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Everything posted by rereader2

  1. Well, that literally made me LOL... (To be fair to Ed, it's more like rolled off the bus--he works like a whole team of huskies, not just the one proverbial dog. But yeah, his "look" does seem to be deliberate!)
  2. So long as Jenn and Dalton are still in, I'm good. :)
  3. "Idol alums stage a gimmicky return, only to stand and sing different parts of the same song with this year's performers without any real coordination/emotion." ^^THISTHIS THIS!
  4. Little Spoon: They started out with uneven numbers for the top 24, I can't imagine they care about even numbers now.
  5. I just assumed she has a thing for wearing sparkly negligees over miniskirts.
  6. ITA with that. He's got some very promising original stuff out there, too.
  7. Hmm. I'd've said it's the other way around--I am sitting in my home with all those AI closeups in my lap, and I don't want a stadium act in my living room trying to blow me out of my house!
  8. Both he and Martin Freeman have said many times that they want to keep doing Sherlock for as long as possible and Benedict has said more than once that he'd love to be doing Sherlock into old age.
  9. Benedict Cumberbatch named visiting fellow at Oxford college. Noice!
  10. Yeah, I don't vote by gender--I DO tend to vote by type of music, just as I tend to buy artists in the type of music I like, and I what I mostly like in the pop world is the "quieter" singer/songwriters like Sara Bareilles and Ed Sheeran. They keep putting through women (well, mostly young girls) that skew country or diva and I'm certainly not going to vote to hear more of that! (I also like quirky surprises, but they don't make it to the finale.)
  11. When will these idiots get it through their heads that WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER ANYONE! Performers are most successful when they are the first THEM.
  12. Houston was an instaget for me--"Houston, we have a problem" popped into my head immediately, but I have no idea why, since the quote they actually gave meant nothing to me. (Of course, undervolt doesn't sound like a good thing, so maybe that's it!)
  13. The various types of Mid-East music share a great many influences.
  14. Yes, the one that Sherlock addresses as Redbeard in his mind palace in HLV. Yes, the one that Sherlock addresses as Redbeard in his mind palace in HLV.
  15. Season 4 is supposed to start filming this spring to air early 2017. This was a non-season special.
  16. He is allowed to say what he likes--but it is the opposite of classy to trash a show that you're a part of, and it is the opposite of classy to trash a show that gave you your start.
  17. IIRC, the off-the-grid girl said her family was off the grid because they lived too far out for the power lines to run, not because they were strapped for cash. My reaction to Kanye (always and forever) is SIT DOWN NOW.
  18. I wouldn't know, I couldn't stand watching more than 10 minutes of The Voice.
  19. I got Happy Days right away, but I have no idea why. I didn't watch it much, and so far as I recall I didn't see any of the first two years. Maybe because it's burned into my head as a show about the 50s?
  20. If you think about it, it is the least surprising outcome to end up with a disproportionate number of singer/songwriter winners, because the audience is watching this in their living rooms. Your living room is a lot closer to a coffee house than it is to an arena, after all, and a performer that seems at home in your living room is going to sound better on TV than one that is singing to the folks in the nosebleed seats.
  21. What can I say? I loved the whole thing. Any time we can get a good, twisty look into Sherlock's brain, I'm in, especially when there is so much good stuff to chew on PLUS all the throwaway callbacks and jokes, both to ACD and to previous eps, any of which may or may not really be a throwaway! For me, the originals were all about the fun and adventure and characters, and I'll always choose that over high drama. I can't rewatch Reichenbach because of all the high drama, and I skip my way through HLV. This one, though, this one I'll rewatch a dozen times or more, just to catch all the Easter eggs. (It's like they said, okay, you're gonna analyze this to death? We'll REALLY give you something to analyze!)
  22. It's going to be re-aired on PBS on Sunday, NEXT Sunday, Jan. 10 (at least on Channel 13 in New York). It's also going to be streaming on PBS.org for a short while starting Jan. 11. (Mark Gatiss explains all here.)
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