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Everything posted by orza

  1. It was never stated that Eve did not have Juliette's memories. Eve is also not Juliette with PTSD. She went through some sort of reprogramming and training.
  2. Grimm's renewal or cancellation has nothing to do with how Sleepy Hollow performs. It's only competition for renewal is anything that NBC has that it thinks might do better than Grimm in that time slot, which at this point is pretty much nothing.
  3. I wholeheartedly agree. I wonder if it has something to do with Spader's ego, fearful that the “long term villain” would upstage him. It'd be sad if it were true, because I'd hate to think this show would be ruined because of a petty ego. They just finished a big arc featuring a great villain portrayed by a stellar actor. James Spader and David Strathairn had some great scenes together. There were also multi-episode arcs with Allen Alda and Jane Alexander as memorable villains. Perhaps they are timing things to introduce the next big villain later to launch a story arc that carries over into next season, or something similar. It's not always the show's fault when good actors only appear in one episode. Sometimes sought-after actors are only available for a single episode. This show films in New York. A 4-episode arc means being away from home for up to 2 months for any actor who isn't local. Not everyone wants to do that if they can get work close to home. I doubt that James Spader has an ego problem. After all, he worked for years with William Shatner and was, apparently, quite happy to be constantly upstaged.
  4. That is exactly the reason that many shows are moving to the split season schedule. It demonstrably supports viewer retention and stable ratings.
  5. Joe and Jenny have been together as a couple for a while with, I would assume, all that implies. This incident has brought them to the point of either committing to a serious relationship or parting ways. Obviously, they are both committing.
  6. This show, and the whole Marvel universe for that matter, is not trying to depict real life. It is pretty much the opposite of realistic and that's ok. Anyone who lived through the post-war era or was paying attention in school knows that. The vast majority of viewers are not looking to this show for a history lesson on post-war society. Part of the appeal of fantasy shows is that they depict alternate realities and can play with "what if" scenarios that don't or didn't exist in the real world.. If the show depicted the post-war era realistically we wouldn't have a show because Peggy Carter as we know her would not exist. The whole idea of a British woman being the ace operative of an American law enforcement agency is outlandish and would not have happened. Whitney Frost as a genius super-villian would also not exist. Both women being in their respective positions in the real world of 1947 would have had about as much chance of happening as Ada Lovelace being taken seriously in her lifetime.
  7. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a dubious shower scene to reset everything.
  8. Some women who are not trying to conceive don't notice they are pregnant for a couple of months, especially if they have busy lives and are not in the habit of tracking their period closely or have an irregular menstrual cycle. It happens. Doesn't make them stupid. Lizzie may be at most 3 months along but Megan Boone is, apparently, in her third trimester. That was obvious in the scene with the adoption lady. Her sizable belly was pretty visible for a brief moment.
  9. Back in 2011 before and right after the show premiered it was on several people's lists of first shows to be cancelled. These were TV critics and industry insiders. The show was not expected to last more than a few weeks and abc knew it was taking a huge gamble.A & E should pat themselves on the back. They have accomplished something that not many people can do - they created a successful show in its fifth season out of nothing,
  10. Yeah, I thought it was pretty clear what Luca was doing. She was describing Alicia but framing it as her own situation so Alicia would first f all calm down and then feel she was not alone. As for Alicia being so distraught about Eli's revelation, even though Alicia and Will eventually got together, Alicia is just now understanding the depth of Will's feelings for her. Since she never returned Will's call or mentioned it and he acted like the call never happened, Alicia probably thought that while Will loved her it had limits so she adjusted her expectations about their relationship accordingly. Had Alicia known that she was the love Will's life and he was prepared to give up a whole lot to be with her, Alicia would surely have made different decisions about a lot of things in her life. She probably would have finally divorced Peter, never considered starting a new firm with Cary, perhaps even started a new firm with Will, maybe leading to him not being in the in the court room the day he was killed. Lots of what-if scenarios to ponder. I can understand how it would be devastating for her to realize that so much of what was wrong with her life now might have been in part the result of a missed phone call..
  11. Bees hibernate. too. Given everything we know about Sherlock, I doubt he would be willing to disturb his bees' hibernation for his father. And given how Sherlock feels about his father, simple grocery store honey is probably the best that he is willing to give.
  12. No, sweeps are still relevant.They are used to calculate broadcast ad rates until the next sweeps period. There has to be a method that everyone agrees on to determine how much air time is worth. Streaming and syndication also have their formulas for setting rates. Networks have more revenue streams today than they did 20 years ago and their decision making process reflects that. CBS and FOX no longer use the live + same day ratings in their decision making process. The rest of the industry is poised to follow suit. Premium cable gave up on them some time ago. http://variety.com/2014/tv/news/cbs-shifts-ratings-focus-to-live-plus-7-adding-projections-to-daily-reports-1201307649/ http://www.broadcastingcable.com/news/programming/fox-ditches-live-same-day-ratings/145971 Grimm is doing well in the Live+7.
  13. It was a very intense shared experience that obviously affected him. It is not so uncommon for men to get emotional when recalling such an experience. The scene also showed us that Meisner is very human and not a just stone-cold fighter. Yes, the wig and heavy eye makeup serve as a disguise so that no one can tell what she really looks like.underneath it all. It is not to blend in. It is also perhaps to get her "into character" as a killing machine when she goes on a mission, similar to superheros needing their costumes, except Eve is not supposed to be a hero.
  14. Nowadays a show's future does not stand or fall with ad sales from the live network broadcast. That is an outdated business model. Revenue from streaming media such as Hulu, Netflix and Amazon can far exceed ad sales for the live airing. Ad sales is just one revenue stream, and for some shows it is not necessarily the most important or lucrative stream. Networks look at overall profitability across all revenue streams when making renewal decisions.
  15. Grimm has respectable numbers in the Live+7 ratings. It is doing well in syndication, foreign sales are good and it is network-owned. It is less expensive to produce than a show filmed in New York or Los Angeles. Those are all things that are favorable for renewal and the more reliable prognosticators take them into account. It's normal for shows to lose viewers as they age. Every show has viewers and then it has fans. The viewers number in the millions while the online fans number in the thousands at best. If networks want to know what viewers think about their shows they do some market research, conduct surveys and focus groups. They don't base business decisions on what a handful of overinvested fans on the internet are talking about because they are not representative of total viewership.
  16. I don't feel at all sorry for the cast and they would probably bristle at the idea of people feeling sorry for them. For almost five years now they have had steady jobs earning a lot of money in a very competitive industry and the longer they stay on the show the greater their future earnings in residuals from syndication. They have advanced their careers, improved their Q scores and, assuming a sound investment strategy, achieved long-term financial security. What's not to like about that. They don't need anyone's pity. I liked the episode. It was entertaining and that is all I expect from this show. So far I am liking this season.
  17. There are lots of reasons nothing was reported. Maybe there really wasn't much to the story. If it was just a case of two actors not working well together because they have different work styles and get on each others nerves, then that is boring and not worth reporting. If Kings really want internal stuff to stay out of the media and journalists value their relationship with the Kings they will not report on it. If the inside sources insisted that their info remain off the record then reputable journalists will honor that until it doesn't matter any more. Nowadays it's common for everyone who works on a show to sign nondisclosure agreements with million dollar penalties and job loss for breaking them. People think twice about risking their jobs to pass on a bit of gossip. The fans that have "massive interest" in a supposed behind the scenes feud are a very small number of people. The vast majority of viewers don't care about that kind of stuff. Media journalists need to report on what the majority of their readers care about if they want to keep them as readers and not focus on gossip for a tiny minority.
  18. Yes, Colette gave that book to Belle. It was mentioned in Family Business. Belle still very much clings to all her silly school girl notions about love. They have been very consistent in her characterization on this point. That is the reason behind Belle always walking out on Rumple whenever he didn't "choose" her or change for her or fight for her or be her knight in shining armor or whatever other silliness she expected from him. Belle is about the same age as Snow but she is emotionally still a spoiled, self-absorbed teenager, all her big talk about being a hero and helping people notwithstanding. Maybe Belle will finally grow up and recognize that she needs to learn to accept and love Rumple the way he is and give up on the idealized storybook version of Rumple.that she wants him to be. Then she can die a tragic death in childbirth. I would be fine with that resolution to her story line.
  19. Her Handsome Hero is the title of the book Belle was reading in the opening scene of Skin Deep. It also makes appearances in Lacey and Family Business. The book title neatly sums up Belle's immature and unrealistic ideas about love and romance. It is fitting that the Belle episode in which Gaston returns should be called that.
  20. The videos are not funny to anyone who lived through that era. It's ... weird to recommend them as entertainment. I've always thought the real benefit of duck and cover that no one would ever admit to was to get the kids under the desks so they wouldn't see the deadly blast coming toward them. They could spend their last moments in the belief they were safe and have a quick end without the terror of knowing they would die a horrible death.
  21. New season starts on Jan 27th! http://www.cbc.ca/xcompany/
  22. Meh, it's just the age. Zach was acting like a typical college freshman who is out his own for the first time a for him exciting cosmopolitan environment and finds everything so provincial and boring when he comes home. He'll outgrow it in time.
  23. Keith Carradine is a recurring guest star so he is not listed with the regular cast.
  24. The start date is in the title of this thread.
  25. . Babies are what happened. Back when they filmed the teaser and then at Comic Con Adam and Eddy had no idea that they would soon have to contend with three pregnancies. A well-known Hollywood gossip site posted a blind item in September, I believe, that a popular show was frantically rewriting their season on the fly due to a baby boom among the cast. It tuned out it was this show. They completely dropped the Lily story arc they had set up in season 4 and had to rework story arcs involving Snow and Belle. Based on what we did see of Dark Swan, I think it is likely that A & E or the network realized several episodes in that Jennifer Morrison was awful as Dark Swan and was not able to carry the arc so they had to come up with something else, hence Dark Hook. Those kind of changes on the fly happen a lot in serialized shows to fix problems that are only apparent when production is well under way.
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