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Everything posted by orza

  1. All of these images show the landscape around Wolfach at different times of the year. It's the same landscape we see in the episode. The only thing that might have been done with CGI was the interior of the church. They might filmed the interior of a church in the area to use as the background for green screen work, Or they also flew Wolf Muser over to Germany for that one scene. Wolf Muser (the priest) is a native speaker from Esslingen. While he works mostly in American television, I didn't hear anything wrong with his German.
  2. Yeah, they were really in Wolfach, at least for all the exterior scenes. Here is the St.Laurentius church in Wolfach https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfach#/media/File:St_laurentius_wolfach.JPG There are lots of images of Wolfach online that match exactly with the shots of them driving around. They used a different church for the interior scenes. The footage of them driving is real, too. The out of focus background is just how they shot it. When Nick is talking Monroe is also out of focus and when Monroe is talking Nick is out of focus. It would be cheaper to fly the two actors over to Germany for a few days and contract out the actual filming to a Stuttgart television production company than to simulate the car scenes with CGI. Someone would still have to drive around town to get all the the background footage to insert intot the car scenes. This episode was shot in late autumn. What might look like clear cut patches is really stands of deciduous trees that have lost there leaves.That can be seen by enlarging online images to see more detail.
  3. It is obvious when Monroe speaks German that SWM learned his lines phonetically. The pronunciation, intonation and cadence of his sentences are all way off. BT speaks Spanish.fluently since childhood.
  4. Of course people still carried around their secrets in their heads. The caretaker's job was to keep the documented proof of those secrets in secure escrow until such time as his clients wanted to use them as leverage or whatever. He kept documents and objects secure in random graves so that third parties couldn't find them and use them against his clients. If his clients never needed the items again they would stay buried for as long as the grave continued to exist. The caretaker probably put the cartridges inside that bodies in case anyone ever opened a coffin to take a peek inside. Embalmed bodies hold up for quite a while so a perfunctory graveside visual inspection of a body wouldn't necessarily reveal the cartridge. If he was reasonably sure the bodies would never be exhumed for an autopsy the items buried with them would never be found.
  5. Two nominees tied so two winners. Jamie Dornan is a terrible actor and this award was well-deserved. He should have stayed with modeling. He was not good in The Fall and not good in OUaT or anything else he has been in. One bad performance is not a career killer for a well-established actor who is good at his job, but giving in a really bad performance in a leading role that many viewed as his big break will be difficult to overcome.
  6. Or maybe that is something she supports because he is interested in a bigger role and she is secure enough in her job and herself to share the limelight. Or the idea of a Nick and Nora story appeals to them.
  7. The push to expand Tim Daly's role on the show might be coming from the network. TD knew he was signing up for a supporting role when he took the job. Networks do market research and keep close tabs on which characters and story lines are popular with viewers and which are not so they can make adjustments as the season progresses. TD has a decent Q score and fan base. If viewers like him and his chemistry with TL want to see more of that it makes sense to expand his role to include him in the A plots.
  8. That translation is not even close. It would be understood to mean something like "always screws up". "Scheiße machen" (or bauen) means colloquially to make a mess of things or screw up, etc.
  9. I agree. From the side it looked like it was inspired by Dior's New Look.with the long full skirt and black and white stripes. However, the plunging neckline did not complement the silhouette of the dress. So overall a fashion misstep. Bex Mader looked lovely.
  10. I doubt Jen cut the cake. There was also a picture of Lana in a similar pose with the knife, I also saw a picture of Jared in front of the cake with everyone crowded around him. It would be the logical and uncontroversial choice for him to to cut the cake because it is Henry's book and no one else has the same connection to it.
  11. I don't think they would kill off Sinclair, maybe reassign him to another command to keep the door open fr a return. Hugh Dillon is the popular actor who brings in viewers. He's the only reason I initially tuned in. They are setting up more story to take place a Camp X with young Frommer and Faber's operative so Sinclair should have more to do this season. Hopefully he'll go on another field mission with the team. Sinclair didn't do much last season besides stand around looking good in a uniform.
  12. No, Dateline deals with the real world, Grimm deals with a fictional world. They are showing a fictionalized Portland. There is nothing special or unusual in setting the show in a fictionalized version of a real-world location. The writers can take whatever creative license they want to when doing that. They are not accountable to the laws of whatever real-world jurisdiction they are portraying. Just about every TV show takes liberties with reality in service of the story, including shows that deal with "ripped from the headlines" themes. Creative license has been exercised for as long as people have been telling stories. Nick is not a 14-year old girl and he doesn't own a store that was robbed so I don't any relevance in those examples.
  13. The show doesn't take place in real-world Oregon. It takes place in fictional Oregon where magic and fantastical creatures exist in secret among humans. Holding a fictional world in a fantasy TV show to real-world standard doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Real-world laws are not relevant. Regardless of whether he is a real or fictional person, Nick is the final authority on his experience and how he wants to define it. If he is not defining it as rape I don;t have a problem accepting that and going with the story they are telling.
  14. If Tim Daly were really leaving the show he would have waited until after his last episode aired to send his goodbye tweet. This looks like a stunt to create buzz and get people to tune in next week.
  15. Well, Henry has three children so it's not surprising that he knows something about babies. He didn't do anything unusual there.
  16. Maybe you really should watch the show if you need that level of detail.
  17. It's been established that HW is a super-secret Federal agency set up to fight the Black Claw that is part of a worldwide network, or HW is name of the worldwide network, I forget which. Every self-respecting Federal agency would have a whole bunch of people working for it. We saw other people in the computer room at the beginning of this episode. Trubel and Meisner are the local operatives, at least for now. Limiting the action to a single city, usually the actual filming location, is something that lots of shows do for practical reasons, No one has the budget to travel all over the place and one can only fake a limited number of other locations. While Oregon can stand in for rural Austria, it cannot easily stand in for Arizona or Israel. Juliette/Eve is in Portland because that is where the show is set and where all the other characters are.
  18. The broadcast date is in the thread title at the top of the page.
  19. But this conversation also needed to happen with Luca, not just Alicia. No, that's bad personnel management. Any kind of critical or corrective comments should be said to the person in private not in front of third parties, even if that third party is part of the issue. Diane needed to have two separate conversations, but it was not necessary to the story to show the conversation with Luca. Alicia was more of a problem than Luca because Alicia was undercutting the partners by countermanding their instructions to Luca. Diane also said things to Alicia that Luca didn't need to hear.
  20. Diane needed to remind Alicia that Luca didn't work for her anymore because Alicia was certainly acting like Luca still worked for her. Just talking to Luca wouldn't fix the issue of Alicia overstepping her role. That needed to be said to Alicia.
  21. Of course there are people who share Ressler's opinion. People have all sorts of different opinions.
  22. Hank was very much present in the latest episode. He was investigating with Nick the whole time. Wu was also there but not as much as Hank.
  23. Rumple didn't know that Milah was pregnant. The child seer told him that at the encampment. Rumple didn't "decide" not to go through the portal. He was overcome by abject fear, which makes rational thinking and decision-making pretty much impossible. Bae was also not listening to Rumple and just went ahead with his half-assed plan. He was 14, so almost a man in their culture, yet it never occurred to him that they needed to do some preparation and not just jump through the portal into the unknown with nothing bu the clothes on their backs.
  24. Alicia stays in her marriage to her own benefit. Being married to the governor has cachet and helps her professionally. It makes her special in the eyes of many people in a way that being single does not. There are also financial and tax advantages to remaining married. Maintaining a marriage on paper because it brings financial, professional and social benefits for one or both parties is not unheard of in the real world. Bill and Hillary Clinton are a conspicuous example, but I can think of lots of others. We saw how Alicia reacted to Eli and his revelation about the phone message. Alicia would and did drop people who had hurt her. However, a husband and father of her children is in a different category than a friend from work she has known for only a year or two.. Alicia and Kalinda had what I call a superficial work friendship. People become friendly because they work together but the friendship is dependent upon the professional connection. If they no longer work together or something negative happens such as in this case to disrupt the friendship, there is not enough substance for it to survive. Alicia and Kalinda had nothing in common outside of their work. Going for drinks together and gossiping about work is not a basis for an enduring friendship.
  25. The actors' contract partner is the the network, not the show runners. The Kings don't have any power to fire cast members. They can go to the network and say they want to write a character out of the show for whatever reason, but if the network says no, we like the cachet of having an award-winning actress and we don't want to pay for her golden parachute, then the show runners have to make the situation work somehow. There are plenty of valid reasons to keep a difficult person in one's employment. Those reasons may not be apparent to outsiders, but then outsiders are not owed anything. Internal decisions need to stay in house. What happens on set and how actors get along or work together is none of the public's business. Fans are not owed any kind of explanation. People not getting along and sabotaging or stonewalling hated coworkers happens everywhere at all organizational levels. Any supposed feud between JM and AP (which I don't believe) pales in comparison to what happens every day in work places everywhere. Separating two people who for whatever reasons don't work well together is a pretty common practice. I think the absence of scenes together flowed naturally from the story. From what we know about Alicia she would not want to continue a friendship with Kalinda after learning about her one night stand with Peter. I consider the one episode in which Kalinda brought some things to Alicia's hotel and they spent the evening drinking together a writing misstep that didn't make any sense. Aside from that it all makes sense that Alicia would distance herself to the point that she didn't need to have any personal contact with Kalinda.
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