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Everything posted by orza

  1. One can be strong and determined without being particularly smart. They are not mutually exclusive. Weakness and lack of intelligence are two different things. Snow had never been very smart. Some of the other people in Storybrook wanted to go back and magic beans are a very handy thing to have, so it is a good idea to plant them even if one has no immediate use for them. Apparently, they store well.
  2. There was a some exposition in season 2 that Snow wants to be called Mary Margaret now. She had no desire to go back to Fairytale land and wanted the small town life with cute house and the white picket fence. They showed her being unhappy about landing back in Fairytale land at the beginning of 3b. Mary Margaret of Storybrook, simple wife and mother, is who she wants to be now. Snow has never been shown to be a person of great or even moderate intellect. Even in season 1 Snow was not too bright. She was a pampered princess who had to learn to live like the majority of her subjects when she was on the lam. That doesn't take a lot of smarts. She also had help with that. The whole Charming family has never been shown to more average in the intelligence department.
  3. The Christian concepts of heaven and hell really don't apply here. These are fairy tale characters and they did establish back in season 1, albeit somewhat obliquely, that Fairytale land is a polytheistic society in which religion doesn't play much of a role in daily life. The upcoming story arc is their take on Greek mythology,. It is not necessary to put a contemporary Christian spin on it.
  4. Because he only got the scripts for the episodes he was in so he doesn't know the rest of the story, plus lots of actors only read the sides with their lines and not the whole script.
  5. I think Gold is going in the hope that he will see Neal again. Belle may be Rumple's True Love but his son was always, and still is, the great all-consuming love of his life that he would do anything for. Nothing and no one is as important to Rumple as his son and no sacrifice is too great.
  6. I doubt that Charon shops at the Home Depot. That's a normal respirator that people wear when they are spraying anything they don't want to inhale.
  7. It's not unbelievable. Actor Jerry Adler is 86.
  8. Emma and Regina have magic. They can conjure up a headstone to look however they want it to look. In the real world, skilled stone masons working on restoration projects like 800-year old cathedrals regularly produce weathered-looking replacement stone to match existing masonry.
  9. Not everyone who follows him on Twitter watches the sneak peeks and other people just enjoy the scrip teases even if they may be redundant.
  10. She doesn't need to be related to anyone. They probably promoted her to regular cast member to guarantee her availability for the entire season to complete the story arc with Jenny and Joe.
  11. There's nothing sad about it That's just how the math works. Some people may argue that Nielsen is outdated but you can't argue with their methodology. It is sound. Years and years of alternate studies and surveys support the veracity of Nielsen data. If anything, Nielsen data has become more accurate with advances in technology such as DVRs and streaming video.
  12. 2-9 was the first episode produced after abc gave A&E their marching orders to kill the team princess in Fairytale land story arc and shift the focus of the show. There were also other events and decisions made around that time that were outside of A&E's control.
  13. Clearly you don't have teenage children. :). Seriously, that is a terrible way to approach things and bad parenting. Making fun of your child's very real feelings is cruel and a sure way to alienate him, lose his trust and drive him to pursue whatever it is you are trying to prevent.
  14. The punchline of Tom's story was that he returned to Princeton with a $12,000 Bugari while his friend came back with a new cold sore, as he showed off the knockoff Bugari watch he was wearing.
  15. Henry is a popular character among an important viewer segment, namely young teens. He is their POV character so it is smart to have the occasional episodes that focus on Henry. My 13-year-old niece and her friends were on the verge of swooning and madly texting each other about their big feels the entire hour. I can believe that Henry's tears could break the curse. Kids are ruled by hormones and have big feelings at that age, and it does happen that some kids are heartbroken about any kind of rejection, no matter how inconsequential it may seem to adults.
  16. We probably won't see her at all anymore. She was pretty forgettable. I haven't seen her in anything else, but she was only just average and didn't do much to create a memorable character.
  17. Everyone changed channels to catch the end of the football game. That's not surprising.
  18. Of course, episodes featuring the one-off characters have rewatch value. Some of those characters have been portrayed by very good actors who gave memorable performances, much better than what we see week after week from some of the regular cast members. That in itself is a good reason to rewatch some episodes. The idea of a rewatch "standard" makes no sense. People rewatch episodes for many different reasons. The fan girls do it to swoon over the object of their obsession and for the vicarious romance, others really like the little one-off stories and vignettes, some people just love the cheezy over-the top villainy that Regina and Rumple serve up. I have zero interest in rewatching any episode that heavily features Emma because she is boring but I will never grow tired of rewatching Cruella or Isaac, mostly because the actors were so good in the roles.
  19. Rumple didn't know that Bae was in Neverland. The magic bean opened a portal to a land without magic and that was where Bae first went to. Rumple knew that. There.was no way for Rumple to know that Bae later went from the Charming family nursery to Neverland via Pan's shadow. He first learned about that when he was standing in Neal's apartment in Manhattan. Cora gave Rumple the magic globe shortly before he went to New York. The only way to get to Neverland that we saw was either to use a magic bean like Hook and Malcolm/young Rumple did or fly with the shadow like Bae did. Magic beans were very hard to come by and one had to somehow summon the shadow or wait for it to appear to fly with it. So, no, it was not at all easy to get to Neverland. Rumple could not have easily gotten there even if he had known that Bae was there, which he didn't.
  20. I find it very hard to believe that the tumblr post was written by an actual lawyer, more likely an intern in a law firm. It reads like it was written by a college student. Everyone has been having off-screen sex. That is what happens in adult relationships. Hook and Emma are no exception. It was pretty clear from their body language at the beginning of 4-12 that they were. It is beyond dumb when shippers project junior high school motives and behaviors onto adult characters.
  21. Emma could have just also told Hook she got it from Neal instead of saying explicitly she lifted it from his apartment after his death and Hook assumed Neal gave it to her while he was alive.
  22. But this type of behavior is nothing new, it has just become more visible. Back in the day fans used to write their hate-filled invective in letters they mailed to actors, which were just dumped in the shredder by publicists. today they post ion the internet. By bringing this stuff over here and commenting on it you are giving these people the attention they want. If you really want them to shut up, stop supporting their efforts with your attention.
  23. That's true for pretty much all TV shows. There are practical and business reasons for it. Cheap clothes look even cheaper when filmed and they won't hold up to the daily laundering /dry cleaning that TV wardrobes are subject to. Good quality clothing looks better on film and lasts longer. While some designer labels are also cheap crap, the brands Eduardo Castro has mentioned in the past are high quality fabrics and workmanship. High-quality clothing can and is reused for other shows. Costume departments may also get upscale brands for free in return for an onscreen credit or interview mention. Some fans will go to great lengths to discover what labels their favorite characters are wearing so they can buy those pieces for themselves. There are even web sites devoted to tracking character wardrobes with info about where to shop. It is an accepted industry practice going back as far as Bonanza and I Love Lucy to define a "uniform" or signature style for the regular characters and then always dress them in that style. This show is no different. One conspicuous example that comes to mind is the character of Kalinda Sharma on The Good Wife. She always wore the same signature outfit of boots, short leather skirt and tight leather jacket. The color and cut varied but it was always the same uniform. As far as Belle's wardrobe is concerned, we have seen her making inappropriate and impractical wardrobe choices before she met Rumple. This is an integral part of her character as someone who knows her way around a library but is otherwise something of a dumb bunny with no real-world common sense. The first time we saw Belle In Skin Deep the castle was under siege by the ogres, but instead of wearing practical clothing suitable for travel in case they had to flee, Belle was wearing a fancy ball gown in anticipation of meeting the man who would rescue them all, just like in her romance novels. There are really no words for the awful hot pants and and high-heel boots Belle wore while stumbling around in the snow with Neal. I think the mix of naughty Catholic school girl outfits and hooker heels is all her own doing. We only saw Rumple pick an outfit for her once in 2.1 and it was a fairly conservative dress.
  24. The show is a business so that is the only perspective that matters. It doesn't matter why some fans are posting negative comments. The fact that people are posting about the show proves that they are watching it. If networks want detailed data about what viewers think of their shows for purposes of determining the direction of future programming they do conventional market research. The SQ fans are not in any way special. They post for the same reasons that other overinvested fans post on the internet. They are looking for attention, performance art, unhealthy obsession with actors or characters, etc. It's all the same stuff and nothing new. Obsessive fans of both the hate-spewing and fangirly varieties have been around forever.
  25. They said Merida is a good fit for this arc. If her primary role is to make Rumple brave then, yes, Merida is a good fit since she embodies bravery.
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