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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. Well, no one but Craig and Kathryn know what truly happened between the two of them when they drunkenly spent the night together on the beach during the trip to St. Simon's Island.
  2. Each time the forum listing for The Crown shows that there are new posts, I get all excited that we may finally have a date for Season 3. Alas... ๐Ÿ˜ž
  3. I'm putting this behind spoiler tags as it's book related, but I'm 95% certain that Jane mentioned this to Maddie in an early Season 1 episode.
  4. Hope this helps: https://wornontv.net/big-little-lies/madeline-martha-mackenzie/
  5. In the lead-up to the scene where young, Academy Fitz and Simmons ultimately met with Coulson for the first time and they were nervous about this meeting to which they had been summoned, I absolutely--and horrifyingly!--thought it was going to be Ward in the room. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ I was watching with my (adult) son and he got the same vibe. I was so relieved to see Coulson. ๐Ÿ˜…
  6. And that makes perfect sense, but Kathryn had both bins (over)filled with garbage. If she can't even be bothered to grab a spoon out of a nearby drawer to put meatballs on a plate, do you honestly believe she's taking the time to recycle?
  7. Seriously, since when do meatballs and a salad qualify as dinner? The entire segment seemed "off." I found myself thinking that she's not really living full time in that house; that she finally got her Charleston house for nights when she's going out downtown. I'm wondering if she's still renting the house in I'on in Mount Pleasant for weeks when she has the kids and the SOB house is, as many have suspected, being paid for by a sponsor. As for the Rolls-Royce, I've got nuthin'. ๐Ÿคช
  8. Lucifer had some of the best soundtrack cuts for May, according to THR. 'Lucifer,' 'Shadowhunters' Top TV Soundtracks; From the article: (Why don't we have a quote button available on the mobile version of the site?) "Netflix's Lucifer had the most songs on the list from season four, including "My Love Will Never Die" from AG (featuring Claire Wyndham), "The Beast" by Old Caltone and "Silvia" (Roboberget Remix) from Miike Snow." It's also interesting to note that the track that was chosen as their #1, Kaleo's "Way Down We Go," was also part of Lucifer's S2 soundtrack.
  9. I certainly hope he said that and we'll see Katie Porter again. Soon. I'm glad you quoted that portion of the article. I wouldn't have gone back and read the whole thing, had you not.
  10. Yes, that too! Not to mention that there were not just one, but two trash bins in the drawer. I guess she can't be bothered to take out the trash often enough so there's an "overflow" bin. ๐Ÿ™„
  11. At the time this episode was filmed, Palmer was not yet a year old. Pediatricians say you should try to wean by 18 months; 24 months maximum. Cameran's doing just fine by that little cutie.
  12. I couldn't get over that. I was yelling at the TV, "OMG, you don't cut right on the countertop!" Talk about inconsiderate. I had to laugh when Cameran asked Jason if he had any questions for the potential nanny. Jason: "What about dogs?" Cameron: "This is a nanny for Palmer, not for Elvis." ๐Ÿคฃ
  13. BuzzFeed video where Rachel Brosnahan And Michael Zegen Play With Puppies While Answering Fan Questions. One of the questions was if they could tell us anything about Season 3 and Rachel was trying to stick to info that was already out there but then she said that Sterling K. Brown had joined the cast for S3. I'm not sure we knew that yet. I know I didn't! Here's the video link:
  14. Hey everyone, The West Wing has made it to the finals in two of the Primetimer Awards categories. Yay! Let's see if we can't push it to a victory in one or both categories. Here are direct links to both categories to make it easier for everyone here to vote. Get clicking! Get Your GOAT: Favourite Show of All Tim๏ปฟe Oldie but a Goodie (or Bestie Even): Favourite Show that no longer airs
  15. Lucifer has reached the finals of the Primetimers Awards in eight categories. Yay! Let's see if the Lucifer fanbase here can push the show to victories in several of them. I'm linking directly to each category voting thread to make it easier for everyone to vote. Get clicking everyone! Favorite Genre Show This Show Used To Suckโ€: Favourite TV Series Comeback The Big Chill: Favorite Binge-Watch Life On The Edge: Biggest Cliffhanger The Other Guys: Favourite Secondary Character Big D (or V) Energy: Badassiest Badass Best CGI B๏ปฟe Careful What You Wish For: Most Grat๏ปฟuitous Fanservice๏ปฟ๏ปฟ
  16. Don't be like Craig. ๐Ÿ˜… (Couldn't resist!)
  17. I just looked at the rest of the stylists and spotted Powell Clements. Isn't that Landon's sister? All in the Southern Charm family, I guess. ๐Ÿ™„
  18. I'm also wondering if Katie Porter will be invited back to the show because not only did she have the audience with her on the abortion joke at Bill's expense, but she also shut him right down about his rant on gun control being an issue the Democrats should avoid for 2020 when she interjected that she had won while campaigning on gun control in a very red California district. I watched the show in the first place because Katie Porter was a scheduled guest. I've had my eye on her since the campaign and certainly have been fascinated by her excellence at questioning titans of industry and others testifying on Capitol Hill in recent months. What I didn't realize was just how funny she is. The woman is a political star. Charles Blow got the better of Bill several times also, making this a very enjoyable panel.
  19. SyFy has posted a video compiling some of the most memorable Eliot/Margo moments. I'm linking it here but I like to think of it as a campaign video. ๐Ÿ™‚ Only 19 members have voted for Eliot and Margo in the 2019 Primetimers poll here. If you haven't already, take a few seconds and vote for our favorite friendship! THE MAGICIANS | Best Friends Forever! Eliot And Margo | SYFY VOTE HERE! BFFs Forever: Favourite Friendship
  20. Key dates for this year's Oscars season have been announced. Academy Backs Off Earlier Oscar Dates in 2021, 2022
  21. While I'm not thrilled with the introduction of the character, I do think that Meryl Streep is doing a great job as the antagonist though. IMO, Madeline is thoroughly unlikeable, but I don't believe it's too much of a stretch for Reese Witherspoon to play such a character.
  22. I am a huge fan of the book. It means a great deal to me. The written version of BLL was the impetus for me to leave my abusive husband after 30 years. He was never physically abusive; he was an emotional abuser, which leaves you scarred only inside, not out, but Liane Moriarty's descriptions of what Celeste was thinking and feeling were so attuned to my own, that it opened my eyes and made me realize I was an abuse victim and that our marriage was most definitely not normal. Even so, it took me close to two more years before I escaped. After watching S2, Ep. 1, I'm finding myself somewhat angry. The closing chapters of the book provided all the essential answers. This season is not necessary. The whole premise of this season is in contradiction to what LM has already written. To be specific, I'm quoting this directly from the book Pages 455-456. There was no cover-up! There is not a detective following these women around. It's been decided legally. Additionally, what is this nonsense about Jane not cashing checks? Celeste is a lawyer. She set the whole thing up legally. Again quoting from BLL, pages 456-457: No checks for Jane to cash. Celeste has set up Ziggy's future. I guess I'll continue to watch, but this new season just seems completely untrue to me.
  23. Here's the info on the treehouses: Bolt Farm Treehouses
  24. Again with the Austen threesome video?!?! This had better be the last time they show it. It's just complete confirmation that there is absolutely nothing interesting happening this season. Just my opinion but I don't believe that any of these women are friends IRL with the probable exception of Cam and Chelsea. I don't think any of them truly cared why Kathryn wasn't returning calls or texts except for how it affected them (not sure of what to pack, needing to know transportation and timing options.) If Danni truly cared, I'd think she would have told Kathryn that she was truly worried because the last time she went MIA (AWOL might be the better expression ๐Ÿ™„ ) she was in a bad place mentally and that was why they were all concerned, that perhaps she had gone off her meds again. Instead, we got all these producer-driven reasons: The new boyfriend, the expensive Rolls Royce, the SoB apartment, things they wanted to advance whatever flimsy story they're trying to tell this season. Naomie, especially, came off as couldn't care less. Let's face it, the interesting story is whatever's happening behind the scenes between Kathryn and Thomas as she tries to gain sole custody of their children and the viewing audience is never going to see that. The scene at the vineyard was laughable and certainly not the kind of publicity the owners expected. And then, to get the same awful reaction when the wine was once again presented at dinner! It actually had a negative effect on the whole dinner scene because the producers are hoping for some drama but lips don't get any looser if the ladies aren't drinking!
  25. Pastor Jeff is now a series regular. โ€˜Young Sheldonโ€™: Matt Hobby Upped To Series Regular For Season 3 Of CBS Series
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