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Everything posted by auntlada

  1. For really soupy things, I've always liked couscous. It sops up liquids really well. My grandfather always refused to eat rice. He grew up in east Texas in the early 1900s. His dad worked in the oil fields and they were poor, so they often had white gravy and rice to eat. Once he had a choice, he wouldn't eat rice or white gravy.
  2. I think he made an outfit he thought would be worn by stodgy women trying to fit in with what he thinks of as classy, good people (like him -- not that I think so, but he thinks he is). I know he said he liked it, but I'm not sure I believe him. I agree that he saw the writing on the wall, realized it wasn't a good enough outfit for Paris and wanted to say that even though it was boring it was more than good enough for her low-class in-laws, and that they -- and her because she married into the family -- would never be as classy and upstanding as he is. I think he meant to be bitchy and funny, but failed on the funny, as he has failed on the funny in everything else he has said. He might as well have said, "Wink, wink, nudge, nudge," in all his talking heads (except that he is nowhere near as funny as the original).
  3. I hope you are right. @Tasya, after their baby was stillborn, didn't Mel and her husband have some kind of fertility issue? Weren't they arguing about IVF and surrogates in the car? I thought perhaps the birth caused some kind of issue that would prevent her from having more children.
  4. I loved Victoria's hair in the most recent episode. I realize (or have heard) that women who have that kind of hair often work hard to make it straighter, but as a woman with almost stick-straight hair, I have always wanted wild, curly hair like that.
  5. I didn't think the woven ribbons even looked good on her. I did not say that part cinching in her waist the way the judges kept saying it did. It looked bulky to me as well, although less bulky than the flowers, so perhaps it looked cinched in by comparison.
  6. Without more details, it's hard to say, but I might start with less conversation with her -- as much as that is possible. If she asks questions, give short and to-the-point answers. Don't stop to talk to her and look busy as much as possible when she is in your vicinity. If she wants to go to lunch (or anywhere else with you), make sure other people are always there too. Or make other plans first. Try to walk out of the office with other people. Move fast, as though you are in a hurry. If she asks you to do something, say, "I can't." You don't have to say the reason is that you don't want to.
  7. There's a lot in the books I don't remember, but I hope they bring the preacher to town.
  8. It appears to finally be up on Amazon. Finally,
  9. From what our police (and sheriff and other law enforcement agencies) tell us periodically, most of those are not actual police officer associations and the money probably doesn't go to any actual police officers. Ours don't solicit by phone, anyway, and the national Fraternal Order of the Police says it doesn't, although some state or local chapters may.
  10. But in the 70s, most families probably had someone who had served in the military in WWII, Korea, Vietnam or just in the military between wars, even if only in the National Guard or Reserves. They didn't necessarily serve overseas in battle, but there was probably someone.
  11. It might be, but at one time, the military service was probably true for most of the viewers as well.
  12. I don't think it's a ripoff of the Hallmark brand any more than the Hallmark brand and all romance novels are ripoffs of Harlequins.
  13. It makes more sense in the books (I think -- it's been a while since I read that one).
  14. I've read all the books (I think -- I may have missed one that the library didn't have) and am in the middle of the series. I'd have watched all of them by now, but life got in the way. Some of the changes threw me at first, but so far I think I'm OK with them. I'm only on episode 6, though, so there might be some still coming that I won't like. So far the changes seem to be things that help introduce characters in a way that cuts out too much exposition.
  15. I haven't been, @Bastet. This morning was a club fundraiser, and tonight is a school fundraiser. In between is either laundry, Project Runway or Virgin River (on Netflix). I think laundry is going to lose. Also, I'm not allowed to pay attention. When I pay attention, OU plays worse. My husband wants to know why I can't use my powers for good.
  16. I haven't seen it, but the description didn't sound that bad to me. Elitist, yeah, because you're right. That's the brand. I mean, regular people aren't buying these things. It's like saying a Mercedes commercial is elitist.
  17. I don't think Scrooge would have been willing to pay in any case.
  18. Dessert. This year it is Mississippi mud cake minus the coconut because I hate coconut. Also we bring Cub Scout popcorn so we don't eat it all ourselves.
  19. How do you know when a joke becomes a dad joke? When it becomes apparent.
  20. And it's always just 1-2 days late because she is always so regular that she is never even one hour late.
  21. I'm just going to disagree with the dictionaries. It's not the first time.
  22. I am positive this has been mentioned somewhere in the 370 pages of this topic (probably multiple times), but can people please learn the meaning of the word "literally"? I have a Facebook friend (a parent of a friend of my son's) who is considering a hysterectomy for health reasons. I don't want to be insensitive to her, but she is absolutely not literally bleeding to death every month. And the woman who commented on her Facebook post (asking for advice about hysterectomy versus other procedures) did not literally bleed to death several years ago before she had a hysterectomy. If she had, she would find it difficult to comment on Facebook. For that matter, quit asking Facebook friends for advice on medical procedures. They don't know! They can only give you their experiences, which will probably be completely different than yours. Of course, this woman also believes vaccines are poison, so she has other medical issues.
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