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Everything posted by rereader2

  1. Jason Castro, with his sibs Jackie and Michael, released their first EP Friday--it's sitting at #1 in the iTunes Singer/Songwriter category. It's also on Spotify:
  2. It always baffles me that when they are told to make 12 exactly identical whatevers they don't make 16 whatevers instead so they can cull the worst of them out. I totally would--I'd think having them be a little smaller but more exact would be a good tradeoff.
  3. Yes, but that was when he was drugged, it's when Mycroft told Sherlock that he would be offered a job but to refuse it because it was a suicide mission.
  4. AND we are now delayed at least one week because this week is pledge week. Again.
  5. He seemed more annoyed than concerned to me. *shrug*
  6. I haven't seen Mycroft show any real concern for Sherlock--but we certainly saw Sherlock show concern for Mycroft's lack of friends, which is a very advanced level of care. Sorry, I totally disagree with your take on the sibling relationship. Which is a sure sign of very good writing by the show writers, that different viewers have very different takeaways!
  7. I don't know whether it aired Friday night or not here, I watch it Sunday afternoon. It's a very perfect show for a Sunday afternoon!
  8. I have to say I've never seen any condescension to fans--if anything, both of them have been consistently and unusually very supportive of fanworks. It's only fair for them to point out that, just as fans want their own visions to be respected, the fans should respect Mofftiss's vision within the context of the show (which is, after all, their own fanwork--and this too is something they have freely, and most unusually, cop to).
  9. ITA with all of your comment, Winter Rose, but especially this part.
  10. Well. As I said above, I loved it, and on rewatching I love it more each time. It's clever, it's entertaining, there's gobs of character stuff in it--and because so much of that is in Sherlock's head we get to see how HE sees the people in his life, which is awesome. As for Mycroft, I have a very different take on him than the last few commenters. The very first time we see him, Mycroft's doing his level best to both spy on Sherlock and to ensure he has no real friends; then we see him upping surveillance on Sherlock. Later (TGG) we see him dismissing Sherlock's work as unimportant. In ASIB we see him giving Sherlock the worst possible advice on how to deal with other people, and the we see him laying full blame on Sherlock for the failure of his own scheme--when he's the very person who insisted Sherlock get involved in the first place and preferred to keep secrets unnecessarily. (If Sherlock had had the information, he never would have provided Irene with any info at all, but no, keeping secrets from Sherlock is so much more "sensible".) In THoB we see him giving Moriarty unnecessary information (do we only keep important secrets from Sherlock and none about him?) and then letting him go. We hear in season 3--from Sherlock--that Mycroft helped him in TRF but we don't see any of that, so it may or may not be true (because Sherlock does lie). In TRF we see him take his sweet time extracting Sherlock from being tortured--and we never see him apologize for it. And later we seeing him playing games with Sherlock, in Sherlock's flat--but in that conversation we see Sherlock show concern and caring for Mycroft's isolation, and we see Mycroft rebuffing him. In TSOT we see Sherlock again actively reaching out to Mycroft for support during the wedding reception--and we see Mycroft coldly and actively refusing and again giving him the worst possible advice about how to relate to others. And in HLV we see Mycroft asking Sherlock not to take a suicide mission (which given the way Sherlock feels about government work was probably unnecessary) but only when drugged--and we see him sentencing Sherlock to death by forcing him to take that very suicide mission. I do not take kindly to this Mycroft, I can tell you.
  11. From the website With An Accent: SDCC 2016: Sherlock & A Case of Sexual Identity. In which Moffat, Gatiss, and Vertue VERY STRONGLY emphasize that their Sherlock will not--NEVER--end up with Watson (or anyone else) in a gay relationship, or to put it another way: (BUT, "if people want to write whatever they like and have a great time extrapolating that’s absolutely fine. But there is no hidden or exposed agenda.") I found this article because Sue Vertue tweeted that it's legit.
  12. Ah, well, Conspiracy was a sort of rip-off of TOS's Operation Annihilate--and both of them were a pretty strong rip-off of Heinlein's Puppet Masters. I doubt Heinlein would have minded, though, since he famously told David Gerrold (re: tribbles v. flat cats) that ideas are free, it's what you do with them that matters, and that they both owed something to Ellis Butler's "Pigs Is Pigs."
  13. Peace 47, people like Mrs. Hudson and Angelo could just make that assumption because they've never seen him with a woman--people DO make that assumption, and almost never assume asexuality--and while we've seen him be (reluctantly) interested by (if not in) The Woman, we've never seen him show sexual attraction to a man at all.
  14. Undetermined. What we do know is that he is pretty much uninterested in relationships and/or sex, either by nature or by choice (with perhaps the scales tipped a bit in favor of "by choice").
  15. Each person was getting a warning to return that which was stolen, and they were killed because they didn't. (Of course, that's rather hard on the one who didn't steal it, but that's what happens when you get mixed up with Bad People!) By their terror, they clearly understood the message, even if it wasn't enough for an outsider to understand immediately. The brother killed the sister because she stopped helping the gang and ran away. They obviously have a no-out policy. The jade pin thing was to do with the same gang, but they were going after her because they were now in the same place that she was, nothing to do with the pin. And the brother had given his loyalty to the gang rather than the sister--that is something that actually has been known to happen in Western societies, that gang members will kill friends and relatives to show their devotion to the gang. Yes, you need to remember Big Bad at the end. He most definitely shows up again! And he didn't kill her through the computer, he had a minion kill her; possibly he was only talking to her so she could be located by where her signal was coming from (more likely he was talking to her for the satisfaction of letting her know what was about to happen. The secretary didn't keep the pin--she handed it over to the Chinese government for a reward, or so I gathered from the newspaper being read at the breakfast table in the last scene. No point in killing her at that point either for gain or retribution (she wasn't part of the gang). And it's pretty hard to kill a government! (I'm going by memory, so if I got something wrong I'm sure someone will correct me!)
  16. The Abominable Bride picked up a cluster of Emmy nominations: Outstanding Television Movie Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie (Benedict Cumberbatch) Outstanding Cinematography for a Limited Series or Movie Outstanding Special Effects in a Supporting Role Outstanding Sound Editing for a Limited Series, Movie or Special Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Limited Series or Movie (Source: PBS.org)
  17. And "faygele" in Yiddish is "little bird." (And one of my cousins-by-marriage is named Faigel, which means bird. Don't know how a Swedish word got adopted into Yiddish, though, unless it was through German.)
  18. Actually there are two stories that Holmes narrates--but he was never wounded in war. Watson was a total instaget for me. (But then, I am a little bit of a Holmes nut--I even own two sets of the Complete Works, one of which is the New Annotated version--so it was blindingly obvious!) And I got fagel because Yiddish. :)
  19. Of course, we know he has permanent residence in Sherlock's mind...
  20. CASTRO's (Jason Castro and siblings) first single ("Diamond Dreams") went on sale last Friday and got as high as #7 on iTunes Singer/Songwriter chart, which is pretty impressive considering they had next to no promotion. An acoustic video of the song just went up on YouTube:
  21. I had no idea on the FJ--I did think Napoleon, but had no idea which king that would be. I got Kiss Me Kate immediately (but then, I saw the 1999 revival).
  22. I got Ansel Adams--not instantly but in plenty of time. The alliterative hint was a big help. (Especially because A!)
  23. Oh, that is so true! (Even Nero Wolfe decided that Richard III was innocent. :D) And in other news, Doctor Strange has no objections to Benedict portraying him. (You heard me!)
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