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Everything posted by orza

  1. The premium cable channels started the trend with their short seasons of 10 to 13 or so episodes aired weekly without interruption and then a long break until the next season. Basic cable picked up on that idea and eventually introduced the split season with shows like White Collar and Leverage, The commercial networks started adopting this format after basic cable demonstrated that the ratings and viewer numbers are more stable with the split season because viewers know they can count on a new episode every week for a known period of time. Lots of shows on all the commercial networks are on this schedule now. The traditional approach of showing episodes whenever with frequent short unpredictable breaks or reruns is confusing and frustrating for viewers and eventually leads to viewer attrition because many people don't have the patience to track down their shows to learn when new episodes will air, so they wait until it's on Netflix or DVDs come out or give up on the show entirely.
  2. Executive Producer Gareth Neame talks about plans for season 2 in this recent article. http://www.ibtimes.co.in/last-kingdom-season-2-spoilers-king-alfred-achieves-dream-unified-england-657916
  3. Adam mentioned somewhere that everyone thought this would be the first show to be cancelled in 2011. Against all expectations, it is now a successful show in its 5th season, The network is very happy with the show and Adam and Eddy have become millionaires and are respected by their peers. By all industry standards that matter they are successful and will be given more opportunities in the future. While they are not making the show that some people want, they are making a show that millions of viewers do enjoy. That is an accomplishment that few people can boast. The show doesn't have to be perfect or win any awards for excellence. It just has to make money for the network and it does that very well. That is it's entire purpose in life. It's not art, it's a consumer product. There's a place for shows of mid-range quality in the TV landscape. No TV show, no matter how good or bad, is required viewing. People are free to stop watching shows that disappoint them and perhaps would be better off turning their attention to shows that do meet their standards
  4. They don't go into relationships and deep character development because this show is a plot-driven fantasy adventure for family viewing and that is what appeals to children. Paul Lee set those expectations before the pilot aired. Perhaps it is possible that some people have been mistaken all along about what the show really is and that is the root of their dissatisfaction. The creators of the show cannot be faulted for not doing what they never intended to do and for delivering what the network, their actual customer, wants. At some point it makes little sense to be so hypercritical of a kids' show for not being an adult drama. Henry is on the trip because he is the POV character for the millions of children who watch the show. He is a popular character among the younger viewers and, apparently, Jared is becoming something of a tween heart throb. Young girls squee over him the same way grown-ass women squee over Colin.
  5. Ginny started publicly talking about wanting to have a big family just months after her little boy was born. It seems more likely that Ginny's priority is having babies and she is fine with transitioning to a supporting role with little to do and the show is happy to oblige with a light filming schedule. Josh has always been in a supporting role so limited screen time is his normal. Some actors are quite happy to have a cushy job and collect a fat paycheck.
  6. I don't think that's the case. When Emma and Regina show up at Rumple's shop to get Excalibur, we can see the exact moment when Rumple realizes he has an opportunity to get all the dark power back and cheat death. It was a very nice bit of acting because Robert Carlyle did it all just with his eyes. Of course, the ominous music also helped. At the beginning of the scene, the first time he came out of the back room, Rumple was an anxious little man afraid of dying. When he emerged from the back room the second time with Excalibur, Rumple was a changed man. His demeanor was confident and purposeful. He even stood taller. I think it was just as Rumple said, he saw an opportunity and he took it. That is not to say that Rumple wasn't plotting some big thing with the hat last season beyond cleaving himself from the dagger. That was a just nice side effect of acquiring the immense power stored in the hat. Unfortunately, he failed. Lucky for him he got a second chance to get ultimate power thanks to Excalibur and Emma's bungling. Well, yeah. Belle may be Rumple's true love but the great all-consuming love of his life is his son and Belle will always play second fiddle to Bae.
  7. That's no surprise. The show has always been about Regina's story. That was evident in interviews back in Sept. 2011.
  8. Yes, this. When fans get so unhappily overinvested in a show it really is not about the show anymore. It's just a stand-in for something in in their life that they can't or won't address or cope with. Some people get addicted to negative emotions and need to be unhappy about something or other all the time.
  9. Yes, they did nip that in the bud at ComicCon 2013. Someone asked a question about SQ and Eddy came right out and told her no, she was was mistaken about SQ being a thing in the show. Since then they have always framed their comments about Regina and Emma as a friendship/family connection based on their love for Henry. But people are stupid.
  10. Rebecca plays a supporting character and hasn't been with the show as long as the other actors. She kinda flies under the radar on the fan madness front. I imagine after a couple of years fan fatigue and a take a no shit attitude sets in among the actors. Why waste time on that nonsense that could be better spent with family and friends or just napping on the couch.
  11. He's got a point. Nobody has to put up with crude people if they don't want to and no one is owed a response. It's the same idiots who are always bombarding him with whiny tweets.
  12. Shows are helped by their lead-in, not by what airs after them. If anything, the new show might be helped by having a well-established show like Once as a lead-in. I don't know about the premise of The Family, but Joan Allen, Rupert Graves and Andrew McCarthy are strong actors whom I would watch in just about anything so hopefully it will do better than Blood &Oil.
  13. It makes sense that it was Henry who called Belle because they were all going to Granny's to spend their remaining time together as a family and Henry considers Belle family. Rumple pushed Belle to leave Storybrook because he really did want her to be have a happy fulfilling life. All the people she had connections to were doomed so there would be nothing left for her in Storybrook. He didn't want her to know that he and everyone else were about to die.
  14. I didn't say that. Fact is that abc owns the show and A&E only have as much creative control over the show as abc gives them. Normally, that is an awful lot of control. Networks trust their show runners to do their jobs without micromanaging them, but at the same time networks are responsible for the content they broadcast so oversight is necessary.
  15. When A & E say they decide what gets cut they are acting in their role as executive producers, not as writers. And they still have to get Mary Ann Wolf's blessing, though not for every detail. She is VP for current programming at abc and has control over what is broadcast.
  16. I don't see how this particular case is a writing issue. Writers don't have creative control over the final product. and are not involved in the editing. The writer's job is to produce about 60 minutes of material and his job is done when he turns in his script. Producers are involved with the editing and network people ultimately decide what is broadcast. I imagine that for a big fall finale like this Mary Ann Wolf or her people would screen the episode and final editing of the episode would be based on her feedback. We know from filming spoilers, BTS photos and actor tweets that the big Camelot goodbye scene was filmed. I do agree that it was a good call not to include that material in this episode. A cheerful goodbye scene did not fit the mood of this episode.
  17. Meh, it was only two tweets out of a whole bunch that she retweeted, all of which had one of the show's hashtags. She or her publicist could have configured a tool to automatically retweet everything with certain tags. People are making way too much out of it.
  18. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. However, Nick has not been lopping off heads on the regular like Kelly did. That seemed to be part of her identity, judging by her email address. Nick started off as a cop with integrity who did things by the book. We have seen him move away from that as he is drawn deeper in the the Wesen world. He goes after Wesen with scary weapons, beats up people, tells Wu to do possibly illegal searches "out of uniform", hides stuff from his boss, etc. Nick was a mature, well-adjusted adult before he became a Grimm. It would not make sense for him to regress to acting like an overwrought teenager. It would be more in character for a him to try to carry on with a stiff upper lip. I don't need to see grown-ass adults indulging in big displays of "angst" and going on and on about their "feels". I think it is plenty obvious that Nick is just barely coping.
  19. Exactly. Nick is unraveling while desperately trying to maintain some kind of normalcy so he doesn't completely lose it. Nick is slowly being consumed by the violent, lawless Wesen world that he was pulled into. He was not groomed for it and did not embrace it the way Kelly did and now Theresa, apparently. From what we have seen, they both took the stance of kill first ask questions later. Beheading is a particularly gruesome way to kill people and they have both done that. Grimms are people who choose to become serial killers. Nick is not yet a serial killer but he is moving in that direction. He has already moved away from the principles of law enforcement that he believed in and is engaging in vigilante justice. Right now Nick prefers a gun but how much longer until he starts beheading Wesen. I think it is a good portrayal of someone giving in to the evil and madness of the Wesen world and not at all boring.
  20. These actor interviews to promote specific episodes are usually conference calls. That is pretty well known and actors have even mentioned that. Each reporter gets to ask a few questions and they all use whatever is said during the call in their articles. Some shows require questions to be submitted in advance so approved answers can be written for the actor to respond with.
  21. Why do you think Wesen Nacht is a play on Kristallnacht and not Stille Nacht, which would make more sense for the last episode before Chfistmas?
  22. Yes, this is how it works. Only a judge can grant or terminate parental rights, appoint a guardian and determine custody. Courts strongly favor blood relatives.over friends of the family and the like. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, adult siblings will all be considered before non-relatives.
  23. RC posted the picture on twitter so why wouldn't it be him? BTS pictures are sometimes actors standing around between takes or posing for a funny cell phone picture. The pictures don't necessarily represent specific scenes we will see in the episode. RC could have been filming on another set and just wandered over to the diner set during a filming break and someone snapped a cell phone picture..
  24. That alone doesn't change anything. Bradford is still a legal stranger to the child. Quickly marrying a murderer awaiting sentencing in an attempt to gain custody of his child is not gonna fool any judge. Only a legal adoption gives Bradford parental rights, and a judge would probably take a dim view of that for the same reason. A child is not property that can be bequeathed to or contractually passed on to someone else.
  25. They can draw up contracts but in the end a judge decides on custody. The child was not Branford's. I doubt that any judge would award custody and guardianship of a two-year old to a single man who is not related to the child, especially if there are other relatives in the picture. While the show may have tried to show group marriage in a somewhat positive light, courts will see it differently when deciding on the best interests of a child.
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