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Everything posted by orza

  1. Robin and Regina are not in touch because they broke up. Regina sent Robin away and said it was over. It's pretty normal to cut ties after a bad breakup. Maintaining contact and trying to be friends with an ex one is still in love with after a painful breakup is not healthy and prevents one from moving on. Robin was back together with his wife til death do they part so Regina could never be more than the other woman he was cheating on his wife with.
  2. This is not surprising that Zelena is back. The clues were all there in 3B. The "death" scene with Zelena, Rumple and the dagger in the jail exactly paralleled the scene of Zelena, Dorothy and the bucket of water, in which we saw that she was not really dead but had just tricked Dorothy into thinking she was. We also had Glinda saying in one episode that Zelena's power or life force or whatever was in the necklace and then saw the green magic smoke emerge from the necklace and find its way to the portal back to the EF along with Emma and Hook. Apparently, they are going with Zelena has been impersonating Marion and Emma actually brought Zelena back from her time travel adventure, not Marion. The real Marion probably died a long time ago as Robin always believed.. Rebecca Mader has been regularly attending conventions and promoting the show since her character's supposed demise last spring. Eion Bailey started promoting the show at conventions shortly before it was announced that he was returning for a guest appearance on the show. Robby Kay has also been diligently promoting the show at conventions. My guess is he will be back next year or perhaps in the season finale to set up Rumple's story line for next season.
  3. Henry and Abe were, apparently, separated for many years when Abe was an adult. Abe mentioned that Henry had missed all of his wives because he was out of the picture for a while. If Henry and Abe didn't reconnect until Abe was well past middle age then Abe gradually looking older than Henry wouldn't have been an issue. Also, a filial relationship is very different than a spousal relationship. I wouldn't say that Henry was thoughtless. He just didn't appear to care about what people thought while Abigail did. it is not so unusual that the young (looking) person in such a relationship is less concerned about the age difference than the old person. Old men with young wives routinely worry about not being able to perform in bed and being used for their money.
  4. Why is a spoilery media article being discussed in the relationship thread and why are the same dead horses being mercilessly beaten for the gazillionth time?
  5. This is the first time we saw old Abigail. She looked to be about 70 while Henry still looked to be in his mid 30s. No amount of applied grey hair color would change the fact that Henry had a young face and looked a full generation younger than Abigail. It was also shown in the first scene of Abigail sitting at her vanity that this had been bothering her for a while. The dinner was probably the last or next to last straw after a good twenty years of trying to deal with the issue and failing. It's really not such a stretch for viewers to accept that this has been building up for a while that 20 or 30 years worth of scenes showing Abigail struggling with growing older need to be shown onscreen..
  6. Judd Hirsch is 80, but Abe it not. He was an infant in 1945, making him 70 years old. He also said something in one of the first episodes about being almost 70 years old. Abe also said "She could still be alive" referring to Abigail in an early episode, suggesting that Abigail did not die but left Henry.
  7. It's more likely to be some magic item, possibly connected to Zelena, that will get them back into Storybrooke. That would be his priority in New York.
  8. I just looked. It's still there under current shows. http://abc.go.com/shows
  9. It's just an episode title, a play on words. It's part of Adam's job to promote the show. The tagline and premise of this show from the very beginning is "Evil is not born, it's made." It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that they will continue to heavily feature the villains' back-stories to show us how they got to where they are now. That's what this show is about and one of the reasons it is successful.
  10. Showing Kitty was a reminder that she had left and served as the setup to the opening scenes showing Sherlock desperate to talk to someone, anyone, about cases.
  11. In order to clear the way for Regina and Robin to be together they have to show that Regina had nothing to do with Marion's death in the original timeline and someone else was responsible. Adam and Eddy strongly hinted that this was the case and we would see it later. The most likely explanation for that change is that Emma somehow changed things along with changing how Snow and Charming met. Why else would they bring back the sheriff? He seems like the logical person to have killed Marion since it was established that he was hunting Robin and Marion.
  12. Adam & Eddy said we would see what happened to Marion in the original timeline. I think the sheriff was responsible for her death originally and when Emma screwed up the timeline Marion evaded the sheriff and Regina caught her instead. And, yeah, Marion will also die in the present due to late complications from being frozen. Robin is probably the key to Rumple returning to Storybrook. Either Robin does something for Rumple like steal an object from Walsh's shop, or maybe he and Roland are unaffected by the can-never-return clause because they weren't in the original curse package.and all Rumple has to do is hold hands with them as they cross the town line.
  13. None of that matters. Gregson knew it was Kitty who did that to Gruner and pretty much came out and told Sherlock he was giving her a head start to get out of the country when he said "in a few hours [he'll] go in there and ask who did that to him." Then he walked away, giving Sherlock opportunity to do with that information what he will. Kitty is safe from Gregson. He will not be going to a lot of trouble and expense to try to locate a suspect who has left the country.
  14. It's not that simple. Renting a horse and getting permits for a day or two of location filming is a one-time production cost covered by the episode budget. Building a new practical set is a capital expenditure since it is the cost of creating a new asset. There is the considerable expense of designing and building the set plus the ongoing cost of maintaining and dressing the set for each use. Four seasons in there will be no more available space for a new set in the studio, so they will either have to strike an existing set to make room for it or rent additional studio space. A set for Emma's apartment would not get enough use to be able to make a solid business case for its construction. What would be the value proposition? This show is a for-profit business. It makes financial sense to me that they don't have a set for Emma's apartment.
  15. Cary did kick in startup capital for FA, but that was at least a year ago. The bail money was put up 6 months ago after his arrest.The law firm is doing well now, thanks to the Chum-Hum revenue and all the clients Diane brought with her. As a founding partner of the firm it's entirely possible that Cary's share of the profits for the last 6 months was well over 250K and he just let it pile up in his bank account, minus living expenses, instead of investing it because he was consumed by the legal fight.
  16. Well, Pongo has been around since the very first episode. They wouldn't have given Archie a dalmation named Pongo if they weren't planning to use it somewhere down the line.
  17. Abe said explicitly in an earlier episode that he fought in Vietnam. He is also 70, so too old to have served in more recent wars.
  18. That was fifty years ago. Even if someone saw a photo, it is unlikely that he remembers exactly what his buddy's folks looked like. In the best case, if he had met them, he might think in passing, "Hey, that guy looks vaguely like Abe's dad back in the day." An old man would chalk it up to his unreliable memory, not on Abe having a father who hasn't aged a day in fifty years.
  19. Why wouldn't Rumple have his wallet with him? He was planning to leave town that night with Belle and Henry. He would have needed credit cards and cash to do that. We know Rumple's credit cards work in the real world because he paid for the airline tickets and other expenses when they went to New York in season 2. Rumple seems like the kind of guy who always has his wallet with him to be prepared for every financial eventuality. I assumed that Rumple's disheveled appearance after 6 weeks in New York was a visual indicator of his depressed state of mind. Other depressed people mope around the house in old sweats, Rumple's version of letting himself go is not bothering with the cuff links and tie. After all, this is the guy whose idea of dressing down is to remove his suit jacket and vest and who gets up in the morning and puts on a dress shirt and tie to putter around in the basement. We already saw in Manhattan that Rumple had no problem getting into Neal's apartment. He got past the security door in the lobby by pressing all the buttons until someone buzzed him in then picked the lock to Neal's door. Rumple probably put himself on a bus to NYC, went straight to Neal's place and has been living there ever since.
  20. It's not canon that Phillip died. He wasn't around because the actor wasn't available. There's no need to waste limited screen time explaining the absense of a minor character who showed up in only a couple of episodes.
  21. I watched 3.08 last night. It was a good episode and I really liked it. However, from the way they wrapped up all the story lines I would say they are not planning on a season 4. It worked well as a series finale.
  22. Show runners and executive producers don't usually own the shows they produce. They are hired help. In this case Warner Brothers owns the show and it mostly does business with the broadcast networks because that's where the big money is.
  23. This was to be expected. Some people don't want to believe it, but an important football game really will suck all the viewers away from other programming. CBS also did poorly in the live numbers that night. Major sports events are must-see-live events. People are willing to record almost everything else to watch later but not The Big Game.
  24. Nick grew up in Rhinebeck, New York with his parents and then Aunt Marie. That was covered in season 1.
  25. I took it more as Henry was killing time waiting for his kid to come home from a night out. He then jumped on Abe like he was a teenager for being late and wanted to know where he was.
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