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Everything posted by auntlada

  1. I watched "Tara Road" on Amazon the other day, and now I have to go back and read the book again. I'm pretty sure that it's very different in ways I don't like, but it's been so long since I read the book I"m not sure. It may just be the casting. The mistresses were not at all how I pictured them. Both seemed more unattractive than described in the book, and one seemed downright stupid. Also, although I've liked Andie Macdowell in other things, I did not like her here. She seemed like she was just phoning it in and borrowing mannerisms from her other movies. Or maybe she plays essentially the same person in every movie, and I never noticed it before. And the men who were supposed to be such good salesmen and so charming really weren't at all. Again, I don't know if that's the writing or the acting. I think the movie skipped the part where they were supposed to be charming and went straight to the part where the audience is supposed to see through them and dislike them.
  2. I enjoyed it, and I was hoping for a second season to fix some of the things that didn't work so well, like the team aspect. They should have either all been strangers or people who had worked together (or knew each other somehow) before.
  3. Yes. And the past tense of lie is not laid because laid requires an object.
  4. That always makes me think of "The Simpsons." Lisa and Homer had an exchange about it. Not really. A book can lie on the table. But you must lay the book on the table. I learned my method of remembering it in college. It has to do with sex.
  5. I think the answer to your question is that, in general, people regard anyone who works at a library, particularly a public library, as a librarian, regardless of title or duties. To most people (and I speak as someone who has been going to libraries since before I could read and as someone whose mother was a school librarian with a master's in library science), librarian is a general term not an official title. Also, I've been in libraries where I wished the librarians would do more shushing, so you're right there.
  6. I thought I'd seen a similar plot somewhere and then remembered:
  7. It was the longest time before I realized that Laura San Giacomo in Just Shoot Me was also in Quigley Down Under and Pretty Woman. I just didn't connect those three roles.
  8. We've been doing P.E. with Joe on YouTube. It's Joe Wicks (I had to look that up), who has exercise videos for adults. He's been doing a daily series for kids who are out of school. The exercises aren't designed just for kids, though. They are real exercises (squats, push-ups, etc.). If you've been doing stuff, you'd probably find them too easy, but if you haven't done a lot, you might find them a little too hard at first. He started this series in March, I think. We didn't discover it until April, so we are behind but still doing them in order.
  9. In my theory of time travel, Claire was destined to go back because (spoilered because I can't remember which book contains what now)
  10. I loved the Statler Brothers when I was growing up. We wore out an eight-track of "Entertainers On and Off the Record." At my first newspaper job out of college, I got to interview Don Reid over the phone for a local charity event concert they were coming to town to do. I so wanted to go, but I was too poor to buy a ticket for the charitable event, and the organizers never thought to give a ticket or two to the local media. I was irritated with the woman who asked me to write a story, though. She insisted on sitting next to my desk while I talked to Don on the phone and also told me all about the band and which songs were best (she was wrong). I wanted to tell her, "Lady, I've been listening to these guys since at least third grade. I forgot more than you'll ever know about them," but I figured she wouldn't have gotten the reference.
  11. I'd like people to get back in their cars and drive. Anywhere. Even for a Sunday drive in the country (which is actually a thing I'd kind of like to start doing myself as a weekly thing). Just something to drive up the demand for oil so there isn't too much for the storage capacity and the price will go up. I realize a lot of people would prefer people not to drive because of pollution, etc., but we need a higher price of oil where I live, for the state and for the people I know who work in the oil fields or have family members who work there. My biggest peeve right now is pedestrians who appear to have never gone for a walk before in their lives, so they keep walking on the wrong side of the street (on streets with no sidewalks). They are walking with traffic, so that when I am out for my daily walk/run, I have to cross the street and walk with traffic to avoid them. It's not really a hardship because these are residential streets without a lot of traffic, but it's annoying -- almost as annoying as the bicyclists who ride against traffic.
  12. They do. Although there is also a good chance the previous question was stupid. So many are.
  13. According to this there is a season 2. I don't know how reliable the site is, though. https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/virgin-river-season-2-netflix-release-date-what-we-know-04-2020/
  14. Also, don't she and Hope not like each other? Why would she ask for the one person who hates her?
  15. I don't know exactly what's in the series/movie/whatever it is, but you could google the story and find out all about the guy it's about. He's in prison now.
  16. Thank you for the summary of the book. I did not recognize the author's name and assumed I also didn't know the books, but your summary reminded me that I read that book long ago. I had forgotten all about it. I liked it a lot, and now I want to read it again.
  17. I was pleasantly surprised to find that did not happen at my 30th high school reunion. It did a little at the 10th, less so at the 25th and not at the 30th.
  18. I was having problems the first week before I got the vpn info. I was using Office 365 and had problems shutting off at the end of the work day. They told us not to use vpn unless we really needed it, so those who really needed it could use it, but then IT sent me the info, so I went ahead and used it. I find it's easier to shut that off at the end of the work day and not turn it back on so I don't keep checking email all evening and weekend. We're supposed to take annual leave if we have to do other things during the day. The interruptions for home schooling explanations, etc., though are no more disruptive than the people who come and stand in the office and talk about non-work-related things for 30 minutes or more during a regular day. In fact, they are less disruptive. We have to hand in records of what we are doing. I'm still feeling more relaxed working at home, even though I sometimes feel like they are looking over our shoulders and even though I now share my office with my son and husband (who is also working from home).
  19. I believe it was a miscarriage, but Faith was developed enough that essentially she was stillborn. Probably now we would call it a premature birth. However, Brianna might have ended the same way if Claire had stayed. I believe she told Jamie that she and Brianna would have likely died if she had stayed.
  20. Yeah, I'm complainy and annoyed, but I'm also grateful that I am being allowed (well, forced, really, but the effect right now is what is important) to work at home since the schools are closed. And I'm grateful that my husband is also working from home so that it's not all on me. And I'm grateful that he takes some time out of his day to work on poetry and literature with my son and plays with him after the workday so I can go for a walk or bike ride by myself.
  21. This does not work for Brenda, but Carol was pretty smart, so her parents might have thought her job should be school. (She was bound to get lots of scholarships.) That doesn't let out summers, though. She could have worked then. Was her proofreading (or whatever it was) job after high school? (Or was that some other girl on some other show?)
  22. It allows the person behind you to start putting stuff on the belt if you put all your stuff there and put up the bar to divide the items. And you can put your filled bags back into your cart without getting stuff mixed up.
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