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Everything posted by BloggerAloud

  1. Tinsley Mortimer being filmed for a realty show, trying on dresses for events that aren't happening for her anymore is some Blanche DuBois 2017 realness.
  2. One of the things I love about every franchise of Real Housewives how it seems like whenever they get a theme party invite, most of the women go out of their way to do the exact opposite of the dress code.
  3. I just wish one of the two personalities was interesting.
  4. I cannot deal with Moriah's b.s. storyline because how are you going to be talking about blackmailing a man into paying for your pay when this already has clearly signed onto a NATIONAL TV SHOW to let everybody know that you're some side piece he's being knocking. This doesn't even have sense of internal logic so stuff like this happens all the time where people will film scenes and talking about how they don't want so-and-so to know. If that was true, being in a front of a camera crew would not be the way to do it. The Jessica Dime/Joseline makeup scene seemed incredibly weird because the last time we saw them really, if I remember correctly, was them making up with each other at the reunion for the exact things Dime was talking about.
  5. Shosh peacing out on the rest of the Girls makes a lot of sense, especially if you think back to the "Beach House" episode where she read the piss out of all of them. Those feelings didn't just materialize out of nowhere and logically wouldn't just disappear as soon as they were said either.
  6. I'm intrigued about the "cease and desist" thing because after Porsha says that in the trailer, it really takes a left turn and it seems like maybe there actually isn't one? And that's what causes her and Phaedra to fall out?
  7. I will say it's really disappointing that they are now clearly filming their confessionals in front of a green screen.
  8. I know this whole thing about Tom/Luann vs. Everybody is going to annoy me in the long run, but it's sort of nice that the pettiness of being invited/not being invited and whether or not they are in an open relationship is lighter fare compared to, say, faking cancer OR drugging and bringing people to a sex dungeon.
  9. The fact that he and Dorit decided to rehash the whole thing on camera has always struck me as gross.
  10. I get it's Bethenny's self-appointed job to talk shit in the talking heads but did anybody else feel weird about her disparaging clothes that were eventually going to be worn by women trying to interview for jobs? I mean, I'm sure a lot of extends from the probably true notion that Sonja wasn't going to actually part with anything and this was all a set-up but it just seemed like an odd tone to take.
  11. These women can't really seem to make up their mind about Luann/Tom because they keep swinging from they are trying to protect her because he's cheating on her BUT in the same breath they also like to throw how they are probably in an open relationship and they are just like each other. It all depends on whatever point they are trying to make, usually the cheating thing is to Luann's face and the "they are an open relationship" when they are out of ear shot. Either way, nobody has been able to sufficiently formulate to me why they care so much other than for storyline reasons and the general distaste they have for Luann.
  12. So realistically it's a little bit of both. Erika did technically invite him into the conversation while simultaneously PK was lurking around the periphery waiting to get into it I think.
  13. Eden's freakout at the end somehow managed to seem sincere and totally calculated at once, like the epitome of a Real Housewives cast member having a Laganja Estranja THIS IS MY MOMENT event.
  14. They've posted a preview of the reunion on YouTube. I don't know if this going to be good or bad because it's hard to get a grasp because the editing of the promo is so scattershot.
  15. I wonder how this season would've gone if Erika had done to Dorit what she did to Bethenny and sort of took the oxygen out of the conversation by being non-chalant and not giving the reaction they wanted in a way.
  16. I mean, when I think of someone who respects women, an adulterer is what pops to mind. Ladies, am I right?
  17. I will say a highlight of the episode was Kyle looking for her coat and seeing that Vanderpump had it on because that feels like an actual friend moment you'd have with someone which is so few and far between on these shows nowadays.
  18. I wish they hadn't glossed over how Eileen, Kyle and and Rinna were all gung-ho about Dorit bringing the Erikas that pair of panties. It was sort of a blip in the conversation which I think might get more life at the reunion.
  19. Of course this show is all about rehashing. It's sort of built into the DNA of it. You film a scene and get into a fight. Then you talk about the fight with all the cast members. Then months later you film your confessionals about it. And then the episode airs and you write a blog about it. And then after all that, you sit through a montage of the fight and are asked to comment on it at the reunion. It would be a miracle for a sane person to get over an issue with that kind of construct and none of these women are particularly sane given how willing they offer themselves up to the monster that is reality TV.
  20. "It's not our job to fix her," said Lisa Rinna without irony after spending seasons trying to fix Kim Richards and Yolanda Foster.
  21. If these women ever minded their business about anything, there wouldn't be a show.
  22. The reaction from the women to Sherien was very telling. None of those women are particular fans of Phaedra, but it was interesting how uniform they were in giving the woman the justifiable side-eye.
  23. I'm not going to go too hard on the queens for their makeup because they always point out after they've been on the show about how beating your face for a gig vs. beating your face for a TV show are so wildly different.
  24. The phone call with her daughter is one of my favorite "emotional" moments on the show because the writing, acting, music choice and the slow zoom in by the camera is just all perfect together.
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