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Everything posted by orza

  1. That is my point. People post some speculation or made-up shit on tumblr and pretty soon others are repeating it like it is fact. The actors are all very careful to be vague and even evasive at conventions and interviews mostly because they don't know much and have also signed NDAs.
  2. How do you know this? I've seen plenty of interviews where actors have said they don't know what is happening with their character because they haven't seen a script yet but none where they said they were briefed on their character's story arc.
  3. I don't think it means anything. A lot of actors say stuff like that because it really is more interesting to play a villain or deranged person or any character who is radically different than the actor's own personality and.or previous roles. I doubt Colin knows much about what his character will be doing this season beyond what he has read in the first or second script.
  4. I think the image is effective. As some of the photos posted show, it is attention-grabbing even at a distance and is simple enough that people driving past will remember it better than a picture of an actress in heavy makeup and feathers. It doesn't have to relate to coming story lines. It just needs to get people's attention so they also see the show logo next to it and ask "What's that all about." and it does that. It reminds some of some of the stuff I have seen at CeBIT and at Comdex back in the day - big eye-catching billboards and posters that have nothing to do with computers but they draw you over to the company's booth in the hope of getting some cool swag.
  5. The photos were released to a mainstream media site so that means abc approved them. A few people on the internet not liking the images doesn't make them or the photographer problematic.
  6. Emma's outfit is consistent with Rumple's Dark One costuming. He is a very flamboyant dresser in Fairytale land but wears understated but elegant black attire in Storybrook. Maybe Emma will break out the red feathers and sparkles if she goes to a magical realm.
  7. It is a cart in the mine under Storybrook. We've seen it before. If being the new savior involves battling Merlin it could be Rumple. A complete role reversal of Emma and Rumple is the obvious choice and since Rumple was the Dark One for a long time and has been to Camelot it makes sense that he is involved in that story line. Also, since season 3 Robert Carlyle's main storyline has always been with the featured guest star for the half season.
  8. The way people lay it out sounds creepy and stalkerish, much the same as when people fixate on a casual acquaintance or even a stranger like a celebrity and convince themselves that they are deeply in love with that person or have a special bond with them. Hook also carried a torch for his dead girlfriend for hundreds of years and held a murderous grudge against Rumple for that long, too. He seems to fixate on people for what they represent rather than for who they are. That is all very disordered, maladaptive behavior.
  9. There are tons of British and Irish actors with brown hair and blue eyes. I see no resemblance between the two men. They dropped lots of hints last season that Lily is connected to Merlin's story with the star tattoo and crescent moon necklace, which she said was the only thing she had from her father. The twist will probably be something like Arthur can transform into dragon with or without Merlin's help, hence the name Pendragon, and had a little fling with Maleficent. Hook's flashback had a definite Regency/Hornblower look and feel to it with the costuming and ship construction. The Arthurian legend predates the Regency period by at least a millennium. Camelot will no doubt be portrayed as a medieval society, If Hook was from some fictitious land that was as advanced as Regency England I don't see how Hook and Arthur could be living in the same realm.
  10. It has nothing t do with fairness. Stating a differing opinion is not unfair to anyone, real or fictional. The relationship was not there in canon. Perhaps Hook's fantasy of such a relationship was alluded to but an actual stepparent relationship did not exist between them. That is something that is built over time, including living together as a family unit. Sharing space on a ship for a brief period of time is not the same as living together as a family. One party's wishful thinking does not make a relationship reality. The was no indication from Bae's side that he saw Hook as anything more than the guy who fished him out of the water, showed some friendly concern for him and taught him something about sailing. None of what you cited is evidence of a deeper relationship. Most kids have closer relationships with their sports coaches and teachers than we saw between Hook and Bae. Hook and Bae were not together as a family unit in Neverland. That was made clear. Indeed, they were at odds with each other and Bae lived alone in the cave. Hook's continued interest in Bae had more to do with him still mooning over Milah and not being able to let go of the past and move on.
  11. That doesn't indicate a meaningful bond or stepfather-like relationship. Henry is just acknowledging that Hook did a good job of teaching him something. A meaningful bond is something more than just getting along with one another.
  12. Hook never had any kind of stepfather-like relationship with Bae. They barely knew each other, having spent only a brief period of time together on board Hook's ship. Hook, Milah and Bae never lived together as a family. He is also not any kind of stepfather figure to Henry. Hook is Emma's boyfriend, and that is a recent development. Henry, apparently, gets along with Hook, or at least tolerates him, but there is no evidence that they have bonded in any meaningful way. Michael Raymond-James said in an interview that he had a 6-episode arc in season 2 with Hook that had to be scrapped because Colin was not up to the physical demands of it due to his injury. I think mostly they stopped writing for him because they realized he was miscast in the role. While MRJ may have gotten along famously with the other cast members off-screen, he was not able to create a believable character that jelled with the other characters on-screen. I saw him in Sons of Liberty and he was ok in it, if you are willing to believe that Paul Revere was actually from Detroit. In other words, he was again not able to inhabit a character from another time and place and sell it to the audience. Some actors really can only play contemporary characters that are similar to who they are in real life.
  13. While some older people and those with children may be at home in front of the TV on Friday and Saturday evening, the preferred demographic is, apparently, not. Friday is the big night for new movie and theater openings. People go on dates, to parties, visit with friends, attend sporting events, have their religious life, etc, and do all the others things that are not feasible if they have to get up early the next day for work and school. Not everyone is a homebody. TV used to be something special back when most people only had a few channels to choose from and no means to record shows for later viewing. That has all changed. People can view their shows when it suits them and are not tied to the broadcast schedule so lots of them take advantage of that flexibility.
  14. Joe's idea could be very profitable. At the very least it would defray the mainframe operating costs. The company has an expensive mainframe that is idle for 16 hours a day. Joe wants to sell computing time during the off hours to companies who need it but don't have their own mainframe. Web hosting companies offer something similar today. They sell shared or exclusive use of a server and data storage to people who want to run web sites and web applications but have no server of their own..
  15. Meh, I think she is an average actor at best and her character still uninteresting.
  16. Typically tv scripts don't have detailed directions in them, just general stuff to indicate what is happening in the scene. Sometimes they do if it is important to the story that a scene has to be played in a particular way, but usually not. It is the job of the director and actors to work out the details during filming. These things don't make the actors geniuses. They just happen to be the ones talking about the process in public.
  17. Timeless doesn't mean no time or having no perception of time. It means unchanging, enduring, lasting. The realms of stories did not experience the progress that occurs over time in the real world. Time passed in them. People were born, grew old and died, They knew how old they were, so they were obviously keeping track of time passing, but the society as a whole didn't change much. Cruella's world was the eternal flapper era. Fairytale land was an unchanging feudal society. We saw that during the 300 years Rumple lived in Fairytale land things didn't change much. Fashion was pretty much the same, there were no technological advances that we saw, no apparent progress in the legal system or human rights, etc.
  18. The Author's real job is to record stories, not create them, so he is still needed. Without the Author, there would have been no book for Snow to give to Henry. The Author managed to effect real, permanent change when he was writing while he was residing in one of the "realms of stories" as he called Fairytale and Cruella's home. He wrote Rumple's story while he was in Storybrook, which is a real place and not in the realm of stories.
  19. Regina was just manipulating Jefferson. She had no intention of delivering what she agreed to. The curse gave people a false identity and backstory to support it. It didn't change their real story, just prevented them from remembering it.
  20. Lana's take on her character is just as valid as anyone else's. There is no reason she needs to "knock it off". Part of her job is to promote the show and her character, as well as promote herself and her career. That's how the business works.
  21. Unless you were a major star or producer with clout, you would might find your character killed off in the next battle scene. That would probably be considered unprofessional behavior by most everyone on set. Whose to say the name was not pronounced differently back then by some people. In any event, it is a TV show with limited time an budget for filming. Producers have to decide what is important and what is not. It isn't worth it to be pedantic about details that most viewers don't care about and don't really add anything to the story they are telling.
  22. I can;t imagine what they could possibly discuss at a public event open to children that would be unsuitable for a 15-year old to hear. Jared reads the scripts. He knows exactly what is happening on the show.
  23. Jackson is a doctor. He can easily confirm if Susan is pregnant. Also, most men tend to believe it when a woman says she is pregnant because most women don't lie about that. Susan and Jackson are already married. She doesn't have to trap him into marriage by claiming she is pregnant.
  24. Susan's conversation with the doctor made it clear to the viewer that she really was pregnant. She was also experiencing physical symptoms of pregnancy.
  25. The two events are organized by different people. As far as I know one has nothing to do with the other. Maybe it's the actors who don;t want to appear as even a pseudo-couple off-screen. I can totally see that what with all the over-invested fans quasi shipping them as a couple and squeeing "How cute!" and "They are so adorable together!' whenever they appear anywhere in public
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