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Everything posted by BloggerAloud

  1. The "pro move" stuff makes me laugh because so much of it is stuff that an amateur would've learned simply by watching the Food Network over the years.
  2. I shouldn't laugh at it AT ALL but I howled when Dorinda said, "Why don't you put an EZ Pass on your vagina with your Holland Tunnel" as well as her saying, "I'll tell you how I'm doing. Not well, bitch."
  3. Chris saying, "Silver looks nice on me" may be the best response I've ever heard to not winning on this show.
  4. Is it weird that like Joan and Bette had distinct speaking voices, especially Bette, and neither woman is trying to replicate it at all?
  5. Jaymes Mansfield feels uncomfortably similar to drag legend Varla Jean Merman.
  6. I usually don't mind the narration on A Crime To Remember but there was something exasperating about the hippie voiceover for the John Linley Frazier episode.
  7. Galentine's Day is a reference to Parks and Recreation. Leslie Knope has a yearly celebration the day before Valentine's Day to celebrate female friendship.
  8. One of my favorite episodes of all times is the one where a former student of Jessica gets murdered by Robert Culp who is playing the brother of a Mary Kay-esque lady and the whole thing boils down to him using a shade of lipstick that had never come to market while destroying a portrait of the woman. And it's called Tangerine Twist so ever since that, whenever my friends and I watch an episode and Jessica figures it out, we scream out "TANGERINE PLOT TWIST."
  9. This week's episode of A Crime to Remember was very good I thought. I thought it was interesting having Carol Thompson's son interviewed was interesting and gave things a certain emotional weight, especially when he talked about people telling him as a kid that his dad murdered his mom and the fact that this father was arrested on his 14th birthday. But that final detail that his dad have him put the latch on the door before they left was super sad, especially his physical reaction to recalling that moment.
  10. I liked the ending because they sort of telegraphed the Chantal thing from the very beginning when Dory initially tells the group about her going missing and Elliott talks about how 1. she sucks and 2. she's probably fine and those two points came out to be totally true.
  11. Romance scenes on these shows always make me want to vomit because you have to think of all the production people who are standing around while you film this alleged intimate moment.
  12. Did anybody else think that Kandi's delivery of the news about the bomb/grenade thing at Phaedra's office seem weird? It was like she was trying not to laugh or something.
  13. I wish these folks could flatly say, "Don't talk to so-and-so because I don't want them on the show" and just break the fourth wall and own it.
  14. This season remains so anti-climatic, especially when the writers reveal things to the viewing audience and not to the characters so we have to spend all this time treading water until they catch up to the knowledge we already know.
  15. The friendship dynamics on this show are so juvenile. But then I feel like that is an insult to juveniles.
  16. I like Shannon but I don't buy for a second that the drinking wasn't some way to get at Kelly. It doesn't make sense that every time you gather with this particular woman she gets loud and drunk and insulting and then you all bitch about it to THEN actively try to give her alcohol because she once told you that "tequila is an upper" is the height of bullshit.
  17. These women and their various relationships with the truth are estranged at best.
  18. Sheree Whitfield's desperation to get and hold onto a peach is something that would annoy me on any other franchise other than RHOA because she's so ridiculous in so many intricate ways and manages to have a sense of humor about all things not related to herself that it's such a hilarious train wreck to behold.
  19. The ending with Shelby reminded me of the ending of Night of the Living Dead.
  20. Chris Matthews talking over and generally being dismissive of the completely qualified Rachel Maddow is such a summation of this year in politics.
  21. Vicki trying to shut down the Brooks conversation reminded me of Ramona on RHONY trying to shut down discussion of her divorce from Mario a couple seasons back.
  22. These ladies arguing what constitutes a narcissist while starring on a reality show based on the idea their very existence is interesting is the epitome of rich.
  23. Yeah, I thought that seemed really odd and was very, "How would he know that" since you didn't get a sense of that dynamic at all when Tim did his walkthrough so he had to have known from seeing footage or something which seems jank.
  24. I don't like Kelly Osbourne at all but I did crack up when she said that she hadn't mentioned the blue team having more punk inspired designs than the red team because they were already in a rough state after their critique.
  25. The "Tina puts spells on people but then realizes it's probably all just flukes" reminded me of when Linda thought she was a psychic.
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