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Everything posted by orza

  1. Perhaps he is laying the groundwork for an ongoing source of income for when he exits the show. I'm assuming he already know when that is. Or maybe he just wants to spent a nice all-expenses-paid luxury weekend in Paris with his wife.
  2. Yes, the hair was bugging me the whole time. We saw that Stella has good taste. Her home was beautiful and her wardrobe was great, but OMG the brassy drug store do-it-yourself dye job. Was the investigation really so time-consuming that she couldn't make an appointment at a salon and take some files or her laptop with her to work on while she was getting her hair done? Busy working women do it all the time.
  3. We could have those things today without having to put up with Texas. Dr. Pepper and chicken-fried steak would have been invented elsewhere, possibly just north of Texas, by Americans who didn't want to be part of Mexico. Food and drinks would be brought north and popularized by vacationers.
  4. An actual Dickens adaptation with classically trained actors and high production values is something I would also watch. However, that is very different from the typical low-brow A Christmas Carol episode of some random network show.
  5. It's getting to be that time of year again... I hate all "It's a Wonderful Life" themed episodes. No matter what show we're talking about, they're predictable, cliched and cloying. I also really dislike the Christmas episodes. Newsflash, we're not all Christians in TV viewer land. And while I'm at it, I also hate musical episodes. They are so forced and it shows that many TV actors are terrible singers and have no training in musical theater. Although I did love the final episode of Cop Rock when the fat lady showed up to sing in the precinct.
  6. I think it had to so with when the nurse told Paul about what the other patient had done he called him the dregs of humanity. Paul recognized he and the guy were alike (incurable monsters) and facing the same bleak future in lockup so he took the guy with him when he killed himself.
  7. Emma was also a slacker who gave away her child and continued robbing convenience stores, doing break-ins and stealing cars until she was in her late 20s.
  8. When a group loses its office space because another group supposedly needs it, it is usually seen by those being moved as a downgrade or a sign that they are on the outs with the big boss and that the other group is considered by the brass as more important. I think Stella saw it that way. That also happens on an individual level. Most people get pretty upset when they are moved from a window seat in the office to a cubicle in the middle of the room so someone else can have that nice window seat.
  9. This is such a common experience nowadays that it shouldn't need a whole lot of exposition. A lot of people know kids in this position. The kids seem to get along with mom's boyfriend ok until she tries to move him in then all hell breaks loose and the kids want to go live with dad or grandma. It really is not difficult at all to fill in the blanks here. They only have 42 minutes to tell a story so I don't need to have every piddling little thing that I can figure out for myself shown on screen. If the show spent time elaborating and showing how all the characters feel about everything there would be no time for any kind of story.
  10. Kids don't have to like the people their parents date. It happens a lot and that's ok. It's a much bigger problem when a parent wants to start an insta-family with the current love interest without regard for how the kids feel about it. Hook is the guy who has been dating Emma for a relatively short time. Emma rushing to move him in just makes him her live-in boyfriend, not some kind of father figure to Henry. Henry can like or dislike whomever he wants. He is under no obligation to like Emma's boyfriend. Being a good sport about Emma dating a man he doesn't care for and even going on a few outings with him is very different than the guy moving in and having to constantly put up with him at home. I can understand why Henry is not a happy camper.
  11. Thank good little Agnes is back home and the baby in peril story is done. It went on way too long. Hopefully Kirk will be shipped off to a Federal prison never to be seen again. I am most interested in Mr. Kaplan's story at this point. They wouldn't be spending time on it only to have her killed in the end.
  12. The issue is not about returning to locations it's about time. They cannot return to any time they already existed in, either through visiting that time or having lived through that time earlier in their life. This is the rule spelled out in the first episode.
  13. They said several times that Hookstraten and McLeish were the only ones left of Congress. It's been a while so others would have come forward by now. McLeish could have turned down the speaker of the House post to keep a low profile and avoid the kind of exhaustive public vetting that comes with a high-profile position, if he has something to hide.
  14. A&E don't own the show, ABC does. That's why they can use the Disney characters so freely. Licensing of Disney characters would be expensive for a third party. My guess is that several cast members will want to leave the show when they have fulfilled their contractual obligations, making it a lot less attractive for future investment.
  15. It could be a production assistant. The actors are just standing around during a rehearsal. The director is also holding some paper in the last picture. From her Twitter account it appears that Agnes Bruckner is currently in Los Angeles and was getting a tattoo yesterday rather than traveling. She posts pretty much daily about what she's doing and it doesn't look like she was anywhere near Vancouver.
  16. Sometimes they film unrelated location scenes at the same time for efficiency. They use the same wooded locations for lots of different scenes.
  17. Well, Hook and some kind of Peter Pan story were planned from the very beginning. It was said in several interviews that they wanted to start that earlier than they did. That's a well-known scene from the movie so the clock tower was a fun hint, like the flying monkeys we saw in Henry's book.
  18. That would have to happen off-screen and then do some awkward exposition in the next episode to get viewers caught up on Flynn's actions. That seems unnecessary. I don't see how showing on-screen relief teams would help the show establish a loyal audience. This show was not promoted as an anthology or something with a rotating cast. Most viewers tune in every week to see the established main characters, not random guest stars filling in for them.
  19. Well, I don't feel in any way insulted. I first learned about Newton's third law of motion in the fifth grade. The kids I watch the show with were not in any way alienated or confused because the classroom scene was marginally different from what they are used to. This is not some egregious factual error, just a simplification of school to move the story along. This show is also in syndication in other parts of the world with different school systems so it doesn't need to be thoroughly Americanized in all the minor details.
  20. They don't need to have the proper currency on hand for every period in history. They just need to have a supply of gold or gems that the team can convert to cash upon arrival at their destination. Pawn shops and money lenders exist in all eras.
  21. Storybrook is a fictional town existing in a magic bubble. It doesn't have to be an accurate depiction of our real world. In fact, it shouldn't be that at all. Fairy tale characters living in their own little world should not be just like my neighbors. I can stand in my front yard or go to the grocery store to see that. The teacher C plot was mostly a way to introduce Jasmine and get her interacting with the main characters. Snow going back to teaching a way to do that.
  22. Some smalltown schools only have one or two teachers per grade who teach all subjects, even at the high school level. Those kids were maybe middle school age at the most. When I was in school I had a single classroom teacher up through 10th grade. We also sometimes had immediate pop quizzes on things we had just covered. I see no problem with having a lesson and quiz first thing in the morning and getting the graded results back in the afternoon if two people are grading during lunch and recess. However, the show is not a documentary so the Storybrook school does not need to follow real-world standards and practices.
  23. I have no interest in seeing a princess Emma story. For me the fairy tale flashbacks are the best part of the show. That's why I watch (and for Robert Carlyle). A big part of my enjoyment is that there is no Emma in them. The other characters/actors get a chance to play a bigger role without Emma being shoehorned into the story. Emma as a character is all about her woman pain. Without that in a no-curse fairy tale story she would be unrecognizable as a character. She would probably be just as shallow and self-involved as princess Snow.
  24. I'd have to go back and rewatch the pilot, but as I recall, the need to rush off without opportunity to thoroughly prepare for a mission was due to the fact that their time machine was tethered to Flynn's machine as a life boat and their machine could only follow the homing beacon Flynn's machine transmitted. They were in permanent pursuit mode while Flynn was in control of time and place with the main machine. Since Flynn was already in the past doing whatever he was doing when they received the homing signal they had to get there as soon as possible to try to thwart him. At least that is my understanding of things. I suppose they don't have a team of historians in part for real-world production reasons. They don't have the budget to keep a bunch of actors under contract to ensure they will always be available when they may only be needed occasionally, and they can't rely on actors who are not under contract always being available for minor recurring roles whenever they need them.
  25. I don't see how Regina wishing Robin back into her life would lead to Emma going up as a princess. If Regina/Evil Queen wishes Robin back by undoing his death, it wouldn't change much because that would only affect the past few days or weeks in Storybrook, not the past in Fairy Tale land. If she uses a wish to go back and enter the tavern where she first saw Robin and his tattoo, Regina would have no beef with Snow anymore. Emma would not exist because Snow would remain a princess in the palace and not become a bandit on the run and not ambush Charming's coach and meet him. Charming would have married Abigail.
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