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Everything posted by orza

  1. Well, it is an emergency. The country can't be without a president and swearing him in makes it official and gives him the power to make decisions and take action. There's real-life precedent. Jackie Kennedy still wore her blood and brains covered pink suit to witness Lyndon Johnson being sworn in before their plane left Dallas, even though she probably had a change of clothes handy on the plane.
  2. Now that Leo will have a Secret Service escort everywhere he goes, drug dealing will be difficult. It's doubtful that his suppliers and customers will want anything to do with him now. I guess that's one way to get back on the straight and narrow.
  3. It would make sense for Emilie to be the one who is leaving. Belle could die in childbirth to bring Rumple full circle as a single father. Or she could leave town and then show up for the series finale with a baby to reunite with Rumple, if they decide to give him a happy ending. Emilie sat out season 5 of Lost and they brought her back for some episodes in season 6 to wrap up her story. The Rumbelle story has run it's course and Belle is pretty useless otherwise. Emilie has a baby and a wedding to plan. I don't follow Eric's career, but if he has a project lined up that he needs to be in Los Angeles for next year, they may want to forgo the money to keep the family together in one place.
  4. Yeah, actors can't just walk away from their contracts. They have to negotiate to be released from it. It happens that actors have better offers or want to make movies or leave for other reasons and the studio/network insists they fulfill their contractual obligations. A supporting actor or someone in an ensemble show who is not so popular with viewers has an easier time getting released than a lead who is expected to carry the show or is a viewer favorite.
  5. After the verdict was announced Bull observed the meaningful looks between his client and the older man, as well as the wife's reaction. Apparently, Bull is really good at reading people and figured it out based on facial expressions, body language as well as his earlier interactions with the family.
  6. This episode was not a Milah-centric story, it was a Rumple-centric episode. Milah is a minor supporting character whose narrative function is to advance Rumple's story and character development. She was Hook's off-screen girlfriend for a while but that was just to set up the big feud between Hook and Rumple. Not every minor recurring character needs to have their own story with backstory and meaningful connections to other characters. The whole point of the episode was to show how the ill-advised deal with the healer was really the pivotal moment that set Rumple on the path to becoming the Dark One and losing his son and was now threatening to ruin the life he had now in the present. I liked that the episode also explained why Rumple and Milah's marriage fell apart so quickly. Meeting a pirate in a tavern who was nice to her was not a believable reason for Milah to ditch her whole life and abandon her child. There had to be more to it than that and we finally saw what that was. The events of this episode took place immediately before the events of The Crocodile and it provides context for what we saw in that episode. It's showed that despite the difficulties we had previously seen, Rumple and Milah's marriage was still pretty solid and she still loved him up until he point when he sold out their future. Milah gave Rumple a heartfelt kiss when she him sent off to kill the healer and when he came back Rumple made a reference to the fact that they had an active sex life and needed to be careful not to get pregnant again. Milah clearly wanted more children and was devastated Rumple had made a deal that made that impossible now.
  7. It seems that Cameron's story line for this season is heading toward her eventually losing her company. This was and still is pretty common with IT start-ups. The founder may be a great programmer with big ideas but without business savvy and the maturity to let go of the details and be a real leader, and for that matter, to just behave like an adult and a professional, the chances of keeping the company are pretty slim. At some point the investors and business people brought into fund and run the company will have enough of the childish nonsense and force the founder out. Cameron is certainly on that trajectory.
  8. Well, Regina was a teenager at that time. There's nothing wrong with a teenager acting like a teenager with unrealistic teenage notions about romance. It doesn't matter how things were in the real world. This is a fantasy show, not an historically accurate depiction of feudal life as it was in our world. Snow was also a pampered princess who never had to lift a finger and she adapted amazingly well to a harsh life on the run and keeping house for the dwarfs. Belle also went from being a pampered young noble woman to a passable housekeeper with minimal fuss once Rumple provided her with suitable clothing. There's no reason Regina could not also adapt in their fairytale world.
  9. It had nothing to do with who had more magical power. Rumple was afraid and couldn't bring himself to cut off his own hand and Zelena wasn't afraid to do that.
  10. Portland is not that far from Los Angeles. A day trip down there for an audition is very doable. TV auditions can also be done in Vancouver. Portland is not a bad place to be if one will be working in both Los Angeles and Vancouver. A series regular in a supporting role has a lot of free time so the travel doesn't need to be an issue.
  11. Thile will only do 13 shows. That's not much at all. 13 three or four day trips away from home in a year is nothing. I make the from the west coast to London every month. It's not so bad. Some TV actors commute between Los Angeles and Vancouver because that's where some shows film. Many musicians spend a lot of time on the road. People who are used to traveling to where the work is don't see it as a big deal. They make the choice to settle in an area they enjoy and accept the long-distance commuting as a normal part of their life.
  12. From the CBS website: While the show is not directly about Dr. Phil, the similarities are not coincidental.
  13. Meh, no worse than Snow's sense of entitlement. Or Emma's sense of entitlement that as sheriff she doesn't have to obey the law. Or Rumple's that he can do whatever he wants with impunity. Apparently, Henry gets it from all his relatives.
  14. You mean this picture? It's from Dragon Con. They are just hamming it up. She is pretending she is an ardent fan and he is being silly with the raised leg. I don't think one can tell anything about his state of mind from that photo.
  15. I would say no help at all. This show is a union shop so Lindelof would need to get a writer or producer credit or some kind of consultant recognition for it to be kosher. Also Lindelof had other irons in the fire at that time. If he had helped them that would be common knowledge. Season 1 was not so much better than the other seasons, just different. This theory sounds like a lot of projecting on the part of disappointed people who want a different show than the one we have and are unhappy that abc changed the direction of the show in season 2.
  16. It doesn't matter that Henry's age and Jared's age don't line up in the show timeline. Most viewers know that and don't care. It happens on TV and people accept that a juvenile character is as old as the actor looks. It's not important to the story they are telling whether Henry is 12 or 14. But it makes business sense to have Henry a bit older since he is the pov character for young teens watching the show. The show is popular with teenage girls so letting Henry be a bit older and have a girlfriend gives those girls a couple to ship. The alternative would be to recast Henry each season. Jared and Henry have their fans. It would he just as poorly received as recasting Snow or Emma each season. Long time jumps just to accommodate Jared's growth are also impractical and clearly that is not what abc wants for its show or it would be happening. Season 1 Henry acted like a 10-year-old but not Season 5 Henry. I find Henry is a bit more mature than many teenage boys. It is also totally normal for 13-years-olds to date and kiss and it is not at all creepy. Millions of middle schoolers can attest to that.
  17. The point of the 3-month winter break was to eliminate the annoying pattern of a few new episodes then a break of one or two weeks the a couple more episodes then another short break and so on. Regardless of when the episodes air the time available for production remains the same. Like all other shows that have to out crank out 22+ episodes a year, filming starts right after the July 4th holiday and goes to the beginning of April. Production for most everyone but the actors starts in June and goes right up until the finale airs for the people involved in post-production.
  18. This is the kind of situation where the writers probably have no say in how it will play out. This is a network-owned show so that's who calls the shots.
  19. That explanation doesn't make sense if they are reshooting previously filmed scenes. Redoing something doesn't spread out the work, it makes more work. So far this season doesn't appear to be much different from previous seasons in which Lana was featured heavily in both flashbacks and the present-day story line. There are multiple story lines going on. Regina and The Evil Queen will not be all of them.
  20. Probably because either there were technical issues with the footage they had that couldn't be fixed in post-production or, more likely, network executives screened a cut of the episode and sent down notes with changes they wanted.
  21. I remember some stores having little racks or baskets near the cash register with AOL disks in them. They also came in the mail along with the other junk mail.
  22. That's a lot of projecting and is not really proof of anything. Fans who have no personal relationship with either actor don't know squat about whether they like each other or not. The only thing we know is that they work together. From everything I've seen of Lana and Jen in public they seem to have a normal professional relationship. Not being besties with one's coworkers means nothing. Most people don't have any kind of meaningful friendship with their coworkers. It is entirely possible and a lot more likely that Lana is not attending that convention due to a scheduling conflict or some other mundane reason.
  23. I dunno, if someone came to me asking for 1.4 million dollars and couldn't even be bothered to run a comb through her hair I would have my doubts about her. Wearing overalls and a tee shirt to a business dinner at a nice restaurant is a bit off, especially when Donna was dressed to the nines. They look like they are not on the same page. If they are not in agreement about what image they want to project of the company I would ask myself what else are they at odds about. It's more the combination of questionable fashion and personal grooming plus lack of social skills that makes Cameron a poor choice to represent the company to corporate types.
  24. While I admit they may be going overboard for storytelling purposes, it is not so far-fetched. Back then there were lots of smart, talented people working on similar ideas at the same time. There were also lots of bearded guru-like guys running around at that time who knew how to sell an idea. The person or group who were successful and whose product we remember or even still use today just had better funding and better people working the business side of things. A small company needs someone who can be the face of the organization to deal with venture capitalists, banks, journalists and anyone who else can help them be successful. Cameron is a liability in that area. She needs to be sent back to the basement to code like in season 1. Donna should be taking John with her to visit investors. What I find unbelievable is that they never realized that they can't show up to pitch to investors with Cameron looking like she just rolled out of bed and putting her lack of social skills on display. Donna knows how to dress and act like a professional, why didn't she have a heart-to-heart with Cameron about this?
  25. Donna was interested in Ryan's idea but Cameron blew him off. I thought it was because he found Cameron's back door and framed it as a bug, which pissed her off, but he hadn't figured out yet that she put in the back door. She didn't want him looking any closer at it, maybe out of embarrassment and he would realize she was also hacking into private conversations.
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