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Everything posted by BloggerAloud

  1. Ramona and Sonja are basically are for people who are like, "You know what? I love Romy and Michelle but could you make them old and a-holes? Thanks!"
  2. In this episode in regards to the treatment of women and when she gave advice to Naomie in regards to Craig a few episodes back, Kathryn seems to be somewhat level-headed as long as the issues being addressed aren't her own.
  3. It just will never not boggle my mind that knowing that they were going to launch Shep into a spin-off, they would give him this kind of edit all season long which makes me wonder if this is Shep given a relatively favorable one and there is worse we're not shown. Like if you had to put in a spin-off, it would make a lot more sense to all of this building into some sort Shep: Fix Your Life type of program instead of a show where a bunch of women compete for the affections of some drunk a-hole. Like when you come off like a douchebag in the trailer for your OWN DATING SHOW, you are in a world of trouble.
  4. I don't have any particular love for Kathryn but what she said about how the men talk about women was making a solid point since so much of the Shep/Austin/Chelsea discussion in regards to him grabbing and trying to kiss her seemed to boil down to it being disrespectful because Chelsea's a human being but because it was Austin's girlfriend. Even the way Andy framed the questions, it had a lot less to do with Chelsea existing as a person and more about how this would affect Austin which I found endlessly gross. And again, you have Shep being all weird and gross and someone at the network thought that THIS would be the best person to give their own spin-off to which says a lot. Based on what the show has said itself about Shep, he's an obnoxious drunk asshole who is nearing forty years old. It's like they are trying to make him the reality show version of that Dudley Moore movie Arthur: rich, drunkard becomes reformed due to love of a woman while getting caught somewhere between moon and New York City.
  5. Ramona treated the Mexico trip the same way she treated trying to get invited to Luann's wedding. She's gone into both situations just assuming that because of the nature of being a reality show that no matter what, an invite would be extended to her. And she got a rude awakening when that didn't happen with Luann's wedding so she basically said Fuck it with the fourth wall which is probably unnerving to the production folks.
  6. Bethenny essentially yelling at Tinsley, "STOP EAVESDROPPING ON THIS CONVERSATION I'M FILMING FOR A REALITY SHOW" had me rolling.
  7. One of my biggest problems with this show is Thomas and his ability to sort of just glide through everything because he's pretty good at keeping everybody at odds with each other. I think that's why he was so unnerved in Key West when Landon and Kathryn momentarily got along because it would put his ass on the hot seat. But Kathryn can't keep her shit together long enough to not outsource all of her anger towards him to whatever woman is closest to Thomas at the time. I am still confused at how Bravo could look at Shep, with all the footage they chose to air of him all season long, and thought, "We should make him the lead in a series about looking for love." IF anything, Shep needs some sort of life coach kind of deal at best. He looked so awful at the reunion, all types of sweaty.
  8. My problem is that Landon wants to have an opinion while simultaneously wants to say she's not involved and I have always found her "Thomas is using me as a weapon against Kathryn" nonsense since it removes her own agency when it comes to actively participating in it. Like just own that you don't like her and I'd have more respect. But it's the "Say a rude remark" and then backtrack with some tears that annoys me with Landon.
  9. My favorite exchange during the whole episode was between Landon and Kathryn with Landon trying to pull a Taylor Swift "I want to be excluded from this narrative" in regards to Thomas and Kathryn's relationship and Kathryn saying that Landon has made plenty of remarks. Landon: Give me an example. Kathryn: The time you said that I needed shock treatment. Landon: Okay, that's fair. The casualness that Landon conceded that point to Kathryn had me cackling especially because Landon goes from hating Kathryn to trying to use Kathryn to make Landon look more sympathetic, often within seconds of each other.
  10. I wanted to know the timeline between when Shep first greeted Cam and she told him to switch to water and to when he delivered the biscuits and gravy because his level of drunk increased substantially between the two. And it couldn't have been all that long.
  11. Shep's problem is that he thinks that he is Big Man on Campus and basically always defaults to hazing Craig and the older you get, the more uncomfortably gross that behavior becomes especially as other people try to have more adult or at least less chaotic lives. Like you're way too old to be too drunk to get on a plane and fighting with people and all the other nonsense. And the fact that the powers that be think that Shep is a great candidate to do a spin-off with, based on his pursuit of finding love is a bit of a head scratcher because this is not the edit you give someone in hopes of spinning them off.
  12. Thomas and Landon texting Pride and Prejudice quotes to one another as a form of shade may be one of the most fabulously ridiculous things I've ever seen on this little show.
  13. I am a big Shea fan and thought her lip sync would've been perfectly acceptable in a "this is my second/third number of the night at Hamburger Mary's" but did not have any of the drama or energy you'd expect for a lip sync for the crown. I know a lot of people think that maybe Shea and Trinity thought that the lipsyncs weren't going to factor in as much as they did and probably assumed if they just kept enough with their competition that they would win their lipsyncs.
  14. You know they don't have much of a season when so much time is spent on Ramona, ill-advisedly, slicking back her hair into a ponytail and putting on that outfit like she was about to be on Lip Sync Battle doing a Beyonce or Ariana Grande number.
  15. I think there were always subtle hints about Valentina's whole persona being a contrived thing, like during the "You're perfect, you're beautiful" thing from Aja and Valentina's voice distinctly changes from this sweet little bird of youth to the "I'm not going to say anything" voice. Like honestly, the idea that Valentina is actually some stealth bitch who has grafted on this sweet as pie persona makes her infinitely more interesting to me.
  16. Valentina is the Eve Harrington of drag and I sort of live for that.
  17. I know that people are saying that Shep is getting a bad edit but for all we know, this may be Shep with a favorable edit with the material they gave him.
  18. I feel like so much of Ramona's nutty/mean behavior stems from the fact that she always consoled herself with the idea that no matter how successful Bethenny got, Bethenny would never have a marriage as good as the one Ramona had with Mario. And when that imploded, Ramona lost this thing she could dangle over all the other housewives.
  19. All of the apologies on this show with these women come with an expiration date because these women are only sorry about things they say and do to each other until a moment comes along that they feel justifies that past behavior and now they can be like, "You know what, I'm not sorry for that BECAUSE" and insert inane reason here.
  20. I just don't see the point of including the Native American character WHEN we are trying to move on from that kind of appropriation AND there were six Village People so they easily could've included another but again I'm not particularly surprised by RuPaul including it because she's gone to the mat defending blackface in drag and such and its her show at the end of the day.
  21. It was interesting that if you watch John Polly's Recap of the show, a recap that is officially sponsored by World of Wonder and such, and he wears all the Village People costumes EXCEPT the "Native American" one and says flat out that he wouldn't do it.
  22. I am not the LEAST bit surprised that the Native American member of the Village People was an option even when they could've avoided it because lord knows the amount of time that Ru and Michelle on What's the Tee rage about millennials being too PC and hyper-sensitive about stuff.
  23. There was so much terrible producer manipulation going on with the "Andrea has suddenly moved out scene to the surprise of Amanda and Minnie." Namely, they just happen to go over there to knock on the door to see if she's there and then open the door with the film crew ALREADY IN THERE to find it empty aside from one toy. Like if this was an outright scripted show, that would be totally fine because you don't have to think about the cameras and such but this was just so laughably scripted.
  24. I'm sure in her mind she's like, "If it looks disheveled and a mess, people think I'm too busy having all of the sex in NYC."
  25. I assume they would be uppers, downers and candy corn.
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