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Everything posted by orza

  1. When actors go to conventions they are working. This is just as much legitimate work for an actor as TV, stage or movie work. They get paid a lot of money to put on a good show. I think Lana has a very good grasp of what her job is when she signs on to do conventions. She knows how to work the crowd and create excitement and adjust her performance on the fly based on audience reactions. Not every actor is good at convention work, just like not every tv or movie actor is good at stage acting. It's performance art, if you will, and some people have a knack for it and some don't. Robert Carlyle also puts on a good show at conventions. He knows how to play to the crowd during panels and take control of the conversation when the small-time bloggers and amateur reporters try to interview him. Jennifer Morrison and Colin, on the other hand, suck at convention work. It would never occur to me to take anything actors say at conventions seriously.
  2. Patty Duke did this quite often on her old show. When Cathy Lane pretended to be Patty Lane it was quite different than when Patty Lane pretended to be Cathy. Haley Mills and Lindsay Lohan both did this as children in The Parent Trap. Brent Spiner occasionally did this when Lore was pretending to be Data, or perhaps it was the other way around. I guess my point is that actors who are significantly above average in their abilities and skills can do this. It is not unique or even extremely unusual and I have been told it is a skill that becomes easier with practice and experience. I thought Meryl Streep was unrecognizable in August: Osage County. Also, her portrayal of Margaret Thatcher was astonishing.
  3. Well, I didn't say any good actor, I said any very good actor should be able to do this. Acting is just like any other job in that the majority of people are just average at what they do, Some are on the high side of average and some are on the low side and that's fine. They get the job done. There also a smaller number of people who are abysmally bad at their job and another small group of people who are very good at their job, much better than average, What TM is doing requires very good skills but it is not unique. I can think of many actors who can do the same. It used to be more common to see actors in multiple roles on the old comedy variety shows like the Carol Burnett Show or Laugh-in, or more recently In Living Color or Saturday Night Live. These shows were more challenging for actors because they were recorded live and actors had to switch between characters on the fly instead of on different filming days. I don't think I would call Ari Millen a great actor, more like on the high side of average. He gets the job done but, as you mentioned, he doesn't make the full transformation into the different characters, There is a sameness about all of them
  4. I don't deny that TM is a very good actress, but it has become gimmicky. I am not impressed any more because this is what I would expect from any very good actor. I get that is attractive and convenient for the producers to add just another clone whenever they want to introduce a new character without the expense of hiring another actor but the novelty of seeing TM as yet another character, possibly with another dodgy accent and more bad hair or singing and dancing, has worn off. I would really like to see some actors who are actually new to the show for any new characters.
  5. Saying "like" and "you know" to excess is not something new. It's more an age thing than a generational thing. I used to pepper every sentence with them back when I was in high school and college, as did a lot of other kids my age. That was a very long time ago. My own kids used to do that, too. but they've stopped now. Most people grow out of it, usually when they've been working at a serious job for a while and notice that no one else at work talks like a teenager and they are more likely to be taken seriously if they behave and talk like an adult.
  6. That article is pretty gross, even as a joke it's bad. It's just as gross when women talk about men merely as fuckable objects as when men objectify women in that way.
  7. Or the network told A&E that letting Sean go was part of budget cuts for season six and they needed to plan for that in their story. Showrunners can pitch the idea to kill off a character for dramatic reasons but ultimately the network or studio as the owner of the show and the actor's contract partner is the decision maker. From what Adam has said, I doubt it was their idea to let Sean go. But that's not something he can talk about publicly. I read Adam's tweets from yesterday and I don't see anything embarrassing about them. His only mistake was perhaps trying to talk reasonably to a few people carrying on like bratty, self-absorbed teenagers who just want to go on and on about their precious fee-fees. But if he wants to interact with them that is up to him. While it's not necessary for viewers to understand all the ins and outs of how the business works, it's reasonable to expect that grown-ass adults realize that this is a dynamic business in which plans can and do change on the fly and the real customer showrunners need to keep happy is the network, not the fans.
  8. I don't find it odd that she wanted to have the announcement delayed for reasons the public doesn't need to know and that her husband honored her request. The first reason that comes to mind is to foil any deadbeat relatives who might crawl out of the woodwork to harass the family trying to get a piece of her estate.
  9. It's not so much remembering what she did as a hexenbeist, it being overwhelmed by the gravity of her actions and the repercussions going forward now that she is herself again. Kinda like getting drunk, losing all inhibitions and making a fool of yourself and then waking up the next morning and realizing what a jackass you were and how will you face everyone, only much, much worse.
  10. They are scenes from the pilot or perhaps extra scenes shot specifically for the trailer. Filming on new and returning shows starts in July or later, although work on writing and other aspects of production may begin right after the up-fronts.
  11. Adalind said she was home-schooled. Lots of parents in the real world do that. Maybe Wesen have their own educational materials to supplement the standard curicula parents purchase.
  12. Yes, some people do like gossip, but if one looks at hard numbers (circulation numbers, site visitors and other statistics) it's clear that the gossip lovers are not a significant percentage of the overall TV and movie watching population. Even this thread is of interest to only tiny percentage of all the people who visit ptv. About 230 posts over the course of a year is nothing compared to the traffic on a single GoT episode thread, for example.
  13. Well, I've raised four boys and most of their friends practically lived at our house when they were teenagers and I don't see anything wrong with Henry. He's pretty normal and well-adjusted. He's a good kid and miles away from landing in juvy in spite of doing some typical stupid teenage stuff. A lot of kids go through a phase of swiping some money or other stuff from their parents. It usually resolves itself as they mature during the teen years.The sneaking off to Boston and New York are the only things that may not be realistic for a kid like him. But it makes an entertaining story and that's what people watch TV for. Children are a product of their upbringing and all things considered, Regina did a good job. She and Henry are close and he obviously loves her and is very attached. Charming's good influence on Henry is also evident. Emma hasn't been much of a parent to Henry, the lifetime of false memories notwithstanding. She doesn't have a whole lot to offer as a mother.
  14. It was certainly scripted. Big scenes like that are complicated to shoot on a tight schedule because they have so many reaction shots and different camera angles to set up and film. There is no time for actors to improvise and try stuff out. Everyone has to do what they are told and get it right the first time to finish on schedule.
  15. People working in the industry sign NDAs. If they leak info and it is traced back to them they could be ruined professionally and financially. Most people have the common sense to realize that the questionable momentary satisfaction or thrill they get from spilling a bit of gossip is not worth jeopardizing the financial security of their family. Plus a lot of people frown on gossiping and just have no interest in that sort of thing.
  16. The woman worked for Mr Kaplan and the bow tie was the signal to Tom that he should approach her to switch babies. Mr. Kaplan is a detail-oriented planner. It would not even occur to her to hinge the success of her plan on the coincidence that a young mother susceptible to Tom's charms would be in the store at just the right time and agree to switch babies with a stranger. She would have a trusted lackey for that role. And MILF? Really?
  17. The math is easy since it was all spelled out in the pilot. . Emma turned 28 in October 2011 so she arrived in Maine and the curse begin in October 1983.
  18. I'm really hoping Belle stays in the box until the series finale, or if she comes out earlier it will be to die tragically in childbirth. That would be the best solution. Rumple can have the child he wants and viewers don't have to watch any more uncomfortable scenes between them.
  19. They seem to be planing for the case that filming to run long on his movie and are leaving things open just in case. They may also be setting up a story with Rumple going under cover or traveling incognito to explain the change in Robert's appearance. His hair is too short for extensions now and I doubt he will want to wear a wig all the time. I think Belle will stay in the box for a long time. Emilie may not want to come back or they may bump her to occasional recurring character for budget reasons.
  20. The tennis ball was not talking back, either. In the scene in The Return he was talking to a green ball suspended in the air and the Blue Fairy was added in post-production Actors do this all the time. Think of every scene of someone talking on the phone. There is no one on the other end.
  21. I don't follow. Doing soliloquies with props is a basic acting skill he would have learned at drama school. It was probably not much different from when he was holding forth to a green tennis ball representing the Blue Fairy in The Return.
  22. Where are you getting that from? The original article to mention that, published minutes after the finale aired, stated "Sources say Mison is in the midst of renegotiating his contract for season four after the actor successfully negotiated a reduced workload in season three". Since FOX is banking on Tom to carry the show on his own as the sole star, he's probably negotiating for more money this time around. That would be the expected and reasonable response to the changed situation. It is not stated nor implied that he is looking to further reduce his workload. I dunno, I believe what Eric Heisserer posted is pretty accurate. Working in television is very different from working in movies, It wouldn't be the first time that someone was enticed to a new job with lots of money and a big prospects only to realize 3 or 4 months in that it was a huge mistake. It happens to lots of people at least once in their careers. Some actors whose only experience is working for short stretches of maybe 4 to 8 weeks on a movie and then having weeks or months free before the next project starts filming may find it difficult to adjust to the daily grind of TV production. For them working in movies may be just as much about the working environment and lifestyle as the money and fame. Why are fans with no insider knowledge so sure that expanding the role of another cast member was the cause of Nicole's unhappiness and not a response to Nicole's requests for a lighter workload?
  23. Lots of people eat apples like that when they have dentures, braces, loose teeth or, like me, when they are wearing lipstick.
  24. I've never particularly liked Emma Swan on OUAT but she's becoming intolerable for me now. A lot of it is Jennifer Morrison's bad acting but now she has gone overboard with the botox, cosmetic fillers and soft-focus camera filters. Her big emotional scenes fall flat because her face barely moves at all so she tries to compensate by opening her eyes really wide and talking as fast as she can in a whispery voice. Really, really annoying and takes me out of the scene every time.
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