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Everything posted by orza

  1. There are lots of viewers who watch AFV and then stay tuned for OUAT so for them it is not a huge change. In past years there was a drop in live viewers for the second hour, maybe in part because people have other shows, like GoT, they want to watch live at 9:00. I suppose the new president wants to try something different.
  2. A 7:00 start is family-friendly and abc cares about those viewers. This is a family show and Sunday is a school night. Lots of kids who watch the show have a 9:00 bedtime.
  3. I'll agree with that and will extend it to any scifi/fantasy show or period drama. I'm baffled when people get upset or pissed off that aliens in another galaxy or vikings or 16th century aristocrats or magical beings in fantastical realms don't act and think in a manner consistent with 21st century western values and morals, either of the conservative Christian or social justice warrior variety, depending on the views of the complainer.
  4. All of the books in the original series by L. Frank Baum are in the public domain. The copyright status varies for the subsequent books which were written by various authors at different times.
  5. Red s not old enough to be her grandfather. He is in his 50s and Liz is about 30.
  6. It is the setup for Elsbeth Tascioni to make her final appearance. She's pretty much the well-known recurring character who didn't show up in the episode, well except for Colin Sweeney.
  7. They were getting married. As her spouse Zach could stay in France without the visa limitations imposed on tourists. It's pretty normal in most countries that if one spouse is working the rest of the family can stay in the country for as long as the working spouse is there. Alicia even made a comment about Zach being a house husband while his wife worked.
  8. Yeah, soap operas didn't invent the rapidly aging child. That trope has been around since ancient mythology. Didn't Eve appear as a fully formed adult from Adam's rib? Science fiction is also filled with it. I seem to recall a bunch of Star Trek episodes with that theme. Humans have a very long juvenile period compared to other animals. I can believe that fantastical nonhuman creatures that sometimes take on the appearance of humans might reach physical maturity much faster, and that these creatures are very adept at hiding that from humans with their own network of forged birth certificates and school records.
  9. They mentioned the actors playing the other sons in the article so that leaves Jonathan Rhys-Meyers to portray Alfred.
  10. It could also be that they want to have Mulan back next season and it is easier to do that if they don't have to either include Red or explain her absence. The people commenting on Facebook don't represent the general audience. They are just more crazy fans like on the rest of the internet.
  11. That is not the impression I got from the last scene. They said Crane needed to go to Washington DC to talk to some people. There was no indication that he wouldn't be back. Ezra is, apparently, a member of Washington's organization and was tasked with making first contact with Crane. How else would he have gotten the historical document he gave Crane. Reynolds and Sophie may also belong to the organization. That would explain how they both ended up in Sleepy Hollow with the FBI office as a front for the covert organization.
  12. FOX already knows what the audience for the show is and what a season costs. They don't need to calculate anything or study any more Nielsen ratings. Whatever numbers the finale has won't change the season average. They are iffy about the show and are waiting until they have evaluated all of the pilots they ordered to see which ones they want to move forward with and whether then there is still a place left in the schedule for SH.
  13. Claire Coffee is very excited about the renewal so I'm guessing she'll be back next season. She doesn't sound like someone who was written out of the show. Yes, you're a minority. The vast majority of people don't devote time to shows they no longer enjoy. They just stop watching and move on. Life is too short for hate-watching. I'm thrilled the show is renewed and looking forward to the new season already. I still love the show and the characters.
  14. No, that is not what FOX said last year. They are no longer looking at the live same day ratings. Nielsen ratings are still relevant in other ways. This article mentions that they still use the C7 ratings for determining ad prices. http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/fox-same-day-ratings-releases-1201645716/
  15. I'm opposed to any kind of casual backdoor censorship. Dealing with people and things that annoy or upset us is just a normal part of life.
  16. I would assume so. Genitals are just another body part.
  17. It is just your personal opinion that Larry is worse than other fans. I disagree that he is worse. Larry is not doing anything wrong or illegal or, in my opinion, objectionable. Even opening a conversation about restricting what and how others can post because of the personal preferences of a few posters is concerning. Part of posting on a public board is accepting that others will on occasion post things you don't like.
  18. I find the photo boring, not creepy. Bridge Studios is not a fortress. Anyone can look through the fence from the street and see the stage doors, actors' trailers, people coming and going, etc. The people who work there know they can be seen from the street. If they were bothered by the gawkers and camera bugs they would put up privacy screens. It's silly for fans to be upset or outraged on their behalf when they obviously don't care. I'm not a fan of Larry but he's not any worse than the other set stalkers and fans who chase down every tidbit of info and rumor on the internet and repost it I do, however, find it concerning that posters want to take it upon themselves to censor and control what other members post because they don't like the content. Deciding what content is suitable is the job of the moderators. if you don't like something report it and see what they say. As the moderators say, all opinions are welcome and I will assume that also includes relevant links from all sources until a moderator says otherwise.
  19. There was also a scene of Jackson eating greasy BBQ in a shop and Henry asking if his wife knew he was eating that. So it has been established that Jackson has some health issues and doesn't take care of himself.
  20. Yes, those appearances pay pretty well. If they are all unemployed now it can't hurt to earn some money.
  21. Well, that is true. If Rumple had known the Neal had moved on he would have had no reason to create the crystal ball to locate his son. So, yeah, Emma withholding that info has put Belle in jeopardy..
  22. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. They could have done a lot of things differently but they didn't for reasons that really don't matter at this point. In any case, this is the show we have.
  23. Those shows were a long time ago. James Frain is a well-known actor with a following. People would complain.
  24. They can't keep a character alive and in play when the actor is done with the show and has moved on. James Frain went to another show so that had to be the end of Eric. Recasting roles is usually not done because it is so poorly received by viewers.
  25. Bitsie is not essential to the show. She is a mostly unknown C-list actor in a supporting role. Dating David Giuntoli does not give her any leverage. NBC is her contract partner, not the producers. NBC could release Bitsie from her contract and still hold DG to his contract if they wanted to be rid of her. The show is a business.and NBC will act in the best interests of the network regardless of what actors demand.
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