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Everything posted by rereader2

  1. I got Louis XIV, and Helen Mirren was an instaget for me, but that's because there were a lot of tv ads for "The Audience" here during the run.
  2. Jason Castro and his siblings (Michael and Jackie) are releasing their debut single tonight. (Well, technically tomorrow, but in reality tonight.) It's called "Diamond Dreams" and you can hear it now at Yahoo!Music. This past week they opened a few shows for Delta Rae (and are doing a couple more this coming week), and last night they did a free show in NYC. I went, and I thought they sounded amazing--they have totally different styles of singing, but they blend together so well.
  3. Benedict has been doing Letters Live at the Hay Festival. (Hopefully there will be audio and/or video to come.)
  4. I know, but a bloodhound is good visual shorthand for a super-tracking dog. I think it's meant to be Toby--it seems to mean that revisiting "The Sign of the Four" would be a good way for Mofftiss to get to their things-coming-back-to-haunt-you or however they phrased it.
  5. There's a nice video at WhatsOnStage in which Benedict talks about the Royal Court Theatre as it turns 60.
  6. I don't think Buzzy is all that great a contestant, but I don't mind him at all. He starts at the top and is all business, and he gets enough answers wrong to make me feel smart without me thinking he's stupid. He's just not a super-player.
  7. It does look like a bloodhound to my (non-dog-person) eye--which would make that Toby, the super-tracker. Nothing cutesy about that!
  8. Yeah, I do like Janine. I like how she got her own back from Sherlock with the papers, without actually saying anything insulting.
  9. Benedict seems to be getting largely positive reviews for his Richard so far. (Such as this one.)
  10. Relatively new. It was reviewed by the New York Times a month or two ago.
  11. That was my exact thought, which is why I figured the answer couldn't be Venus! (Maybe it has surface features in the same way Jupiter has "surface features"?)
  12. Books are media, so I guess it fits here... I was reading Bill Bryson's "The Road to Little Dribbling," and at one point he describes picking up a book in a restaurant, and he starts raving about how wonderful it is--and it's Ken Jenning's "Maphead."
  13. I'm too lazy to look it up, but IIRC, Venus is a case of the greenhouse effect run amok, with temps averaging close to 900F, and has a molten surface--at least, that's how I remember it! It's hotter than Mercury, I know that, even though it's further from the sun.
  14. For FJ I first thought Venus because of all the female names, but then second-guessed myself, because how can a planet with temperatures hot enough to melt rock have surface features? So now I have to go back and read up on Venus, because I am clearly wrong.
  15. You can see a few photos with pixilated baby Cumberbatch here. Hahahahaha! I bet the prop and costume departments weren't too thrilled with that, but how appropriate!
  16. IKR? (I did see a photo of Benedict and Sophie walking in New York while Benedict cuddles the baby, but the baby's face was pixilated out.)
  17. Dalton met up with Jason Castro and his family today: https://twitter.com/DaltonRapattoni/status/721833333366231041/photo/1
  18. She's the one with the hot chocolate, right? (In a million years I wouldn't have come up with her name from that description, and I don't remember anything else about her. If that's her.)
  19. I suspect both 19E and Borchetta have options on at least the top ten--they used to option all the Idols--and if so, and they decide to pick up those options, Dalton's best choice is to make the best of it and work off the contracts as quickly as he can without compromising on quality. Going by what we've heard from other Idols, I hope he instead gets GOOD management and a deal with a label that understands him. Dalton's three part interview with Michael Slezak is up, and despite the way Slezak talked about Dalton in Reality Check, it's a good interview, and Dalton presents himself articulately and intelligently.
  20. Benedict Cumberbatch Is Your New Grinch. Also, who are these people who has a full-time job making lists of reason to love Benedict Cumberbatch (like this one), and why isn't one of them me?
  21. Hahahaha--apparently that coffee maker totally made his day! Thanks for all the info and for the link, bluwater.
  22. And also, He's baaaaaaack! (Mark Gatiss just loves these tease-tweets...)
  23. Benedict Cumberbatch Comes Aboard ‘Guantanamo Diary’ As Producer Benedict Cumberbatch and Helen Mirren lead new stars for BBC Shakespeare broadcast
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