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Everything posted by auntlada

  1. Apparently, the alcohol eventually evaporates, lowering the alcohol content below 60 percent. It won't hurt you, but it won't be as effective either.
  2. That's really annoying, especially if you are clearly in the process of moving items from the cart to the belt. On the other hand, the other day, my choice in the self-check lines was the one that wasn't working (it was probably user error) or the two in which the people checking out were not bothering with the conveyance belts, but pulling items out of their full carts one at a time to scan and bag them. I wanted to tell them that if they wanted to do that, they could go to the self-check area that doesn't have belts.
  3. I think part of those are the way she is standing. Unless, of course, one of her arms is longer than the other also.
  4. That's one reason I like to go to our hospital's rehab gym (which is open to anyone). I go to the unmanned 24-hour one. It's not full of stereotypical gym people, particularly when I go on my lunch hour. It's mostly older people, and they are mostly very nice. The only problem I've run into is that occasionally there's someone who doesn't understand that you need a phone (or other device) and headphones to listen to what's on the TV and will just turn up the sound on the TV. Or the person will borrow one of the devices available there to use and not have any headphones and will turn up the sound on the device. I get not having headphones once because you didn't know, but after that you should have some. (Also, there is closed captioning.)
  5. Almost certainly not, especially if they continue to live in Los Angeles. I get that she probably needs to live somewhere like that to get a design business started, but if they moved elsewhere, it would probably be easier for him to find a job that paid well enough to live on and allowed him to stay home, even if he doesn't have many job skills (besides playing soccer). Surely there are places that are cheaper to live but are large enough cities that she could still get fabric, etc., and customers to build a business. Although, now that I think of it, perhaps the women in those cities don't want suit jackets with the sides cut out and straps all over them.
  6. The show didn't start until 2003. They should have known by that time that they needed to get rights for the songs for syndication/video/whatever.
  7. Me, too. It's driving me crazy. And my husband has the flu, so I've been washing my hands a lot at home. That makes me want to answer the same way my third-grade teacher used to answer "can I" questions. When a student would ask, "Can I go to the bathroom?" she'd always say, "I don't know. Can you?"
  8. Not having seen the episode, I can't say for sure when it was or what happened. In the books, she tried to escape several times. Once (perhaps the first time) was at the castle when all the clansmen were coming in for the gathering. She went to the barn at night intending to steal a horse and ran into Jamie, who was hiding from the oath-taking. At that time, he had no idea who she really was or where she wanted to escape to. For all he knew, she was a spy. Also, he couldn't go far from the castle, especially alone, as he still had a price on his head. And if Colum or Dougal found out he helped Claire escape, he'd be in a lot of trouble.
  9. I don't like Sergio, mostly because he keeps talking, so I hate to defend him, but the title high school seniors generally vote on (as I know it) is "Most Likely to Succeed," not "Likeliest to Succeed." So I don't think he was pumping it up, except that once you've left high school, no one cares what you were voted.
  10. If you listen to that enough, it starts to sound really weird.
  11. All I can say is that I saw no black goo on the iron. As I said, I saw shiny iron, black iron, shiny iron, black iron as though it was reflecting something at different angles. (Caveat: I also have bifocals, so I was squinting at my computer as I paused it at each angle.) I also saw that the iron does not look particularly clean all over. It looks worse than my iron at home. That is not an iron I would not be checking every time I used it. I didn't think they established for certain what made the goo. What Brittany said was, "I'm not gonna do double-stick on my gown." If the goo was from double-stick (tape? I don't know) then it makes sense it wasn't her. If it was from actual fabric, then maybe it was her. I don't know who the heck it was. All I know is that I saw no black goo on the iron after Nancy used it. I don't think they cameras actually caught anyone in the act, so to speak.
  12. I watch on Amazon a day later, so I went back and watched the bit with Nancy and the iron again, stopping every second to examine the iron. The black mark on the iron comes and goes as the angle of the iron changes when she is setting it down. It's shiny silver and completely clean, then has a little bit of black shading, then it is shiny silver again and then black shading again. I don't think it's black from her dress in that shot. I think it's reflecting something black at certain angles. That's not to say the black wasn't from Nancy's dress, but I don't think it is in that shot, which to me means the camera operators did not get a shot of whoever did it messing up the iron. So it might have been Nancy, it might have been Brittany (regardless of what she says), it might have been Geoffrey. I learned about the high heel prosthetic from Grey's Anatomy (which is where I got my medical degree also -- for some reason no hospital will let me operate, though). If the trim would have had to be replaced, then wouldn't Nancy's fabric have also been ruined in a spot from the iron? I've looked again at the iron after Geoffrey used it and the flashback after Nancy used it. The stuff that was on the iron after Geoffrey used it was not there after Nancy used it. It does not look at all the same.
  13. I was very happy that they sent the athletes/models off before criticizing the designs. It always came off a little (or a lot) like saying the real-people models (as though the regular models are fake people) have horrible taste and don't look nearly as good as they think they do. For once, I agreed with Sergio. When I was pregnant, I was huge. I was already uncomfortable; tight clothes would have been way more uncomfortable. And yes, it's like you're carrying around your own little heater. Loose-fitting clothes are much cooler.
  14. I like Karlie much better than Heidi, if only because I have not yet heard her tell a designer that a design needs to have "more boobie."
  15. Another parking peeve I have is able-bodied people at events with limited parking close to the building not being willing to park a little farther away and save the close parking for people who really need it. We had a work meeting at an off-site place in town with limited parking at the meeting place, but plenty of parking a block or two away. I parked a block away in the large parking lot of a church that had given us permission to use the lot (it was a weekday), but I was the only one who parked there. Most people tried to get there early to park as close to the door as possible, and they weren't people who were unable to walk. (I know because I work with them.)
  16. These people aren't circling, though. You can see them drive into the parking lot, and I can see lots of spots that are really no farther away than mine. If it's Christmas at the mall, then, yeah, I'll move. But there is nowhere in the town I live in that is so packed it has no parking places. The closest is the first Saturday of the month at Walmart (we have a lot of people here who work for schools, universities and government), and even then you can find plenty of parking spaces. I think many of these people are like the people my mother talked about knowing when she and my dad first moved to a small town in the 1960s. They'd go downtown, and if they couldn't park in front of the store they were going to, they'd just go home and come back later.
  17. 1. Why do you want to sleep on my head? 2. Why do you prefer the jingle ball without the jingle and why won't you bring it all the way back to me when you want me to throw it again? (Yes, this is a cat who brings the ball part of the way back, and yes, that's totally one question.) 3. Why can't you share the sofa with your brother?
  18. I take longer if they start waiting when I unlock my car and start loading it because there is no reason for those people to sit in the driving lane and wait for me (usually blocking two or three cars behind them from moving on) when there are plenty of other spaces available. They just want one five steps closer to the door. (I am not talking about the handicapped spaces because I don't park there because I don't have a permit for them.) If the people would just drive on past and park, they'd be in the store by the time I loaded up all my groceries and pulled out. One of my biggest parking lot peeves is drivers who see someone walking to out a car who then sit and wait until that person loads up his or her stuff, gets in the car puts a seatbelt on, etc., and then pulls out -- all while cars are lining up behind the driver who is waiting patiently but blocking traffic.
  19. I am the opposite. I do not have caller ID (on my land line -- yes, I still have a land line) and don't really want it. I'll pick up and just say, "I'm not interested, thank you," if it's a telemarketer. Or hang up when no one says anything right away. Anyone who doesn't leave a message doesn't get a call back. Same goes for the cell phone and work phone. If you want me to call you back, leave a message or text or email (which is preferable anyway because that way I can think about what you want and formulate a response or find the information and not have to make idle chat, which I'm not good at). Also, I have a hard time saying good-bye and getting off the phone. And when I don't leave a message, I don't want a call back. If I don't leave a message, it means it wasn't important, or I'll come find you later (if at work). I hate getting calls returned from people for whom I did not leave messages. I've probably forgotten why I called.
  20. I thought that about the string idea, too, but when they showed it in slow(er) motion, it looked like the model was pulling something right before she tossed the hood thing back.
  21. For the first time on one of these kinds of shows when the judges said that a dress would look good on any woman (meaning any type of body), I believed them. I can see Daniel's dress looking good on a lot of body types, including mine, which is rare for anything the designers make on competition shows. I'd also like someone to force Sergio from Project Runway to watch this show (with toothpicks holding up his eyelids if necessary) to show him that this is how you do designs with a message.
  22. It probably also means that space is too small for your vehicle.
  23. I suppose, but I'm not really looking at the dress. I can't stop looking at the little roll of fat/skin/whatever between her armpit and her breast. Yes, I know everyone has that, but I usually try not to show mine off. I don't want to look at it, but I just can't stop.
  24. I've never known anyone to have any left over to freeze. You'd probably have to make them and freeze them immediately.
  25. Victoria's dress made her model look like she has the same belly I have, which maybe she does (although I doubt it), and if so, I suppose good for the show for continuing to use her. But I have a belly like that, and I try to flatten it and hide it. I don't try to show it off in a satin dress (that is pretending to be some sort of tuxedo). Any woman wearing that dress on a red carpet better be pregnant because if not, she's going to have to beat off rumors of pregnancy. Any non-pregnant woman who had that belly (which probably means that she has given birth at some point) would want it hidden. Lots of spandex will probably be required.
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