Robert Carlyle has said that he uses a variety of accents, depending on what period of Rumples 's life he is in and the particular scene and that can be clearly heard. If his natural accent comes through on a few words that is likely intentional. It would be impractical to have all the other characters have typical accents. They would have to hire a lot of German actors since most of the fairy tales are Germanic in origin.
  8. Maybe a couple of regulars will be bumped down to recurring status. My guess is Emilie de Ravin and Ginnifer Goodwin. Belle's function as a character is to support Rumple's character development and story line when needed. Rumple will probably go off to Camelot so she won't be needed at all. They dropped Emilie from the cast for the entire season 5 of Lost and just brought her back for the final series wrap-up episodes. I can see that happening again. Michael Socha will probably die a heroic death in the mid-season finale. Ginny openly talks about wanting another baby as soon as possible in interviews. Their little boy is a year old now so they may be actively trying again. In that case she may be happy to retire from acting to be a full-time mother. Snow's story is pretty much done, anyway, and she was already a supporting character in season 4 so it isn't a big stretch to send her to Offscreenville. She can open a daycare there with Belle. I find Zelena a highly entertaining villian. She is so over-the-top crazy and Rebecca Mader and Robert Carlyle have great chemistry together.
  9. It's only three characters, and I don't know how they would adequately tell the Camelot story without them. As far as Lancelot is concerned, if the actor is not available there's not much they can do. That's just the way it goes in the business. If they don't have long-term plans for the character like they did for Robin Hood there is no point in recasting the role. The format they have settled on for the show is well-known by now. They have a specific theme or venue such a Frozen or Neverland that includes the canon characters that go with it and that is the focus of the half season. This formula has been successful so it makes sense to stick with it. Some of the regular characters are not that interesting on their own and need the extra help of fresh characters to carry their story lines.
  10. People like and dislike different things. While certain depictions of violence may not bother some people too much they may evoke visceral revulsion in others. Everyone has different hot buttons. This is not hard to understand. Also, not everyone watches both shows or they may be overinvested in one show but only a casual viewer of the other show so comparisons don't really work for everyone.
  11. I think John Noble is overrated. It is disappointing that they didn't cast a well-known British actor to play a member of the British establishment.
  12. The chart upthread shows that the show lost almost as many viewers in season 2 as in seasons 3 and 4 combined. Season 2 is when Root and Shaw were introduced and the whole AI storyline started. Greer made his first appearance in 2.13. It was clear by the end of season 2 what direction the show was going in. All shows evolve over time but this show has changed so much it is barely recognizable anymore. They reused the title and 3 of the original cast members,to make a new show that, apparently, is not appealing to many original viewers. I watched the season 4 finale to see what the setup for season 5 was. If Elias and Control don't survive and the machine is not spitting out any numbers, at least for a while, the show has lost all appeal for me. I am not interested in a sci-fi AI story of two machines battling it out for supremacy. Greer and his henchmen are utterly boring. And I really have no interest in watching any show that has Amy Acker in a leading role with her annoying little girl voice. Sarah Shahi can also stay on maternity leave indefinitely. I don't miss her.
  13. I'm not thrilled about John Noble. He tends to chew all available scenery whenever he is on camera. He helped ruin the last show he was on so I am skeptical.
  14. Those posters are hideous. Most fan "art" is pretty bad. Even the stuff that is technically ok is problematic because, like the rest of the crap, it is all based on stealing someone's intellectual property.
  15. Yeah, speak for yourself. I watch the show with a bunch of kids and they and their friends all loved this past season. They think dark Emma is cool and are looking forward to season 5. They are the target demographic for this show so I think it will be fine.
  16. Well that's what he means by "rejigged". The had to re-edit both episodes to move key scenes from one episode to the other to get in everything in the right chronological order for airing. They did not need to reshoot scenes because they had enough material for two full episodes, just rearrange what they already had.
  17. Regina is Henry's mother. He just spent a significant amount of time with her, during which she didn't remember him. He also saw how she was mortally wounded saving him and how upset he was. It is a normal reaction for him to be a clingy now and want to stay close to his mother. That's how kids, even teenagers, react when they have just experienced something frightening or upsetting. They want to be close to their parents. The scene told us that Henry and Regina have come a long way. In spite of all they have been through together just now, but also in the past, Henry and Regina are a close-knit family.
  18. I see nothing inappropriate about Henry knowing about Zelena's pregnancy and the circumstances surrounding it. Henry is not a little kid who needs to be coddled and we have already seen multiple times that he is not easily shocked. The conversation was just a brief reference and response about their situation going forward. Nothing untoward was mentioned. All these characters come from a feudal society where a boy Henry's age was considered almost a man and treated as such. They have a completely different set of values, morals and attitudes that don't have much to do with 21st century western standards. Holding them to our real-world standards doesn't make much sense..
  19. A significant contributing factor to the overall negativity in this forum is that so many posts are just people going from one thread to the next, dragging it off topic, to bitch about the same things they just bitched about yesterday in another thread. A lot of the complaining boils down to "I hate Regina, the writers are stupid, this isn't the show I want it to be." regardless of the actual thread topic. While that may be a valid opinion it doesn't need to be repeated over and over, day after day ad nauseam. Say it once and move on. Repetition is boring. And calling the writers and producers idiots and bozos and such is not critical discussion it's just mean-spirited bashing. So much of the so-called critical discussion on the internet is also just setting up straw man arguments for the purpose of pointless hyperbolic ranting. If people would 1) state their opinion once and then move on and 2) stay on topic or take it to the appropriate thread, it would go a long way to improve the overall tone of this forum. Reducing the number of threads would also help to cut down on the repetitious off-topic posting. I know this was tried once already but it probably did not go far enough. Every fandom thinks they are the well-behaved insightful people having serious discussions while the rest of the internet is just a bunch of ill-behaved idiots. Fact is that they are all the same. They are all out there on the fringe with their shrill presence and minority opinions that don't align with the majority of mainstream viewers that producers care about. There is also no difference between those people sending nasty tweets to showrunners, those who hurl their insults from the same distance of a discussion forum and the fangirls with their creepy photoshopped images and actor obsessions. It's all just people behaving badly in public. There is liking a show and caring about the characters and then there is being so overwrought and over-invested that one loses all perspective and lets it impact one's emotional life. The first is fine because when people are unhappy they express their disappointment once in a rational manner and then move on. The second group personalizes everything to an excessive degree and can't seem to let it go. Online fans vastly overestimate their numbers and importance. The average fandom represents only a fraction of a percent of total viewership for a show with millions of viewers. Regardless of what showrunners say in public about loving and listening to all the fans, when creative and business decisions are made behind closed doors, the opinions of the shrill minority don't matter because their numbers are just too small to have any real impact on ratings and revenue.
  20. Robert Carlyle's new movie, The Legend of Barney Thomson, is headlining the Edinburgh Film festival next month.
  21. Jo didn't need to draw the conclusion from the photo that Henry was immortal. She just needed to see it as something odd that together with the watch couldn't reasonably be explained so she asked him about it to get to the bottom of whatever was going on with him. Jo knew Henry had been in the sewer or wherever it was and and shots were fired there and then she found two personal items belonging to Henry down there with no obvious explanation as to how they got there. . The photo provided an opening for Henry to tell Jo about himself, with Abe's support. It was also an opportunity for Abe to bring the family photo album that he surely has to show 70 years of photos of Abe growing up and aging while Henry was not aging.
  22. It could just mean "last" as "most recent". "My last death was a shooting. The one before that was a slit throat." Or if the show continues, Henry adopts a new name and identity, Henry Milton, for example, Or they don't plan on showing him dying anymore. Or you may just be overthinking it.
  23. Abe also went out to lunch with a friend. That gave Adam plenty of time to get the dagger.
  24. There was a scene of Emma and Neal in the back seat of the bug. What else would two young people be doing in the back seat of a car besides having sex? It was also pretty obvious in season 1 that Mary Margaret and David were having sex. The scene in The Crocodile established that Rumple and Belle had a normal sex life. Emma and Hook were together as a couple for more than 2 months when the show returned after the break. I would say it's a foregone conclusion that sex is part of their relationship. Adults in relationships have sex. That's normal. The scene in season 2 of Snow and Charming in bed was played purely for comedy. The entire scene was built around the punchline. They are not gonna actually show any sex scenes on this show because 8:00 family show and American prudery, but there are lots of indirect references that the adults on the show do have sex for those viewers who are paying attention and are old enough to pick up on it. The references go right over the heads of the younger kids I watch the show with but the older kids (12 and up) understand and that's fine because 12-year-olds really ought to know about sex. For me the funniest sex reference was in The Outsider when Belle and Rumple are sitting in his car at the town line. My husband, who barely watches the show and just sits on the couch with us to be polite, looked up from whatever medical journal he was reading and blurted out "Well, someone just had the best makeup sex of his life." RC did that again in the shop scene after they returned from Neverland.
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