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Everything posted by rereader2

  1. Absolutely. He's aiming at a niche market in that sense, but it's a big niche and he's hitting it dead on.
  2. Fully agree! The good v. evil challenge dress was so cute, and I'd wear the jacket/coat from this winter challenge.
  3. To me it looks like the designers were told to design resort wear.
  4. His model last night--wearing very fitted white pants--definitely took off her jacket. No duct tape.
  5. That makes so much sense...
  6. It's so easy for little details like that to escape ones notice... :D
  7. In what world would announcing that be a good idea?!?!? Apparently he intends to hold onto it for 20 years or so, possibly moving into it in a few years down the line. (At least, according to this Domain article.)
  8. If he hangs onto it long term, he'll likely do quite well with it. Land tends to be a relatively stable investment, and Josh strikes me as the sort of perfectionist who does solid work. (I live in NYC, and investment properties are a major drag on the housing stock here too, but I don't suppose anyone loses money by buying 'em, unfortunately.)
  9. Well, I'm pleased Josh and Elyse won, anyway, but judged by last year's results they set the reserves too high this year. (Not unhappy that Ronnie and Georgia didn't do so well!)
  10. I seem to remember the model dropping down the jacket and then pulling it back up.
  11. I forget which week it was, but there was one with a big jacket and a very, very fitted black dress underneath. ETA: It was week 3. http://www.mylifetime.com/shows/project-runway/pictures/season-16-episode-3-final-looks/pr16-ep3-brk-final
  12. You certainly did not offend me--and I'm glad I didn't offend you. There are any number of reasons offered for why married Orthodox women who cover their hair do so, but the only Torah source for the practice is rather round-the-back: In the passage about a trial for a woman accused her of cheating on her husband, it says the High Priest should uncover her hair. The reasoning goes that to be uncovered it must have been covered, and if it is uncovered in such a situation, it would be against her will; it must be that it is more respected and honorable for it to be covered.
  13. Being an Orthodox Jewish woman myself, I can speak with some authority on the matter, and that's not quite correct. First of all, even the most far-right Orthodox do not require or even suggest that unmarried women cover their hair at all--that applies to married women only. Then too there is a wide range of practices that qualify as Orthodox, and while all agree women should dress "modestly," the definition of "modest" varies widely. When it comes to hair, not all Orthodox communities require married women to cover their hair at all, and among those that do, the amount of covering can be anywhere from a small hat to full-coverage of all hair. It is only a very small segment on the far right that require (married) women to cover their hair with both wigs and hats.
  14. ...But those pillars are, you know, pretty much definitional of a California-style bungalow? (They should only take a look at Craftsman-style pillars, which are the same only much clunkier.) Those tiles on Ronnie and Georgia's front path are like the most dangerous entranceway ever, visually and slippery-y.
  15. After thinking about it, I would have done that garage/studio space entirely differently than any of the blockheads--I'd have bunged in a few skylights (like Sticks and Wombat) and set it up as literal studio space. Set up an easel, a free-standing barre, a yoga mat or two, a BIG desk with a desktop computer and with color swatches and sketches all over the desk, a crafter's table. Clearly they weren't allowed to put in a kitchen--zoning or permits or like that?--because no one did, but I'd put in a mini-frig, a counter with an electric kettle, a sink, and put some painting supplies next to the sink. Add a big old daybed (for daydreaming or a power nap). That would give the idea that the space could be used for any job or hobby...or a buyer could take all these things out and make it a big guest room.
  16. I wouldn't put a two-year-old in that bedroom, but for any kid from 6 up, it would be cool. I was always looking for a place to hide away as a child--fill the area with beanbags or floor cushions and that little mezzanine would be an awesome reading nest. Yeah, didn't Hannah say they were going to fix that frig problem? I saw she put in champagne-colored cabinet fronts, but not a full size refrigerator!
  17. Agreed and agreed. I'm guessing the "touches of impracticality" is the lack of a linen closet (easily added) and the lack of a main bedroom door, which would be super easy to add at the foot of the stairs. Neither of those things would put me off the way that looming garage would, and they all have that.
  18. I was wondering about those garage/in-law suite things, too--I know garage space is nice, but those are massively oversized for the plots, surely? As far as play space for kids, the yard space left would be okay for toddlers, but that's about it.
  19. So let me see--if Ronnie and Georgia wish they had something that Josh and Elyse wanted so they could refuse to give it to them. Well, dearies, YOU ALREADY DID THAT, YOU IDIOTS! And I'm not talking about the $8000 from that first challenge. It had to come from someone, it could have been glossed over. But R&G were very specific, to everyone's faces, that they were there to win and that it was all about the game. THESE ARE YOUR RULES, live with it!!! These two are making me nuts, they really are.
  20. Ronnie and Georgia are apparently so self-centered that they can only see themselves in a good light--probably a gold haloed light. But THEY SET THE RULES--this is a contest and they were out to win from day 1, literally. I don't know why I'm at all surprised, though...Georgia said flat out, when they refused to let Josh and Elyse start on their council permits early, that she understood it meant they wouldn't get any help from others later, so we already knew she was awesome at lying to herself!
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