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Everything posted by orza

  1. About 30 years had passed between the two events. Fairytale land Snow still had that "I'm a princess" sense of entitlement going on while Storybrook Snow had been goody-two shoes "I'm a doormat" Mary Margaret for the last 28 years. Actually killing a person or seeing up close how Regina as her agent killed Cora and her subsequent grief and anguish would be a lot more affecting than watching a stranger wave his hand over an egg containing something she didn't view as a person.
  2. Every show has characters that appear in a single episode or a short story arc and then we never see them again. It if were a big problem for viewers that characters are only seen once or twice then networks would be doing things differently, but it is not an issue for the vast majority of viewers. No one can afford to cater to the tiny minority out on the fringe because it would alienate all the mainstream viewers who are their bread and butter. This show was never planned as an anthology series with a constantly changing cast of characters. In general. those kind of shows don't do very well because most viewers would rather see then same group of characters week after week. I have zero interest in a show that focuses on lots of minor characters portrayed for the most part by actors with limited range. There is a reason that some actors only appear in bit roles. Most of the minor characters on the show are fine with one or two lines but, as we have seen, cannot carry longer a scene, never mind a whole episode. And if they are not seen again most viewers will not miss them.
  3. Those set regulars don't know anything. They are just random people who obsessively hang out at filming locations and post about it on the internet to get attention. Actors are not gonna discuss their contract details and financial arrangements with set gawkers. 7-year contracts are industry standard and have been for some time. The acting opportunities for b- and c-list actors are not what they used to be. That makes contract negotiations easier for the networks. It is doubtful that any of the cast members could do better by leaving the show and the nice steady paycheck that comes with it. People keep claiming Robert Carlyle has a 5-year contract but no one knows for sure and he ain't talking. It is all rumor based on one bit of speculation in a Variety article that appeared years ago. He made no bones about it that he got into American TV for the money because there was not enough work for him in Britain to support his family. He probably earns more money per episode now than he can earn in an entire year in British film/TV. Where else is he gonna go and what else is he gonna do to maintain the higher standard of living they have become accustomed to these past 6 years? This show gave his flagging career a much needed boost. All the doom and gloom on these threads notwithstanding, the show is doing really well. It is holding steady in the live +7 ratings and doing well internationally and in the target demographic that abc is aiming for. Paul Lee loves the show and is happy with how it is performing. In the end his opinion is the one that counts.
  4. No, they can't just use random people off the street because OUAT is a union shop and everyone who appears on-screen needs to be a SAG member and get paid to scale. Background actors cost money and if they don't really add anything to a scene it is an unnecessary expense. This show is no different than other shows that are produced in the real world. Actors cost money and are subject to availability. Every show has to work around that with recurring characters and they all handle it pretty much the same way - don;t talk about them if they don't appear on-screen. They also only have 42 minutes to tell a story. Inserting lines of filler dialog in scenes to reference minor characters that do not even appear in the episode is dumb and boring and a waste of limited screen time. I would rather see that time spent on the current story than talking about characters who may or may not make a future appearance. The "leaf lady" is a set dresser. That is a full-time job and when she is not scattering leaves she is taking care of the sets in the studio. I think the animosity between Meghan Ohry and A&E is also because she talked about internal personnel stuff with the press. That was a dumb move.
  5. Her son was a middle-aged man at the time, as we saw. It's OK for parents to put their own needs ahead of their adult children, who should be living their own lives.
  6. Yeah, there are legal and industry limits to what is possible with child actors that writers have no control over. You can't put a young girl in a violent, physical scene with an adult male without a bunch of people overseeing it and telling the director exactly what he can and cannot film, first among them being the parents of the child actor. That has nothing to do with writing choices.
  7. But there has been no outcry, not in the mainstream media, Pets sometimes get killed on TV when it fits the story being told. Most people maintain perspective and know that it is all make-believe and in the case of this show, this is a fairytale that does not reflect real-world values and morals.
  8. It's a magical sleeping curse. I would assume that when Snow sees the horse and bends down to cry over it and kiss it goodbye that the horse will awaken and be fine. This is a fairytale and fairytale are full of this sort of stuff, as my 10-year-old niece pointed out last Sunday during our usual family viewing party. I don't see any need for all the pearl-clutching over the make-believe shenanigans of make-believe fairytale characters on a children's show.
  9. The purpose of the flashback was to show how Regina and Maleficent met and became friends it was not about the Sleeping Beauty story at all. That was just the setup for the real story they were telling in the flashback. The history between Regina and Maleficent is important to the story they are telling, Aurora's back-story is not.
  10. It was ok. I don't think Rose McIver is a strong enough actor to carry a show. David Anders will have his work cut out for him.
  11. That makes no sense. Why should Regina bring it up? It's not her issue. Regina didn't know about the potion at the time that Charming put the egg inside of Maleficent, so she had nothing to tell. Maleficent had all her memories after Rumple brought her back from the ashes so she didn't need anyone to tell her about what Charming did. She probably knows that Rumple was behind it and clearly it is not bothering her enough to prevent her from working with him.
  12. OUAT does well in the live plus 7 ratings and does really well in their main target demographic, namely, children. It is also doing well internationally. Overnight ratings are not as important to this show as other shows because it is not stand-alone product. It is being built out to be a Disney brand that can be leveraged to promote other Disney brands, such as they did with Frozen. The choice of villains for the current half season was probably influenced more by projected future brand revenue than current ratings. The way the show is shaping up suggests strongly that plans for a theme park attraction.similar to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride may already or soon will be in the works. That is a money-making potential that far exceeds any ad revenue an additional million or so viewers could bring today. This show is a success by industry standards and will continue to earn millions for Disney long after it finishes its run.
  13. Chayton was a psychopath who got off on killing, especially snapping necks. Hunting and killing prey made him feel powerful. It didn't seem to matter to him if it was an animal or person, extinguishing life for his own emotional benefit was his thing. He (mis)used tradition, rituals, spiritualism and politics to make his behavior palatable to other people. He didn't seem to care a shit for anyone but himself and his next kill.
  14. No, your friend is mistaken. The Excaliber is a roadster based on the look of 1928 Mercedes-Benz SSK. Cruella's car is unmistakeably a mid-1980s Zimmer Golden Spirit coupe with a few modifications. Totally different cars.
  15. Vane looks no worse than anyone else. Hygiene standards were quite different back then.
  16. orza

    Gotham in the Media

    This announcement comes hot on the heels of the ugly hysteria and racism accusations overwrought Sleepy Hollow fans are spewing all over the internet. No network wants that kind of negative buzz.
  17. orza

    Gotham in the Media

    It could be that Jada has another project that will be announced soon before the Gotham season finale airs and they want to head off any online "But what about Fish?" hysteria.
  18. This show was never a relationship drama about the Charming family or about Emma's emotional journey. Of course, it's a kid's show. It always has been been and they have always been up front about that. Abc president Paul Lee stated unequivocally during the TCA press tour in summer 2011 that OUAT was family entertainment. In practical terms that means they are making TV for children 8-14 years old with some story lines thrown in for older teens and the parents. Kids like plot-driven stories with action and adventure, so that is what they are doing. The vast majority of kids are not interested in watching a couple of women sit around and talk about their feelings so they short-hand that stuff. There's nothing wrong with that approach to making TV.
  19. It would look fake (and is expensive) to age up a young actress with custom facial prosthetics and heavy makeup and it is not sure thing that she will know how to portray an old woman believably, Why bother when they can cast a mature world-class actress in the role and get the performance they are looking for.
  20. They already said that this Cruella is not the same character as the one in 101 Dalmatians. Just like they have been saying for 4 seasons now that they use existing stories are a starting point and do mash-ups and twists to create their own version of the story. They also never claimed the "real world" of the show is identical to the real world we live in. Maybe the 101 Dalmatians movie doesn't exists in the OUAT universe or it is different from the movie we know.
  21. From the D23 interview from August 2014: So, yeah, they are hinting that Zelena was not most sincerely dead and a return is possible, Adam and Eddy are very cagey with their wording in interviews.
  22. The most noticeable thing for me that was off about Marion was that she did not act like a person who was suddenly reunited with the two people she loved more than anything in the world. She especially did not act like a mother reunited with her child, or even act like a mother at all. The little gestures of a loving mother who is overjoyed to be with her child again were missing. I would expect a show of some very heartfelt feelings from a someone who had just been through a hair-raising adventure and thought she was gonna die without seeing her beloved family again. Also, Christie is not such a great actress so part of it is just what you get from an actor with limited range.
  23. It had more to do with the fact that Christie Laing was off filming eight episodes of another show and was unavailable for most for the 4A filming time frame. There were a ton of clues in 3B foreshadowing this twist with Zelena. We saw her obsession to co-opt Regina's life. her duplicity to get close to the the Charmings, her ambiguous "death",and that she can think on her feet to adapt to new situations. The rest of the story will unfold in 4B. I think think it's fine that they just leave a bunch of small clues for viewers to put together and don't telegraph everything in big letters so even the most inattentive viewers pick up on it. I love A & E's nonlinear style of storytelling as a puzzle to fit together over several seasons, but it's not for everyone. People who only watch for one character/couple or fast-forward through scenes of characters they don't like miss a lot.
  24. They are not really roommates. Rumple is just mooching off her and not contributing financially to the household.
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